Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Pepinia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 152

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia amblyosperma (L.B. Sm) G.S. Varad. & Gilmartin
1139487Neil A. Harriman | Robert Jansen   123051976-04-07
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Matlapa, Tepetzintla; 3 mi N of Tamazunchale, along federal route 85, 21.3009 -98.8106

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia punicea (Scheidw.) Brongn. & André
1139555Dennis E. Breedlove   255381972-06-05
Mexico, Chiapas, Tenejapa, Majosik; Tenejapa; paraje of Mahosik', 16.8926 -92.4932, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia punicea (Scheidw.) Brongn. & André
1139556Dennis E. Breedlove   265441972-07-27
Mexico, Chiapas, Salto de Agua, Belisarío Domínguez; 6-12 km S of Palenque on the road to Ocosingo, 17.4072 -91.9874, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia punicea (Scheidw.) Brongn. & André
1139557Eizi Matuda   36601939-07-06
Mexico, Chiapas, Palenque, Palenque; Javalinero; Palenque, 17.5142 -91.9898

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia punicea (Scheidw.) Brongn. & André
1139558Eizi Matuda   36611939-07-06
Mexico, Chiapas, Palenque, Sin Nombre (Carlos Pashid); Javalinero; Palenque, 17.5196 -91.9914

University of Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
227427Gustavo Martinelli   71531980-06-20
Brazil, Pará

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia corallina (Linden & André) G.S. Varad. & Gilmartin
216952Marc S. Frank   5932005-01-18
United States of America, Florida, Miami-Dade County

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia caricifolia Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.
236805H.E. Luther   2008-12-27

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012316Revilla, Juan   29291977-00-00
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Vicinity of Iquitos., -3.749125 -73.253828

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia costata (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012222Cornejo S.   64541998-09-09
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Bravito entre Estero Mongón y Estero Sabaleta., 0.583333 -79.033333, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia breweri (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012188D.   s.n.1981-01-00
Venezuela, Amazonas, Vic. Yut Je.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia aphelandriflora (Lem.) Andrews
SEL012183Hirtz, Alexander   43901989-08-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Road from Mendez to Morona, about km 100, Santiago-Yaupi., -2.843953 -77.93679, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia beachiae (Utley & Burt-Utley) H.Luther
SEL012198Luther, Harry E   s.n.1990-07-27
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Orig. coll. in Osa., 8.546634 -83.481106

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia fulgens H.Luther
SEL012233Beltrán, Hamilton   10941994-07-20
Peru, Amazonas, Cordillera del Condor. Puesto de Vigilancia Alfonso Ugarte (PV 3); cabeceras del Rio Comainas, tributario al oeste del Rio Cenepa. Valle abajo del campamento., -3.916667 -78.417778, 1000 - 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia holstii H.Luther
SEL001377?   s.n.
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Seed from herbarium voucher Holst & Beltran 6541 collected on Cordillera de Vilcabamba, eastern slope; in deep shade of tall evergreen forest., -11.779722 -73.340833, 950 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia holstii H.Luther
SEL001379?   s.n.
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Seed from herbarium voucher Holst & Beltran 6541 collected on Cordillera de Vilcabamba, eastern slope; in deep shade of tall evergreen forest., -11.779722 -73.340833, 950 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia holstii H.Luther
SEL001378?   s.n.
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Seed from herbarium voucher Holst & Beltran 6541 collected on Cordillera de Vilcabamba, eastern slope; in deep shade of tall evergreen forest., -11.779722 -73.340833, 950 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012309Rios, MA   5352003-08-06
Peru, Loreto, Mariscal Ramón Castilla, Alto Rio Yaguas Tributário del Rio Putumayo, ~80km NE de Pebas., -2.864722 -71.415, 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia armata (Maury) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012191Varadarajan, GS   11501993-10-15
Venezuela, Amazonas, Rock outcrop about 5km south of Puerto Ayacucho, between the Amazonas experimental station and the airport., 5.582846 -67.616205, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL012324Clark, John L   91692005-08-11
Ecuador, Pastaza, Canton: Pastaza; Parroquia: Simon Bolivar; Bosque Protector Arutam (Fundacion Arutam); Km 47 on Puyo-Macas road; primary trail from Puyo-Macas road to Rio Pastaza., -1.781389 -77.8325, 800 - 950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL012178Vásquez, R   225941997-02-16
Peru, Amazonas, Condorcanqui, Distrito El Cenepa, Comunidad de Mamayaque, Cerro Sakee-gaig., -4.583333 -78.233611, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL002831Luther, Harry E   s.n.1983-09-15
Peru, San Martín, Orig. coll. J. Halton & L. Besse in July 1981., -6.583071 -76.383542

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL012327Vasquez, Rodolfo   240981997-06-20
Peru, Amazonas, Distrito El Cenepa, Comunidad de San Antonio., -4.491667 -78.175, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia armata (Maury) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012192Varadarajan, GS   11461983-10-13
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Granitic rock formation in the form of a small mountain known as "Piedra de la Tortuga", 8-10 km south of Puerto Ayacucho, on the road to Samariapo., 5.541961 -67.573314, 100 - 125m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia juncoides (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012254Berry, Paul E   65531997-02-12
Venezuela, Amazonas, Ca. 1 km upstream of mouth of Caño Caname, on east bank of Rio Atabapo., 3.716667 -67.483333, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia aphelandriflora (Lem.) Andrews
SEL012186Morales, C   14452005-10-28
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Tiwintza, Region de la Cordillera de Cutucu, al norte del Río Santiago; Centro Shuar Yapapas., -3.008611 -78.069167, 380m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia bradei (Markgr.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012199Lombardi, JA   41362000-10-19
Brazil, Sao Goncalo do Rio Preto, MG, Parque Estuduai do Rio Preto, trilha para a cascata do Corrego das Eguas, dai seguindo o curso ate o Rio Preto e o camping., -18.145278 -43.369444

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia luteyniorum (L.B.Sm. & Read) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012260Benavides, Olga de   86911987-11-01
Colombia, Reserva Natural La Planada 7 km de Chucunés., 1.166667 -77.966667, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia luteyniorum (L.B.Sm. & Read) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012264Gentry, Alwyn H   350051981-11-26
Colombia, Nariño, La Planada, Salazar Finca 7 km above Ricaurte., 1.133333 -77.966667, 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia armata (Maury) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012190Gröger, Andreas   10691993-08-06
Venezuela, Bolívar, Los Pijiquaos. Al Noreste del campamento de Bauxiven: Cerro La Guacamaya., 6.566667 -66.783333, 500 - 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia fulgens H.Luther
SEL002362Madison, Michael T   36381976-11-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Cordillera de Cutucú, western slopes, along a trail from Lograño to Yaupi,along the Río Chihasi., -2.766667 -78.1, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012317Grández Rios, Cesár A   17131990-07-15
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Rio Yahuasyacu; caserio Portugal., -3.166667 -73.333333, 122m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia harlingii (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012239Harling, Gunnar W   128461974-03-26
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Road Liimon (General Plaza) - Macas, ca Km 20 from Limon., -2.807776 -78.351046, 700 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012306Díaz Santibáñez, Camilo   78461996-08-15
Peru, Amazonas, Bagua, Dtto. Imaza. Comunidad Aquaruna Yamayakat. Camino hacia Temashnum., -5.01 -78.34, 300 - 480m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia luteyniorum (L.B.Sm. & Read) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012261Benavides, Olga de   102151988-08-27
Colombia, Reserva Natural La Planada., 1.166667 -77.966667, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia punicea (Scheidw.) Andrews
SEL012299Varadarajan, GS   s.n.1983-06-00
Mexico, Chiapas, 20 km S of Palenque. Coll. By Bush & Burch, Nov. 25, 1980.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia aphelandriflora (Lem.) Andrews
SEL012181Diaz, Camilo   82861996-09-19
Peru, Amazonas, Bagua, Dtto. Imaza. Comunidad Aguaruna de Kusd-Listra. Cerro Apág, margen derecha Quebrada Kusd. Bordes Quebrada Kusd., -5.684115 -78.475923, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL002169Walters, Terrence   19961987-02-04
Peru, Cult. at Selby Gardens, Plot #DH03; MSBG 1981-2007.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia beachiae (Utley & Burt-Utley) H.Luther
SEL002832Beach, Eloise   74251974-07-24
Costa Rica, Near the Río Lopez bridge on the Inter-American Highway., 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL012266Werff, Henk van der   145171998-03-08
Peru, Amazonas, Quebrado El Almendro., -5.244444 -78.356667, 430m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia uaupensis (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012319Madison, MT   66821978-10-26
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro, Rio Curicuriari, ca. 10 km above the mouth., -0.235137 -66.857336

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia caricifolia (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012205Werner, Florian A   17562005-09-08
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Area of Estación Cientifica San Francisco; road Loja-Zamora, ca 35 km from Loja; on shaded trailcut next to stream., -3.959685 -79.049113, 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia caricifolia (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012208Vargas, L   10501992-07-19
Bolivia, Pando, Rio Abuna, cachuela pequena a 4 km SO de Fortaleza, -9.8 -65.533333, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia luteyniorum (L.B.Sm. & Read) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012263Betancur B.   25601991-05-17
Colombia, Nariño, Piedraacha. Corregimiento Chucunez, Reserva Natual La Planada, 7 km de Chucunez a La Reserva., 1.181563 -77.986704, 1800 - 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia nuda (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012280Determann, R   1991981-07-12
Suriname, Sipaliwini, Wilhelmina Mtns. Close to Juliana-Top., 3.743534 -56.511973

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia luteyniorum (L.B.Sm. & Read) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012262Betancur B.   25601991-05-17
Colombia, Nariño, Piedraacha. Corregimiento Chucunez, Reserva Natual La Planada, 7 km de Chucunez a La Reserva., 1.181563 -77.986704, 1800 - 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia pruinosa (Kunth) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012295Varadarajan, GS   11481983-10-14
Venezuela, Amazonas, Aong rocks; about 3km south of Puerto Ayacucho, nearly 500m from a park., 5.560493 -67.600158, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia nuda (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012276Determann, R   1991981-07-12
Suriname, Sipaliwini, Wilhelmina Mtns. Close to Juliana-Top., 3.743534 -56.511973

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia nuda (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012279Hawkins, Thomas   18021998-06-26
Suriname, Sipaliwini, Lisa Kreek Savanah, Tafelberg Mtn. Low forest savanna on top of Tafelberg Mts, located 1/2 km SW of Lisa Kreek camp., 3.908889 -56.212222, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL012325Clark, John L   91692005-08-11
Ecuador, Pastaza, Canton: Pastaza; Parroquia: Simon Bolivar; Bosque Protector Arutam (Fundacion Arutam); Km 47 on Puyo-Macas road; primary trail from Puyo-Macas road to Rio Pastaza., -1.781389 -77.8325, 800 - 950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia aphelandriflora (Lem.) Andrews
SEL012187Schunke Vigo, José   159272004-09-13
Peru, Ucayali, Distr. Padre Abad. Carretera a Alto Miraflores, cerca al Rio Negro., -9.033333 -75.55, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia nuda (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012281Lohmann, LG   1481998-06-26
Suriname, Sipaliwini, East creek branch of Lisa creek., 3.907222 -56.2125

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia armata (Maury) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012196Gröger, Andreas   2031992-04-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Carretera Pto. Ayacucho-El Burro: km 39 al lado occidental: Peidra Parhueña., 5.9 -67.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia pruinosa (Kunth) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012294Gröger, Andreas   2091992-04-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Carretera Pto. Ayacucho-El Burro: km 39 al lado occidental: Piedra Parhueña., 5.9 -67.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia pruinosa (Kunth) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012296Gröger, Andreas   2581992-04-07
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Carretera Pto. Ayacucho-El Burro: km 22 al lado oriental: Laja de Galipero., 5.8 -67.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia hooveri H.Luther
SEL012249Clark, John L   60522001-01-19
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Río Negro. Cerro Abitagua (= Cordillera Abitagua). Trail ascends from the Banos-Puyo highway along ridge line to antennas., -1.410556 -78.138611, 1400 - 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia bulbosa (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012200Gröger, Andreas   2591992-04-07
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Carretera Pt. Ayacucho-El Burro: km 22 al lado oriental: Laja de Galipero., 5.8 -67.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia bulbosa (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012202Gröger, Andreas   2591992-04-07
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Carretera Pt. Ayacucho-El Burro: km 22 al lado oriental: Laja de Galipero., 5.8 -67.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012310Werff, Henk van der   100831988-08-11
Peru, Loreto, Requena, Swampy forest along creeks, dominated by palms (aquajal) and forest on sandy soil., 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia armata (Maury) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012189Gröger, Andreas   3371992-05-06
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Carretera Pto. Ayacucho-El Burro: km 48, laja 1 km al este del crucero a la Betania., 5.966667 -67.366667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia hooveri H.Luther
SEL012247Clark, John L   63852001-12-08
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulcán, Parroquia: Maldonado collection made along path from the village of Maldonado towards an area known locally as "Bombiadora"; C.a, 4-6 km SW of Maldonado., 0.8925 -78.123333, 1500 - 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia filispina (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012232Huber, Otto   134061992-12-04
Venezuela, Bolívar, Sierra Uasadi. Sector meridional; cabeceras del Río Chájura., 5.183333 -65.2, 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012304Mutchnick, P   7341995-02-14
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Iwokrama Reserve, Essequibo River; Pisham Pissham Falls., 4.433333 -58.483333, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL001373Hirtz, Alexander   41141989-01-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Road Mendez-Cutucu., -2.723578 -78.263985, 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL001374Hirtz, Alexander   41141989-01-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Road Mendez-Cutucu., -2.723578 -78.263985, 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia uaupensis (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012320Madison, MT   62651978-10-14
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro Tapuruquara, Igarapé do Daará., -0.396395 -65.026982

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia ctenophylla (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012225Luther, Harry E   s.n.2001-02-11
Venezuela, Bolívar, Orig. coll. Parque Nacional Canaima, 600 m. elev. Flowered in cult., 6.072428 -61.434657, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012318Pascal, Polly   s.n.2002-01-17
Cultivation, Plants of Hort.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia armata (Maury) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012193Berry, Paul E   50691991-07-07
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Granitic lajas just S of Puerto Ayacucho., 5.617537 -67.59743

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia corallina (Linden & André) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012218Luther, Harry E   s.n.1990-05-00
Venezuela, Táchira, Origin. From the collection of Enrique Graf., 7.956423 -71.917288

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia corallina (Linden & André) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012220Luther, Harry E   s.n.1990-05-00
Venezuela, Táchira, Origin. From the collection of Enrique Graf., 7.956423 -71.917288

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia corallina (Linden & André) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012219Luther, Harry E   s.n.1990-05-00
Venezuela, Táchira, Origin. From the collection of Enrique Graf., 7.956423 -71.917288

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia fulgens H.Luther
SEL001376Luther, Harry E   27371989-10-17
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Vicinity of Indanza (Limon Indanza) Hwy E45, -3.005418 -78.446569, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia fulgens H.Luther
SEL001375Luther, Harry E   27371989-10-17
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Vicinity of Indanza (Limon Indanza) Hwy E45, -3.005418 -78.446569, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia caricifolia (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012206Werner, Florian A   20022006-05-16
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Area of Estacion Cientifica San Francisco, road Loja-Zamora, ca 35 km from Loja., -3.966667 -79.066667, 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia harlingii (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012235Besse, Elizabeth   16781982-07-21
Ecuador, Napo, Road from Puyo to Canelos, km 31., -1.598334 -77.784381, 870m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia harlingii (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012234Besse, Elizabeth   16781982-07-21
Ecuador, Napo, Road from Puyo to Canelos, km 31., -1.598334 -77.784381, 870m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia harlingii (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012236Besse, Elizabeth   16791982-07-21
Ecuador, Napo, Road from Puyo to Canelos, km 31., -1.598334 -77.784381, 870m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia aphelandriflora (Lem.) Andrews
SEL012182Madison, Michael T   36281976-11-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Western slopes, along a trail from Lograño to Yaupi, in the general region of coordinates below. Common along rocky river banks, Río Chihuasi., -2.766667 -78.1, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL012323Manzanares, José M   62661997-03-28
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Lago Agrio, Carretera de Parayacu a Lago Agrio, Km 24.6., -0.083333 -76.5, 270m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia cana
SEL012227Michelangeli, Fabián A   1451995-02-21
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro Yutajé., 5.759722 -66.134444, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia patentiflora (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012287Kress, W John   91-32591991-06-07
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atabapo, Vic. of La Esmeralda. Granite outcrops behind village., 3.176416 -65.544239, 0 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012307Berg, W   s.n.1995-01-12
Brazil, Amazonas, Ex hort. R. Bello, coll. Near Manaus in 1990., -3.113333 -60.025278

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012314Vasques, R   50831984-06-02
Peru, Loreto, -4.533333 -73.583333, 160m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL001380Martinelli, Gustavo   71531980-06-20
Brazil, Pará, Rio Cachorro, Serra do Cachorro, 15 km NW de Cachoeira Porteira., -0.999157 -57.141993, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia harlingii (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012237Cerón, Carlos E   43851988-07-15
Ecuador, Pastaza, Comuna Shuar AMUNTAY (KAPAWI), -2.516667 -76.8, 250 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012315Vasques, R   50831984-06-02
Peru, Loreto, -4.533333 -73.583333, 160m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia sprucei (Baker) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012313Vasques, R   50831984-06-02
Peru, Loreto, -4.533333 -73.583333, 160m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia punicea (Scheidw.) Andrews
SEL012302Remmick, MD   1031989-06-00

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia caricifolia (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL013402Dalström, Stig   11721989-01-19
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Along road Guisme-Condor., -3.561847 -78.552211, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia armata (Maury) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012197Díaz, Wilmer A.   45392000-09-20
Venezuela, Bolívar, Cedeño, Carretera entre Pijiguao y Puerto Ayacucho, Palomo, Comunidad Mapoyo., 6.491667 -67.056667, 100 - 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia caricifolia (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012214Díaz, Wilmer A.   46422000-11-25
Venezuela, Bolívar, Sucre, Rio Erebato con Kakara. Sitio AC03, margen izquierda del Kakara., 5.634444 -64.701111, 200 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia juncoides (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012257Berry, Paul E   53191991-11-06
Venezuela, Amazonas, White sand savanna 1 km E of Guarinuma, Rio Atabapo., 3.6 -67.433333, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia ctenophylla (L.B.Sm.) G.S.Varad. & Gilmartin
SEL012224Varadarajan, GS   11951984-01-08
Venezuela, Bolívar, Auyen Tepui: about 3 km by trail before entering Guyaraca from Kamarata., 5.916667 -62.533333, 850 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia holstii H.Luther
SEL004504Luther, Harry E   s.n.2001-07-26
Peru, Cusco, Originally collected Cord. de Vilcabamba as seed from Holst et al 6541., -11.700133 -73.580212, 950 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia punicea (Scheidw.) Andrews
SEL012300Armstrong, R   s.n.1991-06-20
Cultivation, Origin. From Bogor Botanic Gardens.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia aphelandriflora (Lem.) Andrews
SEL012180Manzanares, José M   51751994-08-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Palora, Río Pastaza y Río TunaChiguaso., -1.416667 -78, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia cuatrecasana (L.B. Sm.) Varad. & Gilm.
SEL012230Hirtz, Alexander   43931989-08-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Road from Mendez to Morona, about km 100, Santiago-Yaupi., -2.847382 -77.939536, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pepinia peruana H.Luther
SEL001383Campos, J   35561997-03-18
Peru, Cajamarca, San Ignacio, San Jose de Lourdes. Localidad Jorge Chavez., -5 -78.916667, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SEL002361Luther, Harry E   27291989-10-15
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Km 50 on the new road from Mendez to Morona, Cordillera Cutucu., -3.030475 -78.011634, 720m

Page 1, records 1-100 of 152


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