Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Baccharis sergiloides
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 3, records 201-300 of 985

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

RSA0117009Rachel Darney-Lane   212016-09-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMNorthwest foot of Castle Mountains, northeast of Barnwell, south of I-15, ca. 1.1 mi. southwest of the California-Nevada state line. Wash draining southeast from Castle Peaks area.Ca. 0.1 mi. downstream to 0.3 mi. upstream from Stagecoach Well and NN 154, northwest of NN 155., 35.36146 -115.10746, 1331 - 1338m

Orlando Mistretta   50442010-04-13
United States, California, Riverside, Whitewater Canyon. Along Whitewater River drainage and adjacent slopes 0-1 miles above Whitewater Visitor Center (Whitewater Trout Farm); between N34.00456, W116.67238 and N33.99629 and W116.66011, 34 -116.6, 750m

C. B. Wolf   43101932-10-13
United States, California, Riverside, Cottonwood Springs. Eagle Mountains., 33.7356987 -115.8095016, 290m

Orlando Mistretta   48072010-04-12
United States, California, Riverside, San Bernardino Mountains region: Whitewater Cyn. Along Whitewater River drainage and adjacent slopes below Whitewater Visitor Center (Whitewater Trout Farm)., 33.97288 -116.65146, 609m

Julian P. Donahue   s.n.1980-04-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, Granite Mts, Granite Cove., 34.7822222 -115.6575, 1220m

RSA0015703LeRoy Gross   61952013-09-10
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMBigHorn Mountains Wilderness. North of New Dixie Mine Road, near 34.27578N 116.53655W, to west spur of mountain, near 34.28352N 116.53726W.; Bighorn Canyon 7.5 quad.Climb to top of peak near 34.28374N 116.53450W. Then down southeast side to a spring just north of the road., 34.27768 -116.53085, 1436 - 1591m

RSA0027615April Garbat   1092013-09-04
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMFrom Yucca Valley, take Hwy 247 N for 5.4 miles to Pipes Canyon Rd. Turn left and continue on Pipes Canyon Rd for 4.1 miles. Turn right onto Roadrunner Rut Rd and continue for about 3 miles., 34.2385278 -116.5013611, 1281m

RSA0036327Duncan S. Bell   76252014-10-14
United States, California, San Bernardino, Sawtooth Mountains on the Pioneertown Mountains Preserve; collecting at a small spring in the southwestern section of range.; Rimrock, 34.1346 -116.53585, 1334m

RSA0027917Duncan S. Bell   55862013-08-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMBighorn Mountains; in the Bighorn Mountain Wilderness area; in an unnamed canyon to the east of Ruby Canyon, about 5 air miles northwest of Ruby Mountain.; Bighorn Canyon, 34.31185 -116.55523, 1989m

R. F. Thorne   529441979-05-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert slopes on N side of San Bernardino Mountains near and along Arrastre Creek in Arrastre Canyon 4.5 air miles S of Deadman Point., 34.407238 -117.126119, 1128m

Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1926-05-14
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cove Spring, Old Dad Mt, Granite Mountains., 34.7921 -115.6376

C. B. Wolf   43111932-10-13
United States, California, Riverside, Cottonwood Springs. Eagle Mountains., 33.7356987 -115.8095016, 290m

Sarah J. De Groot   34462003-11-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, WHIPPLE MOUNTAINS: South side of range, north of Colorado River Aqueduct along wash forking into road heading north into BLM Wilderness area., 34.2666667 -114.3811111, 586m

R. F. Thorne   4444311974-05-10
United States, California, San Bernardino, New York Mountains. Keystone Canyon, c. 1/4 mi below (N of ) Keystone Spring., 35.268243 -115.29234, 1707m

Clare B. Hardham   88851961-11-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, New York Mtns., 1768m

RSA0078486Sarah J. De Groot   75832015-09-21
United States, California, Riverside, BLM. Santa Rosa Mountains south-southwest of Palm Desert. Near Potrero Spring near head of Potrero Canyon, west of Dunn Road, northwest of Asbestos Mountain, southwest of Haystack Mountain.; Rancho Mirage 7.5' Quad, 33.65023 -116.48224, 1084m

Scott D. White   4274b1996-07-02
United States, California, Riverside, Pinyon Flat area, N of Hwy. 74, ca. 10 road mi. E of junction w/ Hwy. 371. W facing slope of Sugarloaf Mtn and adjacent valley.; Toro Peak 7.5' Q., 33.5916667 -116.4416667, 1250 - 1402m

RSA0018208J. André   256622013-09-19
United States, California, San Bernardino, Castle Peaks; Mojave National Preserve; SE end of range, along dirt road to Malpais Spring, 0.4 miles N of Walking Box Ranch Road, approx. 6 miles N of Hart Mine area.; Hart Peak 7.5', 35.36005 -115.10675, 1331m

Richard L. Zembal   0251974-09-07
United States, California, Inyo, Moscow Spring.; Trona, 35.863026 -117.467052, 1482m

Sarah J. De Groot   45082004-10-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMWHIPPLE MOUNTAINS: North fork of Whipple Wash, a few miles E of summit., 34.3113889 -114.3836111, 915m

Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1906-05-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, Kelso, Providence Mountains, 35.012398 -115.653458, 305m

Sarah J. De Groot   34952003-12-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, Metropolitan Water District of Southern CaliforniaWHIPPLE MOUNTAINS: Copper Basin: along road to reservoir, just outside gate by reservoir. MWD property (permit 28 Aug. 2003)., 34.2958333 -114.2305556, 308m

RSA0017308Duncan S. Bell   56602013-08-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMBighorn Mountains; an unnamed canyon in the Bighorn Mountain Wilderness area, approximately 2.25 air miles northwest of Ruby Mountain.; Bighorn Canyon, 34.2958 -116.51267, 1254m

J. C. Roos   s.n.1965-09-18
United States, California, Inyo, Panamint Mtns.Wild Rose Canyon., 36.25814 -117.152379

Greg de Nevers   191980-04-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, Kinsgton Range, Smith Mine, 35.786037 -115.995785, 976m

B. A. Prigge   40991980-09-17
United States, California, Riverside, San Bernardino Mts, Whitewater Canyon, 2.5 miles N of interstate 10, 33.95447 -116.64176, 549m

Orlando Mistretta   47242010-04-12
United States, California, Riverside, Transverse Ranges; San Bernardino Mountains region: Whitewater Cyn. Along Whitewater River drainage and adjacent slopes below Whitewater Visitor Center (Whitewater Trout Farm).Between N33.97538, W116.65161 and N33.97538 and W116.65121, 33.97538 -116.65161, 604m

Sarah J. De Groot   34872003-12-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, Metropolitan Water District of Southern CaliforniaWHIPPLE MOUNTAINS: Copper Basin: ~SW/W side of reservoir. MWD property (permit 28 Aug. 2003)., 34.2936111 -114.2377778, 313m

T. La Doux   1182007-10-10
United States, California, San Bernardino, Providence Mountains: approx. 0.5 mi. W. of Confield Spring., 34.979449 -115.589187, 889m

RSA0078441J. M. André   295972013-10-17
United States, California, San Bernardino, NPSGranite Mountains: Mojave Natl. Preserve; far west side of range, mouth of canyon just N of Budweiser Wash.; Budweiser Wash 7.5', 34.7782333 -115.7553, 1099m

C. B. Wolf   42721932-10-11
United States, California, Riverside, Morongo Wash, 3/10 mile below the San Bernardino County line., 34.0301 -116.5899, 671m

RSA0033618Naomi Fraga   43712013-08-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMAntelope Creek north of Gamma Gulch Road near Bighorn Mountain Wilderness.; Rimrock, 34.22716 -116.55165, 1445m

Sarah J. De Groot   41102004-04-11
United States, California, San Bernardino, WHIPPLE MOUNTAINS: West of Copper Basin, off road into BLM Wilderness area from upper Bowman's Wash. Tributary of Whipple Wash, just downstream from ''window,'' at intersection of 2 washes., 34.2972222 -114.3086111, 512m

LeRoy Gross   43912010-04-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, Whitewater Canyon Bioblitz: East of the saddle near Wathier Landing, where old road comes down fron the saddle.; Catclaw Flat 7.5 Quad.Near 34.04223N, 116.69989W. Road crossing the Catclaw Flat wash, just below fault scarp that has Astragalus tricarinatus growing on it. Surveyed from this area back to camp at 34.02539N,116.68032. (Some collections might have been made in Riverside County)., 34.04223 -116.69989, 871 - 1080m

J. André   235432012-10-13
United States, California, Inyo, Panamint Range; Upper Emigrant Spring, along Wildrose Road, 5.6 miles SSE of junction of Highway 190, west side of range.; Emigrant Canyon 7.5', 36.4266667 -117.1929667, 1228m

J. Mark Porter   133602001-11-18
United States, California, San Bernardino, Colorado River Indian ReservationWHIPPLE MOUNTAINS: Foot of mountains, along the Colorado River., 34.1738889 -114.27525, 146m

Valerie L. Soza   9352000-05-17
United States, California, San Bernardino, Clark Mountains, east side, East Mojave Desert: Willow Spring; Clark Mountain, 35.5447222 -115.5344444, 1311m

Duncan S. Bell   11752010-05-31
United States, California, San Bernardino, Sawtooth Mountains; approximately 1.25 air mile southwest of Pioneertown, and approx. 0.75 air mile north of Chaparrosa Spring.; Rimrock, 34.1536 -116.51772, 1249m

Sarah J. De Groot   33412003-10-10
United States, California, San Bernardino, Metropolitan Water District of Southern CaliforniaWhipple Mountains: Gene Reservoir, across Black Meadow Landing road from Gene Pumping Station., 34.2977778 -114.175, 218m

J. Russell Bruff   341927-11-16
United States, California, Riverside, Cottonwood Springs., 33.7356987 -115.8095016

Scott D. White   19631994-04-21
United States, California, Riverside, Millard Canyon, near stream crossing w/ USFS Road 2S05, +/-4 miles south of Bear Wallow Spring.; Cabazon, 33.9666667 -116.8, 915m

J. André   214312012-06-11
United States, California, San Bernardino, Granite Mountain; Mojave National Preserve; upper drainage of Sheep Corral on SE side of range. Growing in sand among bouldery pediment.; 7.5' Quad: Brown Buttes., 34.7449 -115.6763833, 1058m

Sarah J. De Groot   28792003-05-19
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMWHIPPLE MOUNTAINS: Bass Point, along Parker Dam road just north of Colorado River Indian Reservation., 34.2025 -114.22825, 113m

Sarah J. De Groot   31702003-09-27
United States, California, San Bernardino, Metropolitan Water District of Southern CaliforniaWHIPPLE MOUNTAINS: Metropolitan Water District property (permit 28 Aug. 2003). Along MWD road near intersection with Parker Dam road. Wash with flowing water., 34.2930556 -114.1555556, 167m

Sarah J. De Groot   68682013-03-22
United States, California, Riverside, South side of Joshua Tree National Park, Cottonwood Spring, 33.7368333 -115.8095556, 905m

Michael Honer   19512004-04-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, Metropolitan Water DistrictWhipple Mountains; appx. 2 mi. SE of Copper Basin Resevoir, 1/4 mi. N of Copper Basin Wash, near powerline running E-W from river to aqueduct tunnel., 34.256533 -114.193062, 183m

Naomi Fraga   7002003-05-19
United States, California, Kern, BLMOwens Peak Eastern Watershed. Grapevine Canyon. On the way to Coyote Spring.; Owens Peak 7.5' USGS Quad, 35.7311 -117.9347, 1037m

Naomi Fraga   1122002-05-25
United States, California, Kern, BLMThe Owens Peak Eastern Watershed. Owens Peak Wilderness Area. Short Canyon. Near the trail head, where stream tapers off near water fall.; Owens Peak 7.5' Quad, 35.7155 -117.9789, 1037 - 1037m

Philip A. Munz   138661935-10-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, Canyon near Keystone Spring, New York Mts, 35.2728821 -115.2709579, 1585m

George B. Grant   s.n.1906-05-00
United States, California, Riverside, Palm Springs, 33.8219 -116.5443

D. Charlton   s.n.1992-05-25
United States, California, Kern, Short Canyon, west of Ridgecrest and Hwy 14 in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, south of Owens Peak., 35.709274 -117.901248

RSA0113055Robert F. Thorne   572541983-09-18
Mexico, Baja California, Along observatory road 0.25 mile below gate., 31.0416667 -115.4583333, 2650m

J. C. Roos   s.n.1965-09-18
United States, California, Inyo, Panamint Mtns.Wild Rose Canyon., 36.25814 -117.152379

Alan Romspert   2521977-10-17
United States, California, Inyo, Surprise Canyon, late flower, Panamint Mtns, Death Valley National Monument, 36.1182555 -117.1254158

R. F. Thorne   506151977-10-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, E Mojave Desert, Granite Mts, about Budweiser Spring on SE side of Mts., 34.77279 -115.74437, 1174m

RSA0035717A. C. Sanders   409542013-10-02
United States, California, Riverside, Wilson Valley Preserve, 0.35 air mi. south of Wilson Valley Rd. and 0.8 mi. east of Sage Rd, 1.4 mi. east (93¡) of Round Top Mountain; Sage 7.5 Q., 33.52252 -116.88652, 739m

C. B. Wolf   42981932-10-12
United States, California, Riverside, Above Pinyon Well, Little San Bernardino Mts., 1220m

A. C. Sanders   223421998-11-15
United States, California, Inyo, SE Sierra Nevada Mtns: Indian Wells Canyon, NW of Inyokern, 1.2 miles above the mouth of the Canyon at the Powerline road; Owens Peak 7.5', 35.6736111 -117.8941667, 963m

Mark Elvin   42712005-05-07
United States, California, San Bernardino, Little San Bernardino Mountains: UC Burns Pinyon Ridge Reserve, off Skyline Ranch Rd. ca. 2 miles (air) ESE of Pioneertown, 1.5 mi. (air) NW of Yucca Valley; S of campground.; Yucca Valley North, 1256m

Sarah J. De Groot   44482004-10-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMWHIPPLE MOUNTAINS: Southern fork of Whipple Wash, near Whipple Cave., 34.2955556 -114.3088889, 524m

Jon P. Rebman   159122008-09-11
United States, California, San Diego, McCain Valley: N of Boulevard; along McCain Valley Rd. just S of Lost Valley., 32.7565 -116.2746111, 1160m

L. C. Wheeler   76661960-01-02
United States, California, San Diego, Pawnee Mine, Chihuahua Creek, ca. 10 mi. northwest of Warner Springs., 33.42412 -116.70483, 1158m

Scott D. White   71871998-10-15
United States, California, Orange, Yorba Linda: 1/2 mile south of Telegraph Cyn. Between Ohio St. and Fairmont. Proposed for development.; Yorba Linda, 33.9 -117.7666667, 152 - 305m

C. B. Wolf   42981932-10-12
United States, California, Riverside, Above Pinyon Well, Little San Bernardino Mts., 1220m

R. F. Thorne   447861974-07-11
United States, California, Inyo, Death Valley National Monument, Panamint Mts, Springy area at mouth of Wildrose Canyon, margin of willow thicket., 36.2642067 -117.1967411, 1220m

Sarah J. De Groot   35542004-03-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, Metropolitan Water District of Southern CaliforniaWHIPPLE MOUNTAINS: Copper Basin reservoir, ~N/NE side of lake. MWD property (permit 28 Aug. 2003)., 34.295 -114.2341667, 309m

RSA0038634Jim André   266152013-09-30
United States, California, San Bernardino, NPSBudweiser Canyon (about mid-way up), springy area among steep rocky granitic slopes; Bighorn Basin 7.5', 34.78155 -115.73765, 403m

R. F. Thorne   553841982-10-08
United States, California, Riverside, San Bernardino Mts.: Side canyon on W side of Whitewater Cyn, ca. 3.3 mi. N of Whitewater Post Office., 595 - 625m

RSA0033558Naomi Fraga   43492013-08-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMBighorn Mountain Wilderness. Unamed drainage east of Ruby Canyon.; Bighorn Canyon, 34.3062 -116.5405, 1430m

D. R. Schramm   s.n.1976-11-27
United States, California, Inyo, Willow Spring, Central Black Mtns., 36.0497 -116.689902, 793m

Philip Crow   s.n.1939-07-02
United States, California, Riverside, Blythe., 33.6083 -114.595

RSA0065748Erika M. Gardner   1002015-04-06
United States, California, Kern, Sage Canyon. About 0.10 miles north of Sage Canyon Road. Border of BLM Kiavah Wilderness boundary.; Horse Canyon 7.5', 37.58173 -118.05231, 1256m

Philip A. Munz   112381928-09-06
United States, California, Riverside, Morongo Creek, Colorado Desert, 34.0129 -116.5758, 610m

M. Kurzius   12381979-09-27
United States, California, Inyo, Scotty's Ranch, 37.014678 -117.390631, 671m

C. B. Wolf   42701932-10-11
United States, California, Riverside, Morongo Wash, 3/10 mile below the San Bernardino County line., 34.0301 -116.5899, 671m

J. André   154452010-11-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, New York Mountains; Mojave National Preserve; south fork of Keystone Canyon just upslope from confluence with north fork.; Ivanpah 7.5', 35.2713667 -115.2936, 1701m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0123170Duncan S. Bell   102192016-12-21
United States, California, Riverside, BLMThe Dos Palmas Preserve area, at the southern end of the Orocopia Mountains, and at the northeastern section of the Salton Sea.; Durmid, 33.42169 -115.82926, -41m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0121839Duncan S. Bell   101832016-09-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMCastle Mountains; northwestern section of the range, in the vicinity of Stagecoach Well, approximately 2 air miles northwest of the summit of Hart Peak.; Hart Peak, 35.36191 -115.11016, 1346m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0144663S. T. Welker   s.n.1993-10-04
United States, California, San Diego, Lake Henshaw area. West of Fink Rd. about 2 mi. east of West Fork Honor Camp, north of Lake Henshaw, west of Hwy 79., 853m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0156773Sarah J. De Groot   95692017-12-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMNorth tip of Dead Mountains Wilderness: ca. 0.4 air mile southeast of petroglyphs, 2.7 air miles north-northeast of Mt. Manchester 1097 (Dead 3600), 1 air mile southwest of CA-NV state line, south of powerline and NN 9029.; Mount Manchester 7.5'. San Bernardino meridianCa. 16.2 air miles north-northwest of Needles. North of I-40, east of U.S. 95., 35.06516 -114.73748, 503m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0187888Jim M. André   395972017-09-07
United States, California, San Bernardino, NPSNew York Mountains. East side of range along at lecyr well, approx. 0.4 mi. west of ivanpah rd.; Ivanpah 7.5', 35.2794833 -115.253, 1502m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0194404Katherine S. Ferguson   2322018-09-04
United States, California, Kern, Grapevine Canyon: 100y W of #1 gate stream edge by bridge., 35.73325 -117.9168333, 965m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0154731Robert F. Thorne   s.n.1984-08-00
United States, California, Kern, [Kern, Inyo, or San Bernardino County] China Lake Naval Air Base., 35.655144 -117.657255

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0155319Sarah J. De Groot   95542017-11-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMNorthern Avawatz Mountains Wilderness Study Area: Sheep Creek Spring riparian area, in Sheep Creek Canyon. South of Saratoga Spring Road and the Amargosa River, west of Highway 127.; Sheep Creek Spring 7.5'. San Bernardino meridian, 35.58827 -116.3605, 503 - 519m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0155454Sarah J. De Groot   93782017-10-11
United States, California, Inyo, BLMEast foot of Sierra Nevada: ca. 330 air m north of Ninemile Canyon Road, ca. 7.5 miles west of Highway 395. 3.7 air miles east of Chimney Peak.; Ninemile Canyon 7.5'. Mt. Diablo meridian, 35.85766 -117.97694, 1633m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0156575Sarah J. De Groot   95782017-12-07
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMWest side of Old Woman Mountains Wilderness: Dripping Spring, east end of Carbonate Gulch, ca. 8.1 road miles east of Skeleton Pass Road (195) then up canyon; 1.1 air miles west of Carbonate Peak, 1.7 air miles southeast of Woman 1623.; Old Woman Statue 7.5'. San Bernardino meridian9.2 air miles southeast of Danby, 12.2 air miles south of Essex., 34.55996 -115.20972, 1052 - 1055m

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Utah

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United States, Nevada

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United States, Nevada

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United States, Nevada

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United States, Arizona

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United States, Arizona

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RSA0537305Sarah J. De Groot   113532019-09-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, Sand to Snow National Monument: east fork of Little Morongo Canyon, along powerline road CV 0005 off south end of Kickapoo Trail, southwest of Yucca Valley. From Yucca Valley it is a dirt road maze: Kickapoo Trail south 1.3 miles, turn right (south), 0.1 miles, veer left (southeast), 0.3 miles, go straight (southeast), 0.2 miles, turn right (southwest), 0.8 miles veer right (southwest) to join powerline road, 0.1 miles is saddle/divide, 0.6 miles is start of BLM land, 0.1 miles, go straight/veer right (~west), 1.9 miles along CV 0005 down canyon (heading generally southwest); benches just above wash and hillsides on both sides of road. Yucca Valley South 7.5' quad. San Bernardino meridian., 34.06666 -116.48766, 847m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0555371Naomi Fraga   64962019-05-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert; Northcentral Mojave Desert region. Wild Horse Spring, in NW corner of Kingston Range, S of Excelsior Mine Rd., 35.78809 -115.9962, 957m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0552512Naomi Fraga   63602018-11-20
United States, California, Kern, Mojave Desert; North Mojave Desert region. Scodie Mountains, Sage Canyon, Boulder Spring, 35.57932 -118.02828, 1223m

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RSA0552957Naomi Fraga   62102018-10-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert, Clipper Mountains, Bonanza Spring., 34.6857 -115.40551, 636m

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RSA0549652Naomi Fraga   64612019-05-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert; Northcentral Mojave Desert region. Ricky Spring, Mineral Hill, N side of Ivanpah Mountains, S of I-15., 35.44842 -115.48123, 1372m

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RSA0479447Robert F. Thorne   456781975-06-10
United States, California, San Bernardino, Granite Mountains: Budweiser Spring area., 1067m

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RSA0509571Robert F. Thorne   456101975-06-10
United States, California, San Bernardino, Granite Mountains: Budweiser Spring area., 1067m

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RSA0623337Scott D. White   136212021-09-10
United States, California, Riverside, San Jacinto / Santa Rosa Mtns. Deep Canyon Watershed. Carrizo Creek upstream from Hwy 74, from road crossing upstream to perennial seep. 7.5’ Rancho Mirage Quad. T6S / R5E / S 13/34 and T6S / R6E / S 18/19, 33.64166667 -116.4083333, 671 - 792m

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