Chadwick 1931 1911-07-00
United States, California, Siskiyou, Shasta Springs., 41.24745 -122.26908
E. K. Balls 20735 1955-05-15
United States, California, Humboldt, 7.7 miles southwest from Ferndale along Old Coast Road to Capetown, 518m
E. K. Balls 15608 1950-09-01
United States, California, Plumas, East of Long Lake at base of cliffs at top of meadow leading down to two smaller lakes, 39.704827 -120.676515, 2134m
L. C. Wheeler 1217 1932-08-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, Dollar Lake, San Bernardino Mountains., 34.123114 -116.853133, 2820m
E. K. Balls 18633 1953-10-12
United States, California, Humboldt, moist ditches, road to Crannell, 0.5 mi. E from Hwy 101, near first overhead bridge., 41.0107 -124.1028, 15m
Chas. H. Quibell 4766 1954-09-02
United States, California, Fresno, Along very rocky section of Muir Trail, above cluster of lakes along creek, 3171m
Geo. D. Butler 1425 1910-05-29
United States, California, Siskiyou, Near Yreka., 41.73234177 -122.6411133
G. F. Pratt s.n. 1996-05-27
United States, California, Inyo, China Lake Naval Weapons Station. Coso Bridge, 1 mi W of Coso Peak., 36.194568 -117.723349, 697 - 2287m
E. Robinson b231 1936-07-04
United States, California, Fresno, Just w-sw of Mt. Givens, just south of low spot on the Ridge immediately west of Mt. Givens., 2988m
P. A. Munz 7501 1923-07-24
United States, California, Mariposa, Porcupine Creek, Yosemite National Park., 2439m
R. F. Thorne 33172 1963-08-10
United States, California, Tuolumne, Along Deadman’s Creek, 4.2 miles W of Sonora Pass, Stanislaus National Forest., 2668m
C. Epling s.n. 1935-07-10
United States, California, Mariposa, Between Aspen Vally and Lake Jenaya. Yosemite Park.
Chas. H. Quibell 6843 1957-08-13
United States, California, Fresno, Creek crossing at 10400’, on Hell For Sure Pass Trail along 11300’ W wall of Goddard Canyon. (S Fork San Joaquin River) nearly a mile SSE of point where trail turnswall for the Pass; (Blackcap Mountaind quad);Peaks on opposite side of canyon12500’; canhoon floor at 9530’
A. A. Heller 7133 1903-08-10
United States, California, Nevada, Ridge south of Donner Pass., 2287m
P. C. Everett 21981 1957-07-09
United States, California, Mono, 5.8 miles west of junction along road to Devils Postpile, Mammoth Lakes area, 37.666999 -119.067955, 2774m
Peter Rubtzoff 9925 1988-06-09
United States, California, San Mateo, San Bruno Mountains, upper part of East Fork Colma Creek Canyon.
Chas. H. Quibell 5884 1955-08-19
United States, California, Fresno, Hutchinson meadow area, jct. Piute and Fr. Canyons (immediately W of 12245 ft Pilot Knob), tributary S. Fork San Joaquin River, 10 map miles E Florence Lake, 2866m
Joseph Clemens s.n. 1910-07-23
United States, California, Fresno, Kearsarge Pass, Mt. Whitney.
Mary DeDecker 936 1958-08-07
United States, California, Fresno, Sierra Nevada: Marion Lake., 36.97451 -118.51707, 3171m
John Dittes 826 2003-09-21
United States, California, Nevada, Northern High Sierra Nevada, Milk Lake, 6.8 air miles NE of Bear Vlley, 4.7air miles SW of English Mt, 2.9 air miles SE of Bowman Mt. 0.6 air mile N by NE of Grouse Ridge Lookout, S edge of Milk Lake.; English Mt. 7.5’ Quad, 39.3940722 -120.6086306, 2140m
L. C. Wheeler 3852 1935-08-14
United States, California, Modoc, Lily Lake, Pine Creek, Warner Mountains., 41.97611111 -120.2111111, 2073m
Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1924-04-26
United States, California, Humboldt, Eureka., 40.7972 -124.1562
R. M. Straw 2168 1962-06-22
United States, California, Fresno, Kaiser Pass east of Huntington Lake., 2800m
N. C. Cooper 2526 1944-08-26
United States, California, Mono, Mammoth Lakes (George Lake)., 37.6028 -119.0119, 2744m
Lyman Benson 429 1973-08-00
United States, California, Humboldt, Clam Beach, Trinidad, 40.9972 -124.1144, 30m
P. H. Raven 8999 1956-04-22
United States, California, San Francisco, West slope of Mt. Davidson, 183 - 244m
Duncan S. Bell 3738 2012-07-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Gorgonio Wilderness area, on steep cliff faces on the south side of Dollar Lake.; San Gorgonio Mountain, 34.12209 -116.85366, 2828m
LeRoy Gross 5810 2012-08-07
United States, California, Tulare, Sequoia National ForestFloristic inventory of the Jennie Lakes Wilderness: Dry, rocky ridge northwest from Brothers Lake.; Mt. Silliman 7.5 quad., 36.69495 -118.74173, 2865m
RSA0020979 Joan Stewart 2687 2007-06-24
United States, California, Tulare, Jordan Peak., 36.181508 -118.597921
R. C. Bacigalupi 1658 1927-07-08
United States, California, Plumas, Western edge of Long Lake, 39.700997 -120.689046
J. R. Shevock 10115 1982-09-13
United States, California, Tulare, Sequoia National Forest. Little Kern River drainage. Along Summit Trail 31E14 north of North Clicks Creek adjacent to the Golden Trout Wilderness boundary., 36.2083333 -118.5958333, 2561m
RSA0162723 M. H. Nee 63545 2017-05-23
United States, Minnesota, Cook, 8 km (by road) NE of Tofte, Onion River Road, Superior National Forest., 47.6372222 -90.7841667, 385m
RSA0162720 M. H. Nee 63543 2017-05-23
United States, Minnesota, Cook, 6 km (by air) N of Schroeder, Superior National Forest, along Forest Road 343., 47.5961111 -90.9155556, 400m
RSA0162721 M. H. Nee 63537 2017-05-23
United States, Minnesota, Cook, 6.8 km (by air) N of Tofte, Superior National Forest, Forest Road 1206, above the Temperance River., 47.6325 -90.8516667, 398m
RSA0187467 W. Harnach 750 1993-07-11
United States, California, Sierra, Sierra Valley. ~ 2.5 miles south of Yuba Pass Campground on west side of road., 39.599985 -120.483502, 2121m
J. R. Shevock 9898 1982-07-15
United States, California, Tulare, Sequoia National Park. Wishon Fork Tule River drainage. Along ridge north of Jordan Peak at point 9236., 36.1916667 -118.5916667, 2805m
RSA0444974 M.H. Nee 64226 2018-06-04
United States, Michigan, Gogebic, Ottawa National Forest, opposite Taps Lake trailhead along Forest Road 8100., 46.306667 -89.750556, 485m
RSA0512926 William Harnach 1487 2016-06-27
United States, California, Sierra, Sierra Valley; 2.0 road miles south of Yuba Pass (Hwy 49) on Forest Road 12., 39.5965 -120.4833333333, 2188m
RSA0542015 Sherwin Carlquist 15836 1984-08-02
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, Monarch Ski Lodge, 19 mi W. of Salida., 38.550775 -106.294505
RSA0542279 Sherwin Carlquist 15848 1984-08-16
United States, California, Mono, Above the north side of Tioga Pass, 0.5 miles east of the eastern boundary of Yosemite National Park., 37.918138 -119.264383, 3323m
OBI130419 David J. Keil 20743 1988-00-00
United States, California, Tulare, Sequoia National Park. Vicinity of Eagle Lake, ca. 3.5 miles south of Mineral King., 36.418354 -118.604942
OBI130418 Robert J. Rodin 9538 1977-09-13
United States, California, Tuolumne, Blue Cyn west of Sonora Pass, Stanislaus Natl Forest. Lower end of cyn 1/2 mi from road., 38.315369 -119.661436, 2896m
OBI130421 F.H. Utech, Walter and Irja Knight 84-159 1984-04-17
United States, California, Sonoma, Ca 5.0 mi E of Bridgehaven on Willow Creek rd, 38.420265 -123.032214, 145m
OBI130422 F.H. Utech, Walter and Irja Knight 84-160 1984-04-17
United States, California, Sonoma, Ca 5.0 mi E of Bridgehaven on Willow Creek rd, 38.420265 -123.032214, 145m
OBI130420 Neil Havlik 196 1968-05-18
United States, California, Marin, Head of Drake's Estero, near Point Reyes hwy, 38.091593 -122.930759
OBI130425 David J. Keil 20663 1988-05-07
United States, California, Santa Cruz, Swanton Pacific Ranch. Ranch headquarters, 37.04387 -122.22346
OBI130415 David J. Keil 21921 1991-06-29
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow National Forest, Medicine Bow Mountains, Snowy Range, 0.8 miles S of WY-130 on road to Barber Lake., 41.342604 -106.208258, 2576m
OBI130424 Joseph P. Tracy 17912 1947-08-24
United States, California, Humboldt, East of Box cyn, 41.089 -123.5329, 1676m
OBI130423 Louis C. Wheeler 1217 1932-08-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, Dollar Lake, San Bernardino Mtns, 34.123114 -116.853133, 2819m
OBI130417 Michael Walgren 477 2015-05-31
United States, Alaska, Valdez Cordova, Growing in a rocky cove near the shore on south Storey Island near the western end of the island., 60.721925 -147.472772, 3m
OBI130408 Tracey G. Call 498 1952-05-03
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, 200 ft NE of SW Corner of Lauderdale at its junction with Minneapolis and St. Paul city lines.
OBI130410 Mark Madsen 7581 2015-06-25
United States, Utah, Sevier, Fishlake National Forest. Found about 1 mile S of Mount Terrill G.S. Fishlake Plateau. Loa Road. On volcanic - derived colluvium., 2896m
OBI130409 Frederick H. Utech 84-460 1984-06-30
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Cook township; Moul/Moul Springs; Powdermill Nature Reserve, 40.1375 -79.269444, 518m
OBI130411 R. D. Smith 107 1976-06-27
United States, Alaska, Kukak Bay, Alaskan peninsula
OBI130412 C.V. Fitzgaireld 1971-07-23
United States, Alaska, Valdez, Alaska
OBI130413 David Keil 17472 1983-08-03
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Carson National Forest. Canjilon Lakes area, 36.55694 -106.32917, 2865m
OBI130414 David Keil 22139 1991-07-00
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Grand Mesa National Forest. Jeep trail between Waterdog Reservoir and Bull Creek Reservoir no.5, and on foot to Bull Basin Reservoir no. 2. Colected from dam of Bull Basin Reservoir #2., 39.072729 -108.02815
OBI130416 David Charlton 542 1986-08-16
United States, Utah, Iron, 15 mi west of Long Valley Junction (Hwy 89) on Hwy 14, 0.5 mi E of turnoff to Navajo Lake, 37.5 -112.83333, 2896m
Monica Richardson 2017-00-00
United States, California, Santa Cruz, Scott Creek Watershed, Swanton Pacific Ranch, 37.069881 -122.234262
E. Craig Cunningham s.n. 1989-07-06
United States, California, Alpine, Carson Pass. Woods Lake Campground., 2499m
OBI188046 E. Craig Cunningham s.n. 1989-07-06
United States, California, El Dorado, Woods Lake Campground, Carson Pass., 2499m
2812, 2813 Steve Ganley 1686 1972-07-22
United States, California, Tuolumne County, Middle, Gaynor Lake, 3170m
2810 Steve Ganley 1057 1972-03-26
United States, California, Humboldt County, Along Hwy. 101, near Patricks Point, 41.139584 -124.151735, 107m
CALVIN000353 Leonard J. Gabrielse 4 1965-05-10
United States, Michigan, Kent, East 1/2 of Section 10, Paris Township
CALVIN000354 William Elzinga 32 1980-10-28
United States, Michigan, Kent, East of Grand River Dr, 1.3 mi S of Knapp NE
CALVIN000355 Kathy Van Ooyen 12 1966-05-19
United States, Michigan, Kent, Calvin College, E of East Beltline
CALVIN000356 Patti Kamminga 5 1975-05-18
United States, Michigan, Kent, Calvin College, behind Boer Hall
CALVIN000357 Pete Tigchelaar 10 1962-05-12
United States, Michigan, Kent, Along drive through Palmer Park
CALVIN000358 Sharon Koster 26 1964-05-07
United States, Michigan, Kent, Bajema's Woods, 1/2 mi S of 1849 Byron Road
CALVIN005757 Glenn Stronks 88 1981-10-18
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay Dist., Silver Isle community
CALVIN005870 Marc Verkaik 16 1990-10-03
United States, Michigan, Kent, Grattan Twp, T8N, R9W, Sec. 19, ne 1/4; 3/4 mi. e. of Tiffany Rd, n. of Six Mile Rd.
CAU00000283 T.L. Daby 9 1994-05-10
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, SJU greater campus, 45.581753 -94.3937
CAN 523964 Schueler, Frederick W. IV 15680 1985-11-27
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Queen Charlotte Islands Land Distr., Skidegate Mission Second Beach Graham Island., 53.2667 -131.983
CAN 344012 Ball, M.F. 1965-05-22
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Bruce Co. (ON), Bruce Township
CAN 494828 Gillett, John M. 19215 1985-07-09
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Nipissing Distr. (ON), Timber Lake Highway 533, 46.5 -79.0167
CAN 121584 Macoun, John 1900-05-30
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Nipissing Distr. (ON), Cache Lake Algonquin Provincial Park
CAN 10080442 Soper, Dr. James H. ; Stebelsky, Ihor 9090 1960-06-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Algoma Distr. (ON), Montreal River 1.5 mi N. of Montreal River on Hwy. 17
CAN 206533 Halliday, W.E.D. 5 1937-07-01
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lanark Co. (ON), Pakenham
CAN 441096 Garton, Claude E. 18672 1979-06-11
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Oliver Township Vicinity of Airport off Conc. II Lot C 1.3 km. E. of Kakabeka Falls, 48.4167 -89.6
CAN 121558 Clarke, Charles H.D. 420 1944-07-23
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cassiar Land Distr., Haines Rd.: Klehini R., 59.45 -136.367
CAN 305750 Groh, Herbert 5490 1953-05-15
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Ottawa Cunningham Island. Rocky Island, 45.4069 -75.7553
CAN 222216 Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J.J. 1952-06-11
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Timiskaming Distr. (ON), New Liskeard About 10 mi. N. in Harley Township
CAN 439672 Forsythe, J.A. ; Christie, D.S. 473 1978-06-29
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Northumberland Co. (NB), Minto Brook Minto Brook area. 17 km. out new road S.W. from Popple Depot, 47.3167 -66.6, 533m
CAN 206534 Halliday, W.E.D. 1929 1929-00-00
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Pasquia Hills Carrot River by trail., 53.2167 -102.617
CAN 584376 Charest, René ; Brouillet, Luc 96-236 1996-07-04
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), Terra Nova Distr., (Terra Nova National Park). Bonavista North Dist. Maladie Head Trail., 48.6439 -53.9256
CAN 359305 Garton, Claude E. 14084 1971-06-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Algoma Distr. (ON), Michipicoten Along Michipicoten High Falls Rd. About 5 mi. from Hwy. 17, 47.9167 -84.75
CAN 525978 Shchepanek, Michael J. 6592 1985-07-10
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), York Co. (NB), Carroll Ridge 5 km south of Canterbury, off Hwy 630, Canterbury Parish. Loc. No. 3., 45.85 -67.4667
CAN 311950 Auclair, Allan 265 1963-06-26
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cariboo Land Distr., 3 mi. N. of Davie Lake, ca 48 mi. N. of Prince George, 54.5833 -122.75
CAN 301168 Soper, Dr. James H. 8802 1959-07-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Manitoulin Distr. (ON), Manitoulin Island Battery Bluff. Cook\'s Dock. Lot 11 Conc. X Loc. # 559
CAN 521418 Shchepanek, Michael J. 6149 1984-08-19
Canada, Nova Scotia (Prov.), Richmond Co. (NS), Irish Cove Brook 2 km south of Irish Cove Richmond Municipality. Loc. No. 18., 45.8 -60.6667
CAN 490097 Harms, Vernon L. ; Hooper, Donald F. ; Baker, Les ; Sky, P.L. 29580 1981-07-09
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Red Deer River Confluence of, and Smoking-Tent Creek 6.5 mi. (10.5 km) E of Erwood on Hwy #3, & 3.5 mi. (5.5 km) N (ca 17 km E-NE of Hudson Bay) W2., 52.9 -102.033, 300m
CAN 358938 Garton, Claude E. 14620 1971-07-28
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Algoma Distr. (ON), Wawa Station Rd. Wawa at turn into Sinter Plant, 48 -84.7833
CAN 227628 1862-00-00
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Waterloo Reg. Mun., Waterloo W. of Waterloo
CAN 430280 Shchepanek, Michael J. 2538 1977-05-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lanark Co. (ON), Pakenham Mountain 4 miles west of Pakenham along hydro line Pakenham Township., 45.3167 -76.3667
CAN 121559 Abbe, Ernst C. 3803 1932-07-14
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., Along Wicked R, near the Peace., 56.0667 -123.65, 610m
CAN 530555 Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Ireland, Robert R. ; Smith, S. 3461 1981-07-08
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leeds and Grenville United Co., Prescott 3 miles SW of Augusta Township. Large open gravel pit beside C.N.R. tracks., 44.7 -75.55, 90m
CAN 540409 Haber, Dr. Erich ; Hinds, Harold R. 3377 1988-08-11
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Northumberland Co. (NB), Dry Brook Trail From north end of Bathurst Lake to top of Mount Carleton 1050 ft. to 2693 ft. at summit., 47.3883 -66.8597
CAN 528267 Shchepanek, Michael J. 7498 1987-04-22
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Marlborough Township 14.5 km southwest of North Gower in Marlborough Forest., 45.0833 -75.8833
CAN 228748 Soper, Dr. James H. ; Shields, J.K. 4473 1950-05-29
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Elgin Co. (ON), Tillsonburg Lot 3 Conc. XII Loc. # 261, Dereham Township.
CAN 121545 Taylor, Thomas M.C. ; Bannan, M.W. 1939-06-15
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Vicinity of Peninsula Loc. # 223, 48.75 -86.25