181426 collectors: Ron Wittmann 1420 1980-09-21
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Campus of the University of Colorado. On the banks of Boulder Creek just E of 19th Street., 1620m
181427 collectors: D.L. & M.L. Denham 80308 1980-09-22
United States, Colorado, Elbert County, Sandy raodside ca. 1 mile N of the El Paso County line along Elbert County 78., 39.14 -104.26, 1890m
163470 collectors: H Harrington 1937-08-13
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Ft Collins, 40.57 -105.09
199198 D.L. Denham M.L. Denham 80308 1980-09-22
USA, Colorado, Elbert, Sandy roadside ca. 1 mile N of the El Paso County line along Elbert county 78., 39.14 -104.24, 1890m
181472 collectors: John Taylor 29747 1980-08-28
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston County, Collected near the headquarters area on the Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge.
174067 collectors: Kerri Pederson 26 2007-09-27
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Fort Collins, approximately 300 m SW of intersection of Colorado Road 15 and West Colorado Road 66W on west side of driveway, 40.73 -105.08
197541 B. Baldwin 56 2000-08-05
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Growing at edge of patio, west side of apt, off of Heritage Cir, Ft. Collins., 1533m
51911 collectors: COLYER, MARILYN 1986-09-11
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, MOREFIELD CANYON, MOREFIELD WELL, WS. 50-1, TRENCH BANK
51912 collectors: COLYER, MARILYN 1989-10-17
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, WETHERILL MESA, BADGER HOUSE
51913 collectors: COLYER, MARILYN
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, ENTRANCE ROAD, M.0.25
1699260 E. P. Bicknell 10049 1909-08-15
United States of America, New York, Long Beach, Long Island., 40.588401 -73.669185
1699581 A. Hayden 41 1934-08-20
United States of America, Palo Alto, Highland Twp. Sec. 6. Lost Island Lake.
1699585 L. H. Pammel s.n.
United States of America, Iowa, Eagle [River].
1699475 G. F. Buddell, II 2282 1983-07-27
United States of America, Kentucky, Bracken Co., Near edge of Ohio River; at Mehldahl Dam ca. 3 miles SE of Foster on Rt. 8.
1699555 D. T. MacDougal s.n. 1898-07-12
United States of America, Arizona, In the vicinity of Flagstaff., 35.182211 -111.608572, 2134m
1699501 R. M. Kriebel 5209 1937-08-21
United States of America, Indiana, Henry Co., At the base of a gully on a farm. 5 miles north of New Castle.
1699797 L. Ahart 4401 1983-09-04
United States of America, California, Sutter Co., Dean Ranch, Sutter Buttes. Foothill Woodland., 270m
1699417 A. Brown s.n. 1879-09-09
United States of America, New York, at Hunter's Point, 40.747794 -73.94922
1699763 L. C. Higgins 11330 1977-08-31
United States of America, Texas, Randall Co., Bufalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge, 5 miles south of Umbarger., 34.881971 -102.105474
1699628 R. D. Thomas 64564 1979-05-23
United States of America, Louisiana, Tangipahoa Parish, Along railroad tracks north and south of La. 22 east of U.S. 51 in Ponchatoula.
1699455 E. J. Grimes 4071 1921-07-22
United States of America, Virginia, Near Railway station at Williamsburg.
1699699 S. R. Hill 14758 1984-07-25
United States of America, New Mexico, San Miguel Co., Mogote Canyon Pasture; Mogote Cayon; 17-18.5 mi E of Las Vegas; 4-3.5 mi S of Rte. 104. Along roadcut N of SE gate. T. M. O'Conner Ranch., 35.547065 -104.893788, 1981 - 2012m
1699610 E. J. Palmer 63181 1956-08-20
United States of America, Missouri, Polk Co., 1 mile south of Graydon Springs., 37.4355 -93.5
1699340 J. H. Sandberg s.n. 1829-08-00
United States of America, Minnesota, Hennepin Co., 45.004579 -93.476877
1699338 E. A. Mearns 10 1890-09-13
United States of America, Wisconsin, Camp Douglas
1699770 R. D. Dorn 9947 2004-08-10
United States of America, Wyoming, Goshen Co., 4 mi. NE of Lingle., 42.177321 -104.290246, 1280m
1699219 F. Bartley 1116 1948-09-15
United States of America, Kansas, Collected along the Santa Fe R.R. in Wichita.
1699719 F. E. Clements 268 1896-08-07
United States of America, Colorado, Fremont Co., Canyon City., 38.435951 -105.217661, 1629m
1699964 E. P. Bicknell 10043 1895-07-28
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Woodlawn, 40.898498 -73.86656
1688986 V. W. Steinmann 2078 2001-10-07
Mexico, Michoacán, Arteaga Mun., Along MEX 37, ca. 75 Km (by road) north of Arteaga and 1 Km south of El Descansadero., 18.644722 -101.969444, 300m
1699450 H. Shriver 630 1891-00-00
United States of America, Maryland, Cumberland, 39.652468 -78.76402
1699689 A. P. Pinzl 10218 1992-09-25
United States of America, Nevada, Carson City (Independent City), Lakeview area west of Rte 395, Hobart Road by junction with Red's Grade., 1585m
1688999 Frère Arsène s.n. 1909-09-02
Mexico, A [L.O. del] Zapote pies Norelia.
1699896 D. S. Correll 15127 1952-10-20
United States of America, Texas, Crosby Co., Vicinity of Silver Falls, White River, about 7 miles east of Crosbyton., 33.648802 -101.137929
1699961 G. V. Nash s.n. 1899-08-11
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Mosholu Parkway + Perry Ave, N. Y. City., 40.790278 -73.959722
1699228 F. P. Metcalf 5722 1916-08-01
United States of America, New York, Tompkins Co., Near Sibley College [=Cornell University College of Engineering]. Cornell University Campus, Ithaca., 42.447017 -76.482996
1688982 I. M. Johnston 7786 1938-09-19
Mexico, Durango, Road from Bermejillo to Zaragoza and north to Mohovano; 3 miles NE of Bermejillo about playa.
1699522 C. C. Deam 489 1905-08-27
United States of America, Indiana, Wells Co., Along roadside 1/2 mile west of Murray along River road.
1699572 J. K. Small s.n. 1895-07-01
United States of America, Georgia, Dekalb Co., On and about Stone Mountain., 457m
1689045 R. McVaugh 16558 1957-08-29
Mexico, Nayarit, Mountains 9 miles north of Compostela, 1200m
1689046 G. B. Hinton 6633 1934-09-21
Mexico, Guerrero, Pungarabato Mun., Distr. Coyuca. Pungarabato
1699908 Illegible collector name 1339
United States of America, Texas, Drummond, 33.08567 -98.759229
1699541 Collector unspecified s.n. 1939-11-25
United States of America, Illinois, Decatur., 39.840315 -88.9548
1699445 B. Heritage s.n. 1887-00-00
United States of America, New Jersey, Gloucester Co., Mullica Hill., 39.736475 -75.224844
1699341 H. F. Bergman 2986 1914-08-04
United States of America, Minnesota, Benedict., 47.158012 -94.690554
1689013 C. G. Pringle s.n. 1886-10-06
Mexico, Chihuahua, Valley near Chihuahua., 28.670606 -106.073148
1699554 D. Demaree 19683 1939-08-01
United States of America, Tennessee, Shelby Co., Banks of the Mississippi River. Memphis, 61m
1699670 E. Bartholomew 1159 1930-09-22
United States of America, Kansas, Russell Co., 38.914779 -98.762351
1699846 P. C. Standley 14385 1916-09-05
United States of America, New Mexico, Colfax Co., Vicinity of Ute Park, 36.544291 -105.102239, 2200 - 2900m
1699709 F. V. Hayden s.n. 1859-00-00
United States of America, To the Head Waters of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers.
1699684 E. Hall s.n. 1872-06-08
United States of America, Texas
1699481 R. Athey 1961 1972-07-18
United States of America, Kentucky, Fulton Co., Hickman. Behind the flood wall.
1699473 G. F. Buddell, II 3211 1983-08-12
United States of America, Kentucky, Lewis Co., Along Ohio River shore at west end of Vanceburg.
1699698 L. C. Higgins 19927 1998-10-12
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., St. George., 37.1058 -113.5776
1699291 F. C. MacKeever 732 1963-08-24
United States of America, Massachusetts, Siasconset, Nantucket Island., 41.262623 -69.966124
1689021 E. Palmer 1273 1891-00-00
Mexico, Colima
1689038 E. Palmer 768 1896-04-00
Mexico, Durango, City of Durango and vicinity
1699422 K. K. Mackenzie 5163 1912-08-11
United States of America, New Jersey, Phillipsburg, 40.687462 -75.179361
1699446 C. D. Fretz s.n. 1923-08-17
United States of America, Pennsylvania, Bucks Co., Sellersville, 40.353993 -75.304898
1699309 W. C. Ferguson 1737 1922-08-07
United States of America, New York, Wading River, Long Island., 40.940233 -72.821326
1688981 V. W. Steinmann 4205 2004-04-01
Mexico, Michoacán, Aguililla Mun., La Cuenca de l Balsas; 1.5 km (en línea recta) al noroeste de La Paz, Arroyo El Salto, alrededores de las cascadas, 18.811667 -102.779167, 700m
1699595 P. H. Raven 27363 1986-08-30
United States of America, Missouri, Jefferson Co., 6.5 mi (10.5 km) W of Desoto. Above bluff near Big River, 0.1 mi (0.16km) NNE of confluence with Parker Creek., 38.125 -90.008333
1688969 Collector unspecified 5535 1934-01-24
Mexico, Guerrero, Coyuca
1699703 R. J. Davis 4215 1941-08-18
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Snake River. 43W. 20N., 45.070389 -116.785675
1699750 B. Heidel 2610 2004-08-04
United States of America, Wyoming, Goshen Co., Southeastern plains; fort Laramie National Historic Site, at mouth of Laramie River, north side, less than 1 miles SW of Fort Laramie (town), NE4 of SW4., 42.198895 -104.53114, 1283m
1699660 M. H. Nee 57050 2010-05-18
United States of America, Texas, Tarrant Co., Dowtown Fort Worth, corner of 4th and Pecan Streets., 32.756389 -97.3275, 183m
1699745 S. Norton s.n. 1892-07-28
United States of America, Kansas, Manhattan, 39.183608 -96.571669
1699906 E. N. Plank s.n. 1895-07-00
United States of America, Texas, El Paso, 31.809224 -106.445951
1699439 J. K. Small s.n. 1890-08-15
United States of America, New Jersey, On Delaware, above Phillipsburgh
1699774 N. D. Atwood 29897 2003-09-18
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave Co., Upper Parashant Canyon below Soda Spring., 36.3602 -113.5125
1801215 M. H. Nee 59469 2012-10-03
United States of America, Wisconsin, Crawford Co., Small park in the village of Steuben, along edge of and in floodplain of Kickapoo River., 43.1819 -90.8583, 203m
1689024 T. S. Brandegee s.n. 1893-10-19
United States of America, California, Sierra de la Laguna
02688594 D. E. Atha 15794 2016-09-14
United States of America, New York, New York Co., Central Park. Mount. Between 104th and 105th Streets and between 5th and 6th Avenues, 40.794333 -73.95415, 24m
1699744 K. K. Mackenzie s.n. 1895-06-27
United States of America, Kansas, Wyandotte Co., Along r.r, n.w. of Quindaro.
1699659 R. D. Thomas 171325 2001-08-22
United States of America, Mississippi, Newton Co., Beside the I-20E exit ramp at Chunky-Duffee Road (mile 121) north of U.S. 80 and Chunky.
1699747 K. K. Mackenzie s.n. 1897-09-03
United States of America, Kansas, Wyandotte Co., Common on Mo. river sandbars. Quindaro.
1699241 H. D. House 25277 1937-09-24
United States of America, New York, Cayuga Co., Near Fox Ridge., 43.055343 -76.690783
1699538 A. B. Seymour s.n. 1889-09-00
United States of America, Illinois, Deland
1699907 L. C. Higgins 6183 1972-08-22
United States of America, Texas, Knox Co., Brown Ranch on the middle Fork of the Whichita River; 5 miles upstream form the confluence., 33.842539 -99.960468
1699418 E. P. Bicknell 10053 1902-09-04
United States of America, New York, Arserne, Long Island.
02632695 A. Tiehm 17090 2015-07-14
United States of America, Nevada, Churchill Co., Lahontan Valley, Fallon, 0.3 road miles E of Boundary Lane on main Stillwater Road., 39.49281 -118.59025, 1201m
1699257 A. H. s.n. 1915-09-14
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., Staten Island: Tottenville, 40.511217 -74.249312
1699328 S. R. Ziegler 459 1974-08-13
United States of America, Wisconsin, Vernon Co., Island 9; Mississippi River-mile #688.8. Island on E side of main channel., 43.687425 -91.259209, 193m
1699641 A. Wetzstein s.n. 1901-09-02
United States of America, Ohio, St. Marys.
1688994 E. Palmer 812 1898-00-00
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo.
1699247 E. P. Bicknell 10002 1900-08-08
United States of America, New York, Van Cortlandt Park and vicinity., 40.897877 -73.883469
1699336 S. D. Swanson 1702 1975-07-23
United States of America, Wisconsin, Vernon Co., Site 64
1699562 R. D. Thomas 125540 1991-09-28
United States of America, Arkansas, Independence Co., Beside U.S. 167 at Exxon Station and Banquet Foods Company in Batesville., 35.787575 -91.641776
1699842 J. N. Rose 17676 1913-09-30
United States of America, New Mexico, Between Anton Chico and mouth of Gallinas River, 35.179567 -105.027753
1689054 E. Palmer 167 1887-06-00
Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas
1699486 E. M. Browne 6292 1962-09-08
United States of America, Kentucky, Henry Co., Ky. 22, roadside, 4.1 mi. E of junct. Ky. 22 and Ky. 1360. Blue Grass Province.
1699808 T. E. Wilcox s.n. 1894-00-00
United States of America, Arizona, Ft. Huachuca., 31.555019 -110.349718
1699292 E. P. Bicknell s.n. 1899-09-13
United States of America, Massachusetts, Nantucket Island. South end of the town.
1699604 K. K. Mackenzie 362 1898-10-02
United States of America, Missouri, Jackson Co., Along railroad near [Heimis] Brewery.
1699687 R. S. Ferris 2842 1921-07-15
United States of America, Texas, Brewster Co., Ridge Spring, 9 mi. south of Marathon., 29.346448 -103.42336
1689011 R. McVaugh 16302 1957-08-24
Mexico, Jalisco, Near Km. 647, ca. 5 road-miles south-west of Santa Cruz de las Flores., 1550m
1699760 H. L. Bolley s.n. 1891-08-17
United States of America, North Dakota, Minot, 48.23251 -101.296273
1699802 J. T. Howell 30109 1954-09-23
United States of America, California, Marin Co., Milton H. Esberg place.
1699819 T. E. Wilcox s.n. 1893-08-00
United States of America, Arizona, Ft. Huachuca., 31.555019 -110.349718
1699649 K. E. Rogers 8608-A 1972-09-06
United States of America, Mississippi, Forrest Co., Hattiesburg; railroad yard.