Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Chamaesyce lata (Euphorbia lata)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 5, records 401-500 of 939

Sul Ross University, A. Michael Powell Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
00005586Nathan C. Taylor   7662016-06-23
USA, Texas, Pecos, Glass Mountains near roadside park 26.9 miles N of Hwy 90., 30.482205 -102.930027

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00007338Nathan C. Taylor   10662017-04-14
USA, Texas, Andrews, 0.3 mi. W of 2001 on 1967., 32.412617 -102.653787

Image Associated With the Occurence
00007390A.M. Powell   76252018-05-05
USA, Texas, Culberson, Ca. 7 mi S of Van Horn, on Green River-Scott's Crossing dirt road; ca. 2.3 mi NE Hudspeth Co. line., 30.94652 -104.90284, 1253m

Image Associated With the Occurence
00008394Nathan C. Taylor   10782017-04-20
USA, Texas, Borden, 17.0 mi. E of Hwy 87 on Hwy 180., 32.763 -101.636755

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00008687Nathan C. Taylor   14782018-04-18
USA, Texas, Midland, Midland, I-20 Wildlife Preserve; grassland W of trail entrance near parking lot., 31.96265 -102.120957

Image Associated With the Occurence
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis

Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium

V. L. Cory   3275521941-06-23
United States, New Mexico, De Baca

simon E. Wolff   19721930-04-28
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln

O. C. Wallmo   53331953-03-27
United States, Texas, Brewster, 13 miles south of Marathon, hills1/2 mile west of

Simon E. Wolff   47771933-09-11
United States, Texas, Brewster, South of Marathon

H. B. Parks   286421938-04-11
United States, Texas, Brewster

H. B. Parks   
United States, Texas, Brewster, Alpine

O. C. Wallmo   1954-09-02
United States, Texas, Brewster, Flats 1/2 mile east of Garden Springs

H. B. Parks   133391935-05-13
United States, Texas, Childress

V. L. Cory   382801941-09-20
United States, Texas, Crane, 12 mi. S. of Crane

Simon E. Wolff   20021930-04-29
United States, Texas, Crosby, Few mi. E. of Crosbyton

W. B. Davis   911940-08-05
United States, Texas, Culberson, 16 m. SE. Van Horn

H. B. Parks   136061935-05-18
United States, Texas, Dickens

John Bacon   4251968-07-19
United States, Texas, Irion

V. L. Cory   1924-05-09
United States, Texas, Irion, Mertzon

H. B. Parks   138721935-05-21
United States, Texas, Midland

H. B. Parks   124661935-05-01
United States, Texas, Midland

H. K. Buechner   1947-05-02
United States, Texas, Presidio

H. B. Parks   313081938-10-29
United States, Texas, Reeves, 2 miles S.W. of Pecos

S. M. Tracy   1902-04-20
United States, Texas, Reeves, Pecos

Frank W. Gould   70711956-05-31
United States, Texas, Runnels, 7 mi E of Ballinger

H. V. Geib   42621933-07-03
United States, Texas, Sutton

Norlan C. Henderson   63-5411963-04-26
United States, Texas, Taylor

V. L. Cory   1925-05-25
United States, Texas, Tom Green, San Angelo

V. L. Cory   1925-05-10
United States, Texas, Tom Green, San Angelo

Steven R. Hill   112201982-05-17
United States, Texas, Wheeler, N side of North Fork of the Red River

Chamaesyce lata (Engelm.) Small
Daniel Tarin   2232010-07-29
United States, Texas, Reeves, Verhalen

Texas Tech University, E. L. Reed Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012701Ronald Kuykendall   61967-09-15
United States, Oklahoma, Texas, 5 miles north of goodwell, 36.667816 -101.63655

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TTC012702M.J. Trlica, D.V. Sellars   551965-06-17
United States, Texas, Carson, texas tech research farm, 35.285206 -101.507489

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TTC012703Leo A. Galloway   751967-06-24
United States, Texas, Randall, buffalo lake wildlife refuge; 1/2 mile below dam, 34.923469 -102.099417

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TTC012706York & Rodgers   1871949-08-00
United States, Texas, Dallam, 1 mile SE of Texline; 36.367551 -103.01136; 36.367551 -103.01136; 36.367551 -103.01136, 36.368101 -103.010559

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012707Tommy Rosson   1991964-06-24
United States, Texas, Bailey, muleshoe nat'l. wildlife refuge; 20 miles south of muleshoe, 33.937303 -102.753867

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012708Dana Griffin   2031959-04-26
United States, Texas, Andrews, 3 miles south of franklin city, 30.982473 -96.485245

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TTC012710Turner Collins   2581965-06-22
United States, Texas, Ector, north and northeast of notrees, 31.938903 -102.754335

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TTC012711Tommy Rosson   2821964-07-13
United States, Texas, Bailey, muleshoe nat'l. wildlife refuge; 20 miles south of muleshoe, 33.937303 -102.748374

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TTC012712Leo A. Galloway   2951967-08-11
United States, Texas, Collingsworth, 9 miles east-northeast of hedley, 34.957761 -100.541278

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TTC012713Eve Wiles   2981966-04-03
United States, Texas, Hutchinson, gluf-dial spring ca. 3.5 miles southeast of stinnett, 35.79108 -101.39867

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TTC012714Leo A. Galloway   3161967-08-13
United States, Texas, Roberts, 23 miles north of pampa, 35.85 -100.8167

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TTC012715Bob Hutchins   3711965-04-24
United States, Texas, Garza, 20 air miles southeast of post on hwy. 1269, 32.915284 -101.149408

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012716Leo A. Galloway   4301967-09-30
United States, Texas, Deaf Smith, 18 miles north and 37 miles west of hereford, 35.074417 -103.053538

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012717Tommy Rosson   8611967-04-29
United States, Texas, Bailey, 4 miles north of maple, 33.909528 -102.898521

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012718Floyd R. Waller   10091966-07-31
United States, Texas, Deaf Smith, south bridwell ranch; 18 mi. n & 32 mi. w of hereford, 35.07219 -102.968914

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012720Leo A. Galloway   12651970-05-25
United States, Texas, Moore, 10 mles northwest of stanford, 36.446321 -102.18204

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012721E.L. Reed   17751927-05-13
United States, Texas, Lubbock, lubbock, 33.577863 -101.855166

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TTC012722E.L. Reed   17871928-06-00
United States, Texas, Lubbock, lubbock co., 33.610206 -101.820546

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TTC012723E.L. Reed   34231931-05-30
United States, Texas, Lubbock, bole's ranch; lubbock, 33.534774 -101.728952

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TTC012724E.L. Reed   36001932-05-10
United States, Texas, Lubbock, lubbock, 33.577863 -101.855166

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TTC012725E.L. Reed   41811935-07-02
United States, Texas, Lubbock, lubbock co., 33.610206 -101.820546

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012726Chester Rowell   54221957-07-09
United States, Texas, Cottle, m. wells ranch; 30 miles southwest of childress, 34.178393 -100.682139

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012727D. Demaree   75571930-04-00
United States, Texas, Lubbock, lubbock co., 33.610206 -101.820546

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TTC012728Chester Rowell   80621961-04-29
United States, Texas, Cottle, matador state wildlife area; 12 miles northwest of paducah, 34.126182 -100.384516

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TTC012729Troy Lewis & C. Rowell   82501962-08-06
United States, Texas, Pecos, 41.5 miles east of marathon on u.s. hwy. 90, 30.162963 -102.646378

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012730Chester Rowell   83111962-05-06
United States, Texas, Winkler, ca. 18 miles from kermit on state road 302, 31.857626 -103.092665

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012731Chester Rowell   100131964-05-30
United States, Texas, Bailey, 4.9 miles east of lariat, 34.327985 -102.82037

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012732Chester Rowell   112861967-04-07
United States, Texas, Ward, 1 mile southwest of pyote, 31.524592 -103.138314

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012733C. Rudolph, T. Baker, T. Flynn P, O'Connell   1471978-07-01
United States, New Mexico, Lea, t22s r32e s9 (wipp), 32.4069 -103.6805

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC012734C.A. Crowder   8981979-06-21
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, nash draw, about 3 miles nw of junction of sandia drill road with hwy 28. se 1/4 s3 t23s r30e, 32.340609 -104.868885

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC020854T. L. Burgess   8021972-09-30
United States, Texas, Culberson, N of Delaware Creek, SE of 9K headquarters, 31.864302 -104.473324, 1128m

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC021669Everett   E500406
United States, Texas, Lubbock, Campus of Texas Tech, South of speech building across paved road, 33.579756 -101.880431

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC023537Troy Lewis & Chester Rowell   82501962-08-06
United States, Texas, Pecos, 41.5 miles east of Marathon on US highway 90.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelm.) Small
TTC023536E.L. Reed   17871927-07-00
United States, Texas, Lubbock, Lubbock, Texas

Troy University Herbarium

TROY000018768Worthington, Richard D.   343452006-09-10
United States, New Mexico, Otero, About 3 rd. mi. NNE of Orogrande along Hwy. 54 at small limestone hill. T22S, R8E, Sec. 1., 32.416833 -106.073167

TROY000018769Worthington, Richard D.   346582007-04-14
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Monte Carlo Gap near communication tower., 32.469167 -106.094667

TROY000018770Worthington, Richard D.   337542005-09-22
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Fort Bliss Military Reservation. McGregor Range. Otero Mesa. 12.5 rd. mi. E jct. with Hwy. 54 along Hwy. 506 at mesa escarpment. T21S, R11E, S/4 Sec. 9., 32.489333 -105.820667

University of Arkansas at Monticello

Image Associated With the Occurence
UAM014201Craig C. Freeman   29851989-06-01
United States, Kansas, Morton, Cimarron National Grassland, ca 7.3 mi N, 0.8 mi W of Elkhart; Point of Rocks Pond (waterfowl/fishing ponds) 0.1 mi S of Forest Road 620 on N side of Cimarron River. T34S R42W S5 SW4, 37.115762 -101.913412, 1036 - 1039m

University of Arkansas Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UARK088204Barton H. Warnock   461861946-04-19
United States, Texas, Pecos, Along highway to McCamey, twenty miles northeast of Fort Stockton.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UARK088279Barton H. Warnock   214001940-06-07
United States, Texas, Brewster, Sul Ross Campus.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelm.) Small
UARK088280Delzie Demaree   75601930-04-25
United States, Texas, Lubbock, Lubbock.

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UARK088278John Taylor   203741975-08-31
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka, 0.5 miles NW of Boehler, and SE of Atoka.

University of California at Davis Herbarium

Grady L. Webster   342072005-05-25
United States, Texas, Garza, Low ridges of reddish sand near crossing of Double Mt. Fork of the Brazos River, 4.5 mi NE of Garza, 15 mi S of Post., 33.0275 -101.4, 750m

Grady Webster   343892005-04-21
United States, Texas, Pecos, Pecos County: 13 mi N of Fort Stockton.

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

R.D. Worthington   302592000-09-03
United States, New Mexico, Otero, N tip where road into Dog Canyon passes, 32.28867 -104.97717, 1288m

Charles S. Lieb   11381991-04-06
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Indio Ranch, off River Road 0.3 mi south of junction Main Road, 30.76556 -105.00694, 1238m

R.D. Worthington   278201998-08-09
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Sitting Bull Falls Recreation Area, 32.24556 -104.69639, 1418m

R.D. Worthington   118831984-04-28
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Along US 62-180, 20 miles west of the jct with Hwy 2317, c. 9 miles east of the Hueco Inn, 31.84639 -105.81083, 1524m

T.R. Van Devender   2000--3152000-07-14
United States, New Mexico, Chaves, c. 25 km southeast of Roswell, Lea Recreation area, Bottomless Lakes State Park, 33.31722 -104.22889, 1070m

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
00304352Dina Clark   7731998-07-31
United States, Colorado, Bent, Along County Road K just east of Hwy 101 in the southern part of the county., 37.7749678 -103.1569045

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
00304360T. Kelso   97-361997-05-28
United States, Colorado, Otero, Comanche National Grasslands, Shale Hills, along David Canyon Rd. 5 mi W of CO109., 37.76473 -103.5743111, 1341m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
00304378W. A. Weber   45931949-05-05
United States, Colorado, Baca, Spring Canyon, "breaks" of Cimarron River 2 mi S of Midway., 37.1328764 -102.1613568, 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
00304386W. A. Weber; R.C. Wittmann   182301991-07-12
United States, Colorado, Baca, Breaks of the Cimarron River, along road 1 paralleling Kansas state line south of road M., 37.0682441 -102.0421971

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
00304394Weber; Wittmann   185401993-05-22
United States, Colorado, Otero, Along Hwy 109 at start of juniper belt S of La Junta; road 802, junction Vogel Canyon., 37.7722 -103.5594

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
00304402Leslie Paull   771936-06-15
United States, Colorado, Otero, Cedar Mesas, 25 miles south of La Junta., 37.64434 -103.6995

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
00685347Donald L. Hazlett   94731995-06-01
United States, Colorado, Otero, Comanche Grassland. Near David Canyon Road., 37.75529 -103.59478, 1402m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
00868471Dina Clark   22812005-06-29
United States, Colorado, Baca, County Road C approximately 0.5 miles W of intersection with CR45., 37.02069 -102.28025, 1151m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
00917799Dina Clark   2469a2007-06-13
United States, Colorado, Las Animas, Santa Fe Trail Historical Monument, Comanche National Grassland, approx. ½ mile north along Hwy 71 just past intersection with Hwy 350., 37.85761 -103.73262, 1338m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
01818053Dina Clark   36922013-05-28
United States, Colorado, Bent, Approx. 13 miles southeast of Las Animas, east side of Road 16., 37.86075 -103.133947, 1251m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
02104719Bleakly; DeBruin   1951993-06-23
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Melrose Air Force Range. Ca. 2 mi E of Krider Rd. ca. 2.5 mi. N of Mesa Rd., 1402m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
02104727Ed. L. Reed   41811935-00-00
United States, Texas, Lubbock, Plains, Lubbock.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
02104735E. O. Wooton   s.n.1899-06-18
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, South of the White Sands

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
02104743W. A. Weber   114601962-06-13
United States, New Mexico, Quay, "breaks" of Llano Estacado 15 miles N of Grady, 35.041465 -103.316403

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
02104750Tharp; Follansbee, Thompson.   51-15211951-08-10
United States, Texas, Dickens, Geology:Dockum

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
02212678Dina Clark   45472017-06-10
United States, COLORADO, BENT, Cretaceous-aged plain of eroded mesas, breaks, and barrens 16 miles WNW of the intersection between CR B.5 and Hwy 287 (approx. 30 miles south of Lamar ), 1279m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelmann) Small
02464048Dina Clark   47232019-06-20
United States, COLORADO, BENT, 13 miles southeast of Las Animas, west side of Road 16; greater floodplain of Rule Creek, 1249m

University of Georgia Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lata (Engelm.) Small
United States, New Mexico, Otero County, Otero County, NM

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

367046Dina Clark   22812005-06-29
United States, Colorado, Baca, County Road C ca 0.5 mi W of intersection with CR 45, 1151m

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