Reid Moran 12508 1966-03-10
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Canyon mouth, La Bocana, 28.48199 -113.37351, 250m
Reid Moran 12537 1966-03-11
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Arroyo San Pedro, near San Pedro, 28.4735 -113.39414, 350m
Daniel Cleveland s.n. 1883-12-26
United States, California, San Diego, Mission Valley, San Diego, 32.77479 -117.13217
Reid Moran 16450 1969-07-26
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez; west shore Laguna Hanson, 32.0477 -115.91106, 1600m
Reid Moran 16624 1969-09-20
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez; edge of dry laguna, 1.5 miles SE of San Faustino, 32.2 -116.15, 1300m
Reid Moran 18498 1971-09-18
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez; Arroyo los Chivos, 3 miles north of Rancho Casa Verde, 32.1 -116.0833, 1325m
Reid Moran 20365 1973-04-08
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sauzalito No. 2, on shore of aguaje, 30.1 -115.36667, 325m
Reid Moran 20120 1973-02-14
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Arroyo San Juan, pond, 26.43333 -112.73333, 30m
Reid Moran 23692 1976-08-01
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez; 2 km WNW of La Tableta, 31.825 -115.88333, 1575m
Reid Moran 24346 1977-07-24
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez, 31.99167 -115.85, 1600m
SDSU19559 Michael G. Simpson 3246 2010-05-19
United States, California, San Diego, Lake Murray, southeast edge along cove southeast of main picnic area, Mission Trails Regional Park, San Diego., 32.78415 -117.03949, 164m
7190 D.S. Starks 149 1972-07-04
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa R 4 mi SE of Wickenburg
SJNM-V-0065804 Swinney, R.G. 9793 2008-11-07
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Valley/San Gabriel Mountains. Glen Helen Regional Park. Marsh to the west of the fishing lakes., 34.2047222 -117.4044444, 978m
SJNM-V-0065802 Heil, Kenneth D. 32504 2010-05-31
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Rancho Del Rio. Ca 7 miles northeast of US 180. Private Land. Collections along the Mimbres River., 32.5862833333 -107.9215333333, 1536m
SJNM-V-0065803 Heil, Kenneth D. 21978 2003-06-25
United States, Utah, San Juan, Chinle Wash N of Arizona ca. 6/10 mi., 37.0111111 -109.7055556
SJNM-V-0065800 Heil, Kenneth D. 31846 2009-09-15
United States, New Mexico, Guadalupe, Santa Rosa Lake State Park. East Campground Area. Trail from campground to lake., 35.0310666667 -104.6785833333, 1433m
SJNM-V-0065799 Heil, Kenneth D. 31286 2009-07-22
United States, New Mexico, De Baca, Sumner Lake State Park. West side near main boat ramp. Collections near the primitive camping area., 34.6176333333 -104.3905, 1301m
SJNM-V-0065801 Heil, Kenneth D. 32480 2010-05-29
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, County Road A027, BLM Road into the Lower Gila Box. Ca 4.6 miles northwest of Fuller Road. Gila Lower Box National Recreation Area. Collections from parking area to the Gila River and a dry canyon to the north., 32.63215 -108.8544, 1158m
28530 S. A. Junak w/ S. Chaney SR 834 1998-08-31
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: W end of island in Pocket Field, 33.9868 -120.2023
108370 D. Wilken w/ K. Chess 15240 1996-07-27
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: lower section of W branch of upper Arlington Cyn, 33.9732 -120.1418, 150m
79134 Ralph Hoffmann 1929-04-14
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island, 33.9773 -120.0896
112028 S. A. Junak SR 758 1998-08-18
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: E fork of Wreck Cyn, ca. 1 mi inland from beach, 33.928 -120.063
102490 M. Daily SR223 1979-05-06
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: ca. 200 yds N of the rd as it crosses Lobos Cyn, 34.0033 -120.0913
107206 S. A. Junak SR 800 1998-08-20
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: main fork of San Augustin Cyn, 33.932 -120.046
115804 S. Chaney 1999-07-07
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: Soledad sag pond on ridge between Verde and Soledad Cyns, 33.973 -120.11
43380 M. B. Dunkle 8430 1939-08-05
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: Water Cyn, 33.9854 -120.0504
79135 Ralph Hoffmann 1930-12-06
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: Water Cyn, 1.5 mi inland, 33.9795 -120.0506
117075 S. Chaney SC98109 1998-08-19
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: probably upper San Augustin Cyn, (possibly upper Jolla Vieja), 33.945 -120.062
117369 David Keil 1996-05-07
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: Lobos Cyn, 34.001 -120.0885
119675 E. Painter, M. Wetherwax CR303 2002-05-07
United States, California, Monterey, Camp Roberts; Salinas River, near installation boundary, ca. 1.5 km E of Bradley; Camp Roberts, 35.858 -120.782, 139m
6611 Henry M. Pollard 1952-06-15
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Hope Ranch Lake (Laguna Blanca), Santa Barbara, 34.431 -119.7599
6612 Clifton F. Smith 1952-09-02
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Laguna Blanca (Hope Ranch Lake), Santa Barbara, 34.4337 -119.759
70559 Ralph Hoffmann 1927-10-14
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria River, 34.99 -120.433
84797 Henry M. Pollard 1952-06-16
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Stow Lake area, Goleta, 34.443 -119.848
70558 Ralph Hoffmann 1928-07-27
United States, California, Santa Barbara, 8 mi from Lompoc, 34.722 -120.519
70560 Mabel M. Miles 1886-01-00
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County
70561 Ralph Hoffmann 1927-09-15
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez River, 34.589 -120.0304
84799 Henry M. Pollard 1952-06-15
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Hope Ranch Lake (Laguna Blanca), Hope Ranch Park, Santa Barbara, 34.431 -119.7599
70562 J. Hopkins 1952-09-05
United States, California, Santa Barbara, N end of Hope Ranch Lake, 34.4337 -119.7601
54809 R. J. Rodin 6350 1959-05-26
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, south end ofMorro Bay near sand dunes, 35.32138889 -120.8661111
84798 Clifton F. Smith 3780 1952-09-02
United States, California, Santa Barbara, N end of Laguna Blanca, Hope Ranch Park, Santa Barbara, 34.4337 -119.759
34869 Mrs. R. W. Summers 1885-09-02
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County
52550 R. Zembal 1977-06-04
United States, California, Ventura, Pacific Missile Test Center: dune margin, E arm, above tidal debris on the marsh side of the E sand spit 1500 ft W of Firing Range, 34.094 -119.071
16912 M. A. Piehl 1963-05-15
United States, California, Santa Barbara, W shore of Stowe Ranch Lake, W of Santa Barbara, 34.444 -119.851
6610 Clare B. Hardham 3855 1958-09-19
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Atascadero Crk, 35.483 -120.671
16130 Ernest C. Twisselmann 7704 1962-08-25
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Grant's Lake, Temblor Range, 35.598 -120.151
95317 E. Wise 1072 1981-09-01
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Turri Rd, 2.4 mi W of Los Osos Valley Road, 35.3251 -120.7889
38979 Henry M. Pollard 1959-08-31
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Las Positas Rd N of Veronica Springs, Santa Barbara, 34.4144 -119.74
101693 S. Boyd, T. Ross 6355 1991-06-14
United States, California, Riverside, Warm Springs Crk at the NE end of Hogbacks ridge, from Alamos Rd S to confluence W/Adobe Spring tributary, 2-3 mi NW of Murrieta Hot Springs, 33.59 -117.141
30080 Donald Myrick 1930 1968-05-27
United States, California, Santa Barbara, San Rafael Mtns: just below Zaca Lake, 34.777 -120.043, 701m
121026 R. Burgess 2863 1998-05-30
United States, California, Ventura, McGrath State Beach, between McGrath Lake and Harbor Blvd, Oxnard, 34.213 -119.252, 6m
110577 E. Neese, E. Painter HL2206 1995-10-24
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett: 0.1 km NE of San Antonio River channel, ca. 2.5 km NNW of Quail Top, SE of jct of Tule and Sam Jones rds; Ft Hunter Liggett, 35.912 -121.13, 250m
121008 R. Burgess 2815 1998-05-10
United States, California, Ventura, McGrath State Beach, between McGrath Lake and Harbor Blvd, Oxnard, 34.213 -119.252, 6m
125554 E. Painter, E. Neese HL2112 1995-08-21
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett: near N end of San Antonio Reservoir, ca. 1.5 km ESE of mouth of McGowan Cyn, ca. 2 km E of confluence of Deer Crk and San Antonio River; Ft Hunter Liggett, 35.892 -121.0367, 240m
125738 R. Burgess 4723 2001-06-11
United States, California, Ventura, MandalayBeach Park, adjacent to Harbor Boulevard, Oxnard, 34.2011 -119.2475, 3m
127312 David Keil 25711 1995-08-29
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Burton Mesa: Vandenberg Air Force Base; agricultural field on N side of Terra Rd at jct with 13th St; Vandenberg Air Force Base, 34.6845 -120.5468
SBBG179618 S. Khalsa 2013-04-10
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: vernal pool, horse pond side drainage into Lobos Cyn, 34.003 -120.091
133051 David Keil 30648 2009-10-10
United States, California, Monterey, vicinity of South Shore Cmpgrd, San Antonio Lake, 35.82 -120.95, 240m
SBBG179529 S. A. Junak SR 528 1992-09-02
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island: lower portion of Water Cyn, just downstream from rd crossing, 33.9932 -120.0407
82064 A. C. Sanders 5835 1985-06-30
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Aravaipa Cyn, ca. 15 mi (airline) NE of Mammoth, ca. 1 mi beyond the end of the rd 11 mi NE of Hwy 77, near Brandenburg Mtn110deg 35' W, 32 deg 50' N, 32.83333 -110.58333, 762m
53485 Reid Moran 27858 1979-07-21
Mexico, Baja California, coastal terrace 4 km ESE of Erendira, 31.2667 -116.3333, 140m
00009 Roger Peterson 98-657 1998-09-10
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Rocky Arroyo 4.7 road-mi on NW 137 W of US 285, 1040m
00010 Roger Peterson 89-249 1989-08-08
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. Irrigation ditch near north end of refuge, 1/4 mile east of NM 1, 1372m
Calibrachoa parviflora (Petunia parviflora)
SELU0007440 Glen N. Montz 8702 1997-05-22
United States, Louisiana, Saint James, At St. James Boat Club along hwy 61 at Blind River.
SELU0007442 Glen N. Montz 7801 1995-06-11
United States, Louisiana, Tangipahoa, Southeastern Louisiana University campus, uncommon on large pile of dirt from excavation of extended parking lot near SLU Coliseum near Virginia Av, Hammond
SELU0007443 Glen N. Montz 7887 1995-07-27
United States, Louisiana, Terrebonne, at Corps of Engineers facility at Houma Airport along Aviation Road, Houma, LA
SELU0007445 Glen N. Montz 6496 1994-03-10
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu, common at Calcasieu Lock on old spoilbank, about 12 miles south of Lake Charles, LA, along GIWW
SELU0007446 Glen N. Montz 6556 1994-04-05
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu, West end of Calcasieu Lock, Corps of Engineers facility, on GIWW, about 18 miles south of Lake Charles, LA
SELU0007447 Glen N. Montz 6854 1994-07-27
United States, Louisiana, Terrebonne, at Houma Airport near Corps of Engineers facility, Houma, LA
SELU0007448 Cecil Slaughter no 4766 1994-05-18
United States, Louisiana, Saint Tammany, Pine forest next to East Perimeter Road, East of Engineer Road and North of Infantry Road. (Sec. 28; R14; T8S)
SELU0007449 Glen N. Montz 3328 1975-06-01
United States, Louisiana, Saint Charles, Ormond subdivision, Destrehan, La.
SIU070127 Thomas, R. D. 54628 & 3481 1978-05-31
United States, Louisiana
SIU070125 Reverchon, J. 689 1885-07-00
United States, Texas
SIU070126 Thomas, R. D. 28261 1972-04-21
United States, Louisiana
SIM0017133 Unknown s.n.
United States, Wyoming, Unknown
00001612 Patricia Manning 8000 2015-05-22
USA, Texas, Presidio, Alamito Creek Preserve of the Dixon Water Foundation. Just upstream from Hwy 169 bridge., 29.885817 -104.02055, 1156m
00004630 Patricia Manning 8072 2016-07-18
USA, Texas, Presidio, Naegle Springs, south Presidio county, ca. 4 mi NNW of Ruidosa, TX. In a wide, shallow, mucky "cienaga" downstream of dirt holding tank associated with the actual spring., 30.22456 -104.6997, 945m
00075778 Billie Lee Turner 1293 1949-07-16
United States, Texas, El Paso, El Paso city limits., 1158m
00075779 Barton N. Warnock 6621 1947-07-27
United States, Texas, Presidio, Below Presidio. At mouth of Alamito Creek., 762m
00075780 Barton H. Warnock 99 1988-08-09
United States, Texas, Presidio, West side of Chinati Mountains. In right branch (Segundo Pinto canyon) of San Antonio Canyon., 1311m
00075781 M. K. Terry 661 2009-02-28
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mountains State Natural Area. Indian Springs drainage. Trail head at Texas Parks and Wildlife Department parking area., 29.890528 -104.562083, 1012m
00075782 M. K. Terry 665 2009-02-28
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mountains State Natural Area. Indian Springs drainage. Trail head at Texas Parks and Wildlife Department parking area., 29.890528 -104.562083, 1012m
00075783 M. K. Terry 684 2009-04-04
United States, Texas, Presidio, Southwest of Indian Springs head. Chinati M. S. N. A, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Parking Area., 29.885583 -104.567417, 1012m
00075784 Barton H. Warnock 440 1984-09-18
United States, Texas, Presidio, In Leon Pasture with 1500 acres., 1402m
00075785 Barton H. Warnock s.n. 1957-04-28
United States, Texas, Presidio, Capote Canyon., 899m
00075786 Emily J. Lott 4883 2004-04-20
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mountains State Natural Area, western part. To the south of Sierra Parda. Uppermost pool of Indian Spring., 29.891389 -104.557778, 1006m
00075787 Emily J. Lott 4902 2004-04-20
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mountains State Natural Area, western part. South of Sierra Parda. Lower portion of Indian Spring Canyon., 29.8875 -104.564167, 998m
00075788 Emily J. Lott 5386 2004-09-20
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mountains State Natural Area. San Antonio Canyon, right (E) fork. Looking west into Cinco de Mayo Canyon., 29.910833 -104.481667, 1294m
00075789 Patricia Manning 3680 2006-11-19
United States, Texas, Presidio, 20 miles south of Marfa on Highway 67. Within 1 to 2 miles southeast of Fort. Cibollo Creek Ranch. In Cibollo Creek bed.
00075790 James F. Scudday 304 1964-05-02
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mountains, Ireneo Gonzales Ranch.
00075791 L. C. Hinckley 2372 1942-02-14
United States, Texas, Presidio, Creek below Alamo.
00075792 Barton H. Warnock 24018 1979-03-23
United States, Texas, Presidio, Above Redford.
00075793 L. C. Hinckley 1870 1941-07-01
United States, Texas, Presidio, West side of Sierra Tierra Vieja, at Nixon Spring.
00075794 B. L. Turner 23-249 2003-08-27
United States, Texas, Presidio, 2 miles north-north-east of Ruidosa, in 'Blumberg Canyon'., 30 -104
00075795 M. K. Terry 842 2009-08-14
United States, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mountains State Natural Area., 1287m
00075796 A. Michael Powell 5914 1993-03-07
United States, Texas, Brewster, Big Bend National Park (R.M. 834.2). Cross Canyon at Mariscal Canyon. Bank of the Rio Grande., 610m
00075797 Barton H. Warnock 12934 1955-08-17
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mountains. Big Bend National Park, at Oak Spring, below the window., 1219m
00075798 S. C. Bartel 87 2000-06-12
United States, Texas, Brewster, Big Bend National Park. Desert Spring.
00075799 S. C. Bartel 311 2001-03-16
United States, Texas, Brewster, Big Bend National Park, Desert Spring.
00075800 C. H. Muller s.n. 1932-07-17
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mountains, Oak Canyon.