RSA0043416 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1911-10-04
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Nighthawk.
RSA0134257 Scott D. White 9853 2003-11-04
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Valley; Grand Terrace, just east of the I-215, between Barton Rd. and Iowa Ave. exits (San Bernardino South).; San Bernardino South, 34.025 -117.3333333, 274 - 290m
F. R. Fosberg 7225 1931-10-11
United States, California, Ventura, Sherwood Lake, Santa Monica Mountains., 34.13934 -118.86828, 300m
S. Galen Smith 498 1948-09-02
United States, California, Kern, Monolith, 35.12128 -118.37209
F. R. Fosberg S-5339 1931-07-05
United States, California, Ventura, Mugu Laguna., 34.09701 -119.09009, 1m
RSA0131162 Justin M. Wood 2411 2010-08-17
United States, California, San Bernardino, Big Bear Valley: Baldwin lake adjacent to Highway 18.; Big Bear Lake, 34.2837778 -116.8174722, 2046m
L. C. Wheeler 1382 1933-05-05
United States, California, Los Angeles, UCLA campus, West Los Angeles, 137m
Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1927-09-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains., 34.27612 -116.81011
C. F. Smith 1622 1945-10-17
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Colony along El Camino Cielo ca. 2 mi W of La Cumbre Peak, Santa Ynez Mountains., 34.50549 -119.73972, 976m
R. F. Thorne 55250 1982-09-03
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains. Cushenbury Springs, lower end of Cushenbury Canyon., 34.36463 -116.85969, 1220m
James Henrickson 5068 1970-07-25
United States, California, Orange, 2 miles N of Huntington Beach along NE margin of Bolsa Chica Salt March, 33.69055 -118.02707
L. C. Wheeler 6278 1946-08-28
United States, California, Los Angeles, Mescal Creek, just about (south of) Appletree Flat., 1884m
John H. Thomas 9793 1961-10-01
United States, California, Mono, Tom’s Place at foot of Rock Creek Canyon. Along Hwy 395 between Bishop and Lee Vining.
Atriplex rosea subsp. platyota L.
R. F. Thorne 53365 1979-07-03
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains: San Bernardino National Forest, at north end of Baldwin Lake, south of Doble, near swaley drainageway., 2055m
RSA0131714 R. E. Riefner 4-396 2004-08-27
United States, California, Riverside, N of La Sierra Heights; NE ca. 0.25 mi off Arlington Ave. along dirt acess road to Hidden Valley Wildlife Reserve.; Corona North, 33.958906 -117.515008, 221m
F. W. Peirson 4009 1923-08-30
United States, California, San Bernardino, Northeast part of San Gabriel Mts, Lone Pine Canyon, Clyde Ranch., 34.32338 -117.56607, 1479m
C. F. Smith 4953 1956-08-30
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Near 2926 Kenmore Place, Santa Barbara, 34.44987 -119.71948
F. R. Fosberg S-3156-a 1930-07-07
United States, California, Los Angeles, Alamitos Bay, 2m
H. L. Mason 13477 1947-08-09
United States, California, Modoc, East side of Fairchild Swamp, north of Alturas
D. D. Keck 1302 1931-10-11
United States, California, Santa Clara, Embarcadero, Palo Alto
Grant D. Brown 587 1950-12-02
United States, California, Riverside, Cajalco Resevoir, SE; Cajalco Canyon., 33.817 -117.483, 442m
L. C. Wheeler 1274 1932-08-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, 34.27429 -116.80689, 2043m
C. B. Wolf 1377 1927-09-25
United States, California, San Benito, San Bernito River at junction of Coast Highway and Chittenden Pass road., 46m
Anstruther Davidson s.n. 1917-10-00
United States, California, Los Angeles, Streets.
L. S. Rose 69106 1969-09-02
United States, California, Santa Clara, San Jose, Willow Glen., 15m
H. M. Pollard s.n. 1960-10-05
United States, California, Ventura, Waste area along Front St, Ventura, 34.27709 -119.28646
I. J. s.n. 1917-05-30
United States, California, Los Angeles, South of Ontario., 183m
RSA0131372 Mary DeDecker 3613 1974-08-06
United States, California, Inyo, Owens Valley: Southeast of Bishop; slough area on Cashbaugh Road., 1250m
Steve Boyd 6411 1991-07-13
United States, California, San Diego, De Luz Canyon: Along De Luz-Murrieta Road and De Luz Creek., 33.45 -117.2916667, 150m
Cherie L. Wetzel 1025 1969-08-28
United States, California, Alameda, Vallejo Mills Park; Niles Canyon and Vicinity.
Mary DeDecker 3710 1974-09-30
United States, California, Modoc, Just south of Alturas: along Highway 395., 1280m
L. S. Rose 34471 1934-10-06
United States, California, Alameda, Bay Farm Island.
R. F. Thorne 53650 1979-08-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, Holcomb Valley; Holcomb Creek, W of Hitchcock Ranch on 3N12, 34.30732 -116.9281, 2180m
R. F. Thorne s.n. 1977-05-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, E. Mojave Desert. Clark Mountain Range, Pachalka Spring., 35.51776 -115.63088, 1494m
J. T. Howell 39621 1963-06-23
United States, California, Monterey, San Lorenzo Creek, east of King City on Lonoak Road.
J. T. Howell s.n. 1957-07-28
United States, California, San Francisco, Third and Davidson Streets, San Francisco.
H. M. Pollard s.n. 1946-11-10
United States, California, Ventura, near mouth of Ventura River, 34.27792 -119.31026
C. B. Wolf s.n. 1932-09-13
United States, California, Los Angeles, Bryant Ranch. S.W. side of SE 1/4 sect. 27.(460 ft. east and 100 ft. no. of SW corner of SE 1/4 sect. 27. T4S R12W)., 5m
R. F. Thorne 38405 1969-07-10
United States, California, Los Angeles, Angeles National Forest: near Lodgepole Picnic ground, 1.5 miles SE of Dawson Saddle along Angeles Crest Highway, 2317m
C. B. Wolf s.n. 1932-09-13
United States, California, Orange, Bryant Ranch. 3/10 miles W of Los Alamitos Blvd.700 ft. south of Bryant Ave., 33.79562 -118.08141, 8m
H. M. Pollard s.n. 1947-09-21
United States, California, Ventura, Near mouth of Ventura River, Flood plain, Ventura River, 34.27792 -119.31026
Mitch Provance 2188 2000-08-03
United States, California, San Bernardino, Colton, S Pellisier Rd, ca. 0.5 km N of the corner of W Center St. and Orange St.; San Bernardino South 7.5’ Q., 34.0241667 -117.3501667, 274 - 305m
C. B. Wolf s.n. 1934-08-16
United States, California, Los Angeles, Bryant Ranch east of Long Beach.T4S R12W SW 1/4 sect. 27 100 ft. S & 100 ft. W of center of section 27., 5m
Patricia Wilder 4404 1968-08-21
United States, California, Humboldt, Northern coastal arm of Humboldt Bay, ca 2 miles SW of Samoa. Humboldt Bay drainage area., 5m
H. L. Bauer s.n. 1928-10-00
United States, California, Kern, Tehechapi., 35.12778 -118.44855, 1220m
C. B. Wolf s.n. 1932-09-13
United States, California, Los Angeles, Bryant Ranch. 250 ft. south of north boundary in SE 1/4 section 27.(about 460 ft. east and 250 ft. south of NW corner of SE 1/4 section 27. T4S, R12W)., 5m
RSA0132626 L. Ahart 15232 2008-08-21
United States, California, Merced, 30-80 yards southwest of the wire gate on south side of Sandy Mush Road, 3.7 miles west of Highway 99, about 8.5 miles south-southeast of Merced.; El Nido., 37.1853611 -120.3976111, 53m
L. C. Wheeler 4034 1935-10-10
United States, California, Modoc, Alturas., 1356m
Pam De Vries 7078 2007-08-31
United States, California, Kern, Western Transverse Range; San Emigdio Mountains REgion; ca. 1/2 mi east of golf course along dirt service road in Pine Mountain Club.; Sawmill Mtn. 7.5’ Q., 1563m
R. F. Thorne 53263 1979-06-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains: Cushenbury Springs just below Cement Plant at foot of Cushenbury Canyon., 34.3617 -116.85934, 1220m
Steve Boyd 3730 1989-06-11
United States, California, Riverside, Vail Lake area, wetlands of Wilson Creek, east of the lake., 33.495 -116.936, 457m
I. M. Johnston s.n. 1924-08-31
United States, California, San Bernardino, Victorville., 34.54022 -117.28473
A. C. Sanders 19459 1996-08-17
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains: Coxey Meadow., 34.3340556 -117.0683333, 1707m
L. C. Wheeler s.n. 1968-09-08
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains: Grandview Canyon, 1/4 mile south of Largo Vista., 34.417312 -117.773812, 1433m
R. L. Pendleton 1381 1909-07-02
United States, California, Los Angeles, Avalon, Santa Catalina Island. Near Cottage., 33.3420015 -118.3270454, 6m
Keith E. Hoffmaster s.n. 1934-05-31
United States, California, Orange, Santa Ana., 33.80365 -117.667326
RSA0043417 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1905-09-14
United States, Utah, Juab, Fish Springs., 39.850361 -113.411846, 1372m
R. F. Thorne 53679 1979-08-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mts.-Baldwin Lake: NW shore of lake, 34.28941 -116.81936, 2043m
J. P. Smith 5796 1972-09-14
United States, California, Siskiyou, Miners Creek Road just south of French Creek Road between Callahan and Etna, 915m
J. C. Roos 4946 1950-08-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, Loma Linda, San Bernardino Valley., 34.04576 -117.25809, 320m
Grant D. Brown 420 1949-11-07
United States, California, Los Angeles, Jackson Lake, Big Pines-Valyermo Road, 1981m
John H. Thomas 7469 1958-09-01
United States, California, Santa Clara, Weeds near intersection of Alma Street and California Ave. near Southern Pacific depot. Palo Alto.
J. T. Howell 45864 1969-06-30
United States, California, Marin, Waste ground bordering estuary of San Rafael Creek at Irwin Street bridge, San Rafael.
RSA0148066 Barbara Ertter 10730a 1991-08-25
United States, California, Alameda, Springtown wetlands N of Livermore, N of Hartford Ave. between Lorraine Street and Bluebell Drive., 200m
RSA0148358 Barbara J. Ertter 10724 1991-08-25
United States, California, Alameda, San Leandro Bay Regional Shoreline N of the Oakland International Airport in SW Oakland. Near end of Edgewater Drive.
RSA0153630 Robert F. Thorne s.n. 1984-08-00
United States, California, Kern, [Kern, Inyo, or San Bernardino County] China Lake Naval Air Base., 35.711583 -117.643191
RSA0191548 Arnold Tiehm 18261 2018-08-19
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Echo Canyon Reservoir, SSW of Ursine, S side of the reservoir., 37.907133 -114.266983, 1600m
RSA0507920 Jon Rebman 36124 2019-09-09
United States, California, San Diego, Camp Pendleton: southeast portion of Base; Training Area Lima; along Pilgrim Creek to the north of Pilgrim Creek Lake just west of the paintball park; to the northwest of the San Luis Rey entrance gate., 33.28459 -117.30563, 35m
RSA0133633 Steve Boyd 5697 1991-04-01
Mexico, Baja California, Southern base of Mesa El Puertazuelo, 63 mi S of Bahia de Los Angeles on rd to San Francisquito., 28.383333 -113.1, 500m
RSA0572606 Arnold Tiehm 18853 2020-09-06
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Sheldon National Wildllife Refuge, Swan Lake Reservoir on E side highway 34A., 41.84702 -119.50134, 1718m
RSA0499717 Robert F. Thorne s.n. 1984-00-00
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains.
RSA0509507 Robert F. Thorne s.n. 1984-00-00
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains.
OBI121734 A. C. Sanders 6935 1986-09-12
United States, California, Kern, San Joaquin Valley, Twisselman rd at hwy I-5, 4.9 mi S of the Kings co. line, 35.733333 -119.733333, 67m
OBI121738 Ann Cochran 45 1986-07-27
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Area of flats, E of Soda Lake rd, T30S, R19E, sec 28, 35.285707 -119.942822, 579m
OBI121737 Charlotte L. Bowen 757 1983-05-26
United States, California, Kern, Adj Old Rim Ditch, on SE edge of Buena Vista Lake Bed. Millux Quad; T32S, R26E, SWNW sec 8, 35.156488 -119.216045, 91m
OBI121735 David J. Keil 12876 1978-07-21
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, 4 mi S of jctn of Bitterwater crk rd with Cholame-Simmler rd
OBI121746 David J. Keil 14212 1980-09-18
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, About 1 mi W of jctn with Shell crk Rd along Calif 58, 35.461462 -120.351435
OBI121747 David J. Keil 21038 1988-08-24
United States, California, Mono, West shore of Mono Lake and adjacent slopes ca. 2 miles north of Lee Vining along Hwy 395., 37.982787 -119.139016, 2000m
OBI121740 David J. Keil 25991 1996-09-03
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Vandenberg AFB. North Base. Ca 0.5 mi N of Main Gate on Vandenberg Rd (just N of Lompoc Left Lane sign). Pond along drainage, 34.75744444 -120.5161389, 146m
OBI121745 David J. Keil 26009 1996-09-04
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Vandenberg AFB. North Base. Along Southern Pacific RR tracks n of Umbra Rd, 34.8065 -120.6011, 43m
OBI121739 David J. Keil 30640 2009-09-05
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Rural outskirts of Paso Robles, north of Highway 46 and east of Jardine Road. Vicinity of intersection of Fa Rouse Way and Weeping Willow Way. Vicinity of 35°40.01' N x 120°35.54'W., 35.6668333 -120.5923333, 259m
OBI121741 Ernest C. Twisselmann 701 1953-08-15
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Temblor range and the W San Joaquin Valley. Twisselmann ranch, 7 mi S of Cholame, 960m
OBI121744 George Butterworth 138 1997-07-03
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, T31S, R20E, S29. 40 yds S of Simmler rd, 150 yds E of Soda Lake Rd, 35.20164 -119.85597, 584m
OBI121733 Larry Kelly 133 1988-05-20
United States, California, Kings, Along hwy 41 ca. 3 mi S of Jersey Ave in Lemmore, 36.19857 -119.82136
OBI121742 David J. Keil 21145 1988-09-23
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles. Ranch area proposed for development, bounded to south by Linne Rd. to west by Golden Hill Rd, to north by Union Rd, and to east by undeveloped ranchland.
OBI121736 R.F. Hoover 7744 1949-06-04
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, 4 mi. s. of junction of Bitterwater Creek road with Cholame-Simmler road.
OBI121743 George Butterworth 1036 2018-08-30
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, North Carrizo Ecological Reserve; East of Bitterwater Rd on Twisselmann Rd., 35.43247 -120.07932, 671m
OBI121748 L.C. Higgins 28264 2008-08-21
United States, Utah, Washington, Pine Valley, 37.39111 -113.51417, 2499m
OBI119790 David Keil 32466 2014-09-03
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Outskirts of Shandon on Trusedale Rd., 35.650853 -120.377235, 350m
CALVIN000098 A.W. Collotzi 402 1965-09-05
United States, Utah, Cache, 2 mi w of Logan Airport
CM039143 Buch, D. s.n.
United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Greenwich Point, Philadelphia, 39.900391 -75.135732
CM137506 Ahles, H.E. 9550 1955-07-27
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Fredonia, 36.945542 -112.526589
CM291142 Weber, W.A. 16400 1982-09-27
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Floodplain of Boulder Creek, between 28th and 30th Streets, City of Boulder, 40.011285 -105.253245
Atriplex rosea var. genuinum
CM295465 Baschant 878 1934-09-08
CM301162 Tiehm, A. 8322 1983-08-23
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Washoe Lake, near the boat landing on the NE side of big Washoe Lake, 1533m
CM315940 Weber, W.A. 17083 1983-09-10
United States, Colorado, Jackson, North Park. Pond at N end of Lake John, NW of Walden
CM338210 Martindale, I.C. s.n. 1877-08-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 39.99564 -75.16099
CM348985 Ahart, L. 3220 1981-11-06
United States, California, Butte, Near the entrance to Gray Lodge Waterfowl Mngmt HQ, just W of Pennington Rd, ca 12 mi SW of Gridley, 39.240671 -121.852674, 35m
CM436975 Harris, J.A. C28349 1928-07-19
United States, Utah, Millard, Mud Springs
CM436976 Graham, E.H. 7308 1931-08-29
United States, Utah, Uintah, W side of Green River, 20 mi S of Vernal, near Quarry L, 40.520408 -109.094502, 1433m