Ronald L. Hartman 65359 1999-07-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Las Animas, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Little Fishers Peak Mesa, 1.5 air mi N of Lake Maloya., 37.0253 -104.3485, 2622 - 2652m
840938 Bethany Lewis 534 2007-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, North Park: Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge: ca 8 air mi S of Walden., 40.617033 -106.2798, 2470m
019945 R. Dale Thomas 21974 1970-10-10
United States, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Cleared area for housing development beside Okla. 74, Village Okla.
SBBG151161 Kelly Hildner 13 2018-05-28
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Storke Ranch, main vernal pool., 34.42132 -119.86743
Kelly Hildner 15 2018-09-07
United States, California, Santa barbara, Storke Ranch open space; westernmost vernal pool in the eastern fenced area., 34.4211 -119.8667
SBBG176433 Ralph N. Philbrick B72-47 1972-04-19
Mexico, Baja California, Isla Cedros: at seep, cyn N of drinking water pipe, westerly of Village, 28.095413 -115.192985
UCSB_SCIRH00420 Marla Daily 157 1976-09-16
United States, California, Santa Barbara, North side of barn at Prisoners' Harbor, Santa Cruz Island., 34.016528 -119.771088
UCSB_SCIRH00421 Marla Daily 330 1977-05-29
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Prisoners' Harbor, Santa Cruz Island., 34.016528 -119.771088
0007967 Louis C. Wheeler s.n. 1973-06-08
USA, California, Los Angeles, SE of Alameda St. and San Diego (405) Fwy, between Sepulveda Blvd. and 233rd St. (L. A. Harbor Dept, Classification Yard, E of Dominguez Flood Control Channel.
0007968 R. Dale Thomas & David Rupley, Jr. 21974 1970-10-10
USA, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Beside Okla. 74, Village Oklahoma
0007976 Edward S. DeKeyser 349 1993-07-12
USA, North Dakota, Eddy, T 149N, R 62W, Sec. 18, NW1/4
0007977 Richard P. Williams 3170 1975-08-30
USA, North Dakota, Kidder, 3 mi S of Dawson
0007978 Richard P. Williams 3629 1976-08-24
USA, North Dakota, McIntosh, 1.5 mi N, 3 mi E of Ashley
0007979 Gary E. Larson 7970 1982-07-27
USA, Wyoming, Sheridan, T 57N, R 84W, Sec. 22, NW1/4; Big Horn Coal Mine; coal pit lake connected to Goose Creek
0007980 Gary E. Larson 8063 1982-07-29
USA, Montana, Rosebud, T 1N, R 41E, Sec. 4, center of section; Western Energie' Rosebud Mine
0007981 Gary E. Larson 9847 1983-08-17
USA, North Dakota, McLean, T 146N, R 83W, Sec. 23, center of section
0008510 Eric Fairlee & Stacy Sieverding 188 1997-07-21
USA, South Dakota, Brown, T 127N, R 61W, Sec. 2, middle of W 1/2 (Severin Farms inc, owner)
0008511 Gary E. Larson 11592 1996-08-13
USA, South Dakota, Brown, T 128N, R 60W, Sec. 27, NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 (Geraldine Colestock Owner)
0008512 David J. Ode 80-237 1980-08-07
USA, South Dakota, McPherson, Weber twp.; T 128N, R 67W, Sec. 17, NE 1/4 of SW 1/4
0008513 Gary E. Larson 7603 1982-06-27
USA, South Dakota, Harding, Antelope Range Exp. Station; T 18N, R 7E, Sec. 19, NW 1/4
0008514 Monte D. Anderson 48 1983-07-04
USA, South Dakota, Campbell, T 126N, R 74W, Sec. 9, NE 1/4
0008515 Gary E. Larson 9464 1983-07-21
USA, South Dakota, Lake, Brant Lake; T 105N, R 51W, Sec. 4, SW 1/4
0008543 Gary E. Larson 9666 1983-07-29
USA, South Dakota, Faulk, Lake Faulkton; T118N, R69W, Sec. 17, SW1/4.
0008544 C. A. Taylor Jr. s.n. 1986-10-10
USA, South Dakota, Brookings, T 109N, R 50W, Sec. 15, NE1/4., 482 - 483m
0008545 Robin Bortnem 91 1989-08-28
USA, South Dakota, Brookings, Old Medary roadside; T110N, R50W, Sec. 35.
SIU029912 Fagn, C. s.n. 1960-09-16
United States, Wisconsin
SIU029951 Pistarino, A. 2052 1988-08-21
Italy, Valle d'Aosta
SIU029793 Basinger, M. A. 4992 1992-09-28
United States, Illinois
SIU029910 Iltis 8777 1957-06-25
United States, Wisconsin
SIU029913 Pochmann, R. F. s.n. 1958-09-04
United States, Wisconsin
SIU029911 Iltis, H. H. 14862 1959-08-16
United States, Wisconsin
SIU079019 Ketzner, D. 88 1983-10-07
United States, Illinois
SWSL018205 M. Inaba 26 1998-06-02
United States, California, Yolo, Davis, Rd. 29 and Rd. 100A, between Teichert Concrete Co. and wheat fields., 38.591667 -121.766667
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis
USA, Oklahoma, Roger Mills
J. K. Wipff 1099 1988-07-25
Germany, Bavaria, Niederbayern, Hohenfels Training Area
Steven R. Hill 27057 1995-08-05
United States, Illinois, Champaign
0009709MOR Schulenberg, RF | Wilhelm, G 75-577 1975-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, Will, In Joliet, in front of Union Station, growing in a crack between concrete slabs in the platform.
0009696MOR Schulenberg, RF | Kolar, J | Kolar, J 75-852 1975-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, Kendall, At Bristol, north of BN RR right-of-way a block west of Cannonball Road. In compacted waste ground.
0009693MOR Smith, E 387 1967-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, Downers Grove, Roadside waste., 41.795273 -88.006461
0009719MOR Schulenberg, RF | Wilhelm, G 75-1029 1975-07-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, In New Buffalo, at back end of lot at corner of East Buffalo Street and Townsend Street.
0009711MOR Swink, FA s.n. 1946-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, Near Foster Avenue and Lake Michigan in Chicago.
0009692MOR Johnson, K 2719 1995-10-00
United States of America, Illinois, Kane, One mile west of Geneva, west of Peck Road, south of Keslinger Road. Along shoulder of road.
0009694MOR Hess, WJ | Hickman, G 7431 1996-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, Hidden Lake Forest Preserve, SE corner of St. Hwy. 53 & Butterfield Rd. East side of DuPage R. First level of flood plain on east side of DuPage R, disturbed area. On roadaround lake, open area.
0009684MOR Hickman, G | Hess, WJ | Allen, K 481 1996-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, Hidden Lake Forest Preserve, Rt. 53, S. of Butterfield Rd. and N. of Lisle. In path SE from parking.
0009700MOR Greeley, G s.n. 1896-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, DeKalb, Clinton Township, near Waterman, dooryard.
0009708MOR Wilhelm, G 6198 1978-09-00
United States of America, Indiana, Newton, In Morocco, along the N.Y.C. rr, north of where it crosses Ind. 114.
0009704MOR Evert, EF 4976a 1982-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, Carle Woods, just off Rt. 58, Golf Rd, and E of the Des Plaines River.
0009697MOR Wilhelm, G | Rowlatt, U 12027 1984-07-00
United States of America, Wisconsin, Walworth, Along Bluff Road, east of Little Prairie, just east of junction with Scout Road.
0009695MOR Wilhelm, G | Swink, FA 12035 1984-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, McHenry, In Carey, at Cardella's Restaurant, along Rt. 14.
0009702MOR Wilhelm, G | Johnson, C 12106 1984-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, Lake, Near Volo, off Brandenburg Road, along the self-guided interpretive trail at Volo Bog State Natural Area.
0009701MOR Swink, FA | Betz, R | Lamp, H | Johnson, K 5991 1985-09-00
United States of America, Indiana, Lake, Northeast of the corners of 167th Street and Columbia Avenue, along the parallel abondoned railroads of the Erie-Lackawanna & the Chesapeake & Ohio, in Hammond.
0009703MOR Glasow, O 8-21-164 1940-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, On Harlem Avenue near Harlem Airport.
0009705MOR Rowlatt, U 343 1978-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, Clayton F. Smith Preserve.
0009718MOR Rowlatt, U 1121A 1982-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, Waste ground at Wolf Lake Forest Preserve.
0009707MOR Rowlatt, U 846 1980-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, E. 57th St./Stony Island.
0009706MOR Rowlatt, U 753 1980-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, Outside 5532 S. Shore Drive, Hyde Park.
0009716MOR Swink, FA | Mengler, J 7208 1986-09-00
United States of America, Wisconsin, Racine, Railroad prairie about 2 miles west of Sturtevant. Weed along the roadside.
0009710MOR Swink, FA | Mengler, J 6597 1986-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, Kankakee, Near intersection of Big Four RR and a north-south road just a short distance from a large pollution-control lake, one mile southeast of St. Anne.
0009712MOR Wilhelm, G | Swink, FA | Shimp, E 15353 1987-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Boone, Near Belvidere, at intersection of U.S. 20 and Townhall Road, southwest of the Chrysler Plant; waste ground.
0009717MOR Swink, FA | Johnson, K | Wetstein, L | Soule, J 9106 1989-07-00
United States of America, Indiana, St. Joseph, Along the Penn Central RR about 1/2 mile northeast of Dreamwold Heights. In open compacted soil.
0009715MOR Wilhelm, G | Dritz, K 17433 1989-07-00
United States of America, Indiana, St. Joseph, About 3 miles northwest of Chain-O-Lakes, at Deep Lake, north of Alden Road, west of Redwood Road, on road shoulder.
0009714MOR Wilhelm, G | Dritz, K 17475 1989-07-00
United States of America, Indiana, St. Joseph, About 2 miels south of Crumstown, along west side of Crumstown Road, just south of Kline Trail.
0009713MOR Swink, FA 10196 1990-08-00
United States of America, Indiana, Porter, Along the abandoned Erie-Lackawanna RR just west of Kouts. In waste ground.
0009699MOR Wilhelm, G | Dritz, K 21669 1993-08-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, Near the weight station on the south side of east-bound I-94, 0.9 miles northeast of MI 239, 0.4 miles southwest of Maudlin Road, southeast of New Buffalo.
0009698MOR Dritz, K 1352 1994-07-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, In the pavement and shoulder of the parking area at the New Buffalo Weigh Station, SE of New Buffalo.
0009691MOR Milde, M s.n. 2001-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Lake, Waukegan Beach, Waukegan Quad. Frequent in disturbed sand near boardwalk and parking lots.
0023410MOR Rericha, L | Wilhelm, G 695 2002-07-00
United States of America, Indiana, St. Joseph, At the campground in disturbed ground at the Potato Creek.
0028748MOR Rericha, L | Wilhelm, G 784 2002-08-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, At Grandmere State Park in a sand blowout along Wishart Rd.
0084725MOR Evert, EF 5002 1982-09-00
United States of America, Wyoming, Park
0084721MOR Shildneck, P C-7237 1974-10-00
United States of America, Nebraska, Richardson
0084723MOR Ladd, D 2796 1977-07-00
United States of America, Vermont, Washington
0084722MOR Barbour, JG H14017 1993-07-00
United States of America, New York, Orange
0084724MOR Evert, EF 2369 1980-08-00
United States of America, Wyoming, Park
0084726MOR Pistarino, A 980 1988-08-00
0085291MOR Nighswonger, P 2109 1983-10-00
United States of America, Oklahoma, Woods, Northwest of Alva about 8 miles.
0080302MOR Ulaszek, EF 3479 1996-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Will, Drummond Dolomite Prairie. Channahon Quadrangle 7.5' series.
0096005MOR Namestnik, S SAN 3321 2017-06-00
United States of America, Indiana, Porter, Walner Preserve, Chesterton, 41.622395 -87.053703
204275 unknown 1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.
204274 unknown 1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.
204272 unknown 1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.
204273 Jacob Peter Anderson 9746B 1944-08-06
Canada, Yukon Territory, Mayo
393481 Jon P. Rebman 13631 2007-07-09
United States, California, San Diego County, Lake Henshaw: SE of East Grade Road and E of Henshaw Truck Trail, approx. 1.3 air miles E of the dam; along the stream feeding into the NE portion of the Lake and on the NE shore., 33.2558 -116.7474, 820m
405070 Melvin M. Sweet 710 2008-09-11
United States, California, San Diego County, City of San Diego; about 3/4 mile along utility road in canyon running from Eastgate Mall (starting 0.1 mile E of the intersection of Eastgate and Genesee Ave) to the end of Roselle St. (about 1 mile S of the intersection of I-5 and I-805)., 32.8863 -117.2198, 52m
UAM007427 Eric Sundell 17058 2004-07-06
United States, Nebraska, Keith, Ogallala.
UAM007428 Eric Sundell 16734 2003-10-23
United States, Arkansas, Benton, Chesney Prairie Natural Area. Vicinity of Gentry., 36.218575 -94.481981
UAM007429 Eric Sundell 17012 2004-05-16
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, Waldenburg.
UAC:Vascular Plants
Polygonum arenastrum subsp. (syn. P. aviculare)
43870 Hallworth, Beryl M. CC517 1980-09-05
Canada, Alberta, Calgary
UAC:Vascular Plants
Polygonum arenastrum subsp. (syn. P. aviculare)
52178 Daniel Olson 15 1993-07-16
Canada, Alberta, Hays
UAC:Vascular Plants
8833 Schreiber, A. 1966-09-30
Canada, Alberta, Cochrane
UAC:Vascular Plants
8820 Anna L. Cairns 1973-07-25
Canada, Alberta, Elk Island NP (ll)
UAC:Vascular Plants
8836 B. Breedon 35 1962-10-11
Canada, Alberta, Calgary
UAC:Vascular Plants
8840 B. Breedon 11 1962-10-04
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Shagnappi
UAC:Vascular Plants
8812 Hallworth, Beryl M. 1976-09-26
Canada, Alberta, Calgary (ll)
UAC:Vascular Plants
43867 Hallworth, Beryl M. 1974-07-30
Canada, Alberta, Calgary (ll)
UAC:Vascular Plants
43868 Hallworth, Beryl M. 1983-09-09
Canada, Alberta, Calgary (ll)
UAC:Vascular Plants
43869 Hallworth, Beryl M. 1981-09-22
Canada, Alberta, Calgary (ll)
UAC:Vascular Plants
8826 Barbara Danielson 282 1973-07-30
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Fish Creek valley (tr, ll)