v0311845WIS W.C. Muenscher; O.F. Curtis, Jr. 5447 1936-08-17
United States, New York, Putnam, Glenida Lake [Lake Gleneida], Carmel, 41.420509 -73.683367
v0311844WIS Donald E. Wohlschlag s.n. 1946-07-05
United States, Indiana, Kosciusko, Wa[u]bee Lake, 1.5 mi SE of Milford, 41.390277 -85.830206
v0311843WIS Palmer, E.J. 66934-A 1957-09-24
United States, Missouri, Polk, 1 mi. NW of Schofield
v0311842WIS Palmer, E.J. 67045 1949-09-29
United States, Missouri, Newton, George Washington Carver National Monument
v0236809WIS Jones, Elizabeth Kirk s.n. 1946-08-20
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison. Gardner Ponds, in the Univ. Arboretum
v0311841WIS Palmer, E.J. 66277 1957-08-15
United States, Missouri, McDonald, 3.5 mi. SE of Jane
v0311840WIS J.W. Thomson s.n. 1979-08-09
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, W side of Squaw Lake, Itasca State Park, 47.232245 -95.274798
v0236866WIS Seymour, Frank C. 10097 1948-07-14
United States, Wisconsin, Outagamie, Vandenbroek. Tributary to Fox River, Van den Broeck [Vandenbroek], 44.27997613 -88.34331879
v0311839WIS Palmer, E.J. 66382 1957-08-21
United States, Missouri, Barry, 2 mi. W of Shell Knob
v0311838WIS Morong, Thomas s.n. 1883-07-25
United States, Connecticut, Litchfield, Litchfield
v0253597WIS Marshall, David W. 02 2008-08-06
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, Bakkens Pond, 43.1789 -90.15495
v0236867WIS Wisconsin DNR (OILR) s.n. 1980-07-25
United States, Wisconsin, Pierce, River Falls. Lake George, 44.85533572 -92.62944729
v0311837WIS Davis, Ray J. 411? 1941-08-15
United States, Idaho, Canyon, Curtis Park
v0251499WIS Wagner, Kelly SK139 2006-06-06
United States, Wisconsin, Walworth, Lake: Tombeau. Site 15. WBIC #743800. Lake: Lat. 42.52918059999999488, Long. -88.31245560000001024., 42.53123951 -88.31039541
v0202065WIS Bautz, Richard A. s.n. 2000-07-27
United States, Wisconsin, Waukesha, Fox Sanctuary. B34, 42.99025139 -88.26454874
v0236861WIS Stearns, Forest W. 226 1939-09-22
United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Milwaukee River, Kletch Park [Milwaukee] [Kletzsch Park]
v0236803WIS Molter, Carl; Sorge, M., Timmel, Douglas s.n. 1994-08-02
United States, Wisconsin, Columbia, Silver Lake. Water Body ID#:0107700, 43.54759382 -89.47428371
v0202015WIS Lillie, Richard A. s.n. 2000-07-17
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Patrick West. Z15, 43.10823571 -89.30852716
v0251342WIS Konkel, Deborah DJK151 2006-08-15
United States, Wisconsin, Monroe, Lake Angelo Pond, 43.9697222 -90.7702778
v0236805WIS Cochrane, Theodore S.; Cochrane, Barbara A. 5733 1973-09-02
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Lodi. Lodi Marsh at base of Center Bluff, 43.28272311 -89.55607763
v0209457WIS Smith, S. Galen; Rose, Robert K. 160 1967-07-31
United States, Wisconsin, Florence, Creek flowing into Lake Emily, S side of CTH D, just S of Lake Emily, 45.87268511 -88.29237707
v0236842WIS Hamerstrom, Frederick; Hamerstrom, Frances s.n. 1936-09-17
United States, Wisconsin, Juneau, Mather., 44.11870506 -90.20185584
v0236871WIS Nee, M. 15274 1977-07-11
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Yuba. Pasture along Pine River, 2 miles SE of Yuba, 43.50516597 -90.39775684
v0236814WIS Fassett, Norman C.; Wilson, Leonard R. 14681 1932-09-25
United States, Wisconsin, Door, Sister Bay, 45.18721 -87.12095
v0236837WIS Stout, A. B. s.n. 1905-08-11
United States, Wisconsin, Jefferson, Lake Koshkonong
v0236804WIS Musselman, Lytton J. 2107 1968-07-11
United States, Wisconsin, Crawford, Lynxville. Mississippi River, 0.5 mile W of Lynxville, Seneca Twp.
v0236872WIS Cochrane, Theodore S. 809 1969-07-12
United States, Wisconsin, Rock, Milton. Otter Creek at jct. of CTH N and Hwy 26 [N of Milton], 42.82175224 -88.932904
v0236870WIS Nee, M. 2264 1969-07-23
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Marshall. Pond behind erosion control dam [along CTH A, in Marshall Twp.], 43.4553725 -90.56417036
v0260013WIS Marshall, David W. H-DM-17 2007-07-00
United States, Wisconsin, Jefferson, Hope Lake, 1 mi. N of N end of Lake Ripley, 1.5 mi. E of Dane Co. line
v0236846WIS Seymour, Frank C. 13042 1951-08-22
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Tripoli. Along Big Somo River, Tripoli, Somo Twp., 45.54722614 -89.99131494
v0259332WIS Marshall, David W. s.n. 2006-07-00
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Lodi. Crystal Lake, between (N of) Crystal Lake Rd. and (mostly S of) Columbia County line, midway between (5 miles due WSW of) Lodi and (5 miles due E of) Prairie du Sac; also T10N, R7E, Sec 35 in Columbia Co.
v0253598WIS Marshall, David W. 07 2008-08-06
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, Bakkens Pond, 43.1789 -90.16903
v0236893WIS Cochrane, Theodore S.; Smith, S. Galen 12766 1992-07-24
United States, Wisconsin, Washburn, Sarona. North Twin Lake at Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary boat dock, 4 mi by rd. E of Hwy 53 at Sarona, halfway between Spooner and Birchwood, 45.72292603 -91.7368573
v0251485WIS Mikulyuk, Alison SK122 2006-05-23
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Lake: Lee. Site 144. Lake: Lat. 43.523792, Long. -90.199455., 43.52503689 -90.20123671
v0258171WIS Fewless, Gary 7979 1993-09-05
United States, Wisconsin, Marinette, Pembine. In Lundgren Lake, 45.61956817 -88.04779298
v0236844WIS Hansen, Bruce F.; Nee, M. 1184 1972-07-18
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, Benton. Galena River, 2 miles SE of Benton, 42.5490476 -90.34534702
v0236891WIS Swan, F. R. 106 1959-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Little John Lake, 46.01838467 -89.64729612
v0236860WIS Buchholtz, K. P. s.n. 1947-07-15
United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Granville. Pond near Granville
v0236801WIS Schuette, J.H. s.n. 1881-06-25
United States, Wisconsin, Brown, Green Bay. GREEN BAY, 44.51916 -88.01983
v0236797WIS Judziewicz, Emmet J. 11625 1995-08-17
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Waters of Iron River near its mouth and Hwy 13, 46.76436343 -91.48377042
v0209727WIS Rose, Robert K.; Hummel, William 471 1968-08-07
United States, Wisconsin, Florence, Halls Creek: downstream from Halls Lake, [ca. 9mi NE of village of Fence.], 45.81551186 -88.292212
v0209741WIS Rose, Robert K.; Hummel, William 485 1968-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Forest, Popple River about 2-3 mi downstream from WI Hwy 55, about 6mi W of village of Popple River, 45.78779429 -88.8103364
v0011950WIS Borman, Susan Cray; Konkel, Deborah s.n. 1994-08-17
United States, Wisconsin, Vernon, Jersey Valley Lake, Water Body ID #1191600, 43.68945774 -90.80025425
v0236873WIS Fell, E. W. 57-1083 1957-08-27
United States, Wisconsin, Rock, Shopiere. Turtle Creek, Shopiere; Turtle Twp., 42.57571034 -88.94327629
v0236890WIS Fields, Douglas M. 2625 1995-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Rib Lake. Kennedy Lake [just NW of town of Rib Lake], 45.32518959 -90.22330208
v0236894WIS Wisconsin DNR (OILR) s.n. 1979-06-13
United States, Wisconsin, Waupaca, Silver Lake, Scandinavia, 44.46808255 -89.13328453
v0261500WIS Smith, S. Galen 4426 1968-07-19
United States, Wisconsin, Walworth, Whitewater. Bluff Creek just upstream from the CTH P bridge, in the clacareous "Bluff Springs" area, the headwaters of Bluff Creek, ca. 4 miles SE of the city of Whitewater, 42.79549547 -88.68511701
v0236830WIS Cross, R. C.; Iltis, Hugh H. 18409 1961-08-01
United States, Wisconsin, Iowa, Sloughs near Wisconsin River; Tower Hill State Park [W of Arena], 43.15427333 -90.04451995
v0260012WIS Marshall, David W. H-DM-17 2007-07-00
United States, Wisconsin, Jefferson, Hope Lake, 1 mi. N of N end of Lake Ripley, 1.5 mi. E of Dane Co. line
v0257417WIS Knight, Susan SK163 2006-08-09
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Lake: Long. Site 1450. Lake: Lat. 46.045975, Long. -89.0440278., 46.07830693 -89.00460901
v0254193WIS Marshall, David W. 58 2008-09-12
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, Wilson Creek slough; WBIC 5573400, 43.2 -89.96667
v0236853WIS Fassett, Norman C. 22415 1937-09-29
United States, Wisconsin, Marquette, Montello. Peter's Lake [just NW of Montello], 43.81031387 -89.35585794
v0209696WIS Rose, Robert K.; Hummel, William 440 1968-08-01
United States, Wisconsin, Florence, Popple River: between Little and Big Bull Falls. Also Sec. 23. Rapid area below Little Bull Falls
v0236869WIS Nee, M. 2264 1969-07-23
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Marshall. Pond behind erosion control dam [along CTH A, Marshall Twp.], 43.4553725 -90.56417036
v0253538WIS Marshall, David W. s.n. 2008-07-00
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Lake Waubesa
v0251500WIS Knight, Susan SK140 2006-08-23
United States, Wisconsin, Iron, Lake: Long. Site 245. Lake: Lat. 46.2434222, Long. -90.02729170000001024., 46.24369334 -90.02720616
v0236884WIS Molter, Carl; Sorge, M., Timmel, Douglas s.n. 1994-07-12
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, Mirror Lake; Water Body ID# 1296000, 43.5903209 -89.78844122
v0236899WIS Alverson, William S. 1678 1980-08-05
United States, Wisconsin, Winnebago, Oshkosh. "High Trestle Woods", ca. 4 miles S from center of Oshkosh, ca. 1 mile from shore of Lake Michigan [Lake Winnebago] shore, 43.95898583 -88.53360873
v0242580WIS Swan, F. R. 60 1959-07-30
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Little John Lake, 46.01838467 -89.64729612
v0236838WIS Stout, A. B. s.n. 1905-08-11
United States, Wisconsin, Jefferson, Lake Koshkonong
v0255482WIS Schaffenberg, Russell W. s.n. 2006-08-11
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Deer Lake, 9.3 mi. (airline distance) ENE of Danbury, 46.0343821 -92.18618631
v0242504WIS Catenhusen, John s.n. 1938-08-23
United States, Wisconsin, Juneau, 44.19098033 -90.20192014
v0236813WIS Swindale, Delle N. s.n. 1952-08-08
United States, Wisconsin, Washburn, Potato Lake, 46.0926627 -91.87177851
v0236835WIS Hartley, Thomas G.; Peterson, Alvin M. 3002 1956-09-05
United States, Wisconsin, Jackson, Melrose. White Creek Pond, Melrose Twp. [NE of Melrose], 44.15085525 -90.9841145
v0202017WIS Lillie, Richard A. s.n. 2000-08-01
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Pheasant North. Z20, 43.05527864 -89.50045169
v0236807WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 10490 1958-05-23
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Verona. 2 miles beyond [W] of Verona on 18. Dr. Suicks [spelling?] farm. Sugar River
v0236836WIS Marshall, David W.; Molter, Carl s.n. 1993-07-00
United States, Wisconsin, Jefferson, Lake Ripley
v0236856WIS Molter, Carl; Schure, J. s.n. 1994-07-28
United States, Wisconsin, Marquette, Tuttle Lake; Water Body ID#: 0108220, 43.93048639 -89.29713743
v0251394WIS Knight, Susan RHN045 2006-08-04
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Lake Long. WBIC 1602300 [WBIC 1062300 - original in error]
v0236845WIS Steenis, J.H. s.n. 1932-09-18
United States, Wisconsin, Langlade, Mary Lake, Lily P.O., 45.29877165 -88.6893985
v0236888WIS Fields, Douglas M. 1436 1994-06-27
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Holway. Backwater of Pine Creek [Holway Twp, SW of Medford], 45.06184032 -90.5338447
v0259313WIS Marshall, David W. s.n. 2006-07-00
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Lake Kegonsa, between (4 mi. NW of) Stoughton and (10 mi. SE of) Madison, 257m
v0432687WIS Derek S. Anderson 4933 2023-08-30
United States, Wisconsin, Polk, Long Trade Lake. 150 acre lake. About 770 m southwest of Atlas. Boat landing on the east shore of lake, access road about 800 m south of Atlas on Cty. Rd. B., 45.630146 -92.596889
v0236819WIS Thomson, John W., Jr.; Jacobson, J. R. 5269 1943-07-11
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Big Lake, Brule River, 46.48194224 -91.60374752
v0236815WIS Swindale, Delle N. s.n. 1952-06-27
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison. Pheasant Bay, Lake Mendota, Vicinty of Madison [near Pleasant Branch]
v0236889WIS Fields, Douglas M. 2625 1995-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Rib Lake. Kennedy Lake [just NW of town of Rib Lake], 45.32518959 -90.22330208
v0230501WIS Heath, E. J.; Stetner, C. R. ON00170 2006-08-07
United States, Wisconsin, Waupaca, Lake Iola; WBIC #278800, 44.50842841 -89.12917214
v0236829WIS Thompson, D. Q. s.n. 1956-06-29
United States, Wisconsin, Green Lake, Marquette. Lake Puckaway, 3 miles N of Kingston [Marquette Twp.], 43.76726756 -89.15732401
v0209362WIS Smith, S. Galen; Rose, Robert K. 42 1967-06-29
United States, Wisconsin, Florence, Florence. Lake Emily: Small pond on inlet creek above CTH D, SW of lake, about 4mi S-SW of town of Florence, 45.87268511 -88.29237707
v0011933WIS Borman, Susan Cray s.n. 1992-08-28
United States, Wisconsin, Chippewa, Long Lake; Water Body ID #2351400, 45.26966179 -91.38770876
v0236897WIS Cornette, D. J. s.n. 1963-07-12
United States, Wisconsin, Waushara, Wild Rose. NE shore of Pine Lake [NE of Wild Rose near jct. of CTH K and CTH W], 44.23502 -89.1585
v0236820WIS Thomson, John W., Jr.; Jacobson, J. R. 5297 1943-07-17
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Lucius Lake, Brule River, 46.49596257 -91.60399929
v0236865WIS Freckmann, Robert W.; Wendt, Cathy, Weber, Steve 27411 1994-08-02
United States, Wisconsin, Oneida, Willow Flowage, 45.72478708 -89.89008751
v0236851WIS Fassett, Norman C. 18728 1937-07-11
United States, Wisconsin, Marquette, Montello, 43.82507215 -89.39497867
v0236800WIS Schuette, J.H. s.n. 1882-06-22
United States, Wisconsin, Brown, Green Bay marsh, 44.51916 -88.01983
v0236863WIS Cornette, D. J. s.n. 1963-07-13
United States, Wisconsin, Oconto, Lakewood. S shore of Archibald Lake [W of Lakewood], 45.28299 -88.58664
v0236864WIS Judziewicz, Emmet J. 2653 1981-08-15
United States, Wisconsin, Oconto, Bagley, 45.08715196 -88.34616214
v0236799WIS Cornette, D. J. s.n. 1962-08-26
United States, Wisconsin, Brown, De Pere. Shore are[a] of Fox River, approx. 1 mile N of State Reformatory [near De Pere], 44.43417 -88.07068
v0202068WIS Bautz, Richard A. s.n. 2000-07-11
United States, Wisconsin, Waukesha, Pabst 2. B11, 43.08553042 -88.46352853
v0236886WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Kane, James, Marcks, Brian G. 24269 1965-06-13
United States, Wisconsin, Sheboygan, Franklin. Herman Twp.: 0.5 mile S on Franklin on CTH M, 43.82781482 -88.02382993
v0236822WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Turner, Barbara 22097 1964-06-30
United States, Wisconsin, Florence, Pickerel Lake [NW of Florence near border with Michigan], 45.96006794 -88.41763316
v0236831WIS Cross, R. C.; Iltis, Hugh H. 18412 1961-08-01
United States, Wisconsin, Iowa, Sloughs near Wisconsin River; Tower Hill State Park [W of Arena], 43.15427333 -90.04451995
v0236857WIS Molter, Carl; Timmel s.n. 1994-07-28
United States, Wisconsin, Marquette, Montello. White Lake [NE of Montello, along State Hwy 23]; Water Body ID#: 0163970, 43.81057212 -89.25626967
v0236848WIS Seymour, Frank C. 15030 1952-09-23
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Deer Lake, Bradley Twp., 45.54764936 -89.70322038
v0011921WIS Borman, Susan Cray 87-21 1987-07-16
United States, Wisconsin, St. Croix, Bass Lake; Water Body ID #2450500
v0223673WIS Wisconsin DNR (OILR) s.n. 1978-00-00
United States, Wisconsin, Oconto, Mountain. Chute Pond, 4 mi. SSE of Mountain
v0260172WIS Marshall, David W.; Parker, Jerrod, Black, Merel R. CrS9 2010-07-12
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Crusan Slough of Wisconsin River, WBIC 5573731. S of Hwy 60, W of its inters. with Hwy 130 and about 2 mi. W of Lone Rock. Just E of boat landing, 43.18333 -90.23333
v0202029WIS Bautz, Richard A. s.n. 2000-07-26
United States, Wisconsin, Manitowoc, Collins South. Z24, 44.0861592 -87.98009559
v0236832WIS Cross, R. C.; Iltis, Hugh H. 18417 1961-08-01
United States, Wisconsin, Iowa, Tower Hill State Park [W of Arena], 43.15427333 -90.04451995
SNWR000098 Elizabeth B. Beard s.n. 1947-07-14
United States, Michigan, Schoolcraft, Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Unit I-F Pool.