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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Potamogeton berchtoldii (Potamogeton berchtoldii var. acuminatus, Potamogeton pusillus var. polyphyllus), Potamogeton berchtoldii subsp. berchtoldii (Potamogeton berchtoldii var. colpophilus, Potamogeton berchtoldii var. lacunatus, Potamogeton berchtoldii var. mucronatus, Potamogeton berchtoldii var... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 4, records 301-400 of 749

The Morton Arboretum Herbarium - Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
0034438MORSchulenberg, RF | Read, RW   6631970-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, DeKalb, In mud bottom ditch at corner of Sominauk Rd. & Gurgler Rd, 1.5 mi S of Courtland. (Courtland Twp)

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0034440MORSchulenberg, RF | Read, RW   6631970-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, DeKalb, In mud bottom ditch at corner of Sominauk Rd. & Gurgler Rd, 1.5 mi S of Courtland. (Courtland Twp)

0034103MORJohnson, K   24151995-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, Boone, Five miles southwest of Harvard, in Picasaw Creek west of County Line Road, north of Angling Road.

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0034445MORRowlatt, U   6471978-07-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Woods

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0034443MORWilhelm, G | Wetstein, L   175411989-09-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, Near Stevensville, in Middle Lake of Grand Mere.

0034441MORWilhelm, G | Wetstein, L   208771992-09-00
United States of America, Wisconsin, Racine, About 2 miles northwest of Buena Park, south and west of Marsh Road, in stream through fen.

Image Associated With the Occurence
0035793MORSwink, FA | Murray, R | Johnson, K   104281990-08-00
United States of America, Indiana, Jasper, On the north side of the large pond in Jasper-Pulaski State Game Preserve about 3 miles southeast of Tefft, in shallow water of the pond.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Potamogeton berchtoldii var. tenuissimus (Mert. & W.D.J.Koch) Fernald
0081145MORHess, WJ   31961974-04-00
United States of America, Texas, Jeff Davis, 7 1/2 mi. from Jct. of Texas Hwy 17 & 118 on Hwy. 17. Upper Limpio Canyon.

0095702MORKobal, S   FPD 18-452018-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve. Near Lemont, east of Lemont Road and north of the Des Plaines River

0096502MORNamestnik, S | Blassage, M | Beck, J   SAN 30362016-07-00
United States of America, Indiana, St. Joseph, Mud Lake at Elbel Golf Course, Lydick. 41°44'N, 86°22'W., 41.733333 -86.366666

University of Alabama Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00073944E. C. Soehren, Dan Spaulding   E. C. Soehren 5552018-05-18
United States, Alabama, Bullock, Along far western margin of South Pond on WMA; Wehle Forever Wild Tract. Chunnenuggee Hills district of the East Gulf Coastal Plain, 32.02 -85.47

University of Alaska Museum

243974Michael Duffy   KOVA_T59_07_20072007-07-30
United States, Alaska, Kobuk Valley National Park; Kobuk Flats, 24 - 24m

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243703Michael Duffy   GAAR_T113_05_20082008-08-08
United States, Alaska, Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve;N. Fork R near Florence Lake, 258 - 258m

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114592unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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114589unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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114587unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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114588unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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114569unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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114591unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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114590unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

235393unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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235389unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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235390unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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235392unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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235391unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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235388unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

250255unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

250400unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

Image Associated With the Occurence
235394Alf Erling Porsild, August Johann Julius Breitung   1944-08-08
Canada, Yukon Territory, Canol Rd.: Mile 222, Ross R. valley near north end of Sheldon Lake., 914 - 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
84597Michael Duffy   MD00-2392000-08-11
United States, Alaska, Minchumina Basin, Hot Slough, UTMzone 5, E545013, N7060112, 63.66 -152.09

243728Michael Duffy   GAAR_T93_02_20082008-08-03
United States, Alaska, Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve; vic. Kaluluktok Cr., 272 - 272m

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84626Michael Duffy   MD00-268-a2000-08-14
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Lower Kantishna River east of Chilchukabena Lake, UTMzone 5, E578588, N7085207, 63.88 -151.39

243892Michael Duffy   KOVA_T61_03_20072007-07-26
United States, Alaska, Kobuk Valley National Park; Akilik Wetlands, 32 - 32m

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235395Alf Erling Porsild, August Johann Julius Breitung   1944-07-28
Canada, Yukon Territory, Whitehorse: Sandy and shaly bluffs and hillsides east of Lewes R., 640 - 732m

University of California at Davis Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
DAV342236E. B. Copeland   6041931-07-20
United States, California, Butte, Butte County: Jonesville., 40.1131 -121.4661, 1650m

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DAV342237Herbert L. Mason   136361948-09-04
United States, California, Mono, Mono County: Rush Creek., 37.9242 -119.0696

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DAV342286Richard Smith   s.n.2007-05-15
United States, California, Monterey, Monterey Co.: West of Salinas off Hwy. 68., 36.614921 -121.689304

University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0333538James K. Bissell   1995:0691995-06-28
United States, Ohio, Lake, Conley Road Lake Metropark: 259 degrees and 1.83 miles from center of I-90 interchange at Vrooman Road; Painesville Quad; Painesville Township.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0333540V. Oswald   36651988-08-04
United States, California, Plumas, T29N R5E S6 se/nw. Red Fir Forest. Willow lake located se of Drakesbad just s of the boundary of Lassen Volcanic National Park. SE edge of the lake., 1676m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0333541Rudy G. Koch   97221975-07-23
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Bibon Lake and adjacent wetlands at the Flag River mouth; ca. 1 mi. NW Port Wing. By harbor opening, exposed to Lake Superior influence. T50N, R8W, S29.

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NLU0333545V. E. McNeilus   96-5431996-07-31
United States, Wisconsin, Jackson, Along Rt. 12. About 3.0 miles east of Black River Falls.

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NLU0333548C. B. Hellquist   81481973-07-31
United States, Vermont, Chittenden, Shelburne Pond, Shelburne.

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NLU0333549C. B. Hellquist   152781983-07-21
United States, Vermont, Windsor, Ludlow, northern end of Lake Rescue.

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NLU0333550C. Leland Rodgers   671481967-08-09
United States, South Carolina, Greenville, In Cardinal Lake two miles east of Paris Mountain.

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NLU0333560P. Gammon   s.n.1976-10-04
United States, North Carolina, Gates, Near spillway. Merchant's Millpond State Park.

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NLU0333561Stanley J. Smith   502301973-08-16
United States, New York, Dutchess, North end of Indian Pond, near Millerton, Northeast Twp., 192m

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NLU0333567Ken E. Rogers   467531979-05-25
United States, Mississippi, Madison, Barnett Reservoir; Pipeline Road; fish ponds at Game 2 Fish cabin. In small pond on road to G&F ponds.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0333570C. B. Hellquist   102731975-06-27
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Pond 9.5 miles (15.2 km) due southeast of Cheboygan, Sec. 27, T37N, R1E.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0333571C. B. Hellquist   103181975-06-30
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Small inlet to Paradise Lake, west of Mud Creek east of Carp Lake. T38N, R3W, Sec. 18.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0333572C. B. Hellquist   103721975-07-03
United States, Michigan, Presque Isle, Black Mallard River (Carp Ck.) 1.6 km south of Grace, along U.S. 23 (backwater near Lake Huron) Sec. 1, T36N, R2E.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0333573C. B. Hellquist   108231975-08-04
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Cheboygan Marsh-Lake Huron at the Cheboygan bathing beach. T38N, R1W, Sec. 29.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0333574C. B. Hellquist   152361983-07-12
United States, Massachusetts, Berkshire, Lanesborough, Muddy Brook at south end of Cheshire Reservoir, south of Summer Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0333575C. B. Hellquist   72351973-06-15
United States, Massachusetts, Berkshire, Richmond Pond, Richmond., 342m

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NLU0333649C. B. Hellquist   77931973-07-08
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Prestile Stream Pond, Mars Hill., 125m

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NLU0333651E. H. Eames   117311935-09-20
United States, Connecticut, New Haven, North end of Lake Quannipaug. Guilford.

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NLU0333658E. H. Eames   117121935-08-02
United States, Connecticut, Fairfield, Pond in Saugatuck River, north of road west from Mark Twain Library and above pumping works. Redding.

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NLU0333659C. B. Hellquist   86131973-08-08
United States, Connecticut, Middlesex, Black Pond, Middlefield.

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NLU0333907C. E. Garton   203871981-07-21
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay Dist. 5 km. S. of Weikwabinonaw Rd. on Buda L. Access Rd. of Great Lakes Forest Products., 48.333333 -90.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0333908C. E. Garton   205281981-08-19
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay Dist. Pulpwood access road just off Buda L. Rd, 1 km. S.&E. of Wikwabinonaw R. bridge.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0334131R. Dale Thomas   117021968-08-10
United States, Louisiana, Tangipahoa, In or beside Tangipahoa River, La. 40, E. of Independence.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0334132R. Dale Thomas   767861981-06-03
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, Edge of Cheniere Lake near La. 3033 southwest of West Monroe, Sec. 16, T17N, R3E.

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NLU0334133R. Dale Thomas   1300461992-06-14
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, Between Red Cut Loop Road and Luna Methodist Church; Sec. 31, T16N, R3E.

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NLU0334134R. Dale Thomas   289541972-05-06
United States, Louisiana, Grant, Iatt Lake at J.D. Camp, 3 miles W. of La. 122, Sec. 3, T7N, R3W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0334137C. E. DePoe   53641966-06-30
United States, Louisiana, Caldwell, Lake Ferrand, e shore (n of Columbia).

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NLU0334138R. Dale Thomas   345911983-08-01
United States, Louisiana, Caldwell, In edge of Ferrand Lake west of U.S. 165 and Corey north of Columbia, Sec. 1, T14N, R3E.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0334140R. Dale Thomas   401471974-07-20
United States, Louisiana, Bienville, At Edward's Mill Creek ½ mile west of La. 9 and Bienville, Sec. 28, T16N, R6W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0334190C. B. Hellquist   75841973-07-12
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Worden Pond, South Kingstown.

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NLU0335104Tim Briley   22221981-03-03
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Along Beaver Creek in Beavers Bend State Park, 10 miles north of Broken Bow.

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NLU0335106Bayard Long   174651917-09-13
United States, New Jersey, Gloucester, S.W. Chestnut Branch of Mantua Creek. Sewell.

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NLU0334135C. E. DePoe   64421966-08-16
United States, Louisiana, Grant, Gravel rd 0.4 mi w La-Ark R.R. tracks Sect 22, T9N, R2W (w of Georgetown).

University of Maryland, Norton-Brown Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
MARY1025562John A. Churchill   75727191975-07-27
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Pond about 6 mi N of town

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1281629W. Alan Wentz   9481973-08-12
United States, Michigan, Roscommon, Houghton Lake Wildlife Research Area (Porter Ranch) ca. 6 km. sw of Houghton Lake. T22N, R4W., 44.285909 -84.829752

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1280195Edward G. Voss   13410A1970-07-08
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Beaver Island: NE arm of Lake Geneserath, 45.600144 -85.529828

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1281653John L. Sypulski   901940-07-05
United States, Michigan, Chippewa, Munuscong Lake, 46.180529 -84.1715

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1280202Carl O. Grassl   77631937-10-15
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Mill Lake, 42.33201 -84.08884

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1281620Edward G. Voss   159781988-07-20
United States, Michigan, Iron, near center W edge sec. 33, T44N, R32W, ca. 4.5 mi. N. of Crystal Falls., 46.16707 -88.3251

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1280192Clarence R. Hanes   34281938-09-10
United States, Michigan, Kalamazoo, Stony Lake, 42.37751 -85.34558

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1280218H. Kilpela   4131938-08-29
United States, Michigan, Iron, Smoky Lake, 46.09618 -88.94162

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1280153Henry T. Darlington   1923-08-16
United States, Michigan, Ontonagon, Along Carp River, Porcupine Mountains, 46.777717 -89.811388

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1280184Carl O. Grassl   72931936-07-03
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Mill Lake, 42.33201 -84.08884

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1280176A.S. Hazzard & P.H. Eschmeyer   111941-08-30
United States, Michigan, Ontonagon, Little Carp Lake, 46.761423 -89.772874

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1280171Peter A. Hyypio   11341960-09-09
United States, Michigan, Marquette, T52N, R28W, Sec 19, Huron Mountain Club., 46.887701 -87.90706

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1280214Rogers McVaugh   88321947-09-02
United States, Michigan, Chippewa, Chase S. Osborn Preserve of U of Mich near the southern end of Sugar Island, 46.35367 -84.13542

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1280183J. Funk   1940-08-08
United States, Michigan, Mecosta, Big Evans Lake, 43.72864 -85.232197

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1280175E.W. Roelofs   2431941-07-08
United States, Michigan, Cass, Hemlock Lake, 42.06371 -85.80732

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1280188John L. Sypulski   258
United States, Michigan, Schoolcraft, Seney Refuge

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1003254Charles A. Davis   s.n.1893-07-12
United States, Michigan, Gratiot, Millpond, Alma

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1188239Janet K. Marr   30392003-08-26
United States, Michigan, Delta, Hiawatha National Forest, Carmen project area (pond #6); T42N R20W sec 6 SE SE; UTM: 16511808E 5100429N, 46.05857 -86.84785

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1188240Janet K. Marr   30292003-08-09
United States, Michigan, Keweenaw, Isle Royale National Park, near west end of Intermediate Lake (near portage trail to Siskiwit Lake); T65N R35W sec. 15 SW 1/4, 48.028204 -88.737751

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1221180J. Elias & J.E. Meeker   Harris 03-2512003-08-08
United States, Michigan, Keweenaw, Isle Royale National Park. Isle Royale. Wood Lake, east bay., 48.00056 -88.83333

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1259485Chester W. Laskowski   11191964-08-01
United States, Michigan, Schoolcraft, Seney National Wildlife Refuge at NE end of C3 Pool, T45N-R15W, Sec. 12, 46.31187 -86.11549

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1280145Carl O. Grassl   77611937-06-12
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Silver Lake, T1S, R4E, Sec. NW corner, 42° 25' N. lat, 83° 58' W. long., 42.42256 -83.96633

Image Associated With the Occurence
1280146John L. Sypulski   2111941-09-14
United States, Michigan, Schoolcraft, Seney Natl. Wildlife Refuge

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1280147John L. Sypulski   1940-07-17
United States, Michigan, Schoolcraft, Seney National Wildlife Refuge

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1280148D.E. Miller   531936-07-02
United States, Michigan, Marquette, Independence Lake, Sta. No. 43, T.51N, R.27W.

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1280149Edward G. Voss   79301958-08-01
United States, Michigan, Keweenaw, Isle Royale, between east end of Chickenbone Lake and McCargo Cove, 48.071467 -88.714896

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1280150Frances L. Stearns   51920-07-10
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, 42.28768 -83.74009

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1280151P.H. Eschmeyer   3391938-07-18
United States, Michigan, Cass, Miller Lake, 41.987888 -85.781401

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1280152P.H. Eschmeyer   9361938-08-31
United States, Michigan, Osceola, Rose Lake, 44.35009 -85.225127

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1280154Edward G. Voss   115301964-06-27
United States, Michigan, Chippewa, along N bank of Tahquamenon River near its mouth (sec. 10)., 46.565643 -85.036911

Page 4, records 301-400 of 749


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