157462 R. P. Sauleda, M. Ragan 5645 1981-06-21
United States, Florida, Clay Co., C-739, junction with C-218, ca. 4.5 mi. SE of Middleburg. T5S, R25E, Sec. 28, SW¼., 30.0689 -81.8604
5853 R. K. Godfrey 56781 1958-05-18
United States, Florida, Walton Co., 7 mi. N of DeFuniak Springs.
210624 S. L. Orzell, E.L. Bridges 15496 1990-10-10
United States, Florida, Escambia Co., S of Ramsey Beach Road, W of FL 297, N of FL 298 (Lilian Highway), adjacent to Perdido Bay and bisected by Bayou Marcus, ca. 5 air mi. NW of downtown Pensacola. T2S, R31W, Sec. 8, SE¼., 30.4283 -87.3314, 2m
164723 R. P. Wunderlin, J. Beckner 9317 1982-05-01
United States, Florida, Bay Co., 1.8 mi. W of Burnt Mill Creek bridge on FL 388. T2S, R16W, Sec. 13.
191595 S. Darwin, E. Sundell 2600 1983-07-01
United States, Florida, Escambia Co., C-282, ca. 3 mi. N of Perdido Key.
163154 R. R. Haynes 7794 1980-05-24
United States, Alabama, Baldwin Co., Inersection of AL 161 and 180 ca. 6 mi. due E of Gulf Shores.
256197 S. L. Orzell, E. L. Bridges 24714 1996-07-05
United States, North Carolina, Cumberland Co., S side of Firebreak 1 within NEA Commel site, ca. 0.1 mi. S of N base boundary at a point 0.4 mi. W of McCormic Bridge Road, ca. 3.2 air mi. E of Manchester; NEA Commel Savanna NA; Fort Bragg; Manchester 7.5' Quad., 35.1986 -78.9336
283632 G. R. Cooley 2775 1954-05-18
United States, Georgia, Coffee Co., 5 mi. S of Ocmulgee River along US 441.
8768 R. Kral, M. Kral 7136 1958-07-05
United States, Mississippi, George Co., 7 mi. NW of Wilmer.
37335 H. E. Ahles, J. G. Haesloop 29438 1957-06-26
United States, North Carolina, Hoke Co., 4.2 mi. SSW of Ashley Heights.
76291 D. S. Correll, D. C. Wasshausen 27496 1963-06-06
United States, Texas, Henderson Co., 4 mi. SE of Athens., 32.2049 -95.8555
10965 G. R. Cooley, L. J. Brass 4069 1955-04-30
United States, Louisiana, Vernon Par., Roadside dtich 16 mi. S of Leesville.
198400 C. Hermann 258 1984-06-30
United States, Mississippi, Hancock Co., On US 603, S of junction with Dummyline Road.
184627 D. Demaree 32368 1952-07-29
United States, Mississippi, Jackson Co., Ocean Springs Post Office.
268296 S. L. Orzell, E. L. Bridges 25043B 1996-07-13
United States, South Carolina, Georgetown Co., N side of Ports Creek, ca. 1.0 mi. S of US 521 at Graves, ca. 4.7 air mi. W of downtown Georgetown; Friendsfield Plantation; Georgetown North 7.5' Quad., 33.38 -79.37
268341 S. L. Orzell, E. L. Bridges 24733 1996-07-06
United States, South Carolina, Chesterfield Co., N of uppermost impoundment of Oxpen Branch, ca. 2.7 air mi. W of Ruby Lookout Tower on SC 145, ca. 7.6 air mi. NW of Middendorf; Barefoot Seep; Carolina Sandhills NWR; Middendorf 7.5' Quad., 34.6078 -80.2483
222809 S. L. Orzell, E. L. Bridges 19562 1992-05-21
United States, Mississippi, Hancock Co., E of Hurricane Branch, ca. 2.8 air mi. W of MSc 43 at a point 4.3 air mi. NW of Kiln, ca. 10 air mi. E of I-59 at MS/LA state line; Hurricane Branch Bog; Dead Tiger Creek 7.5' Quad. T7S, R15W, Sec. 5, SWQ, NWQ, SWQ, SWQ., 30.4603 -89.5269, 17m
222865 S. L. Orzell, E. L. Bridges 20973 1992-10-02
United States, Alabama, Covington Co., E side of FS Road 374, ca. 0.2 mi. N of Boggy Hollow Creek and ca. 0.7 mi. SW of junction AL 4 at a point ca. 2 mi. W of junction AL 137 at Wing and 3.5 mi. E of Escambia County; Conecuh NF; Bradley 7.5' Quad. T1N, R14E, Sec. 28, NEQ, SEQ, SEQ., 31.0158 -86.6511, 64m
37336 H. E. Ahles, R. S. Leisner 32330 1957-07-26
United States, North Carolina, Pender Co., 2.3 mi. NE of New Hanover-Pender County line on US 17, between Scotts Hill and Hampstead.
82294 A. E. Radford 44959 1966-07-14
United States, North Carolina, Harnett Co., 2 mi. NW of Lillington.
256245 S. L. Orzell, E. L. Bridges 24789 1996-07-07
United States, North Carolina, Harnett Co., E side of unnamed tributary N of Little River, ca. 0.2 mi. N of Cumberland County line, ca. 4.8 air mi. S of Spout Springs, ca. 2.5 air mi. SW of Overhills; NTA Twig Rush NA; Fort Bragg; Overhills 7.5' Quad., 35.2008 -79.0683
109703 A. E. Radford 44959 1966-07-14
United States, North Carolina, Harnett Co., 2 mi. NW of Lillington.
USMS_000005379 John R. MacDonald 9539 1996-06-08
United States, Alabama, Houston, ca 2 mi ENE of Cottonwood; James Hughes pitcher plant bog; T1N, R28E, S7, the NE/4 of the SE/4
USMS_000005380 A.E. Radford 44959 1966-07-14
United States, North Carolina, Harnett, 2 miles northwest of Lillington., 35.424314 -78.836041
USMS_000005381 Wooten, Jean s.n. 1992-05-07
United States, Mississippi, Hancock, John C. Stennis Space Center, R16W, T8S, Sec 10, 30.362332 -89.587314
USMS_000005382 Wooten, Jean s.n. 1992-05-15
United States, Mississippi, Hancock, John C. Stennis Space Center, 30.365971 -89.605989
USMS_000005383 Godfrey,R. K. 75834 1977-05-17
United States, Florida, Liberty, n/a
USMS_000005384 Godfrey,R. K. 75023 1976-05-21
United States, Florida, Bay, n/a
USMS_000005385 Moore, J. 17-34 1976-05-11
United States, Mississippi, Harrison, Pass Christian, 2 miles north, 30.35514 -89.22866
USMS_000005386 McFarlin, James B. 10160 1935-02-12
United States, Florida, Highlands, n/a
USMS_000005387 Rankin, W. 94-860 1994-08-18
United States, Mississippi, Perry, Near Upper Cypress Creek, Camp Shelby, TA #34, 31.158665 -89.016626
USMS_000005388 Carter, John 467 1965-06-09
United States, Mississippi, Forrest, Paul B. Johnson State Park, west side of Geiger Lake, 31.14076 -89.24194
United States, Alabama, Geneva
United States, Alabama, Escambia
United States, Alabama, Geneva
United States, Georgia, Colquitt
TEX00197062 Grady L. Webster|Burford L. Westlund|John Young 33689 2002-05-16
United States, Texas, Angelina, Angelina National Forest, roadside seep on hillside with pine-oak forest. Near Jasper Co. line, ca. 3 mi. NE of RT 69., 31.11667 -94.4
TEX00291020 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1942-06-28
United States, Texas, Austin, Ca. 3 mi N of Sealy.
TEX00291021 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8052 1988-08-18
United States, Texas, Wood, 0.1 mi N of Co Rd 3245 at a point 0.5 mi E of int. Co Rd. 3235, ca. 0.4 mi upstream from end of SE arm of Lake Lydia, ca. 5 air miles SE of Quitman, Quitman 7.5' Quad., 32.77417 -95.3825
TEX00291022 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges|Phil Sheriden 7158 1988-06-07
United States, Texas, Robertson, Upstream from Busby Hollow, ca. 1 mi S of Co Rd 333 on sand road, from a point 3.0 mi W of TX 1940, 5.5 mi N of int. OSR, Camp Creek Lake 7.5' Quad., 31.01389 -96.35083
TEX00291023 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10341 1989-06-06
United States, Texas, Leon, Ca. 0.4 mi NW of Cherokee Lake (in Hilltop Lakes Resort) and 0.3 mi SW of headquarters of Hines branch, ca. 1.4 mi NE of FM 3; Hilltop Lakes Resort, Hilltop Lakes 7.5' Quad., 31.08333 -96.19861
TEX00291024 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges|Phil Sheriden 7167 1988-06-08
United States, Texas, Henderson, On small stream near SW corner of Koon Kreek Club, above 2 small lakes and below one lake, ca 1.1 mi N of Anderson Co. line, 0.7 mi S of Wilson Lake, Cross Roads 7.5' Quad., 32.04306 -95.87556
TEX00291025 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 17203 1991-06-29
United States, Texas, Smith, Ca. 0.5 mi W of Loop 323 at a point ca. 0.5 mi N of int CR 1159 and 1.2 mi S of int TX 31, north of Indian Creek and NE of Bellwood Lake, on SW side of Tyler; Tyler South 7.5' Quad., 32.32833 -95.35
TEX00291026 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges|Phil Sheriden 7187 1988-06-08
United States, Texas, Anderson, Ca. 1.0 mi due S of FM 2961, and 0.5 mi E of main road through Engeling WMA, Cayuga 7.5' Quad, Andrews Bog, Engeling Wildlife Managment Area., 31.97667 -95.87944
TEX00291027 H. B. Stenzel s.n. 1944-05-04
United States, Texas, Houston, Houston Co.
TEX00291028 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges|Phil Sheriden 7212 1988-06-09
United States, Texas, Angelina, SW of FS Rd 313 & 313A, N of Boykin Spring Lake and Recreation Area, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Bog, Angelina NF., 31.07 -94.27778
TEX00291029 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 5644 1987-08-12
United States, Texas, Sabine, East of Fox Hunters Hill, in valley of Shingle Branch, 0.5 mi N of FS Rd 113, 0.5 mi E of TX 87, Fairmount 7.5' Quad, Shingle Branch Bog., 31.18944 -93.72056
TEX00291030 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Mary S. Young s.n. 1914-01-01
United States, Texas, Walker, Nelson Creek, near Hunstville, Tex.
TEX00291031 Cyrus Longworth Lundell|Amelia A. Lundell 14150 1945-07-20
United States, Texas, Tyler, Along highway 69, south of Warren., 30.553781 -94.399838
TEX00291032 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8281 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Jasper, Ca. 1.4 mi W of FS Rd 313A from FS Rd 313, ESE of FS Rd 313A, on slopes above unnamed tributary draining S to Boykin Spring Lake, ca. 9.7 air mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF., 31.06917 -94.28028
TEX00291033 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8258 1988-08-25
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 2 mi E of TX 87 at a point 0.3 mi S of Sabine Co. line, on W side of valley of tributary N of Mill Creek, Fairmount 7.5' Quad., 31.16306 -93.70083
TEX00291034 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 17250 1991-07-13
United States, Texas, Hardin, On W side of US 69/287 ca. 4.5 mi N of jct. US 96, in Lumberton city limits, ca. 4 mi S of jct. TX 327, S of Kountze; Silsbee 7.5' Quad., 30.28222 -94.23333
TEX00325758 Fred A. Barkley 13026 1943-06-16
United States, Texas, Robertson, In bog near New Baden.
TEX00325759 Fred A. Barkley 13028 1943-06-16
United States, Texas, Robertson, In bog near New Baden.
TEX00325760 Fred A. Barkley 13550 1943-08-08
United States, Texas, Robertson, In bog near New Baden.
TEX00325761 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10334 1989-06-06
United States, Texas, Leon, SE of main road through Hilltop Lakes Resort, and 0.1 mi E of Cherokee Lake, along upper reaches of small tributary; Cherokee Lake Bog, Hilltop Lakes Resort, Hilltop Lakes 7.5' Quad., 31.075 -96.06667
TEX00325763 Larry E. Brown 20468 1997-05-22
United States, Texas, Leon, In a bog along c.r. 419 NE of intersection of hwy 977/39 Flynn which is W of Leona.
TEX00325766 Barbara R. MacRoberts|Michael H. MacRoberts 3562 1997-09-10
United States, Texas, Anderson, Chester's pitcher plant bog. North end of Engeling Wildlife Mgnt. Area, on Gibson Br, South of FM 2961 just down stream from Lake. Below small cabin marked on Cayuga, Tex. Quad Sheet.
TEX00325767 William R. Carr|David D. Diamond|S. Freeman|R. Dyskstra 10741 1990-08-02
United States, Texas, Anderson, At N fenceline, upper east fork of Siren Creek, NW 1/4 of Camp Bette Perot (Girl Scouts of America). Blackfoot Quadrangle., 31.93583 -95.75889
TEX00325768 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 7982 1988-08-16
United States, Texas, Henderson, Ca. 0.5 mi W of Black Lake and 0.9 mi W of Coon Creek Lake, 1.5 mi WSW of club headquarters, ca. 4 mi W of TX 19, 8 mi S of Athens, Coon Creek Lake 7.5' Quad, Black Lake Bog, Koon Kreek Klub., 32.07361 -95.86417
TEX00325770 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 871 1920-06-11
United States, Texas, Walker, Huntsville.
TEX00325772 Barbara R. MacRoberts|Michael H. MacRoberts 3879 1998-05-07
United States, Texas, Tyler, Turkey Creek Pitcher Plant Bog/Savanna. On Pitcher Plant Trail. Ca. 3.5 km south of FM 1943 on east side of Turkey Creek Unit. Big Thicket National Preserve.
TEX00325775 Eula Whitehouse s.n. 1931-06-10
United States, Texas, Jasper, Jasper.
TEX00325773 William R. Carr 17685 1998-07-07
United States, Texas, Jasper, N side of a tributary of Little Rocky Creek, ca. 100-300 ft. W of gas pipeline clearing through Temple Inland pine plantations, ca. 3.8 airmiles E of jct. US Rt. 96 and F.M. 1007 near Browndell. Harrisburg Quadrangle., 31.11056 -93.92528
TEX00457777 William R. Carr|Gill Clements|David Bezanson|Jason R. Singhurst 29175 2010-10-14
United States, Texas, Henderson, ca. 800 ft. E of St. Rt. 19, ca. 0.7 airmiles SSE of jct. St. Rt. 19 and road to Coon Creek Club., 32.08078 -95.80244
UTEP:Herb:65526 Collector(s): Alvin Roosevelt Diamond 13276 2002-06-09
United States, Alabama, Covington County, 1 mile N (by road) of Turkey Creek on dirt road, 31.4788888889 -86.5386111111
UTEP:Herb:64225 Collector(s): Stanley D. Jones 8913 1992-05-27
United States, Florida, Walton County, 1.4 miles NE on County Road 1087 from junction with United States Highway 331, S of Lakewood
00010147 Carolyne Gowdy 111 1973-06-21
United States, Texas, Tyler, 2 miles southeast of Warren, 30.591275 -94.384138
UVMVT304728 S.R. Hill 13289
United States, Georgia
UVMVT024113 Mohr, C. s.n. 1879-09-01
United States, Alabama, Mobile County
OSH0001572 Kral, R. 84953 1995-06-08
USA, Mississippi, Marion, by MS 35, 0.5mi S of Hurricane Creek., 31.094962 -89.828018
OSH0001573 Kral, R. 84915 1995-06-07
USA, Mississippi, Jackson, by I-10, just E of Franklin Creek Rd. exit, 30.478548 -88.415756
OSH0001574 Kral, R. 82741 1993-06-27
USA, Georgia, Worth, by US 82 and 1.3 mi W of Sumner, 31.512957 -83.760639
OSH0001575 Kral, R. 82973 1993-08-11
USA, North Carolina, Hoke, west part of Ft. Bragg; seeps along Moore county road, 35.310654 -79.481374
OSH0001576 Koch, Rudy G. 7775 1973-06-23
USA, Alabama, Mobile, Road to Point of Pines, ca. 22 mi. S. Mobile, 30.484013 -88.278144
OSH0001577 Kral, R. 80749 1992-05-28
USA, Georgia, Laurens, east of Eastman, 1-2 mi W junction GA 126, by GA 46, sandhills, 32.197673 -83.177651
OSH0001578 Kral, R. 83641 1994-07-04
USA, Georgia, Echols, by GA 94, 1 mi. W of Statenville, 30.703266 -83.044523
VSC0057942 Herbert Register 1972-05-22
United States, Georgia, Clinch County
VSC0057960 R. Kral 1974-06-24
United States, Florida, Gulf County
VSC0057953 R. Kral 1992-06-19
United States, Georgia, Turner County
VSC0057956 R. Kral 1991-06-28
United States, Alabama, Baldwin County
VSC0057964 A. E. Radford 1966-07-14
United States, North Carolina, Harnett County
VSC0057963 R. Kral 1992-08-13
United States, Mississippi, Jackson County
VSC0063978 Richard Carter 2013-06-20
U.S.A., Georgia, Colquitt, SW of Moultrie by Lower Meigs Rd, NW quadrant of jct. Lower Meigs Rd. and Tree Farm Rd, "The Hill", 31.12879 -83.84204
VSC0057945 R. Kral 1994-07-04
United States, Georgia, Echols County
VSC0057958 R. Kral 1991-07-22
United States, Florida, Bay County
VSC0057962 R. Kral 1992-08-11
United States, Mississippi, Greene County
VSC0057957 R. Kral 1992-07-15
United States, Alabama, Houston County
VSC0057943 R. Kral 1994-07-13
United States, Georgia, Coffee County
VSC0057936 R. Kral 1993-08-17
United States, Georgia, Appling County
VSC0057951 Beatrice Nevins 1941-05-26
United States, Georgia, Lowndes County
VSC0057938 Greg Flores 1975-05-28
United States, Georgia, Brooks County
VSC0001178 R. Kral 2004-06-06
United States, Georgia, Thomas County
VSC0057954 Wayne R. Faircloth 1967-05-06
United States, Georgia, Turner County
VSC0067253 Richard Carter 2014-06-17
U.S.A., Georgia, Coffee, Broxton Rocks Preserve, Ricketson Tract, 0.48 airmile WSW (bearing 248.72°) of right-angle bend in Mobley Rd., 31.74181 -82.84441
VSC0057961 R. Kral 1991-07-23
United States, Florida, Washington County
VSC0004354 R. Kral 2005-06-19
United States, Alabama, Washington
VSC0064112 Richard Carter 2013-07-18
U.S.A., Georgia, Colquitt, SW of Moultrie by Lower Meigs Rd, NW quadrant of jct. Lower Meigs Rd. and Tree Farm Rd, "The Hill", 31.13021 -83.83842
VSC0001219 R. Kral 2004-06-12
United States, Georgia, Thomas County
VSC0057940 Tad M. Zebryk 1992-05-27
United States, Georgia, Bryan County