UCR0083229 George K. Helmkamp 95--8--10 1995-06-23
United States, California, Alpine, Monitor Pass, along CA Hwy 89 [Jackson Memorial Hwy], 38.67556 -119.61944, 2530m
UTC00210042 FJ Smith 3505 1991-07-23
United States, Utah, Cache, Wellsville Mountains on top of Wellsville Cone
UTC00210044 FJ Smith 3526 1991-08-09
United States, Utah, Davis, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Bountiful Peak
UTC00210050 FJ Smith 3524 1991-08-08
United States, Utah, Davis, Wasach-Cache N.F. ; Approximately 1 airline mile north of Francis Peak
UTC00210053 FJ Smith 3514 1991-07-26
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Willard Peak
UTC00210060 FJ Smith 3548 1991-08-23
United States, Utah, Cache, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Rock Creek.
UTC00210075 FJ Smith 3557 1991-08-30
United States, Utah, Weber, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Vic of Ogden Peak, 2865m
UTC00210076 FJ Smith 3520 1991-08-08
United States, Utah, Davis, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Francis Peak, 2906m
UTC00210077 FJ Smith 3523 1991-08-08
United States, Utah, Morgan, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Approx .5 mi N of Francis Peak, 2804m
UTC00210078 FJ Smith 3523 1991-08-08
United States, Utah, Morgan, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Approximately .5 mi N of Francis Peak, 2804m
UTC00147122 Richard R. Halse 1318 1976-05-11
United States, Oregon, Wheeler, W. end of Mitchell. On a slope at Jct. U.S. Hwy. 26 and State Hw. 207., 44.5713 -120.153, 850m
UTC00168570 A Taye 979 1980-07-04
United States, Utah, Tooele, Deseret Peak Stansbury Mtns
12160 J.B. Leiberg 130 1894-05-30
United States, Oregon, Gilliam, Near Fossil. Eastern Oregon, 840m
176667 B. Maguire 26776 1946-08-01
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., On summit of mountain above Blitzen Canyon, Steen Mts.
03187199 J. F. Macbride 3770 1916-08-13
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., Smoky Mts.; Loose, sliding slopes., 2896m
77146 A. H. Holmgren 8148 1950-07-20
United States of America, Utah, Box Elder Co., Summit between Perry Canyon and North Fork, Wasatch Mountains.
176675 B. Ertter 4436 1981-07-09
United States of America, Oregon, Harney Co., E side North Beede Reservoir S of US Hwy 20 in Stinking-water Mts. W of Stinkingwater Creek., 43.75 -118.47, 1128m
3187196 R. C. Rollins 86139 1986-06-28
United States of America, Idaho, Boise Co., Steep bank, near State Hwy. 21, 6.2 miles S of Banner Summit, between Stanley and Lowman.
3187197 B. Ertter 2175 1977-08-06
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., E side of small peak W of Cobb Pk. & SW of Hyndman Pk, Pioneer Mts., 2865m
3187210 N. H. Holmgren 2964 1966-08-06
United States of America, Oregon, Wallowa Co., Wallowa Mountains, divide between East Fork and West Fork of Wallowa River, ridge north of Pete's Point. Common on west-facing slope., 45.188256 -117.216735, 2804m
3187219 A. Cronquist 6979 1953-05-16
United States of America, Oregon, Wheeler Co., near Mitchell., 44.571969 -120.153595, 853m
3187221 A. Cronquist 7097 1953-06-06
United States of America, Oregon, Grant Co., slopes overlooking Fields' Creek, 17 miles southeast of Dayville., 44.396322 -119.316988, 1036m
3187225 A. Cronquist 7638 1953-07-27
United States of America, Oregon, Grant Co., just below summit of Fields' Peak., 44.34196 -119.264583, 2225m
3187191 J. H. Christ 17891 1948-07-08
United States of America, Idaho, Custer Co., 10 miles northeast of Ketchum, on the Trail Creek road. In slide rock along highway.
3187203 S. J. Brunsfeld 1253 1979-07-30
United States of America, Idaho, Butte Co., Crest of Lost River Range, Challis National Forest, between peaks 10,358' and 10,441' east of Elbow Canyon., 3063m
77117 A. Tiehm 8097 1983-07-07
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., East end of Yellow Rock Canyon, 5.4 air mi just E of due N of Mahogany Peak, 9 road miles SE of Indian Springs., 41.35 -119.45, 1646m
3187195 G. A. Mulligan 2708 1963-06-06
United States of America, Idaho, Camas Co., 23 miles northwest of Ketchum. Scattered plants on southwest-facing scree., 43.915845 -114.689395, 2164m
3187194 J. H. Christ 17537 1948-06-30
United States of America, Idaho, Camas Co., Dollarhide Summit, Smoky Mts, 28 miles west of Ketchum. On limestone ridge north of pass.
176692 J. B. Leiberg 2337 1896-06-20
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., Otis Creek., 1100m
3187202 S. J. Brunsfeld 1175 1979-07-24
United States of America, Idaho, Butte Co., Southern end of Lemhi Range, Challis National Forest, Middle Canyon., 2012m
3187189 C. L. Hitchcock 21353 1957-07-03
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., 0.5 miles s. of pass between Ketchum and Mackay, on rock slide above road.
176699 A. Tiehm 8670 1984-06-11
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., 13.5 road mi west of McDermitt road on the road to Disaster Peak, west side of Mine Creek, 2.1 airmiles NE of Zimmerman Ranch., 1570m
77139 R. L. Lingenfelter 775 1950-05-21
United States of America, Idaho, Bannock Co., City Creek., 42.83 -112.48, 1478m
77122 J. W. Grimes 1422 1979-06-17
United States of America, Idaho, Butte Co., On top of Blizzard Mountain., 43.48 -113.67, 2804m
3187188 J. H. Christ 17844 1948-07-07
United States of America, Idaho, Custer Co., 35 miles west of Darlington, at Antelope Pass. Gravelly slopes on east side of pass.
176946 B. Maguire 26869 1946-08-05
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., East side of Strawberry Peak, Malheur National Forest, Blue Mountains., 2652m
3187201 J. H. Christ 15990 1946-07-29
United States of America, Idaho, Custer Co., Antelope Pass at head of Copper Basin. On open windswept saddle of pass.
176691 H. D. D. Ripley 6091 1944-06-05
United States of America, Oregon, Harney Co., South of Narrows., 43.2769 -118.9539, 1219 - 1219m
3187198 C. L. Hitchcock 10686 1944-08-03
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., Limestone talus near top of Norton Peak, Smoky Mts., 3048m
3187187 J. W. Thompson 14085 1937-08-02
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., Alpine talus slopes of Boulder Cr. Sawtooth National Forest, Sawtooth Mts., 2896m
77143 J. Brasher 1992 1995-08-02
United States of America, Utah, Utah Co., Wasatch Mts, Cascade Mt, Bunnell's Fork. Uinta NF, B.V.F. Quad., 40.32 -111.58, 2804m
176947 H. D. D. Ripley 6091 1944-06-05
United States of America, Oregon, Harney Co., South of Narrows., 43.2769 -118.9539, 1219 - 1219m
77123 P. L. Packard 79 241 1979-06-17
United States of America, Idaho, Butte Co., Lava Creek, Blizzard Mountain., 43.52 -113.62, 2073m
3187190 J. H. Christ 17608 1948-07-02
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., About 18 miles north of Ketchum, in cirque at head of Boulder Creek. On sandy knoll in cirque.
03187185 C. L. Hitchcock 8807 1944-06-07
United States of America, Idaho, Custer Co., above N. Fk. Big Lost River ca 20 miles northeast of Sun Valley, 43.901621 -114.068395
3187193 C. L. Hitchcock 10576 1944-08-01
United States of America, Idaho, Custer Co., talus slides on west base of Ryan Peak, Boulder Mts, Sawtooth Nat. For., 3353m
170129 R. C. Rollins 81305 1981-06-13
United States of America, Idaho, Power Co., 6.3 mi. E of the western boundary of Sawtooth National Forest, Deer Creek Mts, extreme SW corner of Power County.
3187186 I. F. Tidestrom 2728 1909-08-07
United States of America, Idaho, Divide between Warm Spring and Little Smoky Creeks; Sawtooth Mts., 2610m
176989 H. D. D. Ripley 10632 1951-06-09
United States of America, Utah, Box Elder Co., S. slope of Kelton Pass., 41.9925 -113.1847, 1524 - 1524m
3187204 P. L. Packard 79-316a 1979-07-05
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., Ridge east of Blizzard Mountain., 43.4899 -113.6639, 2438m
176921 A. Tiehm 8675 1984-06-11
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., 12.3 road mi west of McDermitt road on the road to Disaster Peak, then .6 road mi north, .8 airmiles SE of the Opalite Mine., 1585m
77120 J. W. Grimes 1592 1980-05-20
United States of America, Idaho, Butte Co., On the road from Big Butte to Pratt Lake, on a rocky scabland about 20 air miles south of Arco., 43.37 -113.12, 1554m
609020 A. Tiehm 13016 1999-06-30
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Calico Mountains, northeast side Division Peak in the middle of the range, 2.9 road miles south of Donnelly Creek road junction, 41.10245 -119.2547, 2499m
185529 W. C. Cusick 2367 1900-05-03
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., Willow Creek, 914m
176700 D. H. Mansfield 92283B 1992-08-04
United States of America, Oregon, Harney Co., 300 m north of high point (S. end) of E. Kiger Rim., 42.75 -118, 2682m
3187209 A. Cronquist 6441 1950-05-27
United States of America, Oregon, Wheeler Co., south slopes above the John Day River, 10 miles west of Spray, 518m
3187226 A. Cronquist 6451 1950-05-27
United States of America, Oregon, Grant Co., 6 miles northeast of Mt. Vernon, 44.479065 -119.027544
77124 R. M. Bond 18164 1948-05-17
United States of America, Idaho, Power Co., About 7 mi SE American Falls, NW of Bannock Peak.
77118 N. H. Holmgren 1163 1964-06-28
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Pine Forest Range, Leonard Creek drainage near Duffer Peak., 2743m
77142 A. Tiehm 8225 1983-07-26
United States of America, Nevada, Esmeralda Co., Magruder Mt, about one mile W of Mammoth Springs on W side of the mountain., 37.4 -117.58, 2316m
3187205 R. K. Moseley 511 1984-08-09
United States of America, Idaho, Butte Co., Lemhi Range, Targhee National Forest; along north ridge of Saddle Mt, ca. 11 miles N of Howe. Steep north-facing ridge., 43.936143 -112.944207, 3292m
3187200 J. H. Christ 17563 1948-06-30
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., 22 miles west of Ketchum, on the Warm Springs Creek road. On bare rhyolitic ridge.
3187206 E. F. Layser 3047 1975-05-00
United States of America, Idaho, Idaho Co., Nez Perce National Forest; Pittsburgh Landing - Snake River.
3187192 C. L. Hitchcock 8790 1944-06-07
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., Talus on south side of pass north east of Sun Valley on road to Chilly., 2134m
77121 A. H. Holmgren 3685 1969-07-10
United States of America, Idaho, Cassia Co., Black Pine Mountains, 43 airline mi west of Malad City, east slopes of Black Pine Peak, above Pole Canyon., 2438m
Joshua J. Irwin, Craig Scott 5717 2011-06-28
U.S.A, Idaho, Custer, Challis National Forest: Southern Salmon River Mountains: lower ridge between Copper and Lynch creeks, 4.7 air mi NE of Stanley., 44.26037 -114.86468, 2017m
31479 William C. Cusick 2367 1900-05-03
U.S.A., Oregon, Malheur, Willow Creek., 915m
Heather Bradtke 8038 2002-07-11
U.S.A., Oregon, Grant, Umatilla National Forest and Vicinity: Vinegar Hill on Forest Road 2010, ca 7 mi S and 7 mi W of Granite., 44.711389 -118.563333, 2256 - 2378m
Joshua J. Irwin 4364 2010-08-17
U.S.A., Idaho, Custer, Challis National Forest: Pioneer Mountains: ridge slopes on the north side of Boulder Creek, S of Point 10184, 14.6 air mi NE of Sun Valley., 43.82469 -114.11927, 2573m
Stuart Markow 12285 2002-06-01
U.S.A., Oregon, Wheeler, Blue Mountains: Umatilla National Forest: east side of Forest Road 2408, ca 1 air mi SE of Little Tamarack Mountain, ca 8 air mi N of Kimberley., 1159m
Joshua J. Irwin 5870 2011-07-07
U.S.A, Idaho, Blaine, Challis National Forest: Pioneer Mountains: ridgetop dividing upper Long Canyon and upper Fish Creek, 21.3 air mi WSW of Arco., 43.58016 -113.71683, 2271m
Stuart Markow, S. Riley 12101 2001-05-20
U.S.A., Oregon, Grant, Blue Mountains: Umatilla National Forest: 100 yds N of Three-trough Creek, ca 1 air mi SE of Forest Service Roads 2202 and 082, ca 7 air mi E of Ore Hwy 207., 1037m
Joshua J. Irwin 1856 2010-07-02
U.S.A., Idaho, Custer, Challis National Forest: Herd Peak Highlands: lower North Fork Big Lost valley, 17.9 air mi NNE of Sun Valley., 43.92391 -114.17909, 2235m
Heather Bradtke 6702 2002-06-24
U.S.A., Oregon, Grant, Umatilla National Forest and Vicinity: Bone Point Lookout, ca 4 mi W of Dale., 44.986944 -119.030278, 1226 - 1390m
Joshua J. Irwin, Craig Scott 5384 2011-06-23
U.S.A, Idaho, Custer, Challis National Forest: White Knob Mountains: north side of Alder Creek between Table Mountain and South Fork Alder Creek, 6.3 air mi S of Mackay., 43.8241 -113.60985, 1987m
Joshua J. Irwin 5924 2011-07-08
U.S.A, Idaho, Custer, Challis National Forest: Herd Peak Highlands: hillside on the east side of Burnt Creek, 22.9 air mi WNW of Mackay., 44.00421 -114.05542, 2179m
Heather Bradtke 7821 2002-07-09
U.S.A., Oregon, Grant, Umatilla National Forest and Vicinity: Vinegar Hill to Psyche Butte off Forest Road 2010; ca 7 mi E and 7 mi S of Granite., 44.711389 -118.563333, 2226 - 2409m
Stuart Markow 12364 2002-07-10
U.S.A., Oregon, Grant, Blue Mountains: Umatilla National Forest: ridge S of and overlooking Salmon Creek, ca 0.5 air mi NE of Vinegar Hill, ca 7 air mi SW of Granite., 2317m
okanes 4501 1998-06-29
United States, Idaho, Blaine County, NE of Sun Valley above Trail Creek along Forest Road 408, 43.7897222 -114.2605556
O'Kane, Jr., Steve L. 4497 1998-06-25
United States, Oregon, Wheeler County, Along John Day River 8.6 miles west of Spray on Highway 19, 44.8066667 -119.9422222
okanes 4502 1998-06-29
United States, Idaho, Custer, Antelope Pass on east side of Copper Basin, 43.7711111 -113.7641667
okanes 4498 1998-06-25
United States, Oregon, Grant, 10 miles south of John Day on Highway 395, 44.2847222 -118.9644444
BRYV0288484 N. Duane Atwood 28674 2002-06-28
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Upper part of Little Cottonwood Canyon, CMNM., 43.48896 -113.60493, 2203m
BRYV0072114 R. Foster 4643 1977-07-19
U.S.A., Utah, Iron, Sc Markagunt., 37.65529 -112.82425, 3155m
56851 G.L. Clifton 1983-07-02
United States, California, Mono, Local landmark: Star City. Bridgeport Quad., 38.418056 -119.23925, 2590m
8645 G.L. Clifton 1972-07-02
United States, California, Sierra, Local landmark: Bunker Hill Ridge. Quincy Quad., 39.751639 -120.850667, 2042m
9420 Gilbert Jerome Muth 1965-08-12
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Black Mountain. Scott Bar Quad., 41.576667 -123.201667, 1981m
15422 Clifton & Ground 1978-07-02
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Hayden Cabin. China Mt Quad., 41.285611 -122.694556, 1737m
6859 D.V. Hemphill 1958-05-31
United States, California, Lake, Local landmark: Snow Mountain (East). Crockett Peak Quad., 39.383333 -122.761667, 2073m
6835 G.L. Clifton 1972-07-31
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Kings Castle. Scott Bar Quad., 41.613333 -123.221667, 2195m
14430 Gilbert Jerome Muth 1978-08-01
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Cory Peak. China Mt Quad., 41.329167 -122.608361, 2219m
15092 Clifton & Ground 1978-06-18
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Gunsight Peak. Fort Jones Quad., 41.736972 -122.754889, 1756m
SSLP02865 Goodrich , Sherel 18739 1983-06-28
United States, Utah, Millard, T17S R3W Sec 16 NW1/4
SSLP02863 Goodrich , Sherel 18692 1983-06-23
United States, Utah, Millard, T24S R17W Sec 4 W1/4
SSLP02867 Goodrich , Sherel 15468 1981-05-27
United States, Idaho, Lemhi, N45º 2' 0"" W114º 23' 10""
SSLP02864 Goodrich , Sherel 18524 1983-06-21
United States, Utah, Beaver, T26S R19W Sec 22 SW1/4
SSLP02868 Goodrich , Sherel 18739 1983-06-28
United States, Utah, Millard, T17S R3W Sec 16 NW1/4
SSLP02866 Goodrich , Sherel 16883 1982-06-08
United States, Utah, Millard, T17S R3W Sec 16 W1/4
58472 Mary Susan Taylor 3916 1981-06-17
United States, California, Plumas, T25N R12E se/ne sec 28. Mt Ingalls quad. Top of Mt Ingalls, ca. 7 air mi SE of Genesee. 8372 ft elev., 2552m
18810 W. Roderick s.n. 1967-06-24
USA, California, Mendocino, Anthony Peak, at the Tehama county line, 39.844948 -122.96033, 1981 - 1981m