Neil Snow 2766 1988-06-29
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Southwestern Absarokas: Teton Wilderness: vicinity of Hawks Rest Patrol Cabin, ca 1.3 air mi S of Yellowstone National Park., 44.1123 -110.1026, 2454m
622592 Erwin F. Evert 8703 1985-07-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: Clayton Mountain trail, ca 3-4 mi S of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20; in area burned in 1937., 44.4183 -109.7449, 2561 - 2866m
622591 Erwin F. Evert 8804 1985-07-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: ca 0.5 mi W of the confluence of Elk Fork Creek and Cabin Creek, ca 8 mi S of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.3603 -109.7046, 2165m
622590 Erwin F. Evert 9018 1985-07-28
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: along Big Creek, ca 8 mi N of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.573 -109.577, 2622m
622585 Erwin F. Evert 9592 1985-08-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Southwestern Absarokas: Ishawooa Mesa, ca 40 mi SW of Cody., 44.2298 -109.5837, 2988 - 3110m
622584 Erwin F. Evert 9616 1985-08-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: headwaters of Big Creek, ca 10 mi N of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20; ca 3/4 mi ENE of Big Creek Falls., 44.5875 -109.597, 2988m
622583 Erwin F. Evert 9773 1985-08-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: headwaters of Neva Creek, ca 1 mi N of Flora Lake; ca 8 mi SW of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.3748 -109.9261, 2927m
725043 Erwin F. Evert 10175 1986-06-19
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: along Clearwater Creek, ca 3 mi N of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.5053 -109.7046, 2012m
725236 Erwin F. Evert 10309 1986-06-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: north-south ridge between Big Creek and Grizzly Creek, ca 3-4 mi N of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.5053 -109.5435, 2134 - 2287m
725311 Erwin F. Evert 10398 1986-07-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: N of North Fork Shoshone River, ca 10 mi NNE of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.6164 -109.8807, 2345m
725639 Erwin F. Evert 10713 1986-08-04
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: southeast side of Giant Castle Mountain, ca 2-3 mi N of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.5295 -110.0023, 2439 - 2896m
725731 Erwin F. Evert 10839 1986-08-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: ridge between Crow Creek Pass and Jones Pass, ca 3-4 mi N of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.5295 -110.1642, 2988 - 3079m
725760 Erwin F. Evert 10870 1986-08-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absarokas: Yellowstone National Park: ca 0.5 mi W of Crow Creek Pass., 44.5053 -110.1477, 2927m
726000 Erwin F. Evert 11112 1986-08-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: top of Buttress Mountain, ca 3-4 mi N of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.51389 -109.8492, 3201 - 3293m
726129 Erwin F. Evert 11251 1986-08-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: top of north end of Howell Mountain, ca 5-6 mi S of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.4038 -109.906, 3140 - 3201m
726345 Erwin F. Evert 11439 1986-08-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: south end of Howell Mountain, ca 6-7 mi S of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.3893 -109.906, 3140 - 3232m
Erwin F. Evert 21581 1991-07-08
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: along Trail Creek, ca 1 mi W of Tom Miner Campground., 45.1387 -111.0773, 2348m
Erwin F. Evert 22196 1991-07-29
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Gravelly Range: Beaverhead National Forest: along Gravelly Range Road, ca 19 mi S of Virginia City., 45.0222 -111.8122, 2652m
Erwin F. Evert 22262 1991-07-30
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Madison Range: Beaverhead National Forest: saddle between Sphinx Mountain and The Helmet, ca 15 mi SE of Ennis., 45.1676 -111.4852, 2744 - 2805m
Erwin F. Evert 22375 1991-07-31
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: east ridge and sub-summit of Lone Mountain, ca 9 mi W of Big Sky., 45.284 -111.4444, 3049 - 3293m
Erwin F. Evert 22519 1991-08-07
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, Targhee and Beaverhead National Forests: Henrys Lake Mountains: on Continental Divide just NW of Targhee Peak, ca 19 mi WNW of West Yellowstone, Montana; also Madison County, Montana., 44.7242 -111.3978, 3049m
B. E. Nelson, Laura Welp 31184 1994-06-05
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Great Divide Basin Area: Crooks Mountain: Cottonwood Creek and vicinity on the north side of the mountain, ca 10 air mi SW of Jeffrey City; ca 48 air mi SE of Lander., 42.3992 -107.9778, 2256 - 2348m
Laura Welp 2504 1994-07-19
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Great Divide Basin Area: Green Mountain: Whiskey Peak, ca 6 air mi N of Bairoil; ca 6 air mi S of Henry Peak., 42.3111 -107.5689, 2622 - 2744m
Laura Welp 2675 1994-07-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Great Divide Basin Area: Green Mountain: open plateau and drainage in Sheep Creek Park, ca 10.5 air mi SSE of Jeffrey City; ca 11.5 air mi NW of Whiskey Peak., 42.3697 -107.765, 2500 - 2579m
Laura Welp 332 1994-06-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Great Divide Basin Area: Sweetwater River Drainage: spring flowing into Strawberry Creek and surrounding slopes near Crows Nest, ca 7 air mi E of Atlantic City; ca 17.5 air mi NNE of Continental Peak., 42.4886 -108.5086, 2329 - 2341m
Laura Welp 603 1994-06-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Great Divide Basin Area: Great Divide Basin: along Bush Rim, ca 8.5 air mi S of Oregon Butte; ca 7.5 air mi NW of the Pinnacles., 42.1275 -108.8183, 2201 - 2238m
Laura Welp 844 1994-06-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Great Divide Basin Area: Green Mountain: spring near Round Park, ca 9 air mi ESE of Crooks Peak; ca 9 air mi W of Whiskey Peak., 42.3408 -107.7239, 2713 - 2756m
Laura Welp 866 1994-06-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Great Divide Basin Area: Green Mountain: spring near Round Park, ca 9 air mi ESE of Crooks Peak; ca 9 air mi W of Whiskey Peak., 42.3408 -107.7239, 2713 - 2756m
Laura Welp 913 1994-06-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Great Divide Basin Area: Green Mountain: small creek at headwaters of East Cottonwood Creek, ca 10.5 air mi E of Crooks Peak; ca 13.5 air mi W of Three Forks., 42.3553 -107.6875, 2409 - 2470m
Ronald L. Hartman 46161 1994-06-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Great Divide Basin Area: Green Mountain, ca 7 air mi W of Muddy Gap., 42.3547 -107.6097, 2134 - 2256m
624773 Ronald L. Hartman, Tom Cramer 45776a 1994-05-29
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: road to Granite Falls, ca 3.4 road mi from U.S. Hwy 191/189., 43.2995 -110.4694, 2256m
624772 Ronald L. Hartman 46309 1994-06-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Gros Ventre Area: North Beaver Creek, ca 12 air mi E of Bondurant., 43.2054 -110.1573, 2591 - 2652m
624771 Ronald L. Hartman 46428 1994-06-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Gros Ventre Area: Miner Creek, ca 12 air mi ESE of Bondurant., 43.1475 -110.1965, 2470 - 2500m
624770 Ronald L. Hartman, Tom Cramer 46516 1994-06-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: Gros Ventre Wilderness Area: ridge E of Crystal Creek; ca 13 air mi SE of Kelly., 43.5476 -110.3772, 2744 - 2820m
624769 Ronald L. Hartman, Tom Cramer 46559 1994-06-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: Gros Ventre Wilderness Area: ridge E of Crystal Creek; ca 14 air mi SE of Kelly., 43.5476 -110.3573, 2622 - 2881m
624768 Ronald L. Hartman 46655 1994-06-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: upper Gros Ventre River Road, between Big Cow Creek and Lafferty Creek., 43.49 -110.2179, 2317 - 2366m
624767 Ronald L. Hartman 47156 1994-07-07
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: Little Granite Creek Pack Trail: from trail head to Wilderness boundary., 43.3281 -110.5085, 2043 - 2134m
624766 Ronald L. Hartman 47439 1994-07-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Gros Ventre Area: Tepee Creek, ca 5 air mi SE of Mosquito Lake., 43.371 -110.1364, 2713 - 2988m
624765 Ronald L. Hartman 47851 1994-07-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: Jackson Peak., 43.4568 -110.626, 3049 - 3232m
624764 Ronald L. Hartman 49357 1994-08-05
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Gros Ventre Area: just SE of Steamboat Peak to base of Palmer Peak., 43.371 -110.3323, 3171 - 3232m
624763 Ronald L. Hartman 49973 1994-08-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: lower portion of East Miner Creek., 43.6052 -110.437, 2189 - 2378m
624762 Ronald L. Hartman 50035 1994-08-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: Blue Miner Lake trail from wilderness boundary to ca 2 air mi up hill., 43.5908 -110.4569, 2378 - 2805m
660353 Ronald L. Hartman 52292 1995-07-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Gros Ventre Area: ca 7 air mi E of Bondurant., 43.2054 -110.275, 2226 - 2256m
660894 Ronald L. Hartman 54077 1995-08-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: ca 1.5-2.5 air mi from summit of Sheep Mountain., 43.5764 -110.5366, 2866 - 3171m
724024 Orval C. Harrison 529 1989-07-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Salt River Range: Smiths Fork Drainage: along Smiths Fork N of the switchback, ca 9.5 air mi ESE of Smoot; ca 14.5 air mi SE of Afton., 42.5705 -110.7337, 2805m
660346 Ronald L. Hartman 50964 1995-06-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: Ditch Creek Road (FS 30350), ca 3 road mi NE of Forest boundary., 43.706 -110.5565, 2256 - 2378m
660345 Ronald L. Hartman 51083 1995-06-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: Lost Creek Road (FS 30340) from Forest boundary upstream 1 air mi., 43.7348 -110.5764, 2226 - 2256m
660799 Ronald L. Hartman 51143 1995-06-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: Road (FS 30160) 0.7 road mi SW of Hatchet Campground., 43.8224 -110.3672, 2226 - 2256m
Ronald L. Hartman 51193 1995-06-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Green River Basin: BLM Road 5410, ca 1.3 road mi SE of WY 351; ca 4 air mi WSW of junction WY 351 and U.S. 191., 2104 - 2134m
660347 Ronald L. Hartman 51535 1995-06-28
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: Dry Cottonwood Creek, 1-2 air mi upstream; 2-3 air mi E of east end of Upper Slide Lake., 43.5908 -110.2577, 2256 - 2317m
660348 Ronald L. Hartman 51677 1995-07-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: ca 2 air mi SSW of Black Rock Ranger Station on road to Lily Lake., 43.7924 -110.3772, 2485 - 2515m
660349 Ronald L. Hartman 51802 1995-07-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: Spread Creek, ca 5 air mi SW of Black Rock Ranger Station., 43.778 -110.4171, 2226 - 2287m
660350 Ronald L. Hartman 51907 1995-07-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: South Fork Spread Creek, 1-2 air mi S of Lily Lake., 43.7636 -110.3175, 2439 - 2470m
660351 Ronald L. Hartman 51986 1995-07-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: ca 5.5 air mi S of Moran., 43.7633 -110.5197, 701 - 732m
Ronald L. Hartman 52132 1995-07-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: ca 7 air mi NE of Moose., 2226 - 2256m
660354 Ronald L. Hartman 52586 1995-07-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: Gunsight Pass area., 43.6196 -110.2577, 2713m
Ronald L. Hartman 52786 1995-07-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: Burnt Creek and ridge to east., 2195 - 2500m
Ronald L. Hartman 52902 1995-07-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: ca 6.5 air mi ESE of Black Rock Ranger Station, Forest Road 140 on North Fork Spread Creek., 43.77713 -110.23994, 2287 - 2317m
660357 Ronald L. Hartman 53000 1995-07-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: 2-3 air mi ENE of East Leidy., 43.7348 -110.3175, 2470 - 2530m
660359 Ronald L. Hartman 53053 1995-07-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: ca 1.5-2 air mi E of East Leidy., 43.706 -110.3374, 2500 - 2591m
660358 Ronald L. Hartman 53193 1995-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: 2-4.5 air mi E of Black Rock Ranger Station., 43.8224 -110.3069, 2195 - 2378m
Ronald L. Hartman 53333 1995-08-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: head of Dry Cottonwood Creek., 2713 - 2744m
660361 Ronald L. Hartman, Stuart Markow 53383 1995-08-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: southeast slope leading to summit of Mount Leidy from saddle., 43.7204 -110.3971, 2744 - 2988m
660362 Ronald L. Hartman 53592 1995-08-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: Grouse Mountain, southern slope., 43.706 -110.2577, 2439 - 2683m
Ronald L. Hartman 53739 1995-08-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: highland N of Lower Gros Ventre Drainage and S of Ditch and Slate Creeks: ca 4.5 air mi N of Lower Slide Lake., 2591 - 2744m
Emily A. Holt 1583 2000-07-04
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Timberline Lake area, off County Road 9 at Colorado Trailhead at the west end of Turquoise Lake, ca 4 air mi S of Homestake Reservoir; ca 12 air mi NW of Leadville., 39.28 -106.4506, 3049 - 3309m
Emily A. Holt 2333 2000-07-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Eagle, Central Colorado: Gore Range, West Slope Continental Divide: Black Lakes area, just N of Vail Pass, ca 12.5 air mi SE of Vail., 39.5419 -106.2279, 3171 - 3354m
Emily A. Holt 2768 2000-07-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Mount Zion, off Forest Road 109, ca 5 air mi NNE of Leadville., 39.3107 -106.2834, 3537 - 3659m
Emily A. Holt 2804 2000-07-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: off Forest Road 109, ca 2.5 air mi N of Leadville., 39.2962 -106.302, 3293 - 3354m
Emily A. Holt 2837 2000-07-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Massive Mountain Trail, via the Colorado Trail to the Mount Massive Main Trail, southwest slope and summit, ca 11 air mi ESE of Leadville., 39.1951 -106.4501, 3659 - 4397m
Emily A. Holt 3016 2000-07-31
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Mosquito Range: East Slope Continental Divide: Iowa Gulch area, near mine tailings pile, ca 7 air mi SE of Leadville., 39.224 -106.1908, 3598 - 3902m
Emily A. Holt 3555 2000-08-09
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: on Native Lakes Trail at and above treeline, ca 9 air mi W of Leadville., 39.2384 -106.4687, 3537 - 3622m
Emily A. Holt 3799 2000-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: at lowest Fryingpan Lake, off Forest Service Trail 1921, ca 8.5 air mi NE of Independence Pass., 39.2095 -106.5057, 3293 - 3354m
Emily A. Holt 4085 2000-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Chaffee, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Hope Pass area, off Colorado Trail, Trail 1776, ca 3 air mi NW of Vicksburg., 39.0209 -106.4125, 3476 - 3841m
Emily A. Holt 4309 2000-08-21
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: Lost Man Lake Trail 1996, above treeline, ca 3 air mi N of Independence Pass., 39.1662 -106.5798, 3537 - 3902m
Nancy Kastning, Diane Fraser 2285 1989-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Sierra Madre/Park Ranges: Park Range: ca 17 air mi NW of Kremmling by Service Creek [Trail in Buffalo Park]., 2805 - 2835m
Nancy Kastning, Heather & Joel Kastning 2452 1989-07-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, Sierra Madre/Park Ranges: Park Range: ca 23 air mi WSW of Walden, Mt. Ethel and proximity., 3415 - 3635m
Nancy Kastning, Diane Fraser 2285 1989-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: ca 17 air mi NW of Kremmling by Service Creek., 40.2524 -106.603, 2820m
Nancy Kastning 2452 1989-07-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: ca 23 air mi WSW of Walden, Mt. Ethel and proximity., 40.6625 -106.6635, 3415 - 3635m
Kevin J. Taylor 3219 1997-07-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: top of Stuart Hill, ca 5 air mi E of Crested Butte., 38.8767 -106.8785, 2927 - 3049m
Kevin J. Taylor 3662 1997-07-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: south-facing slope of Mount Axtell, ca 3 air mi SW of Crested Butte., 38.8191 -107.0268, 3171 - 3399m
Kevin J. Taylor 3772 1997-07-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: south-facing side of Jenkins Mountain, ca 7 air mi NNE of Taylor Reservoir., 38.9632 -106.5632, 3506 - 3811m
Kevin J. Taylor 4550 1997-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: on south side of Mount Emmons, ca 3.5 air mi W of Crested Butte., 38.8623 -107.1567, 2912 - 3003m
Kevin J. Taylor 4630 1997-08-15
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 4.5 air mi NE of Pitkin., 38.6423 -106.45, 3293 - 3415m
772709 Kevin J. Taylor, Chris Floyd and Josh Crayton 10115 1998-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: Fossil Ridge Wilderness: ca 6 air mi NNW of Ohio., 38.6528 -106.6295, 3476 - 3598m
772708 Kevin J. Taylor, Chris Floyd and Josh Crayton 10344 1998-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: Terrible Mountain, ca 8 air mi NNE of Ohio., 38.6646 -106.5438, 3506 - 3567m
772706 Kevin J. Taylor 10679 1998-08-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 2.5 air mi W of Pittsburg., 38.9488 -107.101, 3415 - 3445m
772705 Kevin J. Taylor 10839 1998-08-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 2.5 air mi W of Pittsburg., 38.9488 -107.101, 3506 - 3780m
772713 Kevin J. Taylor 8084 1998-07-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: between South Matchless Mountain and Matchless Mountain, ca 3 air mi W of Taylor Park Reservoir., 38.8191 -106.6559, 3476 - 3537m
772712 Kevin J. Taylor 9096 1998-07-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 3 air mi S of Pitkin., 38.5635 -106.5068, 2957m
772711 Kevin J. Taylor 9310 1998-07-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 10 air mi ENE of Parlin., 38.5215 -106.5568, 2851 - 2896m
772710 Kevin J. Taylor 9897 1998-07-30
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: West Elk Wilderness: ca 10.5 air mi SSW of Kebler Pass., 38.7039 -107.1381, 3323 - 3354m
727316 C. Lynn Kinter, Eric Inberg 1194 1995-06-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Upper Wind River Watershed: Spring Mountain: ca 7.5 air mi NE of Dubois; plot is uphill from the elk exclosure and toward the center of the draw; old fence line runs through SE corner of plot., 2311m
727318 C. Lynn Kinter 1945 1996-07-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Upper Wind River Watershed: West Fork Long Creek, between creek and road., 2549m
727311 C. Lynn Kinter, Will Conley 2197 1996-08-05
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Upper Wind River Watershed: Five Pocket Meadows: ca 19 air mi NW of Dubois; N of Horse Creek, near beginning of trail up into Lake Pocket., 2684m
Margarette J. Lyon 2333 1993-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, San Miguel, San Miguel and lower Dolores River Drainages: San Miguel River Drainage: Wilson Peak, ca 8.5 mi SW of Telluride., 37.8864 -107.9943, 3476 - 3963m
Margarette J. Lyon 2351 1993-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, San Miguel, San Miguel and lower Dolores River Drainages: San Miguel River Drainage: Wilson Peak, ca 8.5 mi SW of Telluride., 37.8864 -107.9943, 3476 - 3963m
Margarette J. Lyon 6843 1994-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, San Miguel, San Miguel and Lower Dolores River Drainages: Lizard Head Trail., 37.8284 -107.866, 3598m
Margarette J. Lyon 7126 1994-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, San Miguel, San Miguel and Lower Dolores River Drainages: Dunn Peak: Lizard Head Wilderness., 37.8574 -108.141, 3598m
Margarette J. Lyon 7446 1994-08-16
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, San Miguel and Lower Dolores River Drainages: Manti-La Sal National Forest: Deep Creek., 2851 - 3049m