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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Nevada
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-61 of 61

Intermountain Herbarium (Vasc. & Algae)

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00167129Arthur H. Holmgren   70761947-08-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range; Above middle fork of Pine Creek., 3048m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00082173Arthur H. Holmgren   70761947-08-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range; Above middle fork of Pine Creek., 3048m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00212938FJ Smith    30611989-06-08
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Ruby Mountains west of Sherman Mountain, 2560m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00212939FJ Smith    30681989-06-10
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Ruby Mountains vicinity of Willow Creek, 2414m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00167133Arthur H. Holmgren   70761947-08-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range; Above middle fork of Pine Creek., 3048m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00256196S. Goodrich   128561979-06-25
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range, Summit Creek, 37.5 miles, 196 degrees from Austin., 38.975 -117.263889, 2332m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00149719Noel H. Holmgren   86441977-07-21
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range, prominence overlooking broad tabletop above cirque at head of Middle Fork of Pine Creek., 38.775626 -116.934411, 30m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00167848A. Tiehm   61371980-07-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, Shoshone Mts, near the junction of the north and south forks of Bartlett Creek., 39.095885 -117.498398, 2347m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00082175Bassett Maguire   258141945-07-16
United States, Nevada, Nye, Frequent rock prominence, alpine ridge summit about Pine Creek basin, Toquima Range, 3506m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00082152B. Maguire   258291945-07-17
United States, Nevada, Nye, Above Pine Creek Basin, Toquima Range., 3475m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00240943Noel H. Holmgren, Patricia K. Holmgren   108471985-06-11
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range, west slope of peak just north of Ophir Summit, 23.5 km (14.5 mi) air distance east (90 degrees) of Ione., 38.9497 -117.3186, 3110m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00159005Sherel Goodrich   121781978-08-11
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe N. F.; Toiyabe Range; crest of the range at the divide between Wisconsin Cr. and New York Cr., 3200m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UTC00160621Sherel Goodrich   119701978-07-27
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe National Forest, Toiyabe Range, head of Left Fork of San Juan Creek., 39.08 -117.23, 3048m

New Mexico State University Herbarium

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
76342M.D. Windham   21862000-06-08
United States, Nevada, Nye, Near crest of the Toiyabe Range at head of Last Chance Creek ca. 1.02 km NW of the summit (10895) of South Toiyabe Peak, 38.9275 -117.3131, 3063m

Charles Maurer Herbarium at Colorado State University

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
158623collectors: S. Goodrich   1979-06-25
United States, Nevada, Nye County, Toiyabe National Forest, Toiyabe Range, Summit Cr, 37.5 mi. 196 degrees from Austin., 38.97 -117.26, 2332m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
158624collectors: Bassett Maguire Arthur H. Holmgren   258141945-07-16
United States, Nevada, Nye County, Summit above Pine Creek basin, Toquima Range, 3444m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
158626collectors: Arthur H. Holmgren Cecil Ballenger   70761947-08-04
United States, Nevada, Nye County, Above middle fork of Pine Creek, Toquima Range., 3048m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189395S. Goodrich   122601978-08-11
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toiyabe Range; along the crest of the range above Tierney Cr., 39.07 -117.25

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189368A. Tiehm   61371980-07-04
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Shoshone Mts, near the junction of the north and south forks of Bartlett Creek., 2347m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
746913N. H. Holmgren   108471985-06-11
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toiyabe Range, west slope of peak just north of Ophir Summit, 23.5 km (14.5 mi) air distance east (90°) of Ione, 38.95 -117.32, 3110m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189396S. Goodrich   119701978-07-27
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toiyabe National Forest, Toiyabe Range, head of Left Fork of San Juan Creek., 39.08 -117.23, 3048m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189367S. Goodrich   1979-06-25
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toiyabe Range, Summit Cr. 37 mi. 195 deg. from Austin., 38.9753 -117.2561, 2256m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189371B. Maguire   258141945-07-16
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Above Pine Creek basin, Toquima Range., 3444m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189393R. C. Rollins   792291979-06-13
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Ophir Summit, Toiyabe Mts.

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
696222J. D. Morefield   57491995-07-14
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toiyabe Range: west slope of hill 10715 about 0.15 mile W of its summit, headwaters of Crane Canyon along the Toiyabe Crest Trail about 0.4 mile N19°E of Ophir Summit, 38.95166667 -117.3152778, 3127m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189391N. H. Holmgren   86441977-07-21
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toquima Range, Mt. Jefferson, behind head of middle fork of Pine Creek., 38.78 -116.93, 3360m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189369N. H. Holmgren   89641978-06-16
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toquima Range, Mount Jefferson, just above the head of the right fork of South Fork Pine Creek, 38.78 -116.93, 3410m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189370S. Goodrich   133511979-07-11
United States of America, Nevada, Lander Co., Toiyabe N. F. Toiyabe Range, Kingston Cr. 19 mi. & 191 deg. from Austin., 39.2175 -117.1311, 2195m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189397A. Tiehm   88961984-07-04
United States of America, Nevada, Pershing Co., West Humboldt Mts, head of Star Canyon on the east side of the range., 40.55 -118.18, 2835m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189398F. Smith   30611989-06-08
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Ruby Mountains, west of Sherman Mountain., 40.12 -115.62, 2560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
185683A. H. Holmgren   70761947-08-04
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Above middle fork of Pine Creek, Toquima Range, 3048m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189392B. Maguire   258291945-07-17
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Above Pine Creek Basin, Toquima Range., 3475m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189394S. Goodrich   128561979-06-25
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toiyabe N. F. Toiyabe Range, Summit Cr. 37.5 mi. 196 deg. from Austin., 38.975 -117.2639, 2332m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
189372A. Tiehm   117481988-06-15
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Jackson Mountains, King Lear Peak, southeast side of the Peak., 2682m

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
243443Arthur H. Holmgren, Cecil Ballenger   70761947-08-04
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Above middle fork of Pine Creek, Toquima Range., 3049m

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0001573Arthur H. Holmgren   70761947-08-04
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range.

Missouri Botanical Garden

100291718Arthur H. Holmgren   70761947-08-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, Locally frequent, crevices of rocks in rocky prominence above middle ford of Pine Creek, Toquima Range., 3048m

University of Nevada Herbarium

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N. Holmgren
10923J. Robertson   s.n.1979-06-28
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe NF, Monitor District, Hunt's Canyon allotment, Monitor Range, E side of main canyon above Hunt's canyon guard station., 38.435887 -116.780709, 2256 - 2286m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
18961A. Tiehm   61371980-07-04
USA, Nevada, Nye, Shoshone Mts, near the junction of the north and south forks of Bartlett Creek., 39.095885 -117.498398, 2347m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
18962R.C. Rollins   792291979-06-13
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Mountains, near Ophir Summit., 38.946221 -117.318132

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
18963S. Goodrich   116901978-06-30
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range, crest of the range at Ophir Pass., 38.9497 -117.3186

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
18964N.H. Holmgren   108471985-06-11
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range, W slope of peak just N of Ophir Summit, 23.5 km (14.5 miles) air distance E (90 degrees) of Ione., 38.948599 -117.319244, 3110m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
18965M.J. Williams   78-2391978-07-24
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Mountains, Ophir Ridge., 38.950768 -117.316154, 3231m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
18966S. Goodrich   121601978-08-11
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range, along the crest of the range above Tierney Creek., 39.080114 -117.237102

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
18967S. Goodrich   128561979-06-25
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range, Summit Creek, 37.5 miles, 196 degrees from Austin., 38.975 -117.263889, 2332m

Nevada holmgrenii Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
18968B. Maguire   258141945-07-16
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range, alpine ridge summit above Pine Creek basin, 38.777433 -116.926299, 91m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
18969N.H. Holmgren   86441977-07-21
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range, prominence overlooking broad tabletop above cirque at head of Middle Fork of Pine Creek., 38.775626 -116.934411, 30m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H. Holmgren
18970S. Goodrich   116761978-06-30
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range, crest of the range at Ophir Pass., 38.9497 -117.3186, 3109 - 3231m

Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
107797G.L. Clifton   81821981-06-14
USA, Nevada, Elko, [Ruby Mountains foothills,] near Campground Canyon., 40.174722 -115.498611, 1950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
9781A.H. Holmgren   70761947-08-04
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range, above Middle Fork Pine Creek., 38.790801 -116.929317

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren
UT0067282Windham, Michael Dennis   21862000-06-08
United States, Nevada, Nye, Near crest of the Toiyabe Range at head of Last Chance Creek ca. 1.02 km NW of the summit (10895) of South Toiyabe Peak. Lat.: 38 deg. 55'39''N Long.: 117 deg. 18'47''W (WGS84 Datum)., 3063m

Oregon State University

Image Associated With the Occurence
OSC0001402Arthur H. Holmgren; Arthur E. Holmgren, Cecil Ballenger   70761947-08-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, above middle fork of Pine Creek, Toquima Range., 3048m

Delaware State University, Claude E. Phillips Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Nevada

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00371011Arthur H. Holmgren|Cecil Ballenger   70761947-08-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range, rocky prominence above middle fork of Pine Creek.

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Nevada, Nye

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Bassett Maguire   258141945-07-16
United States, Nevada, Nye, Frequent rock prominence, alpine ridge summit about Pine Creek basin, Toquima Range, 3506m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0002004A. H. Holmgren   70761947-08-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range, rocky prominence above middle fork of Pine Creek., 3049m

College of Southern Nevada; Wesley E. Niles Herbarium

62839A.H. Holmgren   70761947-08-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range; Pine Creek, above middle fork of Pine Creek, 38.791479 -116.902501, 3049m

Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
203120Holmgren, Arthur H.   70761947-08-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, Crevices of rocks in rocky prominence above middle fork of Pine Creek, Toquima Range., 38.94083 -116.835, 3048m

Nevada State Museum Herbarium

PLA G 0000516 G   

PLA G 0006820 G   

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