Walter Fertig 32306 2018-04-11
USA, Washington, Kittitas, East Cascades foothills: rest area on north side of west-bound Interstate 90 west of Ryegrass Pass, ca 15 miles E of Ellensburg. T17N R21E S21 NE4 SW4, 46.94751 -120.208495, 792m
Walter Fertig 33502 2019-04-19
USA, Washington, Douglas, Columbia Plateau: NE corner of The Two Steppe Natural Area Preserve, ca 0.1 mile S of US Hwy 12, 2 miles E of rim of Moses Coulee, ca 16 air miles W of Coulee City. T24N R25E S1 NE4 SE4 SE4, 47.60118 -119.62193, 695m
Walter Fertig 35336 2022-04-27
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Columbia Plateau: Colockum Wildlife Area, Whiskey Dick Unit, Schnebley Coulee, 7 miles west of Vantage, 12 miles east of Kittitas, north of Old Vantage Highway. T17N R21E S13 NW4 SE4 SE4., 46.959703 -120.139799, 646m
MISSA002372 J. W. Thompson 14496 1940-04-15
United States, Washington, Yakima, near Wenas, 46.872624 -120.773963
207685 R. Daubenmire 5349 1953-04-11
United States, Washington, Douglas, Moses Coulee E of Farmer., 47.61278 -119.81083
204545 Frances G. Hamblen s.n. 1929-04-05
United States, Washington, Grant, Above Grand Coulee, near Dry Falls., 47.60472 -119.34639
368787 Xerpha Gaines 768 1953-00-00
United States, Washington, Grant, Along highway to the north., 47.405 -119.4975
406523 Walter Fertig 32306 2018-04-11
United States, Washington, Kittitas, East Cascades foothills: rest area on north side of west-bound Interstate 90 west of Ryegrass Pass, ca 15 miles E of Ellensburg. T17N R21E S21 NE4 SW4, 46.94751 -120.208495, 792m
254806 C.L. Hitchcock 22420 1963-05-25
United States, Washington, Yakima, Oak Creek Game Reserve, N.E. side of Clemens Mt., 46.22972 -120.62139
152581 J. William Thompson 14 496 1940-04-15
United States, Washington, Yakima, Near Wenas., 46.87278 -120.77278, 3000m
386362 Brianne Cohen 09-26 2009-05-02
United States, Washington, Grant, Northrup Canyon., 47.870278 -119.073889, 1826m
386300 James Rodman 562 2009-05-02
United States, Washington, Grant, Intersection of County Road West and Bagdad Road. West side of road., 47.884183 -118.979067, 2344m
386315 Patricia Lu-Irving 09-123 2009-05-01
United States, Washington, Lincoln, Route 21 between Wilbur and Keller Ferry; hills above the road as route descends towards Ferry., 47.866117 -118.7234, 2537m
386381 Robert Goff 09-18 2009-05-02
United States, Washington, Grant, Just below west end of Dry Falls Dam., 47.62542 -119.33154, 1508m
296649 Susan Van Leuven 8 1982-04-04
United States, Washington, Kittitas, 0.5 miles west of Yakima River (200 ft. above river level) 12.5 miles south of Ellensburg by way of Canyon Road., 46.833403 -120.468456
179066 George H. Ward 222 1946-04-10
United States, Washington, Chelan, Overlooking Columbia River about 1/2 mi. below mouth of Colockum Creek., 47.29972 -120.08806
352342 Mark Fishbein 3944 1999-06-13
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Wenatchee Mountains, ridge between Trail Creek and Cooke Canyon, along Colockom Pass Rd, 5.9 mi northeast of jct Gage Rd, about 14 mi northeast of Ellensburg., 47.1417 -120.33333, 4790m
244101 R. Daubenmire 6068 1960-04-27
United States, Washington, Grant, 11 mi NNW of Coulee City.
16639 Charles Vancouver Piper 3874 1902-06-01
United States, Washington, Grant, Coulee City., 47.61139 -119.29111
16620 K. Whited 285 1897-04-18
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Mountains southwest of Ellensburg., 46.99667 -120.54667
283450 Joy Mastrogiuseppe 2320 1980-04-26
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Priest Rapids, S of Vantage along Columbia River, W side of river above Priest Rapids Dam. Above Hanson Creek., 46.765879 -119.968078
285629 Ralph Naas 4004 1980-05-08
United States, Washington, Grant, George, 6.5 mi SW., 47.07917 -119.85472, 1200m
Walter Fertig 32306 2018-04-11
United States, Washington, Kittitas, East Cascades foothills: rest area on north side of west-bound Interstate 90 west of Ryegrass Pass, ca 15 miles E of Ellensburg. T17N R21E S21 NE4 SW4, 46.94751 -120.208495, 792m
381659 Erica Nees 08-111 2008-04-30
United States, Washington, Grant, Babcock Bench., 47.20124 -119.98695, 375m
16580 Kirk Whited 1222 1901-05-17
United States, Washington, Chelan, Wenatchee Mts., 47.418035 -120.460232
372379 H. St. John 5995 1921-04-01
United States, Washington, Grant, Ephrata., 47.31778 -119.5525
229698 R. Daubenmire 57120 1957-04-22
United States, Washington, Douglas, 1/2 mi SE of Douglas., 47.600916 -119.97324
229711 R. Daubenmire 57121 1957-04-22
United States, Washington, Douglas, 2 mi E of Mansfield., 47.811662 -119.592455
402691 Walter Fertig 33502 2019-04-19
United States, Washington, Douglas, Columbia Plateau: NE corner of The Two Steppe Natural Area Preserve, ca 0.1 mile S of US Hwy 12, 2 miles E of rim of Moses Coulee, ca 16 air miles W of Coulee City. T24N R25E S1 NE4 SE4 SE4, 47.60118 -119.62193, 695m
211121 R.F. Daubenmire 3812 1938-04-03
United States, Washington, Grant, Dry Falls., 47.60472 -119.34639
225145 Jean Gleason 237 1938-04-17
United States, Washington, Okanogan, On the east rim of the Grand Coulee, above Grand Coulee Dam., 47.957604 -118.971195
384475 C. E. Hinchliff 1234 2011-03-23
United States, Washington, Yakima, Wenas Wildlife Preserve. Old Durr Rd, about 6 mi N of Selah., 46.797016 -120.551007
186359 C.L. Hitchcock 17430 1948-06-18
United States, Washington, Douglas, Ca 12 mi. south of Waterville on Badger Mt., 47.473526 -120.07
284873 Jennifer Cristy s.n. 1981-04-12
United States, Washington, Douglas, 200 meters from Browns Canyon Road at intersection of Sec 30 and Sec 19., 47.74306 -120.1875
296202 Gene Hart 557 1981-03-14
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Yakima Firing Range., 46.814099 -120.137147
360988 David French 2417 1964-05-01
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Near U.S. Highway 197, 7.9 mi SE of bridge across Deschutes River at Maupin., 45.17528 -121.08028
399505 Walter Fertig 35336 2022-04-27
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Columbia Plateau: Colockum Wildlife Area, Whiskey Dick Unit, Schnebley Coulee, 7 miles west of Vantage, 12 miles east of Kittitas, north of Old Vantage Highway. T17N R21E S13 NW4 SE4 SE4., 46.959703 -120.139799, 646m