CAN 393899 Kujala, Viljo; Cajander, Aarno 1931-08-09
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cassiar Land Distr., 55.25 -127.666667
CAN 10025802 Scotter, George W. 12549|N-17 1970-06-30
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), (Nahanni National Park Reserve). Flat River., 61.45 -125.7, 549m
CAN 547907 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 90-133 1990-06-29
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Rock Creek Willows found along Rock Creek under Alder 100 yards upstream from its junction with its dry fork which parallels Forest Road R55., 33.785556 -109.782778, 2179m
CAN 436254 Argus, George W.; White, David J. 9646 1975-07-31
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Maybelle River Parabolic sand dune system at the head of river., 58.166667 -110.883333
CAN 517257 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12290 1986-06-29
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., SHOW LOW Just east of town on AZ 260., 34.233333 -110.033333, 1950m
CAN 600320 Saarela, Jeffery M.; Percy, Diana M.; Chang, Ying 899 2007-06-06
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Vancouver Island, along Hwy. 18, E of town of Lake Cowichan, just E of Cowichan River Provincial Park. Roadside with Dactylis glomerata, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Poa, Festuca, Acer macrophyllum, Populus, Alnus rubra., 48.807 -123.957
CAN 204025 Breitung, August J.J. 1257 1941-07-07
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Wallwort Edge of highway.
CAN 600351 Saarela, Jeffery M.; Percy, Diana M. 1206 2007-07-23
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Queen Charlotte Islands: Graham Island, town of Port Clements. Cultivated willow., 53.685 -132.177
CAN 352358 Viereck, Leslie A. 8303 1967-07-08
United States, Alaska (State), College Fairbanks Quad., 64.866667 -147.85
CAN 382477 Brayshaw, Thomas C. 1974-07-12
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., 4 mi SE of Fort Nelson., 58.816667 -122.683333
CAN 409968 Argus, George W.; White, David J. 9645 1975-07-31
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Maybelle River Parabolic sand dune system at the head of river., 58.166667 -110.883333
CAN 45324 Malte, M.O. 1916-07-29
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cariboo Land Distr., 53.916667 -122.75
CAN 532431 Argus, George W.; Argus, Mary L. 13089 1988-08-18
United States, California (State), Mendocino Co., Caspar 2.2 miles south of town on CA 1.
CAN 10025829 Talbot, Stephen S. T5011-2 1975-07-12
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), (Nahanni National Park Reserve). On island in S. Nahanni R. near Jackfish R., 61.166667 -123.666667, 191m
CAN 499252 Hooper, Donald F.; Baker, L. 85080603 1985-08-06
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Armit 9 miles south of along creek west of Woody Lake Road., 52.716667 -101.816667, 430m
CAN 482237 Hooper, Donald F. 83090611 1983-09-06
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Hudson Bay 50 miles north of 0.5 mile SE of Bainbridge camp site., 53.55 -102.1, 351m
CAN 328181 Argus, George W.; Chunys, W.N. 6849 1967-07-22
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Range 5 Coast Land Distr., Skeena River 30 miles west of terrace, 53.5 -128.5
CAN 539795 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 89-128 1989-05-18
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Little Diamond Creek On delta of an un-named tributary of Little Diamond with its junction with Little Diamond Creek., 33.942222 -109.781111, 2262m
CAN 371897 Argus, George W. 8434 1973-06-26
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Kootenay Land Distr., Kootenay Bay At ferry landing on Hwy 3A Nelson Quad., 49.683333 -116.866667
CAN 549315 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 90-243 1990-09-12
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., South Fork of Little Colorado River Springerville District., 34.048333 -109.385556, 2484m
CAN 517388 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12420 1986-07-05
United States, New Mexico (State), Rio Arriba Co., TRUCHAS 2.5 km east of town on gravel road., 36.05 -105.816667, 2500m
CAN 496654 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12124 1985-06-07
United States, New Mexico (State), Colfax Co. (NM), Eagle Nest 4 km east of town on US-64. Tributary of Cimarron River., 36.533333 -105.216667, 2500m
CAN 600440 Percy, Diana M.; Cronk, Quentin C.E. DPQC-0131 2008-06-09
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), just SE of Tatla Lake village, Hwy 20, 51.897 -124.593
CAN 0352357A Viereck, Leslie A. 8301 1967-07-08
United States, Alaska (State), College Fairbanks Quad., 64.9 -147.816667
CAN 539810 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 89-143 1989-06-02
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., North Fork White River At edge of Forest Road R78 (south side) just east of an un-named tributary of the North Fork and edge of a small willow patch., 34.023611 -109.710833, 2429m
CAN 496392 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 11865 1985-05-29
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., Show Low Near Show Low Creek., 34.25 -110.05, 1950m
CAN 600376 Saarela, Jeffery M.; Percy, Diana M.; Chang, Ying 863 2007-06-04
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Vancouver Island, along Hwy. 14 (Sooke Highway). Roadside ditch with Dactylis glomerata, Holcus, Bromus sterilis, Bromus hordeaceus, scotch broom, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Poa, Phalaris arundinacea, Salix spp, Lotus corniculatus., 48.424 -123.552
CAN 541256 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 89-259 1989-08-10
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., East Fork Black River Adjacent to road 1.2 miles upstream from Buffalo Crossing on the west side of the Alder riparian stand., 33.777222 -109.347222, 2332m
CAN 371888 Argus, George W. 8425 1973-06-25
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Kootenay Land Distr., Kootenay National Park. Kootenay River Near crossing of Hwy 3, Nelson Quad., 49.116667 -116.566667
CAN 352371 Viereck, Leslie A. 8027 1966-07-05
United States, Alaska (State), Goldstream Cr Fairbanks Quad., 64.916667 -147.816667
CAN 549299 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 90-227 1990-09-06
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Nutrioso Creek 0.25 mile south of US 666 crossing of creek Alpine District., 33.918333 -109.179722, 2460m
CAN 10025850 Rosie, R.M. 1312 1982-09-17
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Frances Lake In uplands southeast of Frances Lake, 61.183333 -129.116667, 920m
CAN 371922 Argus, George W. 8468 1973-06-27
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Similkameen Div. Yale Land Distr., Cascade Kettle River on Hwy 395, Penticton Quad., 49.033333 -118.2
CAN 45271 Raup, Hugh M. 6029 1935-06-03
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Firebag River Near its mouth, 58.716667 -111.35
CAN 352347 Argus, George W. 24-63 1964-06-11
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), North Saskatchewan River On River between North Battleford and Baljennie., 52.783333 -108.283333
CAN 600439 Percy, Diana M.; Cronk, Quentin C.E. DPQC-0086 2008-06-05
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Hwy 97, between Prince George and Hixon, dirt road along a creek: Kolling Road to Wills Road, 53.559 -122.658
CAN 517469 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12500 1986-07-09
United States, New Mexico (State), San Miguel Co. (NM), TERERRO 4.4 km south of town on NM 63. Banks of the Pecos River north of confluence of Indian Creek., 35.733333 -105.633333, 2300m
CAN 496414 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N.; Granfelt, Carl-Eric 11887 1985-05-29
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., Whiteriver North Fork White River 1.5 km north of town., 33.833333 -109.966667, 1600m
CAN 539504 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 89-104 1989-05-04
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., Gomez Creek Willows common along creek, below Forest Road R71 crossing. Gomez Creek incised 4-8' deep, willow on creek on slope and on top of gully., 34.039722 -109.861111, 2000m
CAN 517342 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12375 1986-07-02
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., CLUFF CIENEGA Just east of McNary on AZ 260., 34.066667 -109.833333, 2200m
CAN 600434 Percy, Diana M.; Cronk, Quentin C.E. DPQC-0102 2008-06-07
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Road from Bella Coola to Heckman Pass, Hwy 20, 52.442 -125.871
CAN 10025826 Marsh, A.H. 6193 1976-07-08
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), South Nahanni River at the mouth of Prairie Creek, 61.25 -124.45, 260m
CAN 600494 Percy, Diana M.; Cronk, Quentin C.E. Jericho Beach native 2007-04-28
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Vancouver, Point Grey, Jericho Beach Park, 49.271 -123.199
CAN 10025843 Eastwood, Alice 113 1914-05-29
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Dawson Dawson Quad., 64.066667 -139.416667
CAN 549311 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 90-239 1990-09-12
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., South Fork of Little Colorado River Willows found in alder riparian stand along an intermittent tributary Springerville District., 34.049444 -109.400556, 2470m
CAN 541147 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 89-168 1989-06-13
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Little Diamond Creek Willows found in dense stands adjacent to creek above Forest Road R26 crossing of creek., 33.926111 -109.809444, 2160m
CAN 591980 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 08-20 2008-07-18
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. South Fork Little Colorado River. Within the Forest Service campground. T8N R28E S20 NWSE. 8495'., 34.146944 -109.692222, 2589m
CAN 352367 Scamman, Edith 6484 1951-09-00
United States, Alaska (State), Harding L Big Delta Quad., 64.416667 -146.833333
CAN 600364 Saarela, Jeffery M.; Percy, Diana M.; Chang, Ying 888_DP 2007-06-05
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Vancouver Island, along Deering Road, north of Port Renfrew, at Harrs Spruce Tree point of interest, 48.67921 -124.21418, 40m
CAN 517305 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N.; Granfelt, Carl-Eric 12338 1986-07-01
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., WHITERIVER 1.5 km north of town on North Fork White River., 33.833333 -109.966667, 1600m
CAN 517390 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12422 1986-07-05
United States, New Mexico (State), Rio Arriba Co., TRUCHAS 4 km east of town on gravel road., 36.05 -105.816667, 2500m
CAN 547468 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 90-35 1990-05-01
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., Jumpoff Creek East of Jumpoff Spring flat., 34.176944 -110.385833, 1772m
CAN 352357 Viereck, Leslie A. 8193 1967-05-24
United States, Alaska (State), College Fairbanks Quad., 64.9 -147.816667
CAN 496606 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12076 1985-06-06
United States, New Mexico (State), Taos Co., Rio Pueblo On NM-3 11 km southeast of junction with NM-75., 36.133333 -105.533333, 2550m
CAN 547469 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 90-36 1990-05-01
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., Jumpoff Creek East of Jumpoff Spring flat., 34.176944 -110.385833, 1772m
CAN 541150 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 89-171 1989-06-13
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Big Diamond Creek Willows common along creek at Forest Road R25 crossing of creek., 33.917778 -109.830833, 2024m
CAN 547900 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 90-125 1990-06-19
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., Big Diamond Creek Under Alder approx. 100 yards downstream from Forest Road R35 crossing of Creek., 33.926944 -109.873889, 1838m
CAN 496424 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N.; Granfelt, Carl-Eric 11897 1985-05-29
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Gooseberry Creek, 34.066667 -109.833333, 2200m
CAN 496534 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12007 1985-06-04
United States, New Mexico (State), Santa Fe Co., Santa Fe Santa Fe River 5 km east of city centre just below Twomile Reservoir., 35.666667 -105.9, 2200m
CAN 371945 Argus, George W. 8491 1973-06-28
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Osoyoos Div. Yale Land Distr., Ellison Lake 3 miles south of Winfield on Hwy 97, Penticton Quad., 49.8 -119.383333
CAN 541155 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 89-188 1989-06-20
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Gooseberry Creek A willow stand found on seep-spring area adjacent to Forest Road R76, 0.8 miles north of R27/R76 junction., 34.041944 -109.827222, 1978m
CAN 532720 Galeano-Popp, R. 4 1988-07-12
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Three Forks About 10.5 miles due east of north end of Area. Reservation Lake., 33.85 -109.433333, 2500m
CAN 45381 Breitung, August J.J. 1124 1941-06-21
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Leacross Along the Leather River.
CAN 541472 Argus, George W. 13301 1989-08-06
United States, Alaska (State), Yukon River Crossing Dalton Hwy 90 km from Elliot Hwy. Just north of mouth of Woodcamp Creek., 65.866667 -149.716667, 35m
CAN 541149 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 89-170 1989-06-13
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Big Diamond Creek Willows common along creek at Forest Road R25 crossing of creek., 33.917778 -109.830833, 2024m
CAN 548765 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 90-173 1990-07-17
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., Cibecue Creek On creek side above lowering crossing of Cibecue loop road., 34.008611 -110.473333, 1460m
CAN 600485 Percy, Diana M.; Cronk, Quentin C.E. UBCBG lucida 2007-05-01
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), University of British Columbia, UBC Botanical Garden, Native Garden, 49.253 -123.245
CAN 352360 Argus, George W. 432 1956-06-22
United States, Alaska (State), Fairbanks Fairbanks Quad., 64.85 -147.716667
CAN 352368 Viereck, Leslie A. 7687 1965-06-28
United States, Alaska (State), Nenana Fairbanks Quad., 64.65 -149.133333
CAN 600490 Percy, Diana M.; Cronk, Quentin C.E. MI Bennett Bay 2007-04-21
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Southern Gulf Islands, Mayne Island, Bennett Bay, 48.847 -123.25
CAN 496536 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12008B 1985-06-04
United States, New Mexico (State), Santa Fe Co., Santa Fe Santa Fe River 5 km east of city centre just below Twomile Reservoir., 35.666667 -105.9, 2200m
CAN 496653 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12123 1985-06-07
United States, New Mexico (State), Colfax Co. (NM), Eagle Nest 4 km east of town on US-64. Tributary of Cimarron River., 36.533333 -105.216667, 2500m
CAN 204031 Breitung, August J.J. 1397 1941-07-29
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Nipawin Along the Saskatchewan River.
CAN 372011 Argus, George W. 8565 1973-07-02
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Kamloops Div. Yale Land Distr., Ashcroft Highway Valley Road, 5 miles south of town Ashcroft Quad., 50.633333 -121.266667
CAN 541471 Argus, George W. 13300 1989-08-06
United States, Alaska (State), Yukon River Crossing Dalton Hwy 90 km from Elliot Hwy. Just north of mouth of Woodcamp Creek., 65.866667 -149.716667, 35m
CAN 352348 Harper, Francis 1914-05-24
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Grand Rapids Athabaska River, 56.333333 -112.616667
CAN 517525 Argus, George W. 12557 1986-07-13
United States, Colorado (State), Boulder Co., RAINBOW LAKES AREA 6.8 km below campground on Rainbow Lakes Road., 40.016667 -105.416667, 3000m
CAN 600380 Saarela, Jeffery M.; Percy, Diana M. 1309 2007-07-26
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Along Hwy. 16, adjacent to Skeen River between Tyhee and Skeena. Roadside with Alnus, Salix, Solidago, Agrostis, Calamagrostis canadensis, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Bromus carinatus., 54.2 -129.595
CAN 496256 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 11732 1985-05-21
United States, New Mexico (State), Catron Co., San Francisco Plaza San Francisco River just south of Reserve., 33.666667 -108.75, 1740m
CAN 10025810 Talbot, Stephen S. T5010-4 1975-07-12
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), (Nahanni National Park Reserve). On island S. Nahanni R. near Jackfish R., 61.166667 -123.666667, 206m
CAN 10025815 Argus, George W. 5040 1966-06-25
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Upper Liard R Watson Lake Quad., 60.05 -128.916667
CAN 10025830 Scotter, George W. 12536|N-17 1970-06-30
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), (Nahanni National Park Reserve). Flat River., 61.45 -125.7, 549m
CAN 352376 Argus, George W. 4663 1964-08-07
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Pasquia Hills Otosquen Road Waskwei River.
CAN 589532 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 07-17 2007-08-27
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. Pinetop-Lakeside. Along Walnut Creek within a narrow basalt canyon. T9N R22E S36 SWNE, 34.134444 -109.958056, 2066m
CAN 496549 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12021A 1985-06-04
United States, New Mexico (State), San Miguel Co. (NM), Tererro Just south of village. On Pecos River 21 km north of Pecos., 35.733333 -105.633333, 2440m
CAN 404170 Harms, Vernon L. 21271 1975-07-02
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Lac La Ronge Ca. 9 miles north of west shore of English Bay Mile 10.5, Hwy 102., 55.216667 -105.3
CAN 549265 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 90-193 1990-08-21
United States, Arizona (State), Navajo Co., Forestdale Creek One half mile north of Forestdale Trading Post., 34.15 -110.1025, 1860m
CAN 393932 Kujala, Viljo; Cajander, Aarno 1931-09-10
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cariboo Land Distr., by headwaters of North Thompson River., 52.833333 -119.25
CAN 494931 Medina, A.L. 2 1985-04-15
United States, Arizona (State), Gila Co., Canyon Creek Young Ranger District., 33.833333 -110.666667, 1980m
CAN 10025836 Eastwood, Alice 112 1914-05-29
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Dawson Dawson Quad., 64.066667 -139.416667
CAN 45275 Macoun, James M. 1903-06-13
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Peace River Landing, 59 -111.416667
CAN 309647 Argus, George W. 5095 1966-07-06
United States, Alaska (State), Chena River Circle Quad., 64.9 -146.416667
CAN 517232 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12265 1986-06-27
United States, New Mexico (State), Catron Co., MOGOLLON 31 km east of town on NM 78. Gilita Creek on NM 78 at confluence of Indian Creek., 33.4 -108.566667, 2400m
CAN 371892 Argus, George W. 8429 1973-06-25
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Kootenay Land Distr., Kootenay National Park. Kootenay River Near crossing of Hwy 3, Nelson Quad., 49.116667 -116.566667
CAN 352553 Argus, George W.; Hudson, John H. 4564 1964-07-31
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Limestone Lake Hansen Lake Road.
CAN 371962 Argus, George W. 8515 1973-06-30
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Kamloops Div. Yale Land Distr., Kamloops Lake Tranquille on north shore of lake Ashcroft Quad., 50.716667 -120.516667
CAN 539496 Granfelt, Carl-Eric 89-97 1989-05-02
United States, Arizona (State), Apache Co., Davis Dam On spillway outrun of Davis Dam enroute to Trout Creek., 33.993611 -109.758333, 2484m
CAN 517465 Argus, George W.; Argus, John N. 12496 1986-07-09
United States, New Mexico (State), San Miguel Co. (NM), TERERRO 5 km south of town on NM 63. Banks of the Pecos River just north of confluence of Indian Creek., 35.733333 -105.633333, 2300m
CAN 371959 Argus, George W. 8512 1973-06-30
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Kamloops Div. Yale Land Distr., Kamloops Lake Tranquille on north shore of lake Ashcroft Quad., 50.716667 -120.516667
CAN 10025819
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.)