BRYV0120289 N. Duane Atwood 13963 1990-07-17
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, Tony Grove, Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Cache Rd, steep cliff area wi side of upper end Tony Grove Lake., 41.86197 -111.60534, 2500m
BRYV0120288 K. Thorne 3351 1984-07-28
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, In Logan Canyon, at Tony Grove Lake., 41.89897 -111.65355, 2560m
BRYV0120285 Bassett Maguire 21563 1942-06-27
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, Bear River Range, Tony Grove., 2499m
BRYV0120284 Betsy Neely 388 1981-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, Bear River Range, Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Smithfield Canyon, above Summit Creek, 1 mi. east of The Grotto., 41.89831 -111.67267, 2195m
BRYV0120283 Reed C. Rollins 81335 1981-06-16
U.S.A., Utah, Rich, A few miles southwest of Garden City., 2377m
BRYV0120282 Reed C. Rollins 79309 1979-06-22
U.S.A., Utah, Rich, High ridge in Wasatch Range, 6 miles W of Garden city and Bear Lake, off U.S. Hwy. 89.
BRYV0120281 Reed C. Rollins 81341 1981-06-17
U.S.A., Utah, Rich, Rocky area near Utah State Hwy. 39, 29.8 miles east of Huntsville between Woodruff and Huntsville.
BRYV0120280 Noel H. Holmgren 15296 2005-08-09
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, Bear River Range, second bench above and southwest of Tony Grove Lake., 41.88805 -111.64888, 2640m
BRYV0120293 Reed C. Rollins 81331 1981-06-16
U.S.A., Idaho, Bear Lake, Near Paris Canyon Road, 11 miles west of Paris.
BRYV0120292 Reed C. Rollins 81326 1981-06-16
U.S.A., Idaho, Bear Lake, Near Paris Ice Cave, 10 miles west of Paris.
BRYV0120291 Reed C. Rollins 8685 1986-06-23
U.S.A., Idaho, Bear Lake, Near the Paris Ice Cave, west of Paris.
BRYV0120290 Noel H. Holmgren 15589 2007-06-14
U.S.A., Idaho, Bear Lake, Bear River Ranger, Copenhagen Basin Road, just beyond a switchback, near the Franklin County line., 42.35833 -111.55472, 2320m
BRYV0120287 R. S. Snell s.n. 1937-06-23
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, Summit of Mt. Logan.
BRYV0120286 L. Greenwood s.n. 1978-06-25
U.S.A., Utah, Weber, Powder Mtn ski resort.
BRYV0276852 Leila M. Shultz 22554 2020-07-19
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, Bear River Range, N Wasatch Mountains, west of road between Millville Peak and Mt. Logan., 41.7005 -111.7051, 2713m
BRYV0276844 Leila M. Shultz s.n. 2020-07-30
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, Along trail to White Pine Lake, above Tony Grove Lake., 41.89865 -111.64244, 2495m
BRYV0300759 G. L. Clifton 50315 2010-07-05
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, Red Spur Mtn. Rock Creek., 2256m
RSA0604133 Leila M. Shultz 22769 2021-07-10
United States, Utah, Cache, Bear River Range of the northern Wasatch Mountains, trail from Tony Grove Lake to Mt. Naomi., 41.902793 -111.644201, 2524 - 2600m
CM362988 Rollins, R.C. 79309 1979-06-22
United States, Utah, Rich, Wasatch Range, 6 mi W of Garden City & Bear Lake, off US 89
197768 D. L. Denham & M. L. Denham 83021 1983-06-23
United States, Utah, Cache, Open rocky hillside ca. 3 miles below the summit of U.S. 89 near the Rich County line.
00019313 B. Maguire 16030 1938-08-04
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, Vic. of Tony Grove Lake, 8300 feet, 2529m
01687658 [data not captured]
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake County, [data not captured]
01687659 [data not captured]
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake County, [data not captured]
01687660 [data not captured]
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake County, [data not captured]
01687661 K. H. Thorne, J. Chandler, B. Franklin 3351 1984-07-28
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, T13N, R3E, Sec 6, in Logan Cyn, at Tony Grove Lake, 2560m
01687662 M. J. Williams 82-293-1 1982-07-09
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, Cache National Forest, E of Summit on Hwy 39, near Monte Cristo Campground. T 8 N, R 4 E, ca Sec. 3, 2438m
01687663 B. Maguire 13944 1936-07-03
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, vic. Tony Grove Lake, 2499m
01687664 A. H. Holmgren 3596 1944-07-30
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, summit between Tony Gove Lake and Mt. Naomi, Bear River Range
01687665 S. S. Tillett 273 1953-07-23
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, peak directly south of Mt. Naomi, 152m
01687666 S. S. Tillett [data not captured] 199 1953-07-02
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, west side of Tony Grove Lake
01687667 B. Maguire 21563 1942-06-27
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, Bear River Range, Tony Grove; above Lake, 2499m
01687668 B. Maguire 20362 1934-05-20
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, Spring Hollow, 2286m
01687669 A. H. Holmgren [data not captured] 8,152 1950-07-27
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, south of Tony Lake, Bear River Range
01687670 R. C. Rollins & K. W. Rollins 79309 1979-06-22
United States of America, Utah, Rich County, High ridge in Wasatch Range, 6 miles W of Garden City and Bear Lake, off U.S. Hwy. 89
01687671 R. C. Rollins & K. W. Rollins 81341 1981-06-17
United States of America, Utah, Rich County, near Utah State Hwy. 39, 29.8 miles east of Huntsville between Woodruff and Huntsville
01687672 R. C. Rollins & K. W. Rollins 81335 1981-06-16
United States of America, Utah, Rich County, a few miles southwest of Garden City, 244m
01687673 E. B. Payson & G. M. Armstrong 3466 1923-07-11
United States of America, Wyoming, Lincoln County, Sheep Mountain (Ferry Peak), Snake River Range, near Alpine
01783393 L. M. Shultz American Penstemon Society excursion 22769 2021-07-10
United States of America, Utah, Cache County, Bear River Range of the northern Wasatch Mountains, trail from Tony Grove Lake to Mt. Naomi., 41.902783 -111.644201, 2524 - 2600m
UTC00006890 Charles Piper Smith 2248 1910-07-04
United States, Utah, Cache, Logan Peak proper., 3048m
UTC00006893 Bassett Maguire 186 1931-08-31
United States, Utah, Cache, Logan Peak., 2957m
UTC00006894 Charles Piper Smith 2244 1910-07-04
United States, Utah, Cache, Mount Logan ridge one mile east of Baldy Peak.
UTC00045204 Bassett Maguire 13685 1936-05-14
United States, Utah, Cache, 9 miles up Smithfield Canyon., 1829m
UTC00045205 Bassett Maguire; Dean A. Hobson; Ruth A. Maguire. 14183 1936-07-20
United States, Utah, Cache, Summit Mount Naomi.
UTC00045206 Bassett Maguire 13681 1936-06-14
United States, Utah, Cache, 10 miles up Smithfield Canyon., 1829m
UTC00045207 Bassett Maguire 20362 1934-05-20
United States, Utah, Cache, Spring Hollow., 2286m
UTC00045208 Bassett Maguire 20363 1934-06-03
United States, Utah, Cache, East slope of Naomi Peak.
UTC00045209 Bassett Maguire 20364 1934-05-20
United States, Utah, Cache, Mount Logan., 2286m
UTC00045227 Bassett Maguire 13944 1936-07-03
United States, Utah, Cache, Vicinity of Tony Grove., 2499m
UTC00065767 Arthur H. Holmgren 3596 1944-07-30
United States, Utah, Cache, Summit between Tony Grove Lake and Mount Naomi Bear River Range.
UTC00078879 Arthur H. Holmgren 7008 1947-07-05
United States, Utah, Cache, South of White Pine Lake Bear River Range.
UTC00082153 Arthur H. Holmgren 7008 1947-07-05
United States, Utah, Cache, South of White Pine Lake Bear River Range.
UTC00089041 A.H. Holmgren; Clyde Biddulph 8152 1962-07-07
United States, Utah, Cache, South of Tony Lake Bear River Range.
UTC00089042 Stephen S. Tillett 310 1953-07-25
United States, Utah, Cache, Mount Naomi., 2896m
UTC00089043 Stephen S. Tillett 273 1953-07-23
United States, Utah, Cache, Peak directly south of Mount Naomi., 2896m
UTC00089044 Stephen S. Tillett; Dan Crockett 199 1953-07-02
United States, Utah, Cache, West side of Tony Grove Lake.
UTC00100030 Noel H. Holmgren 204 1962-07-07
United States, Utah, Cache, Top of Mount Logan., 2961m
UTC00103689 Bassett Maguire 21563 1942-06-27
United States, Utah, Cache, Bear River Range Tony Grove., 2499m
UTC00109468 Eugene H. Cronin 1964-06-18
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Cumberland Mts.; Bear River Divide., 41.5977778 -110.9141667, 2530m
UTC00113325 Stephen L. Clark 552 1966-06-16
United States, Utah, Davis, On Bountiful Peak., 2780m
UTC00129813 Winona Cardon 1938-06-19
United States, Utah, Cache, Monte Cristo Peak.
UTC00133599 R.S. Snell 1937-06-23
United States, Utah, Cache, Summit of Mount Logan.
UTC00144603 Peter Beedlow 1975-07-24
United States, Utah, Cache, Near Tony Grove Lake upper drainage in cirque area., 2499m
UTC00165751 Mary E. Barkworth; J. Wood; A. Anderson. 2611 1980-06-13
United States, Utah, Cache, East of Tony Grove.
UTC00174200 Betsy Neely 371 1981-06-20
United States, Utah, Cache, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Bear River Range ridge west of Steam Mill Peak north of Steam Mill Canyon., 2688m
UTC00174205 Betsy Neely 376 1981-06-20
United States, Utah, Cache, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Bear River Range ridge west of Steam Mill Peak north of Steam Mill Canyon., 2688m
UTC00175572 Eugene H. Cronin 1964-06-18
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Cumberland Mts.; Bear River Divide., 41.5977778 -110.9141667, 2530m
UTC00176902 S. Goodrich; D. Atwood 17079 1982-06-21
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Sawtooth National Forest ; 4.5 miles southeast of Yost Raft River Mountains., 2560m
UTC00177610 Richard J. Shaw 3100 1982-09-21
United States, Utah, Cache, 300 feet below Mount Naomi summit 200 yards north of summit. Along trail., 2957m
UTC00238183 Elizabeth Johnson 010401 13 Code: 00238183 2004-06-20
United States, Utah, Cache, Approximately 8 miles east of Richmond, UT. Above Steam Mill Canyon.
UTC00240263 Noel H. Holmgren 13645 1999-08-04
United States, Utah, Cache, Wasatch Range; Bear River Range, trail to White Pine Lake, 2.3 km (1.4 mi) north of Tony Grove Lake., 41.9130556 -111.6361111, 2620m
UTC00240264 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 13662 1999-08-17
United States, Utah, Cache, Wasatch Range; Bear River Range, Logan Canyon, in the notch just east of the highest point of Naomi Peak., 41.9113889 -111.675, 3040m
UTC00240265 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmren 13663 1999-08-17
United States, Utah, Cache, Wasatch Range; Bear River Range, Logan Canyon, head of Tony Grove Creek drainage, near the trail to Naomi Peak., 41.9130556 -111.6722222, 2955m
UTC00240266 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 13664 1999-08-17
United States, Utah, Cache, Wasatch Range; Bear River Range, Logan Canyon, head of Tony Grove Creek drainage, near the trail to Naomi Peak., 41.9091667 -111.6722222, 2775m
UTC00240267 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 14371 2001-07-02
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, Bear River Range; Slopes above the south side of Bloomington Lake, 15 km (9.5 mi) air distance west-southwest of Bloomington (measured from where Bloomington Creek road intersects with U.S. Highway 89)., 42.1438889 -111.5741667, 2550m
UTC00207872 B Neely 388 1981-06-21
United States, Utah, Cache, Cache National Forest ; Bear River Range Smithfield Canyon
UTC00210045 Frank J. Smith 3519 1991-08-04
United States, Utah, Cache, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; One mile west of Tony Grove Lake
UTC00210046 FJ Smith 3518 1991-08-04
United States, Utah, Cache, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Cliffs west of Tony Grove Lake
UTC00221595 Andreas Leidolf 2102 1997-06-09
United States, Utah, Rich, Wasatch-Cache National Forest ; Off highway 89 about 5 miles southwest of Garden city Limber Pine Trail, 2377m
UTC00045210 B. Maguire 16030
United States, TBD, TBD
UTC00258621 Noel H. Holmgren 15296 2005-08-09
United States, Utah, Cache, Bear River Range, second bench above and southwest of Tony Grove lake., 41.888056 -111.648889, 2640m
UTC00258622 Noel H. Holmgren 15589 2007-06-14
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, Bear River Range, Copenhagen Basin Road, just beyond a switchbank, near the Franklin County line., 42.358333 -111.554722, 2320m
UTC00280757 Leila M. Shultz 3494 1979-07-11
United States, Utah, Cache, Bear River Range; above Tony Grove Lake, 41.894935 -111.647749, 2499m
UTC00283805 Leila M. Shultz 22565 2020-07-30
United States, Utah, Cache, along trail to White Pine Lake, above Tony Grove Lake, 41.89865 -111.642439, 2495m
UTC00286055 Leila M. Shultz 22,554 2020-07-19
United States, Utah, Cache, Bear River Range, N Wasatch Mountains, west of road between Millville Peak and Mt. Logan, 41.7005 -111.7051, 2713m
UTC00290018 Noel H. Holmgren 17232 2020-07-09
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, Bear River Range, 7.9 km (4.9 mi) up North Canyon Road (FS 401) from SR 36, then 3.9 km (2.4 mi) up Eight Mile Creek Road (FS 425) along Meadow Creek, 2498m
UTC00290028 Noel H. Holmgren 17259 2020-07-23
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, Bear River Range, 7.9 km (4.9 mi) up North Creek Road (FS 104), then 5 km (3.1 mi) north north on Eight Mile Creek Road (FS 425) to the Meadow View area at the head of Meadow Creek, 2530m
UTC00290220 Leila M. Shultz 22,769 2021-07-10
United States, Utah, Cache, Bear River Range of the northern Wasatch Mountains, trail from Tony Grove Lake to Mt. Naomi, 41.902793 -111.644201, 2524 - 2600m
UTC00290230 Leila M. Shultz 22,564 2020-07-19
United States, Utah, Cache, Bear River Range, N Wasatch Mountains, Mt. Logan, near peak, 41.713611 -111.717778, 2961m
UTC00290360 McCormick, Meghan MAM0064 2021-07-09
United States, UT, Cache, Davenport Hollow, FR20196, 41.525863 -111.499412
UTC00290359 McCormick, Meghan MAM0063 2021-07-09
United States, UT, Cache, Davenport Hollow, 41.537999 -111.499902
UTC00291895 Meghan McCormick MAM0046 2020-07-18
United States, Utah, Cache, Bear River Range, Wasatch Mountains; below Mt. Logan north of FSR168, 41.729184 -111.6873572
United States, Utah, Weber, South of Ben Lomond Peak.
UT0138238 Shultz, Leila M. 3494 1979-07-11
United States, Utah, Cache, Cache County, Bear River Range; above Tony Grove Lake.
76956 R. C. Rollins 81326 1981-06-16
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., Near Paris Ice Cave, 10 mi. W of Paris., 42.226983 -111.5967
77113 R. C. Rollins 81331 1981-06-16
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., Rocky area near Paria Canyon Road, 11 mi. W of Paris.
77133 J. H. Christ 16249 1946-08-03
United States of America, Idaho, Franklin Co., Franklin Basin, Idaho, at head of Cub River., 42.112279 -111.597998
77134 J. H. Christ 18805 1949-07-10
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., 13 mi W of Bloomingtonm, Idaho at Bloomington Lake in the Bear River Range.
77129 M. D. Windham 91240 1991-08-20
United States of America, Utah, Cache Co., SW side of Tony Grove Lake in the Bear River Range ca. 1.10 km N of Coldwater Spring. Cache N.F. Naomi Peak Quad (7 1/2 min.). UTM - 4637775 m.N by 446575 m.E (Zone 12)., 41.841831 -111.87954, 2499 - 2499m
77135 J. H. Christ 18743 1949-07-09
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., 13 mi W of Bloomingtonm, Idaho at Bloomington Lake in the Bear River Range.
77104 R. C. Rollins 79309 1979-06-22
United States of America, Utah, Rich Co., High ridge in Wasatch Range, 6 mi W of Garden City and Bear Lake, off U.S. Hwy. 89., 41.946819 -111.510424