Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Pedicularis parviflora subsp. pennellii
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-43 of 43

University of Alaska Museum

29844John DeLapp   6431987-07-15
United States, Alaska, Innoko Flats, Innoko R, vic. Grouch Cr., 63.36 -158.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
240766Stacy Studebaker   09-1672009-07-09
United States, Alaska, Sukhoi Bay and Sukhoi Lagoon vicinity, peninsula SE of Sukhoi Bay, 56.9397 -154.3265, 2 - 12m

82491Alan R. Batten   03-1532003-07-20
United States, Alaska, Bristol Bay Lowlands, lake E of upper Yellow Cr., 59.27 -156.85

142616Rob Lipkin, Michael Duffy, Korem Bosworth, Amy E. Miller   04-622004-07-03
United States, Alaska, Alaska Penin, Aleutian Range, Aniakchak Crater and vic, alluvial floodplain terrace and swamp deposits S of Joe Klutsch's Rainbow Cr. camp, 56.74518333 -158.077583, 30 - 30m

79588Virginia R. Rausch   161959-07-12
United States, Alaska, St. Lawrence I, Gambell, 63.78 -171.75

52994Carolyn L. Parker, Katherine Beattie   120362002-07-11
United States, Alaska, Cape Krusenstern (Sealing Pt.), vic. 2-8 km N of VABM Krusenstern, 67.13 -163.71

71361Carolyn L. Parker, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad   151132003-07-23
United States, Alaska, Central Noatak R. valley, 5 km downstream from Sisiak Cr, S side of river, 68 -161.49

68044Carolyn L. Parker, Alan R. Batten, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad   142472003-07-02
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Cape Espenberg, mouth of Espenberg R, W of mouth, 66.59 -163.97, - 8m

137586Mary Beth Cook, Amy Larsen   02-6822002-08-06
United States, Alaska, Yukon R. drainage, Wetland in vic. of Beiderman Bluff, vic. of Beiderman bluff, small pond and bog complex on S bank of Yukon River, T6N R25E SW4 NE4 Sec. 4, 65.37916667 -142.600333, 236 - 236m

Image Associated With the Occurence
240636Stacy Studebaker   09-1302009-07-06
United States, Alaska, NW side of Alitak Bay, Lazy Bay, vicinity W of Alitak cannery, 56.8974 -154.2451

38033Stephen S. Talbot, Wilfred B. Schofield   022-72000-07-12
United States, Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Mud Cr., 57.16 -158.09

29843Robert A. Sattler   501986-07-15
United States, Alaska, Nunivak I, Ingrimiut, 60.05 -165.71

68136Carolyn L. Parker, Alan R. Batten, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad   143402003-07-03
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Cape Espenberg, mouth of Espenberg R, W of river, 66.59 -163.97, - 8m

82490Alan R. Batten, Marta McWhorter   03-542003-07-17
United States, Alaska, Bristol Bay Lowlands, lake W of Naknek across Kvichak R., 59 -157.3

244292Michael Duffy   NOAT_T48_04_20062006-07-19
United States, Alaska, Noatak National Preserve; middle noatak river, 252 - 252m

47188D. Ruggirello, H. Ruggirello   01-62001-06-24
United States, Alaska, Lake Clark outlet, camp, 60.01 -154.74

9452Carolyn L. Parker   46761993-08-10
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Velikaya River valley, Velikaya village, lower Velikaya River valley, 64.16 176.25

244289P. Miller   NOAT_T47_03_20062006-07-21
United States, Alaska, Noatak National Preserve; Middle Noatak drained lake, 291 - 291m

144574Carolyn L. Parker, Stacy Studebaker   163802005-07-06
United States, Alaska, Kodiak Archipelago, Kodiak I, Grant Lagoon vic, lowlands and base of slopes to SW of 'Duncan Lake', 57.46666667 -154.566667, 120 - 160m

82492Alan R. Batten, Marta McWhorter   03-172003-07-15
United States, Alaska, Bristol Bay Lowlands, vic. S end Ketok Mtn, flats S of Ketok Mtn., 59.8 -157.32

29846Kathy Wright   731977-07-13
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Kitluk River, 66.56 -164.41

68446Carolyn L. Parker   146352003-07-12
United States, Alaska, Omikviorok R. valley, vic. 3 km NW of VABM Agarok, 67.75 -163.76

40397Carolyn L. Parker, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad   111642001-08-07
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Cowpack Inlet 'Lagoon', N arm of Shishmaref Inlet, vic. of Singeak (Sinik) settlement site, 66.53 -164.68, - 3m

41228Stephen S. Talbot   001-32001-07-09
United States, Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Wide Bay, Big Creek, 33 miles N of Wide Bay, 57.49 -156.48

147593Carolyn L. Parker, Stacy Studebaker   164722005-07-12
United States, Alaska, Kodiak Archipelago, Kodiak I, Anvil Lake, lowlands at NW end of lake, 57.31111111 -154.608333, 60 - 60m

13103Carolyn L. Parker   60961995-07-24
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Peninsula, Cape Nizmenny, vic. Kivak settlement site, 64.25 -172.91

39727Carolyn L. Parker, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad   110022001-08-02
United States, Alaska, Sheshalik Spit, NW end, vic. 3-6 km SE of Aukulak Lagoon, 67.04 -163.08, - 8m

Canadian Museum of Nature

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10091494Eyerdam, Walter Jacob   16421932-07-23
United States, Alaska (State), King Cove, Alaska Peninsula, 55.0608 -162.319

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079913A. R. Hodgdon   88841952-08-19
United States of America, Alaska, North Slope, Vicinity of the Middle and Lower Kurupa River Valley; about 10 miles above junction of Kurupa and Colville Rivers

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079912A. E. Porsild & R. T. Porsild   12751926-08-05
United States of America, Alaska, Unorganized Borough, Seward Peninsula: south coast near Bluff, 152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079911E. H. Looff & H. B. Looff   10221939-07-15
United States of America, Alaska, Kodiak Island Borough, Kodiak Island; Red River

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079910I. L. Wiggins   128651952-07-18
United States of America, Alaska, North Slope, Umiat on the Colville River [See map on label]

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079909K. L. Chambers   2381951-07-24
United States of America, Alaska, North Slope, W bank of Chandler R. ca. 5 mi. S of its mouth and ca. 4 mi. S of Gubic Camp [See map on label]

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079908O. E. G. Hultén   1960-07-23
United States of America, Alaska, North Slope, NORTHERN FOOTHILLS OF BROOKS RANGE: Umiat [See map on label]

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079907O. E. G. Hultén   1961-06-27
United States of America, Alaska, Unorganized Borough, LOWER KUSKOKWIM R.: Bethel [See map on label]

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079906W. B. Schofield   23691952-07-25
United States of America, Alaska, Aleutians East Borough, Cold Bay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079905W. B. Schofield   26871952-08-10
United States of America, Alaska, Bristol Bay Borough, Naknek.

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079904S. B. Young   7551966-08-00
United States of America, Alaska, Unorganized Borough, Gambell. Shores of Troutman Lake. St. Lawrence Island [See map on label]

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079903S. B. Young   3331966-07-00
United States of America, Alaska, Unorganized Borough, Northeast Cape. St. Lawrence Island [See map on label]

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079902S. B. Young   6161966-07-00
United States of America, Alaska, Unorganized Borough, Boxer Bay. St. Lawrence Island [See map on label]

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079901O. E. G. Hultén   1965-08-07
United States of America, Alaska, Unorganized Borough, Bering Sea distr: Upper Eek R.

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079900H. L. Mason   1931-07-17
United States of America, Alaska, Unorganized Borough, Rocky Point, Norton Sound.

Image Associated With the Occurence
02079899O. E. G. Hultén   1964-08-11
United States of America, Alaska, Northwest Arctic County, Noatak village

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