BRYV0051898 Richard R. Halse 8740 2013-03-26
U.S.A., California, Colusa, Along the Leesville Road ca. 5.6 miles northwest of its junction with State Hwy. 20, west of Williams., 39.15565 -122.36681, 157m
67011 R.R. Halse 8740 2013-03-26
USA, California, Colusa, Along the Leesville Road, ca. 5.6 miles NW of its junction with CA Hwy 20, W of Williams., 39.15565 -122.36681, 157m
0003470 Richard R. Halse 8740 2013-03-26
USA, California, Colusa, Along the Leesville Road ca. 5.6 miles northwest of its junction with State Hwy. 20, west of Williams., 39.15565 -122.36681, 157m
USA, California, Calaveras
DAV312547 CNPS SN Foothill Team SNFN-0070d 2005-03-30
United States, California, Butte, Butte County: CDFG, North Table Mountain Wildlife Area, in a creek channel on Table Mountain. From the parking area, go south to Campbell Creek in Beatson Hollow, along old road approximately 3 miles west of Cherokee Road., 39.5895347585664 -121.563333394788, 306m
DAV243973 Shane Hanofee HAN-662 2023-03-18
United States, California, Nevada, Approximately 1 mi east of intersection of McCourtney Rd. and Long Ravine Rd. at Austin Ravine., 39.065539 -121.251272, 198m
United States, California, Colusa County, Colusa County, CA
OBI161081 Larry Kelly 185 1988-05-21
United States, California, Madera, Bass lake, Crane Valley campground, 37.333436 -119.584759
OBI170718 Walter F. Chesebro 236 1978-05-19
United States, California, Mariposa, In forest off of hwy 140, 3.6 mi N of Mariposa, 37.5218 -119.9382
SBBG172384 A. A. Heller 13916 1926-03-31
United States, California, Butte, Nelson, 14 mi S of Chico, 39.552222 -121.765
SBBG172387 Barbara Ertter 15582 1997-05-10
United States, California, Alameda, Tarraville Creek in extreme SE corner of county, between Mines Rd and Mount Boardman, near rd junction, 37.4927 -121.5119
SBBG172386 H. and M. Dearing 5924 1945-05-01
United States, California, Madera, Bass Lake, 37.324 -119.558, 1052m
SBBG172383 E. Tanimoto 4 1975-04-12
United States, California, Solano, Putah Creek Rd, 0.5 mi W of Putah Diversion Dam, 38.4899 -122.0103
SBBG172385 A. A. Heller 13930 1926-04-24
United States, California, Shasta, hills ca. 1 mi back of Middle Crk station near Keswick, 40.6224 -122.4658
SBBG172382 H. and M. Dearing 2080 1938-06-22
United States, California, Tehama, near Deer Crk, 40.203 -121.512, 1219m
SBBG172381 H. and M. Dearing 3291 1939-05-07
United States, California, Yuba, near Brownsville, 39.4735 -121.267
RSA0113542 LeRoy Gross 7440 2016-04-13
United States, California, Tulare, Along Ash Peaks Ridge to Comb Rocks. North of Three Rivers, between The Kaweah River and Nork Fork., 36.4868 -118.89085, 835m
422934 Richard R Halse 8740 2013-03-26
United States, California, Colusa, Along the Leesville Road ca 5.6 mi NW of its jct with State Hwy 20, W of Williams, 39.15565 -122.36681, 157m