Raul Gutierrez 2015 2008-03-19
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, ca. 1 mi E of Olberg on Olberg Road along Sacaton Canal, 33.097 -111.696, 395m
Raul Gutierrez 1893 2008-03-11
USA, Arizona, Yuma, ca. 1 mi E of Ave 64E along Old US Hwy 80, 32.7988 -113.534, 134m
Theresa Price 681 2007-04-13
USA, Arizona, Gila, Mt. Ord. Along Haufer Wash road (FS 598) approx. 0.1 miles west from Highway 188., 33.9149 -111.315, 760m
Theresa Price 834 2007-04-28
USA, Arizona, Gila, Mt. Ord. Approximately 3.3 miles west of Highway 188 on Reno Creek Road (FS 524), a bit west of Daniels Spring., 33.8837 -111.366, 920m
Tom Bates, Donna Shorrock, Jackie White, Meg White 103 2006-04-18
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Santa Maria River floodplain west of Hwy 93, 34.3547 -113.209, 518m
Andrea Hazelton 199 2007-03-21
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Soil seed bank study; Soil collected from Hassayampa River floodplain at Hassaympa River Preserve near Wickenburg, AZ, 33.9377 -112.701, 598m
Bethany Lester G-298 2006-03-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Plant specimen germinated in the ASU greenhouse, in soil collected from Hummingbird Springs Wilderness, near Hummingbird Springs on 1/27/06., 33.6434 -113.108, 580m
Bethany Lester G-16 2006-03-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Plant specimen germinated in the ASU greenhouse, in soil collected from Hummingbird Springs Wilderness, near Hummingbird Springs on 1/27/06., 33.6434 -113.108, 580m
Bethany Lester G-38 2006-03-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Plant specimen germinated in the ASU greenhouse, in soil collected from Hummingbird Springs Wilderness, near Hummingbird Springs on 1/27/06., 33.6434 -113.108, 580m
Bethany Lester G-37 2006-03-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Plant specimen germinated in the ASU greenhouse, in soil collected from Hummingbird Springs Wilderness, near Hummingbird Springs on 1/27/06., 33.6434 -113.108, 580m
Bethany Lester G-36 2006-03-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Plant specimen germinated in the ASU greenhouse, in soil collected from Hummingbird Springs Wilderness, near Hummingbird Springs on 1/27/06., 33.6434 -113.108, 580m
Kathleen C. Rice 453 1991-05-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest. Superstition Wilderness Area. Reavis Trailhead, along Trail 109, ca 2.5 miles from Hwy. 88, directly across from Apache Lake Marina.., 807m
Kathleen C. Rice 503 1991-05-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest. Superstition Wilderness Area. Tule Trailhead, S of Hwy. 88 ca 3 miles on Forest Rd. 449, directly across Hwy. from Roosevelt Recreation Center. Trail 122., 975m
Kathleen C. Rice 383 1991-04-18
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Tonto National Forest. Superstition Wilderness Area. Woodbury Trailhead, N of Hwy. 60 ca 12 miles on Queen Creek turnoff to Forest Rd. 172, 33.415 -111.2263, 1219m
Kathleen C. Rice 285 1991-04-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest. Superstition Wilderness Area. Fish Creek canyon, ca. 8 miles from Tortilla Flat Store on Hwy. 88., 701m
ASU0005203 H. S. Gentry 8862 1950-03-29
Mexico, Baja California, 7-8 miles south of Punta Prieta ., 29.070126 -114.155211
ASU0005204 A. C. Sanders 1271 1980-03-28
Mexico, Baja California, Collected in a coastal sage scrub-Sonoran desert intergradation area about 19 km E. of EL Rosario. Plants were collected on a north s slope above a large wash and on a flat area above the slope., 30.040599 -115.738998
Frank Farruggia 2120 2008-04-12
USA, Arizona, Gila, Parker Creek Canyon, 33.72848 -110.9994
ASU0056665 Steve Jones 1384 2011-03-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Sonoran Preserve, Jeep Trail at wash crossing., 33.6164 -111.80925, 619m
ASU0061018 F. M. Irish 1920-02-14
USA, Arizona, Mormon Flat.
ASU0061019 F. M. Irish 1905-04-05
USA, Arizona, Hieroglyphic Canyon., 33.404622 -111.421583
ASU0061020 F. M. Irish
USA, Arizona, Hieroglyphic Canyon., 33.404622 -111.421583
Steve Jones 879 1989-04-10
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Four Peaks Wilderness. Picadilla Creek, in the NW corner of wilderness. Riparian habitat in wash, chaparral plants on N-facing slope, Sonoran desertscrub plants on S-facing slopes. Near bend in creekbed to N, 33.72 -111.44, 1045m
Dustin Wolkis & Brenton Scott 007 2012-03-19
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forrest Along Salt River near intersection of Bush HWY and Usery Pass Rd. Near Tubing facility, 33.55 -111.6, 407m
Liz Makings 3899 2012-03-14
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, confluence of Arnett Creek and Telegraph Canyon southeast of Superior, 33.26 -111.12, 800m
Dustin Wolkis & Brenton Scott 007 2012-03-19
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forrest Along Salt River near intersection of Bush HWY and Usery Pass Rd. Near Tubing facility, 33.55973 -111.60998, 407m
Dustin Wolkis & Brenton Scott 52 2012-03-24
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, East of Intersection of Avondale rd. and the Salt River in Tres Rios Wetlands, 33.382317 -111.696739, 290m
Liz Makings 4168 2013-03-29
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Usery Mountain Regional Park, adjacent Usery Mountain shooting range, 33.488888 -111.628891, 670m
Liz Makings 4427 2014-04-12
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest, Mesquite Wash; ~.5 mile west of Hwy 87, 33.731692 -111.517823, 620m
ASU0080241 Frankie S. Coburn 94 2011-04-25
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Ca. 1 mi SE of confluence with Sycamore canyon; 5 mi N of Clarkdale, 34.851082 -112.072632, 1060m
Richard Bond 270 2003-04-16
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Coconino National Forest, Yavapai County, Arizona, Bull Pen Ranch Camp Ground and West Clear Creek Wilderness Trail Head, USFS Trail #17 (West Clear Creek Trail), West Clear Creek flood plain, north side of stream in open meadow under Cottonwood / Sycamore canopy Elevation 3600 ft, USGS Quad. WALKER MTN, ARIZ, USDA Permit LOV0048, BOND, R, 34.5398 -111.704705, 1097m
Richard Bond 30 2001-03-30
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Coconino National Forest, Bull Pen Ranch Camp Ground and West Clear Creek Wilderness Trail Head, West Clear Creek flood plain, north side of stream in open meadow under Cottonwood / Sycamore canopy, USGS Quad. WALKER MTN, ARIZ. USDA Permit LOV0048, BOND, R, 34.538877 -111.688642, 1128m
ASU0083858 Walter Fertig 29285 2014-03-07
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sonoran Desert: N of Salome Highway S of Delaney Wash, ca 3 air miles SW of Tonopah., 33.467224 -112.979432, 344m
ASU0086280 Liz Makings 4566 2015-03-19
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Phoenix Mountain Preserve, Cave Creek Buttes Recreation Area, 33.723211 -112.059902, 560m
ASU0087491 Frankie S. Coburn 510 2012-04-01
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Mormon Pocket along the Verde Canyon railroad tracks; ca. 5 miles upstream from confluence with Sycamore Canyon, 34.8755 -112.130867, 1120m
ASU0087207 Frankie S. Coburn 506a 2012-03-31
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Mormon Pocket along the Verde River; ca. 5 miles upstream from confluence with Sycamore Canyon, 34.889465 -112.128914, 1120m
ASU0087326 Laura Lee Marshall 202 2007-03-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Usery Mountain Regional Park NE corner boundary of Tonto National Forest along N. Ellsworth Rd., 33.493172 -111.615975, 640 - 650m
ASU0087337 Laura Lee Marshall 223 2007-04-26
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Usery Mountain Regional Park 150 m east of trailhead at Crismon & McKellips in levee channel, 33.464024 -111.596937, 535 - 545m
ASU0090653 Walter Fertig 30302 2015-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sonoran Desert: Papago Park east of ASU public services building N of Curry Road, Tempe, ca 0.4 miles N of Salt River., 33.44073 -111.938987
ASU0089329 Walter Fertig 29100 2014-01-24
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest, N of Bush Highway, Coon Bluff, 6 miles W of Saguaro Lake. T2N R7E S4 SW4 of NE4 of SW4, 33.543808 -111.642476, 479m
ASU0092278 Amber Rand 46
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Tonto National Forest; Superior, AZ at Potts Canyon; 6km from the smelter; 0.8 miles off the east fork of Road 252, 33.3155 -111.172
C. Hartson 2 2016-04-13
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Phoenix Mountains Preserve; 40th Street Trailhead, 33.5668 -111.9965, 457m
ASU0295836 C. Hartson 2 2016-04-13
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Phoenix Mtns Preserve, 40th St Trailhead. Desert wash along trail, 457m
ASU0297506 Richard R. Halse 9023 2014-03-24
USA, California, Glenn, Glenn Co, California: Along Road 306 on the north edge of Chrome., 284m
ASU0106119 Liz Makings 5077 2017-04-02
United States, California, San Bernardino County, Just west of Chemehuevi mountains near intersection of Hwy 95 and Havasu Lake Road, 34.55176 -114.64206, 510m
ASU0301070 J. M. André 32655 2015-04-24
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Cerbat Mountains: west side of range about 12 mi. north of Kingman, 0.3 mi. along faint dirt road north of Mineral Park Rd, 2.7 mi. east of Hwy 93, 35.355567 -114.176133, 1166m
ASU0306138 J. Andre 33044 2015-03-19
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, along Bridle Creek, 0.2 mi. south of Hwy 97 (to Bagdad), 3.2 mi. east of Hwy 93.. Quad: Thorn Peak., 34.4614 -113.22995, 781m
ASU0306598 Jim André 33904 2015-03-20
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, south side of Hwy 93/60, c. 15 miles south-southeast of Wickenburg, 40 miles northwest of Phoenix, 33.81135 -112.57462, 585m
ASU0309570 Liz Makings 6084 2019-01-24
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Tempe; Preist and Rio Salado; weedy vacant lot dominated by exceptionally tall (some 4 feet) plants of London Rocket., 33.431318 -111.961742, 350m
ASU0311473 Liz Makings 6522 2020-03-07
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge; El Camino Del Diablo, San Cristobal Wash; creosote-mesquite shrubland; sandy soils, 32.11138 -113.13011, 320m
ASU0308772 Anthony Mendoza 178 2017-03-05
USA, Arizona, Pima, Right next to parking lot off of Rancho Feliz and just south of water tank, 32.37916667 -110.9975, 737m
Liz Makings 7382 2023-03-17
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Tonto National Forest; Blue Point recreation area below Saguaro Reservoir; just east of the parking lot, 33.550103 -111.566892, 430m
ASU0342803 Jim Verrier 1930 2022-04-03
United States, Arizona, Pima, Sierrita Mountains, lower Ash Creek, 31.8764 -111.28508, 1166m
AWC00000834 Karen Reichhardt 1079 2015-04-01
USA, Arizona, Yuma, North Gila Mountains, east side of range, north of Interstate 8 along railroad track west of 8th St. and south of Ave. 16E., 32.71264 -114.33362, 61m
AWC00001014 L. Miller 2009-02-11
United States, Arizona, La Paz, Plomosa Mountain Range at entrance to Little Bones water catchment., 33.716531 -114.101565
AWC00001400 A.C. Sanders 42081 2016-03-05
United States, California, Imperial, Chocolate Mountains, upper Mammoth Wash, below “slot” canyon, 33.21365 -115.19758, 439m
AWC00001399 A.C. Sanders 42123 2016-03-07
United States, California, Imperial, Chocolate Mountains Aerial Gunnery Range, c. 3.5 km NE (66°) of Salvation Pass well site, 33.27973 -115.23067, 398m
AWC00000445 C. A. Hindes 121a 1993-03-17
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Yuma Proving Ground: 2.0 km E of intersection with Kofa-Mohawk Road, 6.5 km S of Mesquite Jim Well; 12.5 km NE of Signal Butte on KLM Road., 32.908095 -113.779742, 140m
507 C. D. Bertelsen 90-036 1990-03-23
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tucson Mountains; T13S R12E sec. 31 SW 1/4; Saguaro National Monument West, King canyon wash below Mam-a-gah., 969m
508 A. E. Garwood 4880 1976-03-23
United States, Arizona, Pima, Baboquivari Mountains; Kitt Peak Road; 40 miles W of Tucson., 914m
4619 John F. Wiens 92-091 1992-03-06
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Picacho Mountains; T8S R9E Sec 21 NW 1/4. next to CAP canal., 549m
Zanzot, James W. 188 2004-03-16
APSC0120343 Wesley Griesel 1961-02-11
United States, California, Fresno
APSC0120344 1967-03-19
United States, California, Fresno
BRIT217102 Bruce Suckling 48 1996-03-16
United States, California, 2742 Huntington Dr, Duarte.
BRIT493079 C. C. Albers 14-E8 1944-03-05
United States, Texas, Bexar, Fort Sam Houston, 29.460203 -98.435267
BRIT433636 C. C. Albers 44112 1944-03-05
United States, Texas, Bexar, Ft. Sam Houston
BRIT1096013 Dora Sylvester
United States, Arizona
Jack Whitehead 1902 1936-03-08
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Near Florence Junction.
Fritz Berger 1926-04-00
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Boyce Thompson Arboretum grounds, Superior.
Jack Whitehead 959 1935-03-00
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Boyce Thompson Arboretum grounds, Superior.
C.E. Turner 394 1971-03-17
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Boyce Thompson Arboretum grounds, Superior., 730m
C. Power 2 1978-03-19
USA, Arizona, Gila County, Pinal Creek Bank, area of Six Shooter Canyon Ranger Station; south of Globe.
Phil Young T-38 1978-03-16
USA, Arizona, Gila County, Tonto National Monument, parking lot., 853m
Pat Romero 11 1975-03-01
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Along Apache Trail, 4 miles from Apache Junction., 610m
BRYV0160929 Larry C. Higgins 28984 2010-05-03
U.S.A., Arizona, Mohave, Whitmore overlook., 36.15248 -113.20436, 2493m
BRYV0003040 R. G. Swinney 10149 2009-03-19
U.S.A., California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mtns. Foothills: Azusa, 0.7 mi. north of Sierra Madre Ave. on north side of San Gabriel River channel, ca 100 m north of Hwy 39., 34.16055 -117.90638, 230m
BRYV0103458 Richard R. Halse 7447 2008-05-24
U.S.A., Oregon, Jackson, Northwest of Medford at the junction of Dugan Road and Tresham Lane west of Upper Table Rock., 42.47692 -122.95443, 438m
BRYV0141223 Bethany Allen Z2 2016-06-01
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Wash, Lytle Ranch Preserve. E side of wash just north ne of bunk house., 37.1439 -114.021, 829m
BRYV0141126 Larry C. Higgins 15520 1985-05-31
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Lytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash., 37.13186 -114.01425, 800m
BRYV0141125 G. Baird 1632 1985-06-06
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Wash, Lytle Ranch Field Station., 37.14635 -114.01426, 853m
BRYV0141124 Stanley L. Welsh 21616 1983-04-15
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaverdam Slope, ca 3 mi S of TerryÕs Ranch., 37.10286 -114.01422, 884m
BRYV0165515 A. C. Sanders 32046B 2006-04-11
U.S.A., California, Los Angeles, Western Mojave Desert: Antelope Valley, NW of Fairmont Butte, Hwy 138 at 190th St. West (Fairmont Butte 7.5Õ)., 34.77444 -118.46694, 845m
BRYV0160863 Larry C. Higgins 17090 1987-03-18
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Ivins Bench, between North Black rocks and south Black Rocks.
BRYV0160862 Bret Crapo 3 2006-05-02
U.S.A., Utah, Utah, Mouth of Rock Canyon., 1829m
BRYV0160861 D. Atwood 9284 1983-05-28
U.S.A., Utah, Box Elder, South tip of Little Mtn, adjacent to Hwy 83., 1463m
BRYV0160878 Larry C. Higgins 869 1967-04-02
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Dixie State Park, ca. 5 miles Northwest of Ivins., 975m
BRYV0160859 Larry C. Higgins 15213 1985-03-19
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, North Saddle-Horn on the Black Hill west side of St. George., 1000m
BRYV0160858 Jay B. Karren 18 1962-04-13
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, TerryÕs Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash.
BRYV0160857 Susan E. Meyer 2459 1973-04-29
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Red Cliffs recreation area, 1067m
BRYV0160876 E. Neese 4157 1978-04-06
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Lyttle Ranch., 914m
BRYV0160875 S. Clark 4511 1981-05-29
U.S.A., Utah, Davis, Antelope. Geol-strat pcm., 1341m
BRYV0160874 M. Featherstone 009 1995-04-08
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Wash. 1/2 mile north of Lytle Ranch, on slopes east of creek.
BRYV0160873 P. Bates 296 1995-05-31
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, Sheeprock Mountains. Log Canyon., 1950m
BRYV0160872 Ron Kass 4254 1995-05-23
U.S.A., Utah, Salt Lake, Coon Canyon, about 8 miles west of Kearns, UT., 2200m
BRYV0160871 L. Higgins 19485 1998-05-12
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Lytle Ranch.
BRYV0160870 L. Higgins 19391 1998-04-10
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Lytle Ranch Preserve.
BRYV0160869 L. Higgins 19348 1998-04-04
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Black Hills W of St. George., 1158m
BRYV0160868 Sandy Long 738 2000-05-06
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, Site 14.1. Slope 10 degrees, aspect 13 degrees SE., 40.51333 -112.48527, 1582m
BRYV0160896 Ken Heil 5713 1990-03-26
U.S.A., Arizona, Pima, Growler Pass road Ca. 4.5 miles west of State Hwy 85 along the Kuakatch Wash., 32.19692 -112.83406, 485m