Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Pedicularis langsdorffii subsp. langsdorffii (Pedicularis langsdorfii subsp. langsdorfii)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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University of Alaska Museum

146374Marilyn H. Barker   SP05-1642005-07-10
United States, Alaska, Aleutian Range, Sand Point Village, Popof I, summit of highest mtn. on island, 55.32816667 -160.3835, 508 - 508m

244257Michael Duffy   NOAT_T53_03_20062006-07-20
United States, Alaska, Noatak National Preserve; Kavachuruk Limestone Mtns, 814 - 814m

29826Jason Randall Grant   87-911987-07-17
United States, Alaska, Aleutian Is, Unalaska I, high peak above Ski Bowl Road, 53.85 -166.73

55883Rebecca Steffl   201990-06-17
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula Highlands, Neva Cr, Kougarok R, 90 miles NE of Nome on Hwy, T1N R29W, 65.46 -164.7

10380Marilyn H. Barker   1201993-07-15
United States, Alaska, Aleutian Is, Umnak I, Cape Idak - Otter Bight area, W of Otter Bight, 53.46 -167.8

Canadian Museum of Nature

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10080509Rosie, R.M.   8791979-07-23
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Jubilee Mountain Approx. 16 km SE of Tagish, 60.2 -134.083, 1465m

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