ASU0122920 James L. Reveal, 2468 1971-06-23
USA, California, Plumas, Along Ca. Hwy 89, 4 mi NW of Greenville and ca 4 mi SE of Canyondam, 1219m
UCR0085957 George K. Helmkamp 15227 2009-07-16
United States, California, Placer, Forest Hill Road, 26.1 miles northeast of the city of Foresthill, c. 3/4 mi. NW of Sailor Flat, 39.175 -120.51861, 2020m
UCR0085958 Hugh Dearing 2127 1938-06-25
United States, California, Tehama, Battle Creek, 40.33889 -121.5875, 1483m
UCR0085956 George K. Helmkamp 16668 2010-07-28
United States, California, Placer, Forest Hill Road, 1.6 miles west of the junction with Soda Springs Road at Robinson Flat, 39.15667 -120.50222, 2040m
UCR0085955 George K. Helmkamp 15445 2009-08-12
United States, California, Placer, Forest Hill Road, 26.1 miles northeast of the city of Foresthill, 39.175 -120.51861, 2020m
Wendy McBride 1215 2019-07-01
United States, California, Shasta, Lassen National Forest, just below dam of the North Battle Creek Reservoir along W side. Ca. 200ft uphill from creek., 40.60307 -121.65586, 20m
SDSU22365 Cain, Ian 1937 2018-06-06
United States, California, Placer, In the vicinity of Wallace Peak approximately 3.5 km west of Hell Hole Reservoir along a transmission line., 39.0456 -120.4497
102331 W. Harnach 1506 2016-07-19
USA, California, Sierra, [Sierra Nevada,] on Forest Road 93, 4.4 road miles W of the Packer Lake turnoff., 39.59665 -120.69265, 2046m
9113 M.J. Williams 83-135-1 1983-08-12
USA, California, Plumas, W side of the Sierra Nevada, near Jamison Creek, above Johnsville., 39.738271 -120.719886, 1676 - 1676m
9114 A.A. Heller 8833 1907-07-13
USA, California, Plumas, [Sierra Nevada, Genessee Road,] between Taylorville and Little Grizzly Creek., 40.04929 -120.817013
9115 J.L. Reveal 3974 1975-08-24
USA, California, Plumas, Along the La Porte-Quincy Road, 17.5 miles S of Quincy and 0.3 mile S of the Chimney Rock Trail turnoff, ca 1 airline mile W of Pilot Peak., 39.780341 -120.886909
9116 M.J. Williams 86-63-1 1986-06-19
USA, California, Nevada, [Sierra Nevada,] on road to Fuller and Bowman Lakes, 2 road miles N of Hwy 20., 39.324823 -120.654414, 1524 - 1524m
9117 J.L. Reveal 2468 1971-06-23
USA, California, Plumas, [Sierra Nevada,] along Hwy 89, 4 miles NW of Greenville and about 4 miles SE of Canyondam., 40.175997 -120.996368, 1219 - 1219m
9118 M.J. Williams 74-P-13 1974-08-05
USA, California, Plumas, [Sierra Nevada,] Lakes Basin, trail from Silver Lake to Mount Elwell., 39.702255 -120.690979, 2164 - 2164m
9119 P.B. Kennedy 236 1901-08-06
USA, California, Nevada, [Sierra Nevada,] Soda Springs., 39.323238 -120.379925
104101 W. McBride 1215 2019-07-01
USA, California, Shasta, Lassen NF, just below dam of the North Battle Creek Reservoir along W side, ca 200 feet uphill from creek., 40.60307 -121.65586, 20m
102920 W. Harnach 1411 2015-05-20
USA, California, Sierra, [Sierra Nevada,] Goodyears Bar, [on Mountain House Road,] 1.2 miles S of the intersection of Hwy 49 and Mountain House Road., 39.535283 -120.886983, 877m
DAV308192 Alva Day 65-140 1965-06-20
United States, California, Nevada, Nevada County: Indian Springs Campground, near Cisco., 39.32943 -120.569443
DAV318562 A. H. Frederids s.n. 1925-06-29
United States, California, Sierra, Sierra County: Downieville, Sierra Nevada Mountains., 39.559652 -120.828641, 1067m
DAV318565 R. A. Pendeton s.n. 1939-05-21
United States, California, El Dorado, Otter Creek., 38.957961 -120.785554
Cristian J. Singer 67 2018-07-04
United States, California, Nevada, Eastern Nevada County. Jackson Meadows Reservoir. West side of dam along both sides of FS-07. Ca 500 feet south-southwest of western terminus of dam., 39.5074 -120.5589, 1851m
DAV240483 Shane Hanofee HAN-509 2022-06-21
United States, California, Nevada, On lava cap surrounding ridge 1500' west of intersection of Lowell Hill Rd. and Hwy 20, 39.30587 -120.726557, 1570m
IND-0084872 A. Arthur Heller 8833 1907-07-13
United States, California, Plumas, Between Taylorville and Little Grizzly Creek., 40.049085 -120.809742
RSA0581433 Lowell Ahart 21081-A 2016-06-29
United States, California, Plumas, Top and southeast side of Table Mountain, about 2 miles (air) northwest of Tamarack Flat, about 4 miles (air) northwest of Little Grass Valley Reservoir Dam., 39.771222 -121.0745, 1857m
James L. Reveal 2468 1971-06-23
United States, California, Plumas, Along California Highway 89, 4 miles northwest of Greenville and about 4 miles southeast of Canyondam, 40.175 -120.9959, 4000m