Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, Emily Warren, & Georgy A. Lazkov 32219 2000-07-20
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul Region, Sary-Dzhaz River, 3 kilometer northeast of junction with Ottuk River. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 2760 meters. Site # 2000-106.
Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, Emily Warren, & Georgy A. Lazkov 32306 2000-07-24
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Region,, Dzhumgal-Too Ridge, Seok River east ravine. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 2620 meters. Site # 2000-111.
John B. Taft, Loy R. Phillippe, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov 1981 2000-07-20
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul Region, Near Sary-Dzhaz River, 3 kilometer northeast of junction with Ottuk River. Tien Shan Flora Region of Central Asia. Elevation about 2760 meters. Site # 2000-106.
K. R. Robertson, J. B. Taft, and G. A. Lazkov 6084 1998-08-31
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Region,, Central Asia. Kichi-Kara-Kudzhur Ravine. Elevation about 2958 meters; Locality # 1998-030.
John B. Taft, Loy R. Phillippe, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov 2042 2000-07-24
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Region,, Dzhumgal-Too Ridge, Seok River east ravine. Tien Shan Flora Region of Central Asia. Elevation about 2620 meters. Site # 2000-111.
BRIT902378 D. E. Boufford 44673 2018-08-16
China, Qinghai, Qinghai Province, Nangqen Xian: Yushu Zangzu Zizhizhou. Northwest of the city of Nangqen along highway S315 (formerly Xian road X827) west-northwest of Shagai along a small stream entering a tributary of the Za Qu (Za River)., 32.26139 96.30417, 3985 - 4000m
BRIT902418 D. E. Boufford 44614 2018-08-13
China, Qinghai, Qinghai Province, Yushu Xian: Yushu Zangzu Zizhizhou. Southwest of the city of Yushu; east of Shanglaxiu-Xiang, then ca. 5.2 km south of the intersection of province highway S309 on state road G214, then east on dirt road., 32.84944 96.69167, 4300 - 4550m