ASU0113595 A. Tiehm 14438 2004-05-19
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, High Rock Canyon Hills, 0.6 road miles west of road from Soldier Meadows Road on road into Fly canyon, near where the road drops into the canyon.; 41.3427778 -119.2138889, 41.331214 -119.191645, 1341m
DES00011284 S. L. Welsh 12420 1974-05-05
USA, Utah, San Juan, Three Garden, Lake Powell, ca 1 mile north of Confluence with San Juan Arm., 37.193434 -110.891682
DES00040117 W. C. Hodgson 9274 1995-06-19
USA, Utah, San Juan, Dark Canyon Wilderness, Dark Canyon, just above (east of) Lean-to Canyon. Along canyon bottom on south side of creek, 37.855 -110.18833, 1219 - 1219m
George K. Helmkamp 9512--32 1995-06-24
United States, Nevada, Lander, Airy Pass [Mt. Airy Summit], along US Hwy 50, c. 15 miles west of Austin, 39.5575 -117.49833, 2043m
George K. Helmkamp 9512--16 1995-06-24
United States, Nevada, Lander, Airy Pass [Mt. Airy Summit], along US Hwy 50, c. 15 miles west of Austin, 39.5575 -117.49833, 2043m
UTC00242427 Walter Fertig; Peter Lesica 21019 2004-05-17
United States, Utah, Kane, Kaiparowits Plateau: Smoky Mountain Road, ca 4.7 air miles N of Warm Creek Bay arm of Lake Powell, ca 13 air miles NE of Big Water., 37.1730556 -111.4441667
76063 E. J. Neese 13465 1983-05-29
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., GCNRA, Lake Powell, Cottonwood Canyon, 37.23 -110.88, 1135m
55309 S. L. Welsh 9972 1970-06-06
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., Bottom of Comb Wash, along Utah Hwy 47, west of Bluff
76061 S. L. Welsh 22111 1983-05-28
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., GCNRA, Lake Powell, vicinity of N. Escalante, Hanging Garden Community, Navajo Sst, 1158m
76064 S. L. Welsh 22856 1984-05-24
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., Bown's Canyon, Waterpocket Fold, 37.38 -110.88, 1189m
55281 W. C. Hodgson 9274 1995-06-19
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., Dark Canyon Wilderness, Dark Canyon, just above (east of) Lean-to Canyon. Along canyon bottom on south side of creek, 37.855 -110.1883, 1219m
281033 S. L. Welsh 26968 1998-05-06
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., West side, Little Valley, N of Lake Powell., 37.066683 -111.2792, 1433m
76062 S. L. Welsh 22075 1983-05-27
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., GCNRA Lake Powell, Rock Creek, 37.18 -111.18, 1143m
785282 Stanley L. Welsh, N. Duane Atwood 26938 1998-05-06
U.S.A., Utah, Kane, Kaiparowits Pl.: Drip Tank Cyn, E of Four Mile Bench., 37.3234 -111.535483, 1433m
Jason W. Baker 477 2015-05-30
United States, Utah, Box Elder, From the train tracks at the north end of the Newfoundland Mountains, take the road on the east side of the mountain for 8.25 miles. Collection site is on the west side of the road approximately 50 yards off the road., 41.1382 -113.3657, 1300m
Walter Fertig 20444 2003-05-26
USA, Utah, Kane, Kaiparowits Plateau: terrace above floodplain on west side of the Paria River, about 0.4 miles W of the Cottonwood Road and about 3 air miles N of US Hwy 89., 37.151624 -111.923636, 1384m
SJNM-V-0041949 Fleming, Rich 586 1988-04-29
United States, Utah, Garfield, Capitol Reef National Park, Halls Narrows, sandy beach., 37.6219 -110.89587
BRYV0001584 Stanley L. Welsh 26968 1998-05-06
U.S.A., Utah, Kane, West side, Little Valley, N of Lake Powell., 37.06668 -111.27916, 1433m
BRYV0001585 Stanley L. Welsh 11597 1972-05-02
U.S.A., Utah, Kane, East side of Last Chance Bay, Lake Powell.
BRYV0001586 Stanley L. Welsh 9972 1970-06-06
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Bottom of Comb Wash, along Utah-Hwy 47, west of Bluff.
BRYV0001589 Stanley L. Welsh 11869 1972-06-26
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, East Hole Garden and canyon bottom, ca. 1 mi due east of Hole-in-the-Rock, Lake Powell.
BRYV0001588 Stanley L. Welsh 22143 1983-05-31
U.S.A., Utah, Kane, Gcnra, Lake Powell, Llewellyn Gulch.
BRYV0001590 Stanley L. Welsh 9972 1970-06-06
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Bottom of Comb Wash, along Utah Hwy 47, west of Bluff.
SUU006677 Jeff Curtis 357 2015-05-21
United States, Utah, Iron, Collected on the northwest side of Cottonwood Peak. Cedar City District Dixie National Forest; 37.98243 -112.69663, 37.98243 -112.69663, 1903m
United States, Utah, San Juan
UT0096044 Ball, J.T. 477 2015-05-30
United States, Utah, Box Elder, From the train tracks at the north end of the Newfoundland Mountains, take the road on the east side of the mountain for 8.25 miles. Collection site is on the west side of the road approximately 50 yards off the road. 41.1382N, /113.3657W WGS84
Christopher Davidson 190 1965-06-17
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Hwy 95, 38 miles south of McDermit, 1524m
407471 Walter Fertig 20444 2003-05-26
United States, Utah, Kane, Kaiparowits Plateau: terrace above floodplain on west side of the Paria River, about 0.4 miles W of the Cottonwood Road and about 3 air miles N of US Hwy 89. T42S R1W S17 SE4SE4, 37.151624 -111.923636, 1384m