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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Lotus corniculatus (Lotus corniculatus var. arvensis), Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus (Lotus caucasicus, Lotus filicaulis), Lotus corniculatus subsp. frondosus, Lotus corniculatus var. alpinus, Lotus corniculatus var. carnosus, Lotus corniculatus var. ciliatus, Lotus corniculatus var. hirsutus... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 3992

Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

ASC00050362C. Van Gorder   971961-05-12
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Doodlebug Ranch ca. 1 mi S of Sedona; larger field adj to Al Naunez house., 34.855213 -111.76028

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ASC00038304R. Galeano & D. Richards   7261982-07-22
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab National Forest, Spring Valley, ca. 0.5 mi N of field stn., 35.83333 -112.08333, 2072m

ASC00031001J.M. Rominger   16241977-05-17
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Wet Beaver Creek edge, 1.5 mi S of Rimrock., 34.6212 -111.808, 1036m

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ASC00027916R.T. Smith   s.n.1975-08-06
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Bill Williams Mt, S of Williams., 35.197 -112.208, 2286m

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ASC00081087W.H. Moir   s.n.2005-08-17
United States, Arizona, Coconino, San Francisco Peaks. Lower ski lift loading area of the Snow Bowl., 35.32831 -111.70373, 2923m

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ASC00041034J. Ricketson   6121983-08-20
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kendrick Peak, on mt side between Tr #22, FSRds 171 & 171A and E Newman Hill., 35.3904 -111.852, 2590m

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ASC00094697C.Y. McCulloch   s.n.1965-09-04
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Mile and half meadow, North Kaibab, 36.833833 -112.073333, 2440m

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ASC00096963Nelson, B. E.   701562006-08-27
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab National Forest: Kaibab Plateau: along Forest Road 225 ca 1 air mi S of U.S. Hwy 89A, ca 2.5 air mi E of Jacob Lake; ca 25 air mi SE of Fredonia., 36.7199 -112.1713, 2390m

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ASC00101675M. McMaster   1282008-08-03
United States, Arizona, Coconino, North Kaibab National Forest, 36.653265 -112.183225, 2565m

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ASC00102934G. Rink   108882011-09-02
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, Murray's Lake, 36.634443 -112.19854, 2590m

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ASC00102805G. Rink   99242010-07-29
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Along FR 223., 36.372874 -112.1833, 2682m

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ASC00103217G. Rink   115332012-08-13
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, Three Lakes, 36.638619 -112.221774, 2520m

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ASC00104570W. Fertig   249832009-07-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, 36.6798 -112.2067, 2507m

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ASC00109298J. M. Rominger   795-701970-08-14
Switzerland, Near Rigi, 47.056667 8.485556, 1524m

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ASC00110316Frankie S. Coburn   8212012-07-28
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Verde River riparian area ca. 1km downstream from Granite Creek confluence and headwater springs and 4.8km SE of Paulden., 34.866798 -112.422287, 1290m

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ASC00115224Patricia A. West   2010-602010-05-04
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Tuzigoot National Monument: Tavasci Marsh area; W side of marsh where trail across marsh meets trail from Tuzigoot office and housing, in wet area, 34.772459 -112.022225, 1012m

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ASC00028487J. Rominger   171956-06-27
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Urbana, 40.110588 -88.20727, 198m

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ASC00070207M. Milch   511993-07-07
United States, Indiana, Monroe, Bottom Road about 5 mi N of Bloomington, 39.215997 -86.560718

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ASC00058515B. Slusher   511993-07-10
United States, Indiana, Monroe, Along Bottom Road near the College Ave. exit from Rt 37 ca. 5 mi NNW of Bloomington, 39.234742 -86.539758

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ASC00085978J. Rominger   32671984-05-27
United Kingdom, Scotland, Iverness, Culloden Moor battlefield, near Iverness, 57.477559 -4.095349

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ASC00030842   s.n.1966-06-11
Germany, Saxony, Boernichen, 51.666667 8.733333

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ASC00084321Brian Reif   105892006-09-27
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, San Rafael Valley: San Rafael State Natural Area: plot 23C and vicinity near Mexico., 31.350528 -110.57847, 1430m

Delaware State University, Claude E. Phillips Herbarium

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DOV0021131Wayne D. Longbottom   117152008-07-05
United States, Maryland, Dorchester, Ragged Point Marina Road, between Ragged Point Road and Brooks Creek

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DOV0021132Janet Ebert   5372004-06-25
United States, Delaware, New Castle, Rt 100, ca 0.1 mi S of Center Meeting Rd

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DOV0021133Susan B. Wujtewicz   s.n.1980-07-21
United States, Delaware, New Castle, Claymont, Allied Chemical Co.

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DOV0021134Edward Tatnall   s.n.1886-00-00
United States, Delaware, New Castle, Cherry Island

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DOV0021137Sara M. Helm   972009-07-09
United States, Pennsylvania, Chester, Kennett Square, Longwood Gardens

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DOV0021138R.R. Tatnall   s.n.1929-08-05
United States, New York, Ulster, near Lake Mohonk

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DOV0021139Wayne D. Longbottom   132872010-05-12
United States, Maryland, Howard, Town of Jessup, along Dorsey Run Road at Old Dorsey Run Road, 39.135444 -76.793111

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DOV0021140Wayne D. Longbottom   132902010-05-12
United States, Maryland, Anne Arundel, town of Annapolis, along Admiral Cochrane Drive at Mizzenmast Drive, 38.970361 -76.54575

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DOV0033233Andrew Pengelly   2522012-06-06
United States, Maryland, Allegany, Frostburg University, Edgewood Commons

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United States, Tennessee

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United States, Kentucky

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United States, Kentucky

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United States, Kentucky

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United States, Nevada

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Delta State University

Nina L. Baghai-Riding   1132009-07-29
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, UTAH. Salt Lake Co.: Snowbird, growing along the edge of the Peruvian Gulch Trail.

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DSC114915Nina L. Baghai-Riding   6452016-07-16
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, WISCONSIN. Dane Co.: Madison, in an open disturbed area bordering railroad tracks located between Ogg Hall and the geology building.

Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium

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DES00046968J. Jeremy Buegge   3411998-06-17
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Coronado National Forest, Sanat Teresa Mountains Black Rock Canyon, by NL Tank., 33.0124 -110.2833, 1372m

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DES00026475Marc Mittleman   1001980-08-01
USA, California, Tehama County, Along Deer Creek, 3.9 miles SW of jct 36 on rte 32., 40.240644 -121.451539, 50m

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DES00024742Reid Moran   292071980-09-06
Mexico, Baja California, NW of Maneadero, 31.741667 -116.591667, 10m

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DES00070556Joni Ward   5402011-07-31
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest, Houston Mesa Road to the Fire Control Road, left to Washington Park Road, roadside, in an area that appears to have been burned at some time in the past; plants collected with permission of USDA Forest Service Permit R0-153., 34.38315 -111.292784, 1640m

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DES00070914G. Rink   108882011-09-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab Plateau, Murray's Lake, 36.634443 -112.19854, 2590m

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DES00070492G. Rink   99242010-07-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest. Along FR 223., 36.372874 -112.1833, 2682m

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DES00073389G. Rink   115332012-08-13
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, Three Lakes, 36.638619 -112.221774, 2520m

East Carolina University Herbarium

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United States, North Carolina, Tyrrell

East Tennessee State University, John C. Warden Herbarium

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ETSU005664Frosty Levy; Elaine Walker   2011-05-15
United States, Tennessee, Unicoi, 1 mi up log road up ne side of Flint Mtn, from gate 0.1 mi s of main gate across Rocky Fork Creek, very common clumps in log roadbed, 36.04582 -82.56802

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ETSU007319Frosty Levy; Jamey Donaldson   2009-06-10
United States, Tennessee, Unicoi, near jct of road to lake and main road, approx. 4.5 mi from main gate, roadside, 36.07808 -82.56008

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ETSU016998Vernon Bates   891984-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, Along HWy. 112, just S of junction with Hwy. 9. Near the town of Cummington., 215m

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ETSU008378Jane Clarke   1971-07-11
United States, Maine, Penobscot, Plymouth., 46m

Frosty Levy, Elaine Walker   195722019-07-03
United States, Tennessee, Hawkins, Holston Army Ammunition Plant

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ETSU026407Frosty Levy, Elaine Walker   195722019-07-03
United States, Tennessee, Hawkins, Holston Army Ammunition Plant

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ETSU027265Frosty Levy, Elaine Walker, Sollie Walker   183522018-08-30
United States, Tennessee, Sullivan, Piney Flats Rd. just S of RR crossing, 1/2 mi S. of Piney Flat Center

Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

Gordon C. Tucker   115491998-08-07
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: N of Whisler Ave, N of police station. Elev. 3 m., 41.255173 -72.026187, 3m

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EIU001873Zebryk, Tad M.   73312001-06-15
USA, Massachusetts, Worcester, North Oxford: Interstate 90, westbound lane, 2 miles W of Interchange 10. Elevation about 500 feet., 42.15 -71.8667, 152m

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EIU078016Debra A. Welch   2012-07-19
USA, Illinois, Clark, Martinsville: Coleman Farm, on County Road 550 E., 39.316326 -87.9094, 179 - 183m

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EIU001854Kinyanjui, Ruth   07-062006-06-13
USA, Illinois, Madison, On NE side of Alumni Hall .02 mi NE of Peck Service Road in Edwardsville, IL, 38.811641 -89.952894

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EIU001855Kloker, S. J.   121969-07-04
USA, Illinois, Edgar, 39.520711 -87.822228

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EIU001856Stover, E. L.   n/a1959-07-00
USA, Illinois, Coles, Lincoln Log Cabin

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EIU001857Ebinger, John E.   46471964-07-09
USA, Illinois, Coles, Lincoln Log Cabin State Park, 40.148377 -89.364818

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EIU001858Phillippe, L.   2951971-06-24
USA, Illinois, Douglas, 39.7667 -88.2167

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EIU001859Dennis, Larry   6301969-07-03
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, 1 mile east and 1 1/2 miles north of Cadwell., 39.702885 -88.50289

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EIU001860Ebinger, John E.   230041984-08-23
USA, Illinois, Fulton, 1 mile west of Norris, IL., 40.589619 -90.05673

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EIU001861Mitchell, Gregg   241982-07-14
USA, Illinois, Sangamon, Lake Land College, 39.720681 -89.658012

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EIU001862Fleming   331959-07-00
USA, Illinois, T 13N R7E

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EIU001863Phillippe, Loy R.   9801971-08-23
USA, Illinois, Crawford, Route 33 just west edge of Robinson., 39.00532 -87.739194

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EIU001864Dennis, Larry   13741972-06-26
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Edge of Embarrass River, 41.18475 -89.495532

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EIU001865Ebinger, John E.   118301972-07-20
USA, Illinois, Clark, Lincoln Trail State Park., 39.34587 -87.718361

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EIU001866Ebinger, John E.   252631991-06-29
USA, Illinois, Coles, Walkers Ford Road, 4 miles S of Charleston, IL., 39.426562 -88.187117

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EIU001867Chase, Virginius Herber   179331964-07-05
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Rt. 74 E of East Peoria, 40.666149 -89.580098

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EIU001868Chase, Virginius Herber   179301964-07-05
USA, Illinois, Peoria, South of Edwards, 40.74587 -89.74427

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EIU001869Ebinger, John E.   232331985-06-01
USA, New York, Steuben, Near Troopsburg

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EIU001870Gray, G. G.   1962-06-26
USA, South Dakota, Yankton, 4 mi. W. Yankton, 42.871082 -97.476348

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EIU001871Mehrhoff, Leslie J.   232412008-06-24
USA, Massachusetts, Suffolk, Boston: Arnold Arboretum Busseey Meadow along Blackwell Path, W3-SW., 42.298709 -71.12783

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EIU001872Parker, H.M.   9151976-09-22
USA, Connecticut, Fairfield, Clearkbrook Project: SE corner of Danbury, 41.394817 -73.454011

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EIU001874McDouglad, Richard L.   1968-07-19
USA, Oregon, Benton, North of Corvallis near KOAC radio transmitter station., 44.56472 -123.26083

Eastern Kentucky University, Ronald L. Jones Herbarium

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31234100441185Mark A. Gorton   00-4242000-07-05
United States, Kentucky, Clinton, 0.5 km N off KY 90 on KY 3062- western side of loop.

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31234100441201Ralph L. Thompson   85-12971985-06-22
United States, Kentucky, Knox, US 25E- roadside medium between the four lane section- ca. 2.0 mi. W of Barbourville.

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31234100441268Ralph L. Thompson   87-11221987-07-01
United States, Kentucky, Rockcastle, Horse Lick Surface-Mined Area- mined for coal in 1985- second year of pioneer secondary successional stages- located 1.8 mi. SE of KY 1955 at the end of Daugherty Rd. in extreme E part of county near Jackson Co. line.

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31234100441151Kim Freeman   12242000-06-27
United States, Kentucky, Fleming, Buckner Branch of Fox Creek- 1.5 mi ESE of Colfax- western most headwaters drain- Gibson Farm.

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31234100441169Raymond Athey   46341982-07-06
United States, Kentucky, Floyd, Grassy RR yards at coal mine.

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31234100441219Ralph L. Thompson   89-7781989-05-29
United States, Kentucky, Laurel, Rock Creek Gorge (RNA) and Uplands- F.S. 3195- 1.7 mi SW of jct Ky 1193 & KY 192 off KY 3497- 17 mi SW of London; 0.5 mi recent clear cuit 7 y-branch of F.S. 4175B.

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31234100441227Ronald L. Jones   73911991-07-03
United States, Kentucky, Lincoln, Wet fields along Cedar Creek and S of the Shrine.

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31234100441235Carol Hanley   1061989-07-13
United States, Kentucky, Menifee, Rt 713 from Rt 460 means to 460- Frenchburg.

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31234100441243Elizabeth M. Browne   108011965-07-17
United States, Kentucky, Pike, KY 80- 1.1 mi W of Kentucky-Virginia State Line.

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31234100441276T. A. Yungbluth   1968-09-05
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, 5 mi N of Stockton.

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31234100441284Timothy J. Weckman   75212002-07-25
United States, Wisconsin, Marathon, On knoll with clusters of gray birch and white and jack pine; N of Ramada Inn- N 17th Ave.

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31234100441318E. Neese   99851980-10-15
United States, California, Placer, Gravel banks- roadside- in scrub oak community.

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31234100441292Ronald L. Jones   9831975-08-22
United States, New York, Erie, Hwy 400- 1.1 mi N jct 16 in Wales.

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31234100441300David D. Taylor   94791985-07-11
United States, Ohio, Darke, On W side o fbend in White-Copper Road- near OH Hwy 47- ca. 1.1 mi NW of Dawn- York.

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31234100441375Susan Wind   1811993-08-01
United States, New York, Niagara, East of Buffalo- on I-90 Approx 8 mi E of Hwy 219 loop.

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31234100441177Richard H. Hannan   26691979-06-27
United States, Kentucky, Breathitt, Wooded slope along Quicksand Creek. Along Route 30.

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31234100441193M. E. Wharton, M. R. Beckett   1501957-06-26
United States, Kentucky, Hancock, Old field between Cloverport and Hannesville

31234100790367Ralph L. Thompson   13-1822013-05-25
United States, Kentucky, Madison

United States, Oregon, Clatsop

Eastern Michigan University Herbarium

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EMC000784Robinovitz, H.   1381978-07-01
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Baldwin Flooding

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EMC000785Costello, Anne and Zochowski, Bob   1978-08-04
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Cheboygan

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