MWI00037241 Henry, Ron D. 420 1965-07-07
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Warsaw, Kibbe Field Station, between Cedar Glen and Miltner Lodge
MWI00040475 Bronny, Christopher M. 130 1991-07-11
USA, Illinois, Ogle, Byron, Byron Forest Preserve, Marion Township
MWI00041842 Callihan, Danny Paul 234 1991-07-15
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, Horn Field, 0.5 miles south of city
MWI00041843 Callihan, Danny Paul 235 1991-07-30
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, Horn Field, 0.5 miles south of city
MWI00045285 Henry, Ron D. 2545 1982-07-13
USA, Illinois, Hancock, South of Nauvoo, Wait Woods
MWI00045334 Apicella, A. 140 1978-08-06
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Warsaw, Kibbe Field Station
MWI00045335 Scott, Alice R. 2604 1982-08-17
USA, Illinois, Hancock, South of Nauvoo, Wait Woods
MWI00046522 Thurow, Gordon R. 1979-08-06
USA, Indiana, Montgomery, Crawfordsville
MWI00060964 Hilaire, Sister M. 248 1940-08-16
USA, Wisconsin, Outagamie
9624 M. Cannon 2003-07-30
United States, Ohio, Lake, Kirtland, The Holden Arboretum. Found in ditch with other weeds., 305m
12514 J. Dunne-Brady 1997-07-29
United States, New York, Richmond, N central Staten Island, Clove Lake Park, from Forest Ave go past Brooks Lake to Martling Pond, edge of pond near bridge, 122m
12605 J. Dunne-Brady 1997-07-29
United States, New York, Richmond, N central Staten Island, Clove Lake Park, from Forest Ave go past Brooks Lake to Martling Pond, edge of pond near bridge, 122m
12617 J. Dunne-Brady 1997-07-29
United States, New York, Richmond, N central Staten Island, Clove Lake Park, from Forest Ave go past Brooks Lake to Martling Pond, edge of pond near bridge, 122m
United States, Pennsylvania
60935 Ludwig, J C 1922 1992-08-15
United States, Virginia, Hanover, 2.5 km WNW of Vontay, .8 km N of St Rte 611, .7 km S of South Anna River, and .7 km E of Hanover/Louisa Co. line., 37.763102 -77.776692, 82m
78470 DeBerry, Douglas A 763 2005-09-27
United States, Virginia, Chesterfield, 0.8 miles due east of Route 288/Route 145 intersection, 37.383983 -77.436572
73942 Ramsey, Gwynn W 55267 1972-08-09
United States, Virginia, Nelson, Along the Appalachian Trail on the NE wooded slopes of Priest Mt. between Rt. 56 at the Tye River and the top of Priest Mt. Elevations range from 997ft. To 4063ft. NE quadrant of the Massies Mill Quad., 304 - 1238m
66360 Crouch, Virginia E 478 1989-07-25
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, largest branch of Strawberry Plains Ravine; woods on Blunt Point, College Woods, William & Mary
69985 Class, Biology 443 s.n. 1936-07-13
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, Holly Point Trail within Matoaka Park (E), 37.272231 -76.729633
66383 Crouch, Virginia E 504 1989-08-04
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, upper Squirrel Pt. about 50 m. W. of main cove of Lake Matoaka (1st major, branched ravine S. of Compton Dr. & CCC trail)
70495 Weldy, Troy R; Ware, Donna M 1073 1994-09-07
United States, Virginia, Lancaster, along watercourse of the Western Branch of the Corrotoman River on north side of Rt. 3 between two bridges of Rt. 3, east of Lancaster., 37.772449 -76.473015
80916 Tracy, Maureen B; Baldwin, Patrick B; Chambers, Beth H 5 2015-10-14
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, Pollard Park, 37.267137 -76.71048, 15m
79854 Crary, Adam 96 2006-05-02
United States, Virginia, Nottoway, Fort Pickett, 37.05108 -77.906248, 118m
830 Daggy, Tom 4276 1967-08-27
United States, North Carolina, Burke, Glen Alpine Springs on US Rd 64, 10 mi SW f jct with Rd I-40, S Mountains, 35.628232 -81.759987
2721 Barans, A C 378 1968-07-07
United States, Virginia, James City, Deer Run Crossing; The College Woods, The College of William and Mary.
11995 Salle, Emily Depp 529 1971-08-19
United States, Virginia, York, ca 200 yd East of Kings Creek on Northern side of Yorktown Colonial Parkway, 37.272981 -76.606303
16922 Thomas, R Dale 35888 1973-06-26
United States, Louisiana, Caldwell Parish; Hills North of Copenhagen East of LA 849
26419 Corcoran, Celeste M 750 1976-06-28
United States, Virginia, Powhatan, on the James River, 1.25 mi East of Fine Creek, 37.606438 -77.796447
27518 Mikula, Bernard 3413 1949-08-09
United States, Virginia, Greensville, 2 mi Northeast of Emporia, 36.704814 -77.514747
27519 Mikula, Bernard 7103 1950-07-27
United States, Virginia, Patrick, Fairy Stone State Park [entire], 36.784581 -80.082823
27522 Mikula, Bernard 7243 1950-08-04
United States, Virginia, Madison, Just South of Pinnacles Overlook, Skyline Drive, 38.614824 -78.325214
27524 Mikula, Bernard 7112 1950-07-27
United States, Virginia, Patrick, Fairy Stone State Park [entire], 36.784581 -80.082823
27526 Mikula, Bernard 2978 1949-07-24
United States, Virginia, James City, About 4 mi SE of Williamsburg, 37.223773 -76.664176
27527 Mikula, Bernard 7327 1950-08-14
United States, Virginia, Madison, Conway River Trail; Skyline Drive, 38.469778 -78.448274
27528 Mikula, Bernard 3840 1949-08-23
United States, Virginia, Surry, 2 mi West of Ingersoll, 37.196809 -76.851647
38165 Wieboldt, Thomas F M-493 1980-08-28
United States, Virginia, Albemarle, The Grove adjacent to the second roundabout just West of the maintenance buildings (Monticello), 38.011745 -78.454764, 232m
43357 Watson, Frank D 699 1976-08-26
United States, Virginia, Nelson, along the Tye River just South from its jct with Va Rt 814, 37.850307 -79.030649
50103 Fleming, Gary P 887 1984-08-12
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Eastern slope of the Rappahannock Mountains, 38.791882 -77.834389
52730 Stevens, C E 11608 1975-08-30
United States, Virginia, Amherst, just West of Hog Camp, 37.760413 -79.204756, 1036m
55027 Fleming, Gary P 4289 1989-07-30
United States, Virginia, Clarke, Along lane at Parking Area 12, G.R. Thompson Wildlife Mgt. Area; western slope (near summit) of the Blue Ridge, 5.3 mi. N. of Markham
55029 Fleming, Gary P 4406 1989-08-26
United States, Virginia, Clarke, Lane just South of Parking Area 12, G R Thompson Wildlife Management Area. Western slope of the Blue Ridge (near summit), 5.3 mi. North of Markham, 579m
57131 Fleming, Gary P 5762 1991-07-28
United States, Virginia, Greene, along North side of Skyline Drive, 0.1 - 0.2 mi Northeast of The Point Overlook south of Bootens Gap, Shenandoah National Park; 5.2 mi North-Northwest of Fletcher, 38.4521 -78.457573, 994m
59294 Wieboldt, Thomas F 7029 1989-09-20
United States, North Carolina, Ashe, Long Hope Valley. West-facing slope of Old Field Bald. About 4 mi Northwest of Todd, NC, 1433m
42674 Watson, Frank 560 1976-07-30
United States, Virginia, Nelson, along the Appalachian Trail on the North side of the summit, 37.858472 -78.984191, 1097 - 1128m
44762 Keyser, R L 595 1981-09-26
United States, Virginia, Prince William, 200 yds. N of Cherry Hill Rd, ca. 1.7 mi. SE of Rt. 1 and ca. 1.8 mi. E of Dumfries., 38.575374 -77.29482
84405 Fleming, Gary P 16740 2018-08-30
United States, Virginia, New Kent, New Kent Forestry Center / Game Farm Marsh WMA. Borders Chickahominy River bottomlands, 0.3 mi. NE of Oldhouse Landing and 1.9 mi. SE of Providence Forge., 37.421401 -77.019368
United States, South Carolina, York
YU.159096 Jacob Hoover Cowen 280 1891-08-05
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer, college farm, 40.57279 -105.08665, 1524m
YU.159100 Mrs. Almon Harris Thompson [Ellen Powell Thompson] 352 1872-00-00
United States of America, Utah
YU.159103 E. A. Papineau 1875-00-00
United States of America, Kansas
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, Appalachians & Cumberland Plateau (D07), Great Smoky Mountains National Park NEON (GRSM), 35.68896 -83.50195, 575m
Brian Kurtz 128 2013-06-21
USA, Iowa, Winnieshek, Malanaphy Springs State Preserve, 43.34618 -91.83858
LCDI001338 Brian Kurtz 2013-128 2013-06-21
United States, Iowa, Winneshiek, 43.3454 -91.87008
R.C. Clark 21105 1985-07-14
United States, Kentucky, Powell, West-facing slope in mixed woods below Courthouse Rock, along Daniel Boone National Forest Trail 203.
LCDI001409 Beth Lynch 180625-4 2018-06-25
United States, Iowa, Winneshiek, Finch Memorial Hardwoods, 43.38363 -91.87069
Pittman, Albert B. s.n. 2009-09-09
United States, South Carolina, Greenville, Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve, 35.146621 -82.279724
Pittman, Albert B. s.n. 2009-09-09
United States, South Carolina, Greenville, Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve, 35.146621 -82.279724