Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Heterotheca oregona var. oregona
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-42 of 42

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

L. R. Abrams   8469a1922-06-27
United States, California, Del Norte, Mill Creek - Patricks Creek, Siskiyou Mtns.

San Diego Natural History Museum

Frank W. Peirson   64191925-08-11
United States, California, Mendocino, Boonville, 39.009 -123.3669

Eleanor C. Layman   s.n.1933-08-26
United States, California, Del Norte, Smith River

University of California at Davis Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV345876Ellen Dean   79332013-08-08
United States, California, Yolo, Yolo County: Downstream of Monticello Dam along Hwy 128, north side of Putah Creek in Putah Creek Vegetation Survey Plot INT 2B., 38.5072518778069 -122.04309034795, 49m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV345869Peter Rubtzoff   92571978-08-12
United States, California, Sonoma, Sonoma County: Russian River at Del Rio Beach, ca. 2.5 mi. E of Healdsburg (ca. 2.7 mi. E of Healdsburg Avenue), on South Fitch Mountain Road., 38.613889 -122.836944

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
138500Freed W Hoffman   18511946-08-16
United States, California, Sonoma, Russian River, 0.5 mi W of Guernewood Park

University of Nevada Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
49403R.R. Halse   70822006-09-29
USA, Oregon, Curry, Along Jerrys Flat Road, at the Jim Hunt Public Recreation Area, on the S bank of the Rogue River, ca 6 miles E of Gold Beach., 42.46798 -124.34262, 4m

Image Associated With the Occurence
56910J. Walker   0012001-07-27
USA, Washington, King, Muckleshoot Indian Reservation, E bank White River., 47.232296 -122.10938, 320m

Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
386246J.C. Semple   85261986-08-17
United States, California, Del Norte, U.S.-199, Gasquet.

Image Associated With the Occurence
401870Walter Fertig   339282019-07-08
United States, Washington, Yakima, East Cascades: north bank of Tieton River, south of Hwy 12, 0.3 miles east of Windy Point Campground, 6 air miles SW of junction of Hwy 12 and WA Hwy 410. 10.5 miles WSW of Naches. Okanogan-Wenatchee NF inholding within WA DFW. T14N R15E S23 NW4 NE4 NE4., 46.693861 -120.912167, 610m

Image Associated With the Occurence
88077Chas M. Belshaw   2682
United States, California, Lake, Clear Lake road, six miles south of Lower Lake.

Image Associated With the Occurence
86253H.K Sharsmith   33891935-10-10
United States, California, Alameda, Arroyo del Valle near its mouth, Mount Hamilton Range, 229m

Image Associated With the Occurence
138084Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   39091900-09-30
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Gravelly bank of the Klickitat River.

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27537G.R Vasey   3541889-00-00
United States, Washington

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27571K. Whited   6891898-06-26
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Ellensburg, 46.991831 -120.574969

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27567K. Whited   5761897-07-18
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Ellensburg, 46.987147 -120.568446

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27568C.V. Piper   21941895-08-00
United States, Washington, [needs research], Olympic Mts. Skokomish River

Image Associated With the Occurence
278914Thomas Nelson   19911975-07-05
Smith River at Panther Flat Campground

Image Associated With the Occurence
227145J.W. Congdon   1886-09-00
United States, California, Monterey, Salinas River, Soledad

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350858C.R Bjork   29101996-08-00
United States, Washington, Yakima, Natches River, along Hwy. 410.

Image Associated With the Occurence
247337Joseph P. Tracy   5305 1/21919-09-27
United States, California, Humboldt, Valley of Trinity River, near mouth if Willow Creek., 152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
27569Michener   1115a1987-04-05
United States, California, Alameda, Drawbridge

Image Associated With the Occurence
86254H.K Sharsmith   13561934-09-02
United States, California, Santa Clara, Santa Isabella Creek, eastern base of mnt Hamilton Range., 671m

Image Associated With the Occurence
78032P.A Munz   143651936-08-11
United States, California, Trinity, Little Trinity River, Forest Glenn., 762m

Image Associated With the Occurence
61709H. St. John   79661923-08-31
United States, Oregon, Marion, Mintos Island, Willamette River, Salem

Image Associated With the Occurence
27566Wm. C. Cusick   1480
United States, Oregon

Image Associated With the Occurence
106417C.V. Piper   1918-08-07
United States, Oregon, Corvallis

Image Associated With the Occurence
106418J.M Grant   9341918-07-00
United States, Washington, Grays Harbor, Montesano, 46.981206 -123.602663

Image Associated With the Occurence
192858George N. Jones   97501936-08-30
United States, Washington, Yakima, Naches River

Image Associated With the Occurence
195426William H. Baker   47531947-08-04
United States, Oregon, Curry, Rogue River Canyon, Mouth of Foster Creek, 2 miles North of Illahe

Image Associated With the Occurence
69220Lincoln Constance   14441935-08-28
United States, Oregon, Lane, Willamette Valley, Willamette River

Image Associated With the Occurence
106414J.C Nelson   2091915-06-05
United States, Oregon, Marion, Willamette river, Jones landing

Image Associated With the Occurence
112470Ira L. Wiggins   85251936-07-10
United States, California, Alameda, Arroyo del Valle Rd, 3 to 4 mi from Pleasanton

Image Associated With the Occurence
237004Roxana S. Ferris   130291956-07-14
United States, California, San Benito, Tres Pinos Creek, Panoche Pass Road, 4.3 miles E of junction with Pinnacles Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
168086John Thomas Howell   214981945-09-16
United States, California, Marin, North of San Rafael.

Image Associated With the Occurence
59996Lincoln Constance   6661934-05-26
United States, California, Humboldt, South fork of Eel River, south end of Dyerville bridge, Humboldt Redwood Park., 46m

Image Associated With the Occurence
221012Ted Sims   s.n.1954-09-28
United States, Oregon, Benton, locality not provided

Image Associated With the Occurence
411458Walter Fertig   339282019-07-08
United States, Washington, Yakima, East Cascades: north bank of Tieton River, south of Hwy 12, 0.3 miles east of Windy Point Campground, 6 air miles SW of junction of Hwy 12 and WA Hwy 410. 10.5 miles WSW of Naches. Okanogan-Wenatchee NF inholding within WA DFW. T14N R15E S23 NW4 NE4 NE4., 46.693861 -120.912167, 610m

General Research Observations

Walter Fertig   336992019-05-28
United States, Washington, Yakima, East Cascades Ecoregion: North bank of Tieton River, 0.3 miles W of Windy Point Campground, S of US Hwy 12, ca 6 air miles SW of junction with WA Hwy 410, 10.5 air miles WSW of Naches. T14N R15E S23 NW4 NE4 NE4, 46.693861 -120.912167, 611m

Walter Fertig   339282019-07-08
USA, Washington, Yakima, East Cascades: north bank of Tieton River, south of Hwy 12, 0.3 miles east of Windy Point Campground, 6 air miles SW of junction of Hwy 12 and WA Hwy 410. 10.5 miles WSW of Naches. Okanogan-Wenatchee NF inholding within WA DFW. T14N R15E S23 NW4 NE4 NE4., 46.693861 -120.912167, 610m

Walter Fertig   2019-06-09
USA, Washington, Yakima, East Cascades Ecoregion: west bank of Naches River, 1 mile NNW of Cliffdell along WA Hwy 410 0.2 miles SE of Boulder Cave Picnic Area. T17N R14E S15 NE4 SW4 NE4 SW4, 46.96 -121.08173, 762m

Walter Fertig   2019-06-09
USA, Washington, Yakima, East Cascades Ecoregion: bank of Little Naches River at Little Naches campground, 0.4 miles upstream of confluence with the Bumping River, N side of Hwy 410, ca 500 ft upstream of bridge. T17N R14E S4 SW4 NE4 NW4 SE4, 46.98939 -121.09867, 780m

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