BRYV0211158 S. Goodrich 22860 1988-09-28
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, 4 mi due s. of Manila, Flaming Gorge National Recreational Area, Uinta Mtns, Sheep Creek Canyon
BRYV0211157 S. Goodrich 14970 1980-08-25
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Edge of Tavaputs Plateau, Sowers-Antelope Cr, 9.5 mi, 66 degrees from Duchesne, Ditch bank., 1768m
BRYV0211156 E. Neese 8463 1997-09-04
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, 12 mi W of Duchesne along Strawberry River Flood Plain., 1798m
BRYV0211155 S. Goodrich 15177 1980-09-17
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, 12 mi and 56 degrees from Duchesne, 1.5 mi. S of Upalco
BRYV0211153 S. Goodrich 19739 1983-08-17
U.S.A., Utah, Wasatch, 17 mi 150 deg SE of Heber, Strawberry Valley., 2347m
BRYV0211152 Jack Brotherson 3077 1981-09-04
U.S.A., Utah, Wasatch, Ca 1 mile south of Clyde Creek along west Strawberry roadside.
BRYV0211151 L. Arnow 4696 1975-09-01
U.S.A., Utah, Salt Lake, Wasatch Range, Ca 10 mi. E of downtown Salt Lake City, along Burr Fork of Emigration Canyon, S of Pinecrest., 1996m
BRYV0211150 W. D. Stanton 344 1930-07-12
U.S.A., Utah, Crescent Creek, Henry Mts., 2134m
BRYV0211149 S. Goodrich 26837 2004-08-12
U.S.A., Utah, Summit, Wasatch- Cache National Forest, Uinta Mountains, 2818m
BRYV0211148 Arnold Clifford 03-1136 2003-09-16
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Manti-La Sal Natl. Forest; s . foothills of Abajo Mts.; ca. 0.5 mi se. of Nizhoni campground., 2271m
BRYV0211147 Ken Heil 22939 2003-09-16
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Manti La Sal National Forest, 12.3 mi N of Blanding on Johnson Creek Road., 37.77527 -109.54055
BRYV0211146 R. Foster 5588A 1977-09-22
U.S.A., Utah, iron, SC Markagunt, 2377m
BRYV0211145 Alan Taye 4037B 1988-07-30
U.S.A., Utah, iron, Dry intermittent stream channel. Tushar Mountains, Freemont Canyon., 1987m
BRYV0211144 Larry C. Higgins 4796 1971-08-10
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, Middle Canyoneast of Tooele
BRYV0211142 S. Goodrich 27180 2006-09-14
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, Ashley National Forest, Uinta Mountains, Long Park Reservoir., 2624m
BRYV0211141 Walter Fertig 22957 2006-09-08
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Aquarius Plateau: along Big Swale Road ca 0.5 miles WSW of Pollywog Lake and ca 21 miles SW of Teasdale., 2792m
BRYV0211237 J. G. Harris 1430 1981-07-31
Canada, Northwest Territories, Mackenzie River Delta at Inuvik., 68.38333 -133.75
BRYV0211238 Keith Shaw 1864 1972-07-31
Canada, Alberta, Riverbottom forest on Belly River where river enters prairie phase, 5 mi west Mt. View, Alberta., 1280m
BRYV0211239 Keith Shaw 1713 1972-07-26
Canada, Alberta, Riverbottom forest on gravel soil, Lee Creek near golf course, Cardston, Alberta., 1158m
BRYV0211236 K. M. Wiegand 2126 1911-09-21
U.S.A., Massachusetts, South Boston Hats.
BRYV0211235 Arnold Tiehm 15698 2008-08-19
U.S.A., Nevada, Eureka, Antelope Valley, junction of highway 50 and the road S to Antelope Wash and Antelope Valley., 39.54005 -116.27647, 1847m
BRYV0211234 Richard R. Halse 5511 1998-10-01
U.S.A., Washington, Klickitat, Along the Dallesport Road 0.2 miles W of its junction with US Hwy. 197 near the N end of The Dalles Bridge over the Columbia River., 60m
BRYV0211233 Arnold Tiehm 13046 1999-08-19
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Owyhee Desert, Desert Ranch Reservoir on Chimney Creek on the main road from IL Ranch past Fourmile Butte and Twelvemile Flat., 41.70612 -116.54859, 1535m
BRYV0211232 C. H. Refsdal 3034b 1994-09-03
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Basins and Mountains of Southwest Wyoming: 1.3 mi NE of Springs Creek Road on west side of Wyo Hwy 189 along Willow Creek, just north of Kemmerer., 41.84329 -110.52987, 2121m
BRYV0211215 E. Neese 16138 1984-08-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, 1.5 mi NE of Wellington, about 12 mi NE of Fort Collins, State Wildlife Area N of Edson Reservoir., 1591m
BRYV0211214 Arnold Tiehm 10184 1985-08-13
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Steptoe Valley, 0.5 road miles west of highway 93 on the road to Bassett Lake, just north of McGill., 1868m
BRYV0211213 Robert F. Thorne 53651 1979-08-24
U.S.A., California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mts.-Holcomb Valley: Holcomb Creek and adjacent sagebrush flats. West of Hitchcock Ranch on 3N12., 2179m
BRYV0211212 R. Kass 2144 1985-09-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Alkali Cr, 1.5 mi N of U.S. 30., 41.7853 -110.43302, 6780m
BRYV0211211 Arnold Tiehm 10902 1986-08-20
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, 1.5 road miles east of Deeth on the road to the OÕNeil Basin, backwaters of the Humboldt River., 1628m
BRYV0211210 Keith H. Dueholm 10951 1980-08-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Ca. 12 air miles NE of MinnieÕs Gap., 2316m
BRYV0211209 W. W. E. s.n. 1893-09-29
U.S.A., Vermont, Rutland. Along R.R. tracks.
BRYV0211208 Arnold Tiehm 11567 1987-08-29
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Hot Creek Range, Box Canyon near the junction of Hot Creek Canyon and Little Fish Lake Valley roads., 1881m
BRYV0211207 N. Duane Atwood 1216 1967-09-05
U.S.A., Idaho, Clark, Blue Dome Inn, where Birch Creek crosses Hwy 28, along creek.
BRYV0211206 Orval C. Harrison 515 1998-08-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Salt River Range: Greys River Drainage: along Murphy Creek 1/8 mi NE of Murphy Lake, ca. 8 air miles ENE of Etna; ca. 23.5 air miles NNE of Afton., 1996m
BRYV0211205 Ken Heil 20848 2002-09-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Archuleta, CR 500, 5.2 mi ESE of State Hwy 151. Navajo Lake State Park, San Juan Flats. Along the flood plain of the San Juan River., 37.02388 -107.3625, 1881m
BRYV0211204 Arnold Tiehm 13728 2001-08-16
U.S.A., Nevada, Lander, Smith Creek Valley, dry reservoir on smith Creek just W of the main road on the west side of the valley., 1868m
BRYV0211203 Arnold Tiehm 13773 2001-09-05
U.S.A., Nevada, Washoe, Lost Creek Hills, Wall Canyon, Wall Canyon Reservoir 8.8 road miles east of highway 447., 41.16639 -119.82005, 1561m
BRYV0211202 Arnold Tiehm 13406 2000-09-14
U.S.A., Nevada, Washoe, Lemmon Valley, SE end of Silver Lake on the East side of the Red Rock Road, N of highway 395., 1512m
BRYV0211201 R. Kass 5136 1998-09-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Ca 4 mi. SW of New Fork spring complex.
BRYV0211200 Noel H. Holmgren 12075 1994-08-29
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Snake Range, roadside picnic area along US Highway 6-50, 5 km southeast of Sacramento Pass, 2010m
BRYV0211199 J. Harry Lehr 1629 1975-08-27
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Stoneman Lake., 2134m
BRYV0211198 Sherel Goodrich 13710 1979-10-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, 14 mi, 55 degrees from Lander. Along Popo Agie R, ca 2 mi up stream from confluence with Little Wind R., 42.95 -108.50555, 1524m
BRYV0211197 Sherel Goodrich 13450 1979-07-14
U.S.A., Nevada, Lander, Smokey Valley. 18 mi and 165¼ from Austin., 1707m
BRYV0211196 J. Francis Macbride 735 1910-09-10
U.S.A., Idaho, Canyon, New Plymouth., 671m
BRYV0211195 Aven Nelson 8164 1900-08-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Laramie.
BRYV0211194 A. H. Holmgren 1926 1941-08-27
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Ed Health Ranch, Lamoille.
BRYV0211193 Desma H. Galway 8406 1935-09-01
U.S.A., Nevada, Lincoln, Deer Lodge., 2195m
BRYV0211192 K. Anderson 1053 1993-09-24
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Pollywog Lake., 2713m
BRYV0211191 K. Thorne 3443 1984-08-30
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, About 1.2 mi N of Flowell, on drying mudflats of The Sink., 1417m
BRYV0211190 Stanley L. Welsh 14587 1976-09-25
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Garrison Reservoir; vegetation on lakeshore exposed by receding water., 38.85996 -114.00519, 1646m
BRYV0211189 R. Kass 617 1981-09-01
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Antelope Springs., 39.37361 -113.28446, 2170m
BRYV0211188 R. B. Warrick 396 1985-10-05
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, North end of Baker Dam Reservoir along Santa Clara River., 1501m
BRYV0211187 R. B. Warrick 365 1985-10-04
U.S.A., Utah, Iron, South Fork Pinto Creek. 5.4 miles south of Pinto on Pine Valley - Pinto Road., 2048m
BRYV0211186 R. B. Warrick 309 1985-09-15
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, South Fork Pinto Creek, 5.4 miles s of Pinto on Pinto-Pine Valley road., 37.46747 -113.47009, 2048m
BRYV0211185 K. Anderson 952 1993-08-14
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Pollywog Lake., 38.09619 -111.81312
BRYV0211184 K. Anderson 1053 1993-09-24
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Pollywog Lake., 2713m
BRYV0211183 Mont E. Lewis 5050 1977-07-21
U.S.A., Utah, Sanpete, Currant Cr area, Muddy Cr drainage., 2896m
BRYV0211182 S. Clark 2941 1977-08-02
U.S.A., Utah, Sanpete, Cc price-ferron. Muddy creek, S of Block Mt., 2743m
BRYV0211181 Allen Huber 3462 1996-08-09
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, Coots Slough, Fish Lake., 8660m
BRYV0211180 Stanley L. Welsh 16190 1977-08-23
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, CC Last Chance. Middle Desert Wash., 2286m
BRYV0211179 A. Taye 4107 1988-07-31
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, Tushar Mountains, Clear Creek Canyon., 38.58023 -112.31944, 1768m
BRYV0211178 John Guidinger 1578 1983-09-25
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, 1 mi So. of Eskdale-Snake Valley., 1524m
BRYV0211177 R. Kass 591 1981-07-11
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Sinbad Sps, House Range., 2438m
BRYV0211176 R. B. Warrick 3046 1986-08-25
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, South Fork Pinto Creek, 5.4 miles S of Pinto., 2073m
BRYV0211175 R. B. Warrick 3054 1986-08-26
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Grass Valley, South end., 2118m
BRYV0211103 B. Franklin 2398 1985-08-25
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Ca 12.5 miles NE of Mt. Waas, La Sal Mts. Dolores Point., 2292m
BRYV0211101 Scott Richardson 376 1989-09-09
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Mason Springs on LaSal Mountains., 2560m
BRYV0211106 Scott Richardson 220 1988-10-01
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, North side of Milll Creek above Oowah Road; above canal slide area on LaSal Mountains., 2499m
BRYV0211105 S. Welsh 14407 1976-08-18
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Head of Chandler Canyon, Tavaputs Plateau., 1829m
BRYV0211104 S. Welsh 15859 1977-08-09
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, CC Book Mt, 19 mi NNE of Thompson, Middle Willow Creek., 2438m
BRYV0211140 K. Thorne 7354 1989-09-21
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Lower section of Crandall Canyon and along Huntington Creek., 2252m
BRYV0211139 S. Goodrich 23066 1989-09-20
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Manti-LaSal National Forest, Wasatch Plateau, w. side of Joes Valley Reservoir, at or below high waterline of the Reservoir., 2130m
BRYV0211138 B. F. Harrison 10504 1941-09-19
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, Dry lake, 13 miles NE of Brigham City Waste land in open field., 1372m
BRYV0211137 Elizabeth Neese 17792 1986-09-17
U.S.A., Utah, Cache, Disturbed area near US Hwy 89 at Dry Lake (between Logan and Brigham City), 1768m
BRYV0211136 A. Taye 3245a 1984-09-29
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Tushar Mtns, N Fork Baker Canyon., 1981m
BRYV0211135 Dean Hobson 14815 1936-09-10
U.S.A., Utah, Box Elder, In Distichlis, Unit 2, Refuge Brigham.
BRYV0211134 S. Welsh 25839 1994-08-23
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Drawdown area of reservoir, with numerous weedy species.
BRYV0211133 Ken Heil 17822 2001-09-09
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Manti La-Sal National Forest, Abajo Mtns. Dry Gulch Reservoir., 37.77527 -109.54, 2360m
BRYV0211132 N. D. Atwood 29030 2002-10-07
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, Red Creek, 4.2 mi s of main road in Clay Basin.
BRYV0211131 K. Moon 2225 2006-08-09
U.S.A., Utah, rich, Little Crawford Rd, ca. 2 mi E of Woodruff., 43.54277 -111.1315, 1917m
BRYV0211130 N. D. Atwood 27915 2001-09-27
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, Red Creek, at n. re-entry of the Green River in BrownÕs Park., 1800m
BRYV0211129 K. Moon 2340 2006-08-11
U.S.A., Utah, rich, Bear River, 4 air mi. NE of Sage Creek Jct., 41.80583 -111.07016, 1906m
BRYV0211128 K. Moon 2265 2006-08-09
U.S.A., Utah, rich, Bear River, E of Randolph on Field Street. Ca. 2.2 mi. S of the river bridge., 41.66683 -111.14833, 1934m
BRYV0211436 D. Tilley 1518 2000-08-08
U.S.A., Utah, Summit, Weber River., 1914m
BRYV0211435 S. Goodrich 26552 2002-09-17
U.S.A., Utah, Wasatch, Uinta National Forest, Strawberry River below the high waterline of Strawberry Reservoir., 2310m
BRYV0211434 S. Goodrich 19788 1983-08-26
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, USM, 27 mi 12 deg N of Duchesne, Ashley NF, Uinta Mtns, 77 Flat., 2487m
BRYV0265564 Noel H. Holmgren 16204 2009-11-01
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Little Goose Creek crossing (a ford) of the Goose Creek Road., 41.85194 -114.29222, 1695m
BRYV0211154 A. Huber 3985 1998-09-14
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Left Fork Antelope drainage, Alkali Canyon, near old drillhole., 2268m
BRYV0211143 R. J. Evans sn 1944-09-17
U.S.A., Utah, Piute
BRYV0211102 B. Franklin 2324 1985-08-23
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Ca 1.7 mile due N of moab. 1 mile E of Matrimony Spring., 1219m
BRYV0305213 Arnold Tiehm 19008 2021-09-04
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, South Fork Reservoir on the South Fork of the Humboldt River, W of highway 288, S of Elko., 40.65503 -115.73908, 1593m
BRYV0311377 Robert L. Johnson 9650 2024-09-06
U.S.A., Utah, Utah, Pond edge at Thistle off Hwy 89., 39.99439 -111.49529, 1550m
PBRU00021760 J. Franklin Collins 1900-09-13
United States of America, Rhode Island, Providence County, North Cove Land
PBRU00049259 T. J. Hale
United States of America, Wisconsin
PBRU00021761 J. F. Collins 1892-09-18
United States of America, Rhode Island, Providence County, Cove lands
PBRU00049260 Coghill 169 1898-08-19
United States of America, New Mexico, Pecos River Timber Reserve
PBRU00049262 J. J. Davis 1544 1878-10-12
United States of America, Wisconsin
PBRU00021759 Arnold Greene 1888-09-13
United States of America, Rhode Island, Providence County, waste land by cove
PBRU00049258 G. Engelmann
United States of America, Missouri
PBRU00021762 J. F. Collins 1889-10-06
United States of America, Rhode Island, Providence County, Cove Land