RSA0391687 Geo. E. Osterhout s.n. 1901-09-17
United States, Colorado, Weld, New Windsor.
RSA0391688 Marcus E. Jones 658 1878-08-20
United States, Colorado, Denver, Along the Platte River., 1524m
OBI130153 Clifton F. Smith 2014 1947-05-13
United States, California, Santa Barbara, SE of Goleta, 34.422 -119.7944
OBI130150 David J. Keil 22640 1991-10-26
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Vandenberg Air Force base, North base. Barka Slough, near eastern boundary of base along San Antonio Creek. Areas of freshwater marsh, riparian woodland, and salt-marsh meadow., 34.771 -120.4674
OBI130151 David J. Keil 25602 1995-07-14
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Vandenberg AFB. North Base. 1.5 mi E of 13th Street, along dirt extension of Terra Rd, and just to N along rd 8A near E boudnary of base, 34.6827 -120.5245
OBI130157 David J. Keil 30963 2010-11-10
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Twitchell Reservoir, just S of CA 166 bridge, 35.018949 -120.322684, 165m
OBI154479 David J. Keil 31173 2011-11-09
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area. Lagoon at mouth of Arroyo Grande Creek, 35.09981 -120.62876
OBI130152 David J. Keil s.n. 1977-10-22
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, 1/4 mi E of jctn with South Bay Blvd along Turri Rd, 35.335405 -120.818398
OBI130154 J. Ewan 5251 1931-10-11
United States, California, Ventura, E end of Hidden Valley, Ventura, 34.14793 -118.92259, 381m
OBI130156 Michael Walgren 210 2010-10-11
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Green Valley, south of Cambria, N of hwy 46, and N of Monte Cristo Place., 35.53887 -121.05623, 23m
OBI130155 Robert F. Hoover 6557 1946-11-17
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Corbett cyn, N of Arroyo Grande, 35.19558 -120.5963
OBI130147 Michael Walgren 598 2016-11-02
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay State Park at the Chorro Creek bridge in the City of Morro Bay, 35.354511 -120.828175, 4m
OBI130148 David Keil 24260 1993-07-00
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Cambria. Fiscalini Ranch. 35.555, -121.095 (WGS84), 35.555 -121.095, 0 - 75m
OBI130149 Arnold Tiehm 15698 2008-08-19
United States, Nevada, Eureka, Antelope Valley, junction of Hwy 50 and the road south to Antelope Wash and Antelope Valley, 39.54006 -116.27647, 1848m
OBI179756 Arnold Tiehm 16503 2012-08-28
United States, Nevada, Lyon, Churchill Valley, Lahontan Reservoir, east of Silver Springs, 39.412317 -119.206567, 1265m
David Keil 32540 2014-09-26
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach Drive at Sycamore Mineral Springs and area a short distance to north between road and San Luis Creek, 35.1867 -120.711907, 3m
David Keil 32540 2014-09-26
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach Drive at Sycamore Mineral Springs and area a short distance to north between road and San Luis Creek, 35.1867 -120.711907, 3m
CALVIN000409 Lester E. Lindstrom 487 1957-09-07
United States, South Dakota, 1 1/2 mi out on gravel RD, NE entrance
CAN 108217 Britton, Dr. Nathaniel L. ; Timmerman, Millie 1889-09-09
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Along C.P.R, Port Arthur, Ont.
CAN 291725 Malte, M.O. ; Watson, W.R. 2354 1925-08-26
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Calgary
CAN 114798 Scoggan, Homer J. 4116 1948-07-21
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Playgreen Lake, off north end of Lake Winnipeg
CAN 325558 Rossbach, George B. 7550 1967-09-09
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), above shore of Ottawa River, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa
CAN 578673 Harms, Vernon L. ; Hooper, Donald F. ; Baker, Les 34954 1985-08-01
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Geize River Canyon region on north slopes of Brockelbank Hill of Porcupine Hills. Along old trail-road ca. 8.5 km east of Woody Lake Road, ca. 20 km south of Armit. N1/2 Sec.33, T42 R30 W1 and Sec. 2, T43 R30 Wq., 52.6667 -101.7
CAN 389167 Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Dugal, Albert W. 1081 1974-09-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Carleton County: North Gower Twp, 4.5 miles S.E. of Richmond, 45.1333 -75.7833
CAN 108215 Hosie, R.C. ; Losee, S.T.B. ; Bannan, M.W. 330 1937-08-24
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Nipigon, North Shore of Lake Superior, 48.75 -87.25
CAN 359991 Morton, J.K. ; Morton, Dr. John K. NA4355 1970-09-20
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Luther Lake near Damascus
CAN 375281 Alex, Dr. Jack F. 4028 1969-07-23
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Durham Reg. Mun., Ontario County, Ontario: Gamebridge, 0.5 mi NE; Farm of G. Windat
CAN 344692 Skoglund, N.A. 234 1969-08-12
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Matador Field Stn. 35 km SE of Kyle, T20;R13;W3;Secs.9-11,14-16 (SW Sub 1-4 of NW 1-4 Sec. 15), 50.7 -107.75
CAN 210456 Scoggan, Homer J. 9372 1951-07-11
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Steep Rock, east coast of Lake Manitoba, 125 mi. nw. of Winnipeg
CAN 108221 Garton, Claude E. 3122 1944-09-09
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), St. Vital Park, Wpg. Man.
CAN 156538 Scoggan, Homer J. 6713 1949-08-15
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Wekusko Lake: gravel roadside to Snow Lake, near portage to Berry Bay
CAN 467692 Bergeron, Yves ; Bouchard, André ; Hay, Stuart G. 81-25 1981-07-31
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté d\'Abitibi-Ouest, La Sarre, Abitibi., 48.7833 -79.1833
CAN 10165637 Scoggan, Homer J. ; Scoggan, Homer J. 5858 1949-07-17
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Hayes River: beach opposite mouth of Fox River, in Ordovician formation, about 80 miles southwest of York Factory, 55.9982 -93.427
CAN 10165630 Spreadborough, William 1904-07-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Mouth of Albany River, James Bay, 52.2833 -81.5333
CAN 210455 Scoggan, Homer J. 10112 1951-07-31
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Melita, southwest Manitoba
CAN 108228 Raup, Hugh M. 3341 1928-08-20
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Wood Buffalo Park, Mackenzie Basin: Near Heart (Raup) Lake, 59.6833 -111.933
CAN 387398 Anderson, Alice Winifred 1934-07-29
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Allen\'s Farm 4mls n. Cheviott
CAN 444313 Houle, Gilles 76-1239 1976-09-02
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté de Nicolet-Yamaska, Lac Saint-Paul (Bécancour, Comté de Nicolet), 46.3083 -72.475
CAN 114796 Scoggan, Homer J. 4043 1948-07-18
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Cross Lake, 45 mi. north of Lake Winnipeg: fields near the Hudson\'s Bay Co. post
CAN 108222 Macoun, John 1896-08-11
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Around Winnipeg
CAN 10083884 Raup, Hugh M. ; Soper, Dr. James H. 9875 1939-08-22
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Vicinity of Fort Simpson; west of village; Mackenzie Mountains., 62.85 -121.383
CAN 126079 Macoun, John 1911-09-05
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Carlsbad Springs, Ottawa Ont.
CAN 307490 Scoggan, Homer J. 16393 1964-08-18
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., Peace River District between Dawson Creek and Hudson Hope
CAN 10165627 Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J. 3843 1952-08-06
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane Distr. (ON), Hearst, Cochrane District: 38 miles west in McMillan Township, 49.7627 -84.491
CAN 494155 Kirk, D.W. 150 1939-09-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leaside, Toronto, Ont.
CAN 396069 Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Dugal, Albert W. 1456 1975-09-10
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Carleton County: Osgoode Twp, 2 miles east of Greely, 45.25 -75.5167
CAN 10165635 1854-08-21
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), York Factory, 57 -92.3
CAN 202370 Baldwin, William K.W. ; Scoggan, Homer J. 7259 1950-06-14
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Souris River: about 8 miles north of Minto (Route 10)
CAN 108226 Raup, Hugh M. 3343 1930-08-15
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Reed\'s Portage upper Embarras River, Wood Buffalo Park, Mackenzie Basin, 58.4667 -111.533
CAN 10165634 Baldwin, William K.W. 8062 1958-08-21
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Winisk, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Kenora District, 55.2667 -85.2
CAN 230532 Brown, Hubert H. 4581 1930-09-09
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Toronto, Ont, Ashbridges Bay
CAN 114797 Scoggan, Homer J. 4194 1948-07-23
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Playgreen Lake, off north end of Lake Winnipeg
CAN 233852 Malte, M.O. 929/22 1922-09-07
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Britannia
CAN 531949 Garton, Claude E. 23473 1986-08-14
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Road down to H.E.P.C. generating station at Kakabeka Falls, Oliver Twp., 48.4 -89.6167
CAN 108209 Malte, M.O. ; Watson, W.R. 882 1927-08-18
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Jerry Lake: shores and surrounding burned country
CAN 396065 Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Dugal, Albert W. 1451 1975-09-10
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Carleton County: Osgoode Twp, 2 miles east of Greely, 45.25 -75.5167
CAN 10083882 Porsild, Alf Erling 3404 1928-09-19
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Mackenzie R. Ramparts above Good Hope., 66.2569 -128.635
CAN 108213 Taylor, Thomas M.C. ; Bannan, M.W. ; Harrison, H.M. 305 1939-08-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Port Coldwell, Vicinity of Peninsula, 48.75 -86.25
CAN 126080 Harrington, W.H. 1209 1905-09-11
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Ottawa, 45.4167 -75.7
CAN 10165625 Baldwin, William K.W. 9566 1961-09-02
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Sioux Lookout. Upper English River Forest Section in part., 50.1 -91.9167
CAN 108229 Macoun, John 1879-09-27
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Battle River Crossing
CAN 577438 Brayshaw, Thomas C. 1959-08-18
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Bank of Bow R, Crowfoot, Alta.
CAN 226892 Baldwin, William K.W. 5495 1953-08-16
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté d\'Abitibi, Amos, East Abitibi County
CAN 108216 Morton, J.A. 1890-00-00
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Huron Co. (ON), Wingham
CAN 452017 Webber, J.M. 3025 1980-08-08
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Peel Reg. Mun., Mississauga Toronto International Airport. At barn, 43.6667 -79.6333
CAN 487627 Shchepanek, Michael J. 4596 1982-08-09
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), St. Martin 10 km north of St. Martin off highway # 6. Loc. # 4., 51.8 -98.7333
CAN 10083885 Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J. 8425 1961-08-04
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Mackenzie River-Yellowknife Highway. Mile 34 N.
CAN 527499 Camfield, M. 2504 1987-07-15
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), South Gloucester Gloucester Township east side of Hawthorne Road, in bulldozed area of Drummond\'s Quarry., 45.3 -75.55
CAN 108206 Fernald, Merritt L. ; Long, Bayard ; St. John, Harold 8235 1912-08-29
Canada, Prince Edward Island (Prov.), Prince Co. (PE), Malpeque
CAN 108234 Mawdsley 1916-00-00
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Lillooet Land Distr., Lac des Roches, Lillooet District
CAN 126078 Macoun, John 1889-09-29
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Leamy\'s Lake. Near Hull
CAN 108232 Drummond 529
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Rocky Mts
CAN 108214 Hosie, R.C. ; Losee, S.T.B. ; Bannan, M.W. 329 1937-08-23
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Nipigon River, North Shore of Lake Superior, 48.75 -87.25
CAN 108218 Herriot, William H. 1899-09-24
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Waterloo Reg. Mun., Hespler, Ont.
CAN 577440 Brayshaw, Thomas C. 1960-08-28
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Renfrew Co. (ON), P.F.E.S, Chalk River, Ont, Branstead Rd. clearing
CAN 108210 Lewis, Harrison F. 1928-09-05
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté du Fjord-du-Saguenay, Saguenay County: Matamek River
CAN 108207 Macoun, John ; Macoun, John 1882-09-04
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Restigouche Co. (NB), Campbellton, N.B., 48 -66.6667
CAN 108225 Raup, Hugh M. 7055 1935-09-10
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Bank of Athabasca R, Vicinity of Fort McMurray, alberta, junction of Athabaska and Clearwater Rivers, 56.7333 -111.383
CAN 156537 Scoggan, Homer J. 6537 1949-08-07
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Herb Lake: clearings and trails between Laguna (Rex) and Ferro Mines
CAN 438078 Simpson, Robert C. 1217 1976-09-09
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Peterborough Co. (ON), Catchacoma Narrows On Catchacoma Lake at public access area at end of Beaver Lake Road
CAN 108212 Hosie, R.C. ; Harrison, H.M. ; Hughes, E.O. 486 1938-08-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Algoma Distr. (ON), Algoma District: Gold Park, Vicinity of Michipicoten Harbour, 48 -85
CAN 325556 Rossbach, George B. 7642 1967-09-27
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), S. shore of Rideau River, between Bronson Blvd. and C.P.R. tracks, Ottawa
CAN 114795 Scoggan, Homer J. 4557 1948-08-14
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Lake Winnipegosis: Nason Island, north of Whiteaves Point, Dawson Bay
CAN 108231 Macoun, John 1891-08-15
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Cave Avenue, Banff. Rocky Mtns.
CAN 10165633 Baldwin, William K.W. ; Porsild, Alf Erling 6826 1956-08-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane Distr. (ON), Ogoki, Hudson Bay Company Post, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Cochrane District, 51.6333 -85.95
CAN 302891 Brisson, Samuel 6575 1965-09-28
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté de la Région-Sherbrookoise, Sherbrooke: sur le campus universitaire
CAN 434422 Garton, Claude E. 18537 1978-08-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Rosslyn Village CNR. tracks at crossing of Rosslyn Road 3.5 km. W. of Thunder Bay City, 48.3667 -89.4333
CAN 577439 Moore, Mary I. ; Wang, B. 5693 1971-10-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Renfrew Co. (ON), Roadside near Forresters Falls, Ont.
CAN 10165632 Baldwin, William K.W. ; Porsild, Alf Erling 7435 1957-08-29
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane Distr. (ON), Moosonee, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Cochrane District, 51.2833 -80.65
CAN 108230 Lawson 1899-09-16
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), [Inwind?] Mountain Road. Banff.
CAN 10083883 Raup, Hugh M. ; Soper, Dr. James H. 9857 1939-08-21
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Vicinity of Fort Simpson; west of village., 62.85 -121.383
CAN 368989 Dumais, Madelaine G. ; Anderson, K. 4527 1968-08-22
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Calling L, at townsite, S.E. tip of lake
CAN 114794 Scoggan, Homer J. 4362 1948-08-05
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Grand Rapids, Lake Winnipeg: fields near old Hudson\'s Bay Co. tramway portage
CAN 108224 Macoun, John 1895-08-15
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Indian Head
CAN 108223 Macoun, John ; Herriot, William H. 1906-08-02
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Whiteshore Lake, collected along the line fo the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
CAN 374131 Lepage, Ernest 16,986 1973-08-27
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté de Rimouski-Neigette, Saint-Simon, comte de Rimouski
CAN 10165629 Riley, John L. 1975-10-05
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane Distr. (ON), Cochrane railway station, Cochrane District, 49.0583 -81.0333
CAN 126081 Macoun, John 1903-08-29
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté des Collines-de-l\'Outaouais, Wakefield
CAN 198349 Malte, M.O. s.n. 1911-09-14
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Scott, 52.3667 -108.833
CAN 578679 Harms, Vernon L. ; Hooper, Donald F. ; Baker, Les 35170 1985-08-03
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Armit River area, at end of East Ridge Road, 6-6.5 km east of Woody Lake Road, 3 km S of Armit. SW1/4 Sec. 13 & SE1/4 Sec. 14, T44 R30 W1., 52.7833 -101.683