RSA0621575 Scott D. White 13622 2021-09-10
United States, California, Riverside, San Jacinto / Santa Rosa Mtns. Deep Canyon Watershed. Carrizo Creek upstream from Hwy 74, from road crossing upstream to perennial seep. 7.5’ Rancho Mirage Quad. T6S / R5E / S 13/34 and T6S / R6E / S 18/19, 33.64166667 -116.4083333, 671 - 792m
OBI140383 Louis C. Wheeler 2259 1933-11-11
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mohave River at Oro Grande, Mohave Desert, 34.598617 -117.342, 777m
OBI140384 Louis C. Wheeler 2292 1933-12-01
United States, California, Riverside, mouth of Tahquitz Canyon, San Jacinto Mts., 33.8043 -116.5603, 152m
OBI140385 P.A. Holden 1024 1969-10-19
United States, California, San Bernardino, 3 mi north of Yucca Valley alongside ofPioneertown Rd, 34.1467 -116.479
OBI140386 Frank C. Vasek HMS-33 1967-09-16
United States, Arizona, Mohave, along Hualapai Mtn. Parl Rd, off U.S. highway 93, about 16 miles southeast of Kingman.
12658 Richard Zembal s.n. 1974-09-07
United States, California, Inyo County, China Lake Naval Weapons Center, Argus Mountains, 35.859424 -117.473544, 1475m
CM519976 Clokey, I.W. 8679 1940-08-21
United States, Nevada, Clark, Wilsons Ranch, 1180m
156056 collectors: I.W. Clokey 8679 1940-08-21
United States, Nevada, Clark County, Wilson's Ranch
156057 collectors: L.C. Higgins 15986 1985-08-01
United States, Utah, Washington County, 3 miles west of Castle Cliffs, seep in cliffs
CHAS:Herb:1875.10.21 Edward Palmer, United States Department of Agriculture 1869-01-01
United States, Arizona, no specific locality recorded
CHAS:Herb:1917.4.4139 George B. Grant GBG-96 1906-05-01
United States, California, Riverside County, Palm Springs, Colorado Desert
United States, California, San Bernardino
02641 W.E. Niles 848 1968-10-05
United States, Nevada, Clark, Spring Mts, Ash Spring, along watercourse, 1220m
05602 Nickell G W 487 1971-09-25
United States, Nevada, Clark, Newberry Mts, bottom of Bridge Cyn ca 1 mi W of NV Hwy 77, at the 1st seepage site, 762m
07746 Fisher Jr J C 1252 1972-10-19
United States, California, Inyo, Scotty's Ranch, Death Valley NM, 37.018393 -117.386977, 671m
07799 Fisher Jr J C 1200 1972-09-20
United States, California, Inyo, Panamint Range, Wildrose Cyn, along cyn sides Death Valley NM, 36.265609 -117.194377, 1220m
09316 P.J. Leary 734 1974-08-23
United States, California, Riverside, Barker's Dam, Joshua Tree NM, 1280m
09739 Hogan J 164 1974-09-27
United States, California, Riverside, Ryan Campground, Joshua Tree NM, 1326m
12512 Schramm D R 422 1976-11-27
United States, California, Inyo, Black Mts, Willow Spring, central Black Mts, Death Valley NM, 36.049468 -116.688857, 793m
15212 V.B. Bostick 4974 1970-09-27
United States, Nevada, Clark, McCullough Range, McCullough Spring, rock crevices in cyn wall above spring, 1280m
15213 V.B. Bostick 4535 1969-07-20
United States, Nevada, Clark, McCullough Range, above Railroad Spring, rte through SW1/4 S29 & NW1/4 S32, in cyn bottom, 1463m
16020 M. Kurzius 847 1979-04-25
United States, California, Inyo, Grapevine Mts, 0.5 mi S of Scotty's Castle, Death Valley NM, 37.024565 -117.343546, 854m
17994 Peterson P M 770 1982-10-11
United States, California, Inyo, Cottonwood Mts, Cottonwood Cyn, Death Valley NM, 36.538737 -117.344093, 854m
18785 C.R. Annable 95 1982-10-11
United States, California, Inyo, Funeral Mts, springs above National Park Service Headquarters, Death Valley NM, 36.500574 -116.86645
19843 Peterson P M; et al 1613 1983-09-11
United States, California, San Bernardino, New York Mts, upper Caruthers Cyn, 1768m
22591 Norment C 25 1975-08-27
United States, California, Inyo, Panamint Range, near spring at Wildrose Ranger Station, Death Valley NMtional Monument, 36.264898 -117.186116, 1341m
25134 Meinke R J 606 1974-08-23
United States, Nevada, Clark, [Spring Mts], at point where dirt rd leading from reservoir intersects streambed at Spring Mtn Ranch
25319 Warrick R B 2958 1986-08-19
United States, Utah, Washington, Pine Valley Mts, seep along rd ca .5 mi E of Danish Ranch, 1268m
32707 P.J. Leary 3840 1989-10-20
United States, Nevada, Clark, [Spring Mts], mouth of Pine Creek Cyn, Red Rock Cyn NCA, 1280m
32833 W.E. Niles 3604 1990-11-09
United States, Nevada, Clark, Spring Mts, Spring Mtn Ranch State Park, moist area around reservoir, 1128m
37059 P.J. Leary 4576 1992-09-12
United States, Arizona, Mohave, [Black Mts], Horsethief Cyn, mouth of cyn, wash bottom; Lake Mead National Recreation Area, 1036m
37723 V.B. Bostick 6778 1990-09-28
United States, Nevada, Clark, [Las Vegas Valley], Whitney Ranch, 518m
37724 V.B. Bostick 6782 1990-11-12
United States, Nevada, Clark, Spring Mts, Wheeler Camp Spring, 1037m
38545 J.S. Holland 1596 1976-10-03
United States, Nevada, Clark, at the intersection of Sacatone Wash & the Christmas Tree Pass Rd, 701m
44246 W. Hodgson 9140 1995-05-15
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Black Mountains, east flank, in and along drainage 0.2 mile north, northeast of Cave Spring; in shaded canyon, 906m
44862 F.H. Landau 490 1993-10-08
United States, Nevada, Clark, Whitney Mesa, in southeastern portion of Las Vegas Valley, in riparian corridor, 549m
48004 W. Hodgson 10581 1997-09-14
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Big Cove Canyon, along Ranger Trail 41, esplanade, 1115m
49069 Teri Knight 2078 1998-10-24
United States, Nevada, Clark, Las Vegas Valley, Las Vegas Creek, Las Vegas Springs Preserve, Las Vegas Valley Water District, 1001 South Valley View Boulevard, Las Vegas; along terrace of creek and ditch draining detention basin, 648m
54303 L.C. Higgins 21763 2000-10-04
United States, Utah, Washington, southwest of Welcome Spring, along road to Lytle Ranch Preserve, 1200m
58635 A. Tiehm 15061 2005-09-04
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains, Cedar Wash, 6.3 road miles north of Bull Valley Wash on main road to Barclay, 37.328944 -114.106167, 1402m
64423 J.S. Holland 2015-96 2015-11-15
United States, Nevada, Clark, Newberry Mountains, 2.0 miles east of the gas pumping station and 1.0 mile north of State Route 163, 750m
67026 J.S. Holland 2020-111 2020-04-15
United States, Nevada, Clark, in upper portion of Bridge Canyon, 0.1 mile northwest from the end of the road at the boundary of Lake Mead National Recreation Area; in the Bridge Canyon Wilderness Area; Newberry Mountains, 35.199193 -114.722162, 937m
ASC00057499 A.M. Phillips, III 94-009 1994-04-28
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Gravel floor of canyon at Colorado River Mile 272 L, upstream from spring, Hualapai Reservation, 36.054 -113.866, 381m
ASC00076047 M. Licher 95 2001-10-04
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Sedona. Dry Creek Rd. N of Vultee Arch Rd., 34.8925 -111.824167, 1402m
ASC00041201 J. Ricketson 1768 1984-07-20
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park, Boucher Creek, Boucher Canyon, 36.115314 -112.230021, 731m
ASC00034873 N.J. Whiteman s.n. 1980-03-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park, Mile 219 Camp R, near river, 36.05556 -112.13889, 518m
ASC00069003 L.E. Stevens s.n. 1992-10-18
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park, Colorado River Mile 35R, 36.466667 -111.833333, 868m
ASC00069005 L.E. Stevens s.n. 1993-09-09
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park, Colorado River mile 31.5R; cliff base between CRM 31 and Stanton's Cave, 36.5 -111.85, 876m
ASC00067428 K. Huisinga 16 1997-07-05
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Wickiup Wash, ca. 6 miles E of Camp Verde on Highway. 260, N of Highway., 34.5364 -111.81187, 980m
ASC00035110 R.K. Gierisch 4558 1978-10-11
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Grapevine Spring, 36.3309 -113.9775, 518m
ASC00035286 R.K. Gierisch 4451 1978-08-18
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Vicinity Ide Spring, 36.4625 -113.7271
ASC00004571 C.F. Deaver 2786 1950-05-19
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Highway-Congress Jct to Aguila, 34.1625 -112.85
ASC00093639 G. Rink 8409 2008-09-16
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Sanup Plateau east of Kelly Point, canyon south of 220-mile Canyon, Redwall Limestone narrows, 35.81685 -113.37295, 1130m
ASC00093146 G. Rink 8143 2008-08-29
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Horse Spring Canyon, Supai Sandstone, 35.98466 -113.50273, 1160m
ASC00090024 D. Roth 868 2000-06-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Navajo Nation. Colorado River Mile 33, just above Redwall Cavern., 36.493056 -111.8375
ASC00091549 D. Roth 669 1999-09-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park. Sinumo Creek, ca. 1/2 mile upstream from the confluence with the Colorado River., 36.2375 -112.348333
ASC00096655 S. Fugate 27 2010-04-03
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Near Lake Mead National Recreation Area, S of Highway 68 near junction with Katherine Mine Road; Un-named spring south of Thumb Butte., 35.172117 -114.431333, 730m
ASC00106260 M. Licher 4194 2013-10-04
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Verde Valley Botanical Area, in wash that drains into the Verde River at the east end of Dead Horse Ranch State Park., 34.75741 -111.99746, 1015m
ASC00110719 Rich Crawford 440 2012-05-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Moenkopi wash 3 miles upstream from the Little Colorado River Gorge, 35.920788 -111.421878, 1265m
ASC00111119 Rich Crawford 709 2012-09-29
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Little Colorado River Gorge, west rim, vicinity of Blue Springs trail, 12.5 river miles from the confluence., 36.12294 -111.70074, 1479m
ASC00111173 Rich Crawford 788 2012-10-27
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Little Colorado River Gorge, southwest rim, upper Moody Route, river Mile 33.5 from the confluence., 35.959106 -111.671429, 1568m
ASC00116068 Rich Crawford 140 2011-05-04
United States, Nevada, Clark, West facing bajada below Spring Mountains, 36.028267 -115.689983, 1160m
ASC00086419 Arnold Tiehm 15061 2005-09-04
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mts, Cedar Wash, 6.3 road miles north of Bull Valley Wash on the main road to Barclay., 37.3288889 -114.1061111, 1402m
ASC00104266 G. Kluwin 458 2013-07-29
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Upper Wright Canyon, 6 air miles SE of Truxton., 35.390536 -113.546817, 1455m
ASC00104763 Walter Fertig 27124 2011-09-27
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Arizona Strip, ridge above Ide Spring and BLM Road 1051 ca 6 miles ESE of Cougar Spring, ca 25 miles SSW of St. George (Pauite Wilderness)., 36.72853 -113.733964, 1513m
United States, Arizona
DES00050097 Wendy C. Hodgson 16066 2002-10-29
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon National Park, Kanab Canyon, south of Showerbath Springs., 36.45367 -112.6423, 808m
DES00050672 Wendy C. Hodgson 15743 2002-09-19
USA, Arizona, La Paz County, Harquahala Mountains, south side, 3.7 miles northwest of Eagle Eye Road, along 4WD dirt road to top., 33.77233 -113.334, 790m
DES00050976 Wendy C. Hodgson 17434 2003-09-13
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, Phantom Canyon, ca 3/4 mile below (downstream from) junction with Haunted Canyon, at trail's end from the south (base of Cheops and Isis branch)., 36.13205 -112.117, 1030m
DES00052828 Wendy C. Hodgson 16331 2003-03-31
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Agua Fria National Monument, NE of Badger Springs parking lot., 34.23782 -112.0972, 984m
DES00053076 Wendy C. Hodgson 16748 2003-04-03
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Agua Fria National Monument, Silver Creek, west of Bloody Basin Road., 34.24635 -112.0605, 980m
DES00053384 Wendy C. Hodgson 14883 2003-10-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, off of the Thunder River Trail, halfway down through the Red Wall., 36.40383 -112.4738, 1250m
DES00045315 Wendy C. Hodgson 11233 1998-10-15
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, Nankoweap Creek, just downsteam ., 36.2913 -111.882783, 976m
DES00029240 Wendy C. Hodgson 3547 1985-03-25
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Black Mountains, 7.1 mile easth northeast of Oatman, along Oatman Road (old Rt 66), T19N, R19W NE1/4 , S18, 35.0331 -114.342, 915m
DES00036872 Wendy C. Hodgson 6890 1992-10-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, Ca 5/6 mile (as raven flies) NW of Bright Angel Creek, above and west of Phantom Creek, 36.11444 -112.1044, 1165m
DES00027243 Wendy C. Hodgson 2646 1983-11-05
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Six Mile Crossing; riverbed of Burro Creek. T14N, R12W NW1/4W1/2, S18, 34.5534 -113.5554, 732m
DES00040703 Wendy C. Hodgson 9140 1995-05-15
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Black Mountains, east flank, in along drainage 1/5 mile NNE of Cave Spring: T20N, R19W SE1/4, S29 ( near junction of 29, 28, 32, 33., 35.0912 -114.3245, 884m
DES00045065 Wendy C. Hodgson 13013 2000-11-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, Toltec beach, west of Garnet Canyon, east of Elves Chasm., 36.20073 -112.43205, 679m
DES00042680 Wendy C. Hodgson 9643 1995-11-04
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, along South Bass Trail, along Hermit Shale., 36.22917 -112.3653, 1585 - 1600m
DES00042191 Wendy C. Hodgson 10581 1997-09-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Big Cove Canyon, along Ranger Trail 41., 36.59867 -112.6188, 1128m
DES00042184 Wendy C. Hodgson 11191
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Jump Up Canyon, Kanab Creek Wilderness Area, at beginningo fo the ''narrows,'' just upstream from where Indian Hollow enters Jump Up., 36.50846 -112.592, 945m
DES00038697 Wendy C. Hodgson 8642 1994-09-26
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, GrandCanyon National Park, Thunder River Trail, halfway down Redwall between edge of Esplanade rocks., 36.40278 -112.4722, 1341m
DES00056917 Wendy C. Hodgson 19717 2005-05-15
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon National Park, Tuckup Canyon, near opening, 12 0331643E, 4016577N, 36.280822 -112.874275, 549m
DES00062524 Wendy C. Hodgson 22194 2007-09-24
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Kanab Canyon, ca 1 mile above Showerbath Springs across from and near unnamed springs on west side of Kanab Creek., 36.466111 -112.628333, 851m
DES00054140 Dawn Goldman DG-77 2004-02-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, Tonto National Forest, In bottom of Lime Creek., 33.98712 -111.746417, 610m
DES00008909 Rose E. Collom 705 1936-10-15
USA, Arizona, Gila County, Along Rye Creek, 34.16406 -111.42267, 1159m
DES00016864 M. Turner 72-14 1972-08-25
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, River mile 143.5, left bank of Colorado River 1/2 mile above mouth of Kanab Creek, Grand Canyon, 36.39229 -112.62038, 580m
DES00010420 R. G. Engard 360 1974-09-07
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Along Willow Springs Trail, Bloody Basin, 34.149167 -111.8775
DES00020093 Butterwick 5456 1979-08-13
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Horse Canyon, west side of Hualapai Mountains, just SW of Hualapai Peak: T19N, R16W, S2SE1/4: Quad Name, Hualapai Peak 7.5', 35.0584 -113.9417, 1524m
DES00020375 Butterwick 4731 1979-05-08
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Quad. Name: Kaiser Spr. NW 7.5: T16N, R11W, S34NW1/4, 34.6842 -113.398, 1189m
DES00041031 Jon Rebman 3262 1996-06-25
Mexico, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir, wet spring area east of Vallecitos., 30.98333 -115.4333
DES00024104 M. Kurzius 1283 1979-11-01
USA, California, Inyo County, Along Leadfield Rd. ca. 1.5 SE of Leadfield site; T13S, R45E, S13, 36.838139 -117.043528, 1524m
DES00030603 K. Kirtland 1986-05-13
USA, California, Riverside County, Homewood Canyon, Argus Range: T23S, R42E,S1/2, S35, 35.891056 -117.410889, 1128m
DES00031621 Dave Charlton 647 1986-12-26
USA, California, Riverside County, Coxcomb Range, at E end of Joshua Tree National Monument, northernmost W-facing large canyon in the range, just N of Specter Peak, 34.028333 -115.405222, 915m
DES00047416 Teri Knight 2054 1998-10-09
USA, Nevada, Elko County, Jarbridge Mountains, E arm of Jack Creek cirque., 41.4875 -116.003333, 3095m
DES00054860 Royal D. Suttkus 81-62 1981-08-25
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado River, right bank at Buck. Farm canyon: River Mile 41, 36.07935 -111.87949
DES00054858 Royal D. Suttkus 75-1617 1975-09-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado River, right bank, Buck Farm Canyon. River Mile 41, 36.07935 -111.87949
DES00056049 Wendy C. Hodgson 17867 2004-04-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, Tonto National Forest, Arizona Trail, near Sunflower. Bushnell Tanks to Cross F Segment. Just north of the tunnel., 33.862722 -111.473806, 1059m
DES00055936 Dixie Z. Damrel 3211 2005-06-27
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Agua Fria National Monument, Agua Fria River canyon., 34.219967 -112.09305, 933m
DES00056504 Dixie Z. Damrel 3278 2005-08-23
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Agua Fria National Monument, Badger Springs Wash (presently dry) with sandy soils., 34.276017 -112.109317, 1078m