BHSC0060895 Ecological Solutions Group, LLC 1603 2009-09-12
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Spearfish Canyon, around dammed pond along U.S. Highway 14A ca. 1.2 road miles southeast of Savoy; ca. 10.2 air miles south-southwest of Spearfish, 44.342067 -103.920805
BHSC0008000 Kravig, Myrtle L. 39 1960-09-11
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Ca. 5 miles N of Spearfish, 44.568611 -103.85937
BHSC0009161 Swinton, JoAnn 45 1978-09-24
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Iron Creek Crossing, 44.37386 -103.920757
BHSC0009547 Bennett, Frank L. s. n. 1944-07-14
United States, South Dakota, Butte, Newell Experiment Station, 44.730694 -103.451447, 870m
BHSC0009645 Swinton, JoAnn 141 1979-08-20
United States, Wyoming, Crook, Ca. 200 yds south of Devil's Tower entrance on Highway 14, 44.500657 -104.690988
BHSC0009764 Swinton, JoAnn 249 1979-09-21
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, North edge of Cox Lake, 44.566781 -103.993772, 1040m
BHSC0009882 Brandt, Kirk I. 38 1979-11-11
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Ca. 2 miles SW of Spearfish on Tinton Rd, 44.472644 -103.900484
BHSC0009956 Rice, Linda M. 156 1979-09-21
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, At north edge of Cox Lake, 44.566016 -103.992013
BHSC0011155 Thomasson, Joseph R. 1762 1977-10-30
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Cox Lake, ca. 8 miles W of Spearfish, 44.564457 -103.992914, 1040 - 1050m
BHSC0011394 Thomasson, Joseph R. 2280 1981-08-13
United States, Wyoming, Niobrara, Ca. 10 miles north of Lusk, 42.897276 -104.408916, 1510 - 1530m
BHSC0011750 Heyne, Joni s. n. 1982-08-28
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T6N R2E S16 SW1/4, 44.479248 -103.88457
BHSC0012414 Hillgren, Charlene 7 1981-06-11
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Spearfish, ca. 0.5 mile N of Jackson Blvd on Lower Valley Road, across from BHSC Athletic Field, 44.495715 -103.869326
BHSC0013125 Asheim, Daniel 58 1984-09-28
United States, South Dakota, Meade, T5N R5E S10 N1/2; Bear Butte Creek, 44.415643 -103.499104
BHSC0013128 Bushong, William J. 49 1984-09-11
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Ca. 2 miles S of Tinton on west side of road; T5N R1E S30 SW1/4, 44.351697 -104.054682
BHSC0013355 Koopman, Cindy S. 6 1984-09-15
United States, South Dakota, Butte, T12N R8E S8; ca. 28 miles east on Highway 212, then ca. 14 miles north on a County Road, 45.017874 -103.16866
BHSC0013424 Fossen, Geoffrey H. 39 1984-09-22
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T6N R2E S17, center of section, 44.481595 -103.900149
BHSC0015857 Fortier, Charles 113b 1985-06-27
United States, Wyoming, Crook, T53N R63W S30, 44.553193 -104.467641, 1581m
BHSC0015867 Fortier, Charles 113a 1985-06-27
United States, Wyoming, Crook, T53N R63W S30, 44.553193 -104.467641
BHSC0016331 Jones, Greg 16 1989-09-15
United States, Wyoming, Crook, T51N R63W S30 NE1/4; Sundance City Dump Road, 44.392532 -104.403065
BHSC0016681 Markus, Janet 39 1990-11-03
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, McNenny Fish Hatchery; T7N R1E S21 NW1/4 NW1/4, 44.558904 -104.014675, 1040 - 1070m
BHSC0016724 Mead, Eric 27 1990-09-28
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T5N R1E S36 SW1/4; Roughlock Falls, 44.349752 -103.942454, 1560 - 1650m
BHSC0016816 Gordon, Karen 39 1988-11-01
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T7N R1E S22; NW of Spearfish, toward McNenny Fish Hatchery, 44.549552 -103.983941, 1040m
BHSC0017475 Gillaspie, Jim 50 1990-11-07
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Beside Highway 14 ca. 2 miles W of Spearfish; T7N R2E S31 SE1/4, 44.525075 -103.920618
BHSC0017584 McIlvain, Mitzi 51 1990-09-11
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T7N R1E S16; ca. 1 mile north of McNenny Fish Hatchery, then 0.5 mile to Crow Creek, 44.560373 -104.014599, 1010 - 1050m
BHSC0018184 Marriott, Hollis J. 9829 1985-07-25
United States, South Dakota, Custer, T4S R2E S1 NE1/4; U.S. Highway 16 east of Jewel Cave Road, 43.735287 -103.824026, 1707m
BHSC0019888 Cochran, Robin s. n. 1991-11-01
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T7N R1E S17; Mirror Lake, McNenny Fish Hatchery, 44.560168 -104.014431, 1010 - 1040m
BHSC0019889 Javersak, Jody 16 1991-09-10
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, T2N R7E S32 SE1/4 NW1/4; Roubaix Drive, in Rapid City, 44.092253 -103.303263
BHSC0020972 Steiner, Ken 47 1992-10-13
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T5N R3E S17, 44.395167 -103.780514, 1603m
BHSC0020998 Robidoux, Leslie 13 1992-09-06
United States, Wyoming, Crook, T51N R66W S5, 44.433741 -104.810125
BHSC0021204 McTighe, Joanne 78 1992-09-06
United States, South Dakota, Meade, T12N R12E S12, 45.015748 -102.603688
BHSC0022226 Heck, David s. n. 1996-11-12
United States, South Dakota, Butte, T8N R1E S11; Belle Fourche; Sourdough Ranch, along Belle Fouche River, 44.674246 -103.852584
BHSC0022375 Retzlaff, L. 110 1997-07-26
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Just north of US Interstate 90 mile marker 16; T6N R3E S15 NW1/4, 44.482654 -103.742791, 1190m
BHSC0025652 Ray, Tim 20 1996-11-03
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, South of Mirror Lake; T7N R1E S21 SW1/4 SW1/4, 44.560168 -104.014431, 1010 - 1040m
BHSC0026164 Ackerman, Callie 51 2004-09-29
United States, Wyoming, Crook, T56N R65W S30 NE1/4; at east side of county road, 44.811466 -104.709097
BHSC0026834 Brengle, J. 22 1999-09-26
United States, South Dakota, Harding, T19N R4E S4; northwest of Buffalo, 45.639428 -103.637952
BHSC0029442 Martin-Lovett, Kristie 123 1999-06-18
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T7N R1E S29; McNenny State Fish Hatchery, 44.560373 -104.014599, 1010 - 1050m
BHSC0032713 Jellis, Cody s. n. 1999-10-16
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Buffalo Gap National Grassland; east of Wall; T1S R17E S5 SW1/4, 43.98723 -102.109283
BHSC0032717 Ziegler, Rachel 21 1999-10-02
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, T1S R16E S2; east of Wall on US Highway 14, ca. 0.25 mile into a pasture, 43.987247 -102.168717
BHSC0034335 Rogers, Dilwyn J. s. n. 1963-05-05
United States, South Dakota, Oglala Lakota, T37N R47W S8 SE1/4, 43.194112 -102.9029
BHSC0034338 Froilend, Sven G. s. n. 1956-07-01
United States, South Dakota, Unknown, Black Hills, 44.019054 -103.704404
BHSC0042005 Kostel, Grace M. 12288 2008-07-26
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, The Nature Conservancy "Badlands Ranch" in Conata Basin; T3S R16E S32 SW1/4, 43.833533 -103.233233
BHSC0043709 Elliott, Brian A. 15415 2010-07-19
United States, Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills National Forest; approximately 12.5 miles west (265 degrees) from Spearfish, SD east of Sand Creek Road in the vicinity of Dugout Gulch; T52N R60W S19 NW1/4 SW1/4, 44.479087 -104.112808
BHSC0020329 Karlen, Bob 24 1992-08-15
United States, South Dakota, Brule, Ca. 8 miles south, 4 miles west of Chamberlain; at Boyer State Game Production Area, 43.677518 -99.417933, 410 - 470m
BHSC0010900 Dalton, Dolores A. 48 1981-10-12
United States, Wyoming, Sheridan, East of Sheridan on Prairie Dog Road, 44.809881 -106.899325
BHSC0025122 Bonde, Scot D. 76 1993-06-12
United States, South Dakota, Hughes, T109N R76W S32 SE1/4; ca. 17 miles east of Pierre on Highway 34 at Dakota Lakes Research Farm, 44.293564 -100.007249, 460 - 460m
BHSC0034334 Rogers, Dilwyn J. s. n. 1960-07-01
United States, North Dakota, Slope, U.S. Highway 85 between Black Butte and White Butte, 46.38927 -103.363478, 910m
BHSC0039701 Unknown, or illegible s. n. 1961-06-14
United States, South Dakota, Jones, Jones County, 43.960608 -100.689722
BHSC0044238 Walker, Ruth s. n. 1943-07-12
United States, Wyoming, Niobrara, Niobrara River Basin, roadside near Lusk, 42.765821 -104.449742
BHSC0012058 Esponda, Steve 27 1983-09-29
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T6N R1E S12; southwest of Spearfish, 44.496334 -103.940794
BHSC0012096 Cummings, J.R. 10 1983-09-28
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T6N R1E S12; southwest of Spearfish, 44.496334 -103.940794
BHSC0016668 Lynott, Sean T. 18 1989-10-25
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T6N R1E S14, 44.481646 -103.960608
BHSC0019898 Pravecek, Jay 24 1991-06-03
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, State Game Production Area; T7N R1E S16 SE1/4, 44.568409 -104.00178
BHSC0019899 Hammons, Kim 5 1991-10-20
United States, South Dakota, Butte, T8N R2E S11, 44.669809 -103.839592
BHSC0019900 Spleiss, Kelli s. n. 1991-09-10
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Ca. 0.25 mile off Nemo County Road, behind Nemo Work Center in the Forest Service boneyard, 44.193042 -103.504634
BHSC0019902 Clark, Mike s. n. 1991-08-12
United States, South Dakota, Lyman, T105N R72W S10; White River State Game Production Area, 43.775409 -99.523967
BHSC0019903 Blazek, Scott 16 1991-10-13
United States, South Dakota, Meade, T7N R14E S30 SW4, 44.535605 -102.477744
BHSC0019904 Bloemendaal, Steve 1 1991-10-10
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Public hunting area; T6N R2E S17 SE1/4, 44.481595 -103.900149
BHSC0020267 Steiner, Ken 79 1993-09-11
United States, South Dakota, Custer, T3S R6E S36; at east boundary of Custer State Park, 43.745478 -103.348974
BHSC0020301 Mathiesen, Julie 14 1993-07-01
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T6N R2E S10 SW1/4; Near Utah Street bridge in Spearfish City limits at Spearfish Creek, 44.495888 -103.859845
BHSC0020392 O'Neal, Michael Vashti 140 1997-09-27
United States, South Dakota, Meade, T6N R6E S18 SE1/4; Bear Butte, 44.475818 -103.426082, 1010 - 1340m
BHSC0020974 Bonde, Scot D. 15 1992-06-24
United States, South Dakota, Hughes, T110N R76W S32, 44.287792 -99.9972, 460 - 460m
BHSC0021427 McMichael, Ty R. 29 1992-08-10
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Just off I-90; near the SD/WY border; T7N R1E S30, 44.539402 -104.044105
BHSC0026753 Culey, Kristen B. s. n. 1999-10-02
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, T1N R7E S7, 44.06033 -103.322362
BHSC0026769 Cox, T. 7 1999-09-06
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Roughlock Falls; T5N R1E S26 SW1/4, 44.349752 -103.942454, 1560 - 1650m
BHSC0026934 Hendricks, C. 37 1999-09-16
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Spearfish, U.S. Forest Service; T6N R2E S17 SW1/4, 44.495715 -103.869326
BHSC0011961 Spence, Deborah W. 10 1983-09-22
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T5N R1E S19; Tinton Road, 44.38054 -104.048545
BHSC0011990 Sargent, Douglas 7 1983-09-22
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Southwest of Spearfish; T6N R1E S12, 44.497221 -103.863212
BHSC0012046 Reynolds, John D. 5 1983-09-14
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Iron Creek Rd, 2.5 miles W of Spearfish, Public Hunting Grounds No 1140, 44.494403 -103.9235
BHSC0013836 Sargent, Douglas 112 1984-10-04
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, South of Terry Peak Lookout; T4N R2E S12 SW1/4, 44.319091 -103.828953, 2010 - 2060m
BHSC0016977 Schoon, Jim 6 1985-08-05
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T7N R2E S16 NW1/4; along Spearfish Creek, 44.573759 -103.89094
BHSC0016978 Anderson, Mike 4 1985-07-17
United States, South Dakota, Custer, T5S R3E S3; ca. 14 miles SW of Custer on Pleasant Valley Road, 43.644959 -103.741584
BHSC0016979 Mergen, Daryl E. 106 1985-08-19
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Lead, behind city high school, 44.344694 -103.776267, 1560 - 1650m
BHSC0016980 Fulghum, Richard W. 33 1985-09-21
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Ca. 2.5 miles SW of U.S. 85 and U.S. 14, into Spearfish Canyon, 44.278353 -103.901868
BHSC0019890 Nicholas, Verla 153 1991-09-10
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Spearfish Canyon just off of 14A at creek, 44.401192 -103.893653
BHSC0019893 Gamo, Scott 32 1991-09-07
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, T1N R27E S25; Confluence of Castle and South Castle Creeks, 44.086245 -103.619371
BHSC0022076 Lyons, B. 19 1998-09-23
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Wildlife area around McNenny State Fish Hatchery; T7N R1E S21 NE1/4, 44.560373 -104.014599, 1010 - 1050m
BHSC0022380 Schoon, Jim 6 1985-09-05
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Along Spearfish Creek; T7N R2E S16 NW1/4, 44.564076 -103.882387
BHSC0024607 Lineback, Glenn s. n. 1985-09-28
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T6N R3E S27; at public hunting area, ca. 1.2 miles SE of Mt. View Campground on Maitland Rd, near entrance, 44.452541 -103.73971
BHSC0025096 Reis, Kymberly 29 1999-09-17
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Deadwood, junction of Burnham Steet and US Highway 85, 44.382548 -103.722806
BHSC0025404 Iverson, Mitch s. n. 1991-08-25
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T3N R5E S27; ca. 0.25 mile southwest of Nemo, 44.186369 -103.5018
BHSC0025826 Retrum, S. 13 1999-09-25
United States, South Dakota, Lyman, Ca. 0.5 mile from Missouri River; T106N R71W S20 NE1/4, 43.972434 -99.37248
BHSC0025892 McKee, L. 16 1999-10-02
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, T1S R16E S2; east of Wall, ca. 0.25 mile south of US Highway 14, 43.987247 -102.168717
BHSC0029491 Kleine, Brooke N. 16 1999-11-05
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Pope and Talbot (Sawmill) on West Oliver Street; T6N R2E S9 NE1/4, 44.500388 -103.886531, 1130 - 1160m
BHSC0029698 Marchant, Chris 5 1999-09-03
United States, Wyoming, Crook, Northwest of Aladdin, Marchant Ranch; T55N R61E S31 SE1/4, 44.7011 -104.337401
BHSC0032714 Stiefvater, Eric 5 1999-09-15
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Game Fish and Parks Walk In Area; T7N R1E S15 SW1/4, 44.482047 -103.908496
BHSC0032716 Lyons, B. 55 1999-07-15
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Wildlife area around McNenny State Fish Hatchery; T7N R1E S21 NE1/4, 44.560373 -104.014599, 1010 - 1050m
BHSC0035383 Kostel, Grace M. 7547 2005-06-24
United States, South Dakota, Fall River, Buffalo Gap National Grassland and vicinity; ca. 8.5 air miles southeast of Oelrichs, Slim Butte Creek; T11S R8E S23 N1/2, 43.0797 -103.1392
BHSC0032782 Kuchl, M. 58 1999-10-09
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T6N R2E S19; Budd Dodds land, 44.467257 -103.92046
BHSC0015653 Omdahl, Randall J. 79 1985-09-01
United States, Wyoming, Johnson, Powder River Pass, at area southwest of car pullout, 43.669456 -106.500593
BHSC0016362 Cossitt, Ginni 1 1989-09-18
United States, Wyoming, Campbell, T50N R72W S30; ca. 4 miles west of Gillette in Westover Hills, 44.28286 -105.560404
BHSC0019894 Madison, Shawn 14 1991-07-25
United States, South Dakota, Fall River, T8S R6E S21 SE1/4; at Angostura Reservoir, 43.273079 -103.375273, 980 - 1010m
BHSC0009551 Kravig, Myrtle L. s. n. 1964-07-12
United States, South Dakota, Custer, West of Highway 16, 43.737087 -103.826698
BHSC0015682 Copper, Hope E. 55 1985-09-11
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T6N R2E S17; ca. 0.7 mile south on Iron Creek Road, 44.483157 -103.900235, 1190 - 1280m
BHSC0016950 Robison, Deborah 1 1985-05-28
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, T6N R2E S9; Spearfish, 730 Jonas Street, 44.4986 -103.878336
BHSC0064895 Hallman, Hans 5011 2010-06-19
United States, Montana, Powder River, T5S R50E S12; ca. 1.5 air miles northwest of Moorhead Road and ca. 4.5 air miles WSW of Broadus, 45.4081 -105.4821
BHSC0016224 Backlund, Doug 30 1989-09-10
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Cox Lake, 44.56461 -103.99399
BHSC0016298 Hufford, Lottie L. 57 1990-09-22
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, T1N R6E S27; ca. 6 miles SW of Rapid City on Sheridan Lake Road, then to Victoria Dam, 44.01682 -103.38233
BHSC0016450 Zimmerman, Carole 16 1989-09-17
United States, South Dakota, Butte, T7N R1E S7; above Thompson Ditch, 44.58282 -104.04409
BHSC0016536 Gamo, Scott 47 1990-09-30
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, T1S R6E S6; ca. 2 miles east of Sheridan Lake, 43.98964 -103.44917
BHSC0016600 Thomas, Jan 22 1989-06-21
United States, South Dakota, Meade, T3N R6E S23; ca. 0.25 mile up Stagebarn Canyon, 44.20571 -103.36238