Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Chaetopappa ericoides (Aster hirtifolius, Aster arenosus, Aster leucelene, Inula ericoides, Leucelene ericoides, Aster ericaefolius, Leucelene hirtella, Aster bellus)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 59, records 5801-5900 of 6222

University of Oklahoma, Robert Bebb Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
20023025John Taylor   101321972-04-22
USA, Texas, Randall, Staked Plains above Palo Duro Canyon, along road just west of state park entrance, 34.985397 -101.723628

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. J. Goodman   24171935-04-21
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Black Mesa; top of Black Mesa, Oklahoma-New Mexico state line

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
C. Mead   0071985-04-20
United States, Oklahoma, Woodward, Woodward; 2 mi E of Woodward

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. J. Goodman   23831935-04-19
United States, Oklahoma, Blaine, Watonga; 8 mi S of Watonga

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. J. Goodman   23991935-04-20
United States, Oklahoma, Beaver, Gate; 5 mi W of Gate

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
Amy Buthod   AB-105782012-03-30
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, Gould; 5.3 mi S & 0.7 mi E of Gould on E road 1670, 34.5941 -99.7596

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. W. Stevens   346.1
United States, Oklahoma, Beaver, Knowles; near Knowles

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. W. Stevens   3611913-05-08
United States, Oklahoma, Beaver, Beaver City; 15 mi SW of Beaver City

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
D. Demaree   124471936-05-03
United States, Oklahoma, Beckham, Sayre

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
D. Demaree   124471936-05-03
United States, Oklahoma, Beckham, Sayre

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
C. T. Eskew   15881937-04-28
United States, Oklahoma, Beckham, Cedar Top

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
R. Bull for F   s.n.1928-05-12
United States, Oklahoma, Greer, Mangum

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. W. Stevens   1165a

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. W. Stevens   1053
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, Hollis; near Hollis

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
E. L. Little, Jr   5431927-03-27
United States, Oklahoma, Jackson, Eldorado; 3 mi SW of Eldorado

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
D. Demaree   121901936-04-18
United States, Oklahoma, Tillman, Tipton

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
D. Demaree   121431936-04-19
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Sulphur; Platt National Park, Sulphur

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. W. Stevens   257
United States, Oklahoma, Harper, Hornbeak [?]; near Hornbeak's

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. W. Stevens   607
United States, Oklahoma, Major, Waynoka; near Waynoka

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
J. Engleman   16991939-04-25
United States, Oklahoma, Roger Mills, unknown

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. W. Stevens   406.5
United States, Oklahoma, Texas, Camp; near Camp

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
C. Perino   2331968-05-05
United States, Oklahoma, Blaine, Roman Nose State Park, 35.9348 -98.4321

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. W. Stevens   2221913-04-29
United States, Oklahoma, Woods, Cora; Near Cora

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
Bruce Hoagland   4C-0132005-04-01
United States, Oklahoma, Ellis, Four Canyon Nature Preserve; The Nature Conservancy's 4 Canyon Nature Preserve, 36.0285 -99.5232

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
C. Perino   2331968-05-05
United States, Oklahoma, Blaine, Roman Nose State Park, 35.9348 -98.4321

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023015Wm. Cutter   111955-05-13
USA, Texas, Hansford, 1 mile East and 1 mile South of Gruver, 975m

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
N. A. McCarty   ADZ01221995-05-17
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, Altus AFB; NE corner of Altus AFB, 34.5724 -99.6928

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
F. L. Johnson   ADZ00561995-04-19
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, Altus AFB; middle of E side of Altus AFB, 34.5724 -99.6928

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
B. Hoagland   BLM01572000-05-17
United States, Oklahoma, Tillman, Davidson; 7 mi E of Hwy 70 from jct with 183, 1.5 mi S on section line road, Davidson, 34.2253 -98.9498

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
20023026J. Massey   25541969-08-06
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Basin, Big Bend National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023019G.J. Goodman   46831948-03-28
United States, Texas, Brewster, desert north of Chisos Mts, Big Bend Nat'l Park

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
P. Nighswonger   22921985-05-13
United States, Oklahoma, Harper, Selman; 10 mi S of Selman

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
Amy Buthod   AB-47772004-05-13
United States, Oklahoma, Major, Bouse Junction; Ca. 3.0 mi W of Bouse Junction at the Whitlaw Ranch/Vickery Bat Cave Registry Site, 36.413 -98.9515

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023018G. J. Goodman   43431947-05-31
USA, Texas, Ochiltree, 10 miles south of Perryton

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
M. Huft   13351980-06-01
United States, Oklahoma, Texas, US 64, 12.5 mi E of hwy 95

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023011B. Holton   561965-04-25
United States, Texas, Motley, Roaring Springs

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
T. H. Milby   s.n.1988-05-12
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Black Mesa; top of Black Mesa, near High Point monument, 36.9297 -102.992

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
B. Hoagland   was-1702003-04-03
United States, Oklahoma, Roger Mills, Washita Battlefield National Historic Site, 35.6171 -99.7044

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
T. H. Milby   s.n.1988-05-11
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Ft Nichols, 36.7557 -102.921

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
P. H. Callahan   102000-04-28
United States, Oklahoma, Tillman, Lake Frederick, 34.5292 -98.8698

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
Newell McCarty   244-002000-05-10
United States, Oklahoma, Greer, Altus-Lugert Wildlife Management Area; W side of Altus-Lugert Wildlife Management Area, 34.9943 -99.3304

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023013K. Keeton   331965-04-18
USA, Texas, Lubbock, Yellowhouse Canyon, 5 miles SE of Lubbock

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
P. Nighswonger   40452007-05-11
United States, Oklahoma, Woods, Alva; 15 mi NW of Alva, Schupbach Hill

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
Bruce Hoagland   AB-13462001-07-06
United States, Oklahoma, Roger Mills, Cheyenne; 0.5 mi SW of Cheyenne at the Thurmond family ranch, 35.6025 -99.687

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023032D. Demaree   121581936-04-17
USA, Texas, Hardeman, Crowell

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
A. Buthod   AB-51652004-07-20
United States, Oklahoma, Major, Bouse Junction; ca. 2.0 mi W of Bouse Junction on Hwy 412 at the Whitlaw Ranch, 36.4012 -98.9605

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
R. L. Clifton   3166.5a
United States, Oklahoma, Ellis, Shattuck; Near Shattuck

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
Amy Buthod   AB-73482006-06-01
United States, Oklahoma, Harmon, Hollis; 6.5 mi S of Hollis, OK on road 1710, 34.5945 -99.9151

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
20023034B. C. Tharp   438931943-07-15
USA, Texas, Pecos, right of Floureusia Flat, 30.629358 -102.772049

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023028S. A. Ramirez   381963-06-28
USA, Texas, Briscoe, On FM 258, 10 miles northeast of Silverton

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
20023027N. Boke   4411970-04-26
USA, Texas, Pecos, 24 miles south of Fort Stockton on HW 285

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
Amy Buthod   AB-12072001-09-24
United States, Oklahoma, Ellis, Shattuck; 5.5 mi N of Shattuck on Hwy 283, 36.3553 -99.9913

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
K. Pearce   71976-04-17
United States, Oklahoma, Blaine, Roman Nose State Park

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
A. Buthod   AB-37142003-05-07
United States, Oklahoma, Washita, Foss; Ca. 0.4 mi SE of Foss, OK on I-40, 35.4445 -99.1655

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
A. Buthod   AB-37372003-05-07
United States, Oklahoma, Beckham, I-40/Hwy 66 jct; 2.0 mi NE of I-40/Hwy 66 juct on I-40, 35.3377 -99.5914

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023017B. H. Warnock   461331946-04-19
USA, Texas, Pecos, 2 miles east of Fort Stockton

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
Amy Buthod   BM-1192013-05-05
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, 36.90141 -102.95449

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023042Charles S. Wallis   84851960-05-06
USA, Texas, Ochiltree, on Wolf Creek, 12 miles S.E. of Perryton on U.S. 83, 36.225472 -100.729308

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023040D. Demaree   124351936-05-03
USA, Texas, Donley, Jericho, Texas

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
S. Stephens   747221974-04-28
United States, Oklahoma, Dewey, Leedey; 2 mi N of Leedey, 35.8972 -99.3474

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
O. M. King   s.n.1956-05-30
United States, Oklahoma, Custer, Clinton; 4.6 mi E of Clinton

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023010B. Smith   61965-04-10
USA, Texas, Garza, 4 miles north of Post

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
U. T. Waterfall   11661939-05-28
United States, Oklahoma, Custer, Foss; 4 mi N, 3 mi W of Foss

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. J. Goodman   76971966-08-09
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Boise City; N of Boise City, near Oklahoma and Colorado state line

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
J. & C. Taylor   162111974-05-11
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Boise City; Spring Creek in the Signature Rock area, about 7.5 mi W and 6.5 mi N of Boise City

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
U. T. Waterfall   31421941-08-05
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Boise City; 17 mi W of Boise City

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
M. Hopkins   58231941-05-17
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Kenton; 2 mi N of Kenton, Black Mesa

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
C. C. Freeman   168662001-04-24
United States, Oklahoma, Roger Mills, Cheyenne; 1.5 mi S, 0.5 mi W of Cheyenne, Thurmond Ranch, 35.5738 -99.7935

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
E. H. Rice   s.n.1953-10-04
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Tesequite Canyon

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
G. J. Goodman   84991973-06-20
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Kenton; 3.5 mi N of Kenton

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
M. L. Cutter   s.n.1951-05-05
United States, Oklahoma, Blaine, Okeene; 8 mi SW of Okeene, Salt Creek Canyon

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
W. Hess   1341965-06-05
United States, Oklahoma, Beaver, Forgan; 13 mi E of Forgan, on US 64

Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
L. Magrath   175131988-06-24
United States, Oklahoma, Ellis, Shattuck; 10.4 mi N of Shattuck on US-283

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
S. Stephens   747841974-04-29
United States, Oklahoma, Beaver, Elmwood; 7 mi E of Elmwood

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
20023024L. Gibson   s.n.1964-04-28
United States, Texas, Lubbock, Johnson's Ranch, 13.0 mi SE of Lubbock and immediately behind Buffalo Spring Lake dam

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
S. Barber   12461976-05-21
United States, Oklahoma, Ellis, 16.3 mi N of jct US 60 and US 283, then W on sectional road for 2.4 mi, then 0.2 mi N on next sectional road

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
K. & M. Crook   5681968-05-01
United States, Oklahoma, Beckham, Sayre; 5 mi E of Sayre, on hwy 152

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
V. E. Wiedeman   1611959-05-18
United States, Oklahoma, Beckham, Sayre; 8 mi N of Sayre, 35.4145 -99.6555

Image Associated With the Occurence
20023031G.J. Goodman   24451935-04-22
USA, Texas, Potter, 16.0 mi N of Amarillo

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
V. E. Wiedeman   1531959-05-18
United States, Oklahoma, Beckham, Sayre; 8 mi N of Sayre, on US 283, 35.4145 -99.6555

Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene
R. Bull   671931-04-04
United States, Oklahoma, Greer, Mangum; 25 mi NW of Mangum

Angelo State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
10470Larry Patton   131989-04-03
United States, Texas, Tom Green, San Angelo, Houston Harte Rd and Alexander, vacant lot

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
8056Bonnie B. Amos   51491990-09-15
United States, Texas, Brewster, Big Bend National Park, 5.7 mi (road) S to intersection of Highway 118 and Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive, on mesa west of Maxwell Drive, 29.24623 -103.387194

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
8057Bonnie B. Amos   43431988-03-30
United States, Texas, Brewster, Big Bend National Park, approximately .25 mi W Window Creek, 29.281062 -103.330472

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
44215R. D. Worthington   219201993-04-24
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Hueco Mountains, along US 62-180 at crest of Hueco Mountains and Hueco Inn

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14851Delzie Demaree   402131958-05-18
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Leupp, Navajo Indian Reservation, 4 mi N El Paso Pumping Station, 35.356468 -111.004536

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14852Joe Cornelius   4671980-06-17
United States, Texas, Tom Green, approximately 9 km SSW San Angelo, adjacent to equalization channel and dam of Twin Buttes Reservoir

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14853Chester M. Rowell Jr.   172221988-04-06
United States, Texas, Brewster, Big Bend National Park, 0.5 mi W Panther Junction Headquarters, 29.327799 -103.214164

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14854Wayne W. King   13761974-03-31
United States, Texas, Coke, approximately 7 mi SW Blackwell

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14855Riley Sterling   1061975-04-20
United States, Texas, Scurry, 4 mi W Ira

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14856Jimmy L. Blassingame   43511979-05-06
United States, Texas, Hartley, ca 13 mi SW Dalhart on Hwy 54, roadside

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14857Rick Savage   0501982-04-09
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, approximately 36 mi NNE Fort Davis, Buffalo Trails Boy Scout Ranch

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14858Robert Eckhardt   13231974-03-16
United States, Texas, Tom Green, 4.5 mi S Christoval, Head of the Rever Ranch

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14859Robert Eckhardt   15181974-05-20
United States, Texas, Culberson, 15 mi (air) N Van Horn, Sierra Diablo Wildlife Management Area, 31.256406 -104.836606

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14860Angelo State University Plant Taxonomy Class   s.n.1976-04-03
United States, Texas, Tom Green, 1 mi N San Angelo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14861Chester M. Rowell Jr.   159891974-05-20
United States, Texas, Culberson, 15 mi (air) N Van Horn, Sierra Diablo Wildlife Management Area, 31.256406 -104.836606

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14862Maxine Foreman   401961-04-28
United States, Texas, Garza, Garza County

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14863Bob Brick   521960-04-22
15 mi S Fort Stockton on Hwy 385, roadside

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14864Delzie Demaree   401531958-05-11
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Oraibi, Hopi Indian Reservation, 35.876392 -110.640415

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
14865J. Bruce Moring   s.n.1982-04-08
United States, Texas, Reeves, approximately 15 mi E Balmorhea, roadside

Page 59, records 5801-5900 of 6222


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