Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Artemisia biennis, Artemisia biennis var. biennis, Artemisia biennis var. diffusa
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 8, records 701-800 of 2272

Utah State University Uintah Basin

USUUB000604S. Goodrich   271802006-09-14
USA, Utah, Daggett, Ashley National Forest, Uinta Mountains, Long Park Reservoir, 40.90833 -109.86833, 2624m

Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition - Gregory G. Gust Herbarium

ENLC03464S. Frederick   2382016-09-17
United States, Nevada, Elko, Wilson Reservoir. ~25mi Northwest by air from Tuscarora, NV. Found on sandy beach of Res., 41.668985 -116.337563, 1623m

Southern Utah University

SUU001977S. Goodrich   197881983-08-26
United States, Utah, Duchesne, 27 mi 12 deg N of Duchesne, Ashley N.F, Uinta Mtns, 77 Flat., 2487m

Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument

FLFO 1907RICHARDS, V.   5131984-08-29
USA, Colorado, TELLER, e of county rd 1 and e of maytag barn. Along bank of grape cr se of maytag barn in wet meadow with grasses and willows; infrequent; fls greenish

Western Illinois University, ​R. M. Myers Herbarium

MWI00021201Hartman, Ronald L.   27431968-08-24
USA, New Mexico, Colfax, Near Cimarron, Philmont Scout Ranch, Near Cimarroncito Reservoir, 2340m

Shrub Science Laboratory, Rocky Mountain Research Station

SSLP01070Goodrich , Sherel   228601988-09-28
United States, Utah, Daggett, NW1/4 S1 T2N R19E

SSLP01069Goodrich , Sherel   197391983-08-17
United States, Utah, Wasatch, NW1/4 S13 T3S R12W

Black Hills State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0055590Brenckle, Jacob F.   2411903-09-01
United States, North Dakota, LaMoure, Near Kulm, 46.30191 -98.94816

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BHSC0055592Stanley, Lowell D.   9911971-08-17
United States, North Dakota, McLean, T148N R83W S1 SW1/4, 47.6678 -101.1919

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BHSC0046294Nelson, B. Ernie   812932010-09-16
United States, Montana, Valley, Along Porcupine Creek at Roosevelt Trail and Fort Peck Indian Reservation ca. 5 air miles N of Nashua, 48.2061 -106.3837

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BHSC0053644McIntosh, Arthur C.   s. n.1940-08-22
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Ca. 8 miles northeast of Rocky Ford, 43.368251 -103.485682

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BHSC0053643Over, William H.   61971923-08-28
United States, South Dakota, Stanley, White River, 43.699986 -99.439581

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BHSC0053648Lindstrom, Lester E.   4871957-09-07
United States, South Dakota, Jackson, Badlands National Monument; Northeast entrance gravel road, 2 miles out from Cedar Pass, 43.78118 -101.945427

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BHSC0053647McIntosh, Arthur C.   6011924-08-13
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Englewood, 44.296929 -103.784644

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BHSC0053646McIntosh, Arthur C.   s. n.1936-09-08
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Spearfish Canyon 6 miles above Spearfish, 44.426876 -103.874476

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0053649Ode, David J.   85-431985-09-07
United States, South Dakota, Hughes, Pierre; Hilgers Gulch, N of State Library at T111N R79W S33 NE1/4, 44.37799 -100.334895

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BHSC0053650Visher, Stephen S.   4061910-08-24
United States, South Dakota, Harding, Moreau River, 45.1333 -102.8167

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BHSC0053651McIntosh, Arthur C.   231940-08-22
United States, South Dakota, Fall River, Ca. 8 miles NE of Rocky Ford, 43.368251 -103.485682

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BHSC0053652Sisk, James A.   211975-09-20
United States, South Dakota, Butte, Along Redwater River, T8N R2E S10, 44.667286 -103.837027

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0054797Ecological Solutions Group, LLC   19202009-09-10
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Spearfish Canyon area, along East Spearfish Creek between Hanna and USFS Hanna Campground ca. 2.3 road miles south of Cheyenne Crossing, 44.273323 -103.849174

University of Minnesota Herbarium

511222Bright, R.   s.n.1972-00-00
United States, Idaho, Franklin, Franklin Co. Little Mt.

Image Associated With the Occurence
931487Gerdes, Lynden B.   64392011-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Approximately 6.56 miles west of Ely, MN. DNR fish rearing ponds adjacent to the Burntside River. Southeast corner of the western pond. NESWNWSW of sec.;Superior National Forest;063N;13W;33, 47.8936111 -92.0075

Image Associated With the Occurence
459948Schik, K.   95-1821995-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Le Sueur, Minnesota River, SW1/4 of SW1/4 of sec.;Chamberlain Woods Scientific Natural Area;111N;26W;22, 44.406012 -93.939413

Image Associated With the Occurence
461957Wheeler, Gerald   170051997-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Swift, Swift County ... Ca. 5 mi. NNE of Benson; on NW margin of Frovold Lake ... NW1/4 SE1/4 NE1/4 Sec.16 T122NR39W;;122N;39W;16, 45.376026 -95.571928

Image Associated With the Occurence
702450Shane, L.; et al.   78-FT-171978-09-06
Canada, Alberta, south shore of Lake Jasper, Jasper National Park 0.5 m into dune area on N side of Canada 16 ca. 10 miles W of park gate, 53 -117.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
448216Abbott, Robinson   s.n.1961-09-16
United States, Minnesota, Swift, Swift bridge across Minn. River, rt. 119 S. of Appleton.;Lac Qui Parle Wildlife Management Area;120N;43W;33, 45.155023 -96.052775

Image Associated With the Occurence
200367Sandberg, John   s.n.1885-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Red Wing;;113N;14W, 44.555216 -92.495543

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200369Sandberg, John   s.n.1890-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, [no further data], 45 -93.47

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200370Aiton, G.   s.n.1889-09-10
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, [no further data], 45 -93.47

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200371Ballard, C.   27261900-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, Kennedy.;;160N;49W, 48.673805 -96.975896

Image Associated With the Occurence
912042Smith, Welby   253191994-08-30
United States, Minnesota, Le Sueur, Le Sueur County...About one mile east-southeast of Henderson...floodplain of the Minnesota River... T112N R25W SE1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 7. 112N 25W 7, 44.5241667 -93.8855556

Image Associated With the Occurence
200372Sheldon, Edmund   S15921891-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Lincoln, Lake Benton;;109N;45W, 44.24108 -96.26172

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200373Sheldon, Edmund   S74361893-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Traverse, Browns Valley;;N, 45.625176 -96.801725

Image Associated With the Occurence
200374Ballard, C.   s.n.1893-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Taylors Falls;;N, 45.426028 -92.716274

Image Associated With the Occurence
222193Rosendahl, C.   54871927-10-05
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Below campus, Minneapolis;;N, 44.969959 -93.237021

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224144Stevenson, J.   2551912-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Grand Rapids;;055N;25W, 47.215547 -93.522987

Image Associated With the Occurence
224145Stevenson, J.   3551912-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Grand Rapids;;N, 47.215547 -93.522987

Image Associated With the Occurence
264571Holzinger, John   s.n.1905-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co.;;N, 43.997785 -91.748027

Image Associated With the Occurence
332264Rosendahl, C.   41791920-09-08
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, Battle Lake;;133N;40W, 46.32559 -95.717658

Image Associated With the Occurence
485039Wheeler, Gerald   202531999-08-03
United States, Minnesota, Sibley, Sibley County ... Ca. 2 mi. SW of Henderson; Rush River State Wayside Park ... S bank of the Rush River ... E1/2 NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 22 T112N R26W (Henderson 22). 112N 26W 22, 44.49297 -93.939334

Image Associated With the Occurence
337756Lakela, Olga   18861936-09-30
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, On Oatka Beach Addition, at 42nd St, near Minnesota Ave, Duluth.;;N, 46.746586 -92.066067

Image Associated With the Occurence
347478Ledin, B.   s.n.1938-08-17
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Along wagon road, Squaw Lake, Itasca Park;Itasca State Park;143N;36W, 47.19557 -95.233216

Image Associated With the Occurence
358280Rosendahl, C.   65081933-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Sec.22, Spring Grove Twp.;;101N;07W;22, 43.536807 -91.660825

Image Associated With the Occurence
360009Rosendahl, C.; Butters, F.   68861937-08-27
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Ca. 20 mi. SE from Ely;Superior National Forest;N, 47.624943 -91.220421

Image Associated With the Occurence
360326Rosendahl, C.   66221934-09-13
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, Lake Lida;;N, 46.580385 -95.968507

Image Associated With the Occurence
360762Rosendahl, C.   67931936-09-13
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Cannon River above bridge, hwy 61, 44.57775 -92.65114

Image Associated With the Occurence
368864Lakela, Olga   48701941-09-05
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, On Skyline Parkway, 50th Ave. N, Duluth;;N, 46.75204 -92.17624

Image Associated With the Occurence
383700Moore, John; Hall, Robert   160771943-09-05
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Two Harbors;North Shore;052N;11W, 47.02278 -91.67056

Image Associated With the Occurence
407219Lakela, Olga   87441949-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Roadside, S of Ely;;N, 47.903237 -91.867087

Image Associated With the Occurence
443839Husveth, J.   95-38081995-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Olmsted, Olmsted Co. T107N R14W NE1/4 of the NE1/4 of S23; Zumbro River;;107N;14W;23, 44.05788 -92.468703

Image Associated With the Occurence
445467Schik, K.   95-551995-08-17
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Polk Co. T149N R43W NW1/4 of the NE1/4 of S16; Mentor Wildlife Management Area.;Mentor Wildlife Management Area;149N;43W;16, 47.723313 -96.169862

Image Associated With the Occurence
445871Moore, John; Dahl, A.   182951945-09-21
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, 1/2 mi. S, 1 mi. E of Ireland Station below Wabasha;;N, 44.376614 -92.032945

Image Associated With the Occurence
448692Moore, John; Huff, N.   192931946-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Along the river at Jordan;;N, 44.666907 -93.626901

Image Associated With the Occurence
461537Smith, Welby   13953A1987-09-11
United States, Minnesota, Lyon, Lyon Co. Camden State Park, about 3 mi N of Russell. NW1/4 SE1/4 sec 5, T110N R42W;Camden State Park;110N;42W;5, 44.363181 -95.927443

Image Associated With the Occurence
488470Moore, John; et al.   198881947-10-14
United States, Minnesota, Mille Lacs, At the parking area, Father Hennepin State Memorial Wayside Park;Father Hennepin State Park;042N;25W, 46.110955 -93.494831

Image Associated With the Occurence
488531Moore, John; Huff, N.   198071947-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Cottonwood, Along the shore of Talcot Lake;;N, 43.877706 -95.452502

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507358Moore, John   209341950-09-27
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone Co.; Along the Rock River, 1 mi. southS of Edgerton;;105N;44W, 43.892202 -96.124459

Image Associated With the Occurence
435408Wheeler, Gerald   173691997-08-28
United States, Minnesota, Nicollet, Nicollet Co.; Ca. 2.5 mi. NW of Courtland on Rte. 14, Red Rock area, quartzite outcrop and quarry; E1/2 SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 34 T110N R30W. 110N 30W 34, 44.286852 -94.423968

Image Associated With the Occurence
526605Merrell, Ted   s.n.1947-09-29
United States, Minnesota, Rice, Northfield, r.r. tracks;;N, 44.458298 -93.161604

Image Associated With the Occurence
541404Scharf, J.   311956-09-06
United States, Minnesota, Murray, State-owned marsh, 9 mi. N and 4 mi. W of Lake Wilson;;N, 44.126958 -96.033508

Image Associated With the Occurence
553979Moore, John; et al.   224321954-09-24
United States, Minnesota, Murray, Murray County...Summit Lake at Hadley, 44.000431 -95.853605

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554272Moore, John   229731956-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Growing in park area along the Red River at Moorhead;;N, 46.873852 -96.767581

Image Associated With the Occurence
565249Cotter Tucker, Shirley   38361954-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Polk County...2 mi. N of Crookston, 47.777033 -96.608121

Image Associated With the Occurence
566294Moore, John; Bernardini, J.   242221958-09-16
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Along the banks of the Blue Earth River at Mankato;;N, 44.15318 -94.032751

Image Associated With the Occurence
586453Moore, John   265421963-09-10
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, On central quartzite ledges N of the entrance roads, Pipestone National Monument;Pipestone National Monument;106N;46W, 43.979723 -96.367859

Image Associated With the Occurence
594703Moore, John; Goodwin, D.   831946-10-19
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Along the S shore of Rabbit Lake;;N, 46.530365 -93.924032

Image Associated With the Occurence
200364Burglehaus, F.   s.n.1894-09-04
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone Park...near Mammoth Hot Springs;Yellowstone National Park, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
619269Westkaemper, Remberta   s.n.1970-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Stearns Co. Brouns pasture, St. Joseph, 2 mi S;;124N;29W, 45.543642 -94.322053

Image Associated With the Occurence
697802Ownbey, Gerald   54291976-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Afton State Park. T27N, R20W, NW1/4 Sec. 2. 0.2 mi. SE of boat dock, St. Croix River.;Afton State Park;027N;20W;2, 44.854763 -92.775046

Image Associated With the Occurence
715185Severson, M.   1251979-08-27
United States, Minnesota, Polk, 4.5 mi. S of Fischer. W1/2 of NW1/4 of section;Malmberg Prairie Scientific Natural Area;149N;48W;16, 47.72417 -96.813965

Image Associated With the Occurence
717794Thompson, J.   s.n.1979-08-01
United States, Minnesota, Mahnomen, Mahnomen Co. 4 mi W of Waubun;White Earth Indian Reservation;143N;42W, 47.19509 -96.00003

Image Associated With the Occurence
814771Wheeler, Gerald   119671988-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Norman, Ca. 1.5 mi. N of Hendrum; W of Rte. 75. Along the Wild Rice River (S bank). S1/2 NW1/4 Sec. 18, T144N, R48W (Hendrum T Ca. 1.5 mi. N of Hendrum; W of Rte. 75. Along the Wild Rice River (S bank). S1/2 NW1/4 Sec. 18, T144N, R48W (Hendrum Twp.). 144N 48W 18, 47.288097 -96.806391

Image Associated With the Occurence
816105Wheeler, Gerald   119761988-09-02
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Breckenridge (W side) Welles Memorial Park. Along Otter Tail River. NW1/4 Sec. 9, T132N, R47W (Breckenridge Twp.).;;N, 46.26131 -96.584721

511223Bright, R.   s.n.1972-00-00
United States, Idaho, Bannock, Bannock Co. Red Rock Pass

Image Associated With the Occurence
509034Wheeler, Gerald   175001997-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Renville County ... Ca. 3 mi. W of Bird Island, N side of Rte. 212 ... N1/2 N1/2 Sec. 16 T115N R34W (Bird Island 16);;115N;34W;16, 44.767288 -94.94582

Image Associated With the Occurence
549009Umbach, L.   65821913-10-11
United States, Indiana, Porter, Dune Park;Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 41.663093 -87.032128

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500659Harris, S.   4161953-09-25
United States, Minnesota, Marshall, Northwest portion of Mud Lake.;Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, 48.345231 -95.945894

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911342Smith, Welby   252911994-08-25
United States, Minnesota, Jackson, Jackson County...Kilen Woods State Park about 8 miles north-northwest of Jackson...T 103N R 35W NW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 17;Kilen Woods State Park;103N;35W;17, 43.7255556 -95.0583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
200368Moyer, Lycurgus   s.n.1894-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Chippewa Co., 45.099837 -95.612185

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494405Huff, N.L.   s.n.
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay

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914140Smith, Welby   255591994-09-20
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Gores Pool Wildlife Management Area. Dakota County...Gores State Wildlife Management Area, about 5 miles east-southeast of Hasting. Along the banks of the Vermillion river...T 114N R 16W NE1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 5. 114N 16W 5, 44.7080556 -92.7575

Image Associated With the Occurence
910049Smith, Welby   253741994-09-02
United States, Minnesota, Dodge, Dodge County...Dodge Center Creek City Park, about 1.5 miles west-northwest of Dodge Center...Dodge Center Creek... T 107N R 17W SW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 28. 107N 17W 28, 44.0405556 -92.8780556

Image Associated With the Occurence
539870Tester, John   s.n.1957-07-01
United States, Minnesota, Mahnomen, 3-4 miles w. and 1 mile s. of Waubun. ;Waubun Prairie Wildlife Management Area / White Earth Indian Reservation;143N;42W;33, 47.158904 -96.00743

Image Associated With the Occurence
914008Smith, Welby   255171994-09-13
United States, Minnesota, Yellow Medicine, Upper Sioux Agency State Park, about 7 miles southwest of Sacred Heart; In the Minnesota Valley. SE1/4 of SE1/4 of section;Upper Sioux Agency State Park;115N;38W;29, 44.735 -95.4425

Image Associated With the Occurence
899106Harris, Fred   970091997-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Yellow Medicine, YELLOW MEDICINE COUNTY ... T114N R44W SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 14;;114N;44W;14, 44.68152 -96.123918

Image Associated With the Occurence
477023Wheeler, Gerald   203121999-08-17
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Carver County ... Ca. 1.3 mi. SSW of Watertown; where Rte. 25 crosses the South Fork Crow River ... S1/2 SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 17 T117N R25W (Watertown 17). 117N 25W 17, 44.941724 -93.858886

Jemez Mountain Herbarium

03396hC.F. Keller   2011-09-19
United States, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Bayo Bench trailhead-beside road going down to open area, 35.898611 -106.297222, 2204m

Minot State University

168-11Alexey Shipunov and Systrematic Botany class   2015-09-03
United States, North Dakota, Pierce, Roadside prairie and solonets, lake shore, 48.20265368 -99.99856293

117-6Alexey Shipunov and Systematic Biology class   2013-10-10
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Grazed slopes, 48.11066453 -101.5362013

169-5Alexey Shipunov and Systematic Botany class   2015-09-10
United States, North Dakota, Bottineau, Roadside wetlands and prairie, 48.94545183 -101.3004203

118-12Alexey Shipunov and Systematic Biology class   2013-10-17
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Floodplain forest and river bank, 48.1861865 -101.2031804

171-17Alexey Shipunov and Systematic Botany class   2015-09-24
United States, North Dakota, Sheridan, Prairie slopes and waste grounds on the western side of McClusky canal, 47.48390352 -100.4954034

0-172Ford II   2006-09-14
United States, North Dakota, Renville, 1 mile west of minot 100th ave, 1 mile on 100th ave south, renville county

0-173Herfendal   2006-09-14
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Eureka Township; 1 mile N of Minot to 100th Avel, .5 mile W, .5 mile S, 48.3341 -101.3066

0-174Lakela   1929-08-24
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Minot; in Oak Park, back of the boat house, 48.2377 -101.3147

0-175Lautenschlager   1963-09-03
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Along roadside, 48.2147 -101.5805

114-6Alexey Shipunov and Systematic Botany class   2013-09-19
United States, North Dakota, Bottineau, The edge of prairie reserve and Mouse river valley, 48.719333 -100.830167

96-2Alexey Shipunov, Liudmila Abramova, Joshua Beaudoin, Jared Schumaier, Vera Shipunova   2012-08-20
United States, North Dakota, McHenry, River Souris coast, 48.38522392 -100.405193

176-12Alexey Shipunov and Systematic Botany class   2015-10-29
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Former railroad, 48.47310097 -101.1652006

University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Harvey, S.   773001977-09-12
United States, Montana, Lewis and Clark County, Lewis and Clark

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