278732 W.L. Bodie 32 1968-07-05
United States, Idaho, Bonneville, 43.41667 -111.50028
38956 J. Gotham? 4 1925-05-24
United States, Idaho, Kaniksu Forest., 46.14806 -116.65667
318814 Larose McCluskey 11 1974-06-03
United States, Washington, Columbia, Way up Wolf Creek Road., 46.116184 -117.881974
69271 William C. Cusick 4386 1914-07-29
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Coos, Coast Mountains., 45.63556 -120.91333
6877 Lake 785 1892-07-05
United States, Washington, Columbia, Blue Mountains.
139555 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 3667 1895-06-26
United States, Washington, Skamania, Little White Salmon River above Berry Creek., 45.72083 -121.63917
6881 N.L. Gardner 276 1897-04-09
United States, Washington, Island, Whidbey Island., 48.29278 -122.675
139558 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 3396 1891-05-19
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Hawk Prairie on Bingen Mountain, Bingen., 45.715 -121.46333
139557 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 3558 1894-08-20
United States, Washington, Skamania, Cape Horn., 45.57278 -122.19389
318818 Frank H. Shields 26 1968-06-25
United States, Washington, Whatcom, Chuckanut Mountain, Lost Lake., 48.67917 -122.46667
318817 Connie Copeland 80 1977-05-21
United States, Washington, Walla Walla, Mill Creek Road and Scenic Loop intersection., 46.031587 -118.144361
139226 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 6185 1918-06-04
United States, Washington, Clark, East of Vancouver., 45.63889 -122.66028
6882 J.B. Flett 53 1897-05-22
United States, Washington, Tacoma., 47.25306 -122.44306
139625 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 3374 1890-05-09
United States, Washington, Klickitat, In Rattlesnake Creek., 45.79722 -121.48361
139227 Dr. R. Funke s.n. 1894-04-00
United States, Washington, Lewis, Toledo., 46.44 -122.84556
139510 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 2596 1892-05-27
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Falcon Valley., 45.974342 -121.340296
6883 Charles Vancouver Piper s.n. 1898-04-24
United States, Washington, Island, Admiralty Head, Whidbey Island., 48.15556 -122.67806
318819 David C. Miner 26 1968-06-25
United States, Washington, Whatcom, Chuckanut Mountain Road, near road to Lost lake., 48.67917 -122.46667
196578 Arthur Cronquist 5827 1949-06-04
United States, Washington, Asotin, Base of Puffer's Butte, Fields Spring State Park, about 5 miles south of Anatone., 46.062608 -117.13139
335796 A.E. Grable 1124 1968-06-25
United States, Washington, Whatcom, Chuckanut Mountain Road, east of Larrabee State Park, 0.5 miles up jeep road from Chuckanut Mountain Road to Lost Lake., 48.65861 -122.47528
94745 M.W. Gorman 4561 1919-06-07
United States, Washington, Skamania, Mount Hamilton., 45.64968 -122.00683
318816 J.M. McGinley 45 1979-05-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Junction Wind River Highway and Highway 14., 45.71333 -121.7925
64190 Harold St. John 6941 1925-05-30
United States, Washington, Columbia, Wolf Fork of Touchet River., 46.27417 -117.89472
258701 R. Daubenmire 6470 1964-07-07
United States, Washington, Columbia, 46.1172 -117.9844
318811 E.S. McCluskey s.n. 1950-07-11
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, 4 miles west of Tollgate., 45.78053 -118.174716
318810 B. Emery s.n. 1954-09-04
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, Meadow Camp., 45.48611 -118.27444
318808 Betty Blank 119 1967-04-20
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, 1 mile up from Forest Camp, Umatilla, along North Fork., 45.821149 -118.0775
194198 R.H. Whittaker SS 40 1949-06-25
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Caves-Lake Mountain Trail, Siskiyou Mountains., 42.09306 -123.38889
60552 Lincoln Constance s.n. 1927-05-14
United States, Oregon, Lane, Hendricks Park, Eugene., 44.03639 -123.05528
94744 M.A. Flinn s.n. 1906-04-00
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Mount Tabor, Portland., 45.52361 -122.675
6879 W.J. Spillman s.n. 1894-04-17
United States, Oregon, Polk, Monmouth., 44.84861 -123.23278
66251 A.S. Foster s.n. 1907-06-02
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Mount Tabor, vicinity of Portland., 45.52361 -122.675
332181 A.E. Grable 8765 1982-06-08
United States, Oregon, Washington, Chehalem Mountains, Bureau of Land Management land in southwest of county, center of parcel along McFee Creek., 45.32806 -122.8875
318812 John Rogers 88 1971-05-08
United States, Oregon, Washington, Finnigan Hill Road, 4 miles north of Laurel., 45.476531 -122.99056
383287 David Giblin 2696 2009-05-12
United States, Washington, Klickitat, U.S. BLM land. Parcel between two large bends in Glenwood Highway where bounded on north side by Klickitat River., 45.97498 -121.11775
318813 Georgia Mason 1326 1961-07-11
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, On the Aneroid Trail, Wallowa Mountains., 45.2 -117.31667
382209 David Giblin 2666A 2009-05-12
United States, Washington, Klickitat, U.S. BLM land along Glenwood Road, east side of road., 45.96363 -121.10816
United States, New York
SIU023983 [Boyce, T. E.] s.n. 1881-07-00
United States, Michigan
NDSU044311 Gary E. Larson
United States, North Dakota, Rolette, detailed locality information protected
NDSU044312 B. Heidel
United States, North Dakota, Bottineau, detailed locality information protected
NDSU044313 O.A. Stevens
United States, North Dakota, Bottineau, detailed locality information protected
NDSU044314 Matt Meissner
United States, North Dakota, Stark, detailed locality information protected
247776 Olga Lakela 10293 1950-06-11
United States, Minnesota, St. Louis, IN rich mixed forest on toad to Park Point Resort, Lake Kabetogama
316466 Robert F. Steinauer 3898 2010-07-11
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, N42.80445 W103.99712 (NAD83) T33N R57W NE4 SE4 Sec. 26 Pine Ridge - Warbonnet Ranch (Coffee Ranch) Uncommon, only one individual noted at this location. Scattered in vicinity. Steep northwest-facing embankment near ravine bottom. Canyon associated with Warbonnet Creek. Loamy soils with relatively heavy accumulation of leaf litter on soil surface. Sparsely vegetated with Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Celastrus scandens, Fraxinus pennsylvanica (seedlings), Parietaria pensylvanica. Heavily shaded by Acer negundo, A. glabrum, Fraxinus pennsylvanica., 42.80445 -103.99712
316507 Robert F. Steinauer 3940 2010-07-14
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, N42.78545 W103.97137 (NAD83) T33N R56W SW4 SW4 Sec. 31 Warbonnet Creek drainage - Pine Ridge Warbonnet Ranch (Coffee Ranch) Twenty-one fruiting stems noted. Plants pale yellow with brown bracts. On margin of canyon bottom to 1m above canyon floor on extreme lower slope of canyon. Loamy soils. Extremely sparsely vegetated, generally bare soil with leaf litter. Heavily shaded by Acer negundo and Vitis riparia., 42.78545 -103.97137
314286 Robert F. Steinauer 3691 2009-08-02
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, N42.76788 W103.93787 (NAD83) T32N R56W NW ╝ NE ╝ 07 Pine Ridge - Gilbert Baker Wildlife Area Uncommon, five flowering/fruiting stems and one dried stem noted at collection site. Ca. 21cm in height. Plants pale yellow except for withered flowers and leaves which are brown. Narrow canyon bottom. Shade to partial sun. Pinus ponderosa forest with Prunus virginiana, Ulmus americana, Acer glabrum, A. negundo, Juniperus communis, Berberis repens., 42.76788 -103.93787
314283 Robert F. Steinauer 3688 2009-08-02
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, N42.76675531 W103.93624197 (NAD83) T32N R56W NW ╝ NE ╝ 07 Pine Ridge - Gilbert Baker Wildlife Area Uncommon, two stems noted at collection site. Ca. 25cm in height. Plants pale yellow except for withered flowers and leaves which are brown. Narrow, north to south running, canyon bottom. Loamy soils over sandstone. Pinus ponderosa forest with Prunus virginiana, Ulmus americana, Acer glabrum, Berberis repens, Elymus villosus, Monarda fistulosa., 42.7667553 -103.9362419
200826 William L. Tolstead 9479 1946-05-15
United States, Oregon, Yamhill, Growing in deep fir woods. Near Newberg
59058 Homer LeRoy Shantz s.n. 1900-06-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Cheyenne Mountain
316531 Robert F. Steinauer 3963 2010-07-16
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, N42.79341 W103.98118 (NAD83) T33N R57W SW4 NE4 Sec. 36 Warbonnet Creek drainage - Pine Ridge Warbonnet Ranch (Coffee Ranch) Rare, only one stem noted at this location, but seen at scattered sites within the Warbonnet Creek drainage. Approximately 5m above canyon bottom. North-facing embankment. Loamy soils. Pinus ponderosa canopy, with Prunus virginiana and Acer glabrum in tall shrub layer. Associated species: Corallorhiza maculata, Elymus villosus, Cystopteris fragilis, Prosartes trachycarpa, Symphoricarpos occidentalis., 42.79341 -103.98118
327918 Robert F. Steinauer 4614 2016-06-02
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Sioux County. N42.80132 W103.99948 (NAD83) T33N R57W SW╝ SE╝ 26 Pine Ridge - Warbonnet Creek drainage Canyon bottom. Loamy soils. Ponderosa pine woodland. Partially shaded by Pinus ponderosa, Acer negundo, Prunus virginiana. Associated species: Mahonia repens, Galium boreale, Prosartes trachycarpa, Maianthemum stellatum. Lip keeled. Stem pale yellow. Uncommon., 42.80132 -103.99948
316484 Robert F. Steinauer 3916 2010-07-12
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, N42.77917 W103.95837 (NAD83) T32N R57W SW4 NE4 Sec. 01 Warbonnet Creek drainage - Warbonnet Ranch (Coffee Ranch) Lip keel shaped. Uncommon, ravine bottom on northern edge of Pine Ridge. Loamy soils. Pinus ponderosa forest. Shaded by P. ponderosa, Acer glabrum, Prunus virginiana. Also present. Berberis repens, Elymus canadensis, 42.77917 -103.95837
314206 Robert F. Steinauer 3613 2009-07-22
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, N42.80745 W104.00513 (NAD83). T33N R57W SW ╝ NE ╝ 26 Pine Ridge û Warbonnet Creek Rare, 3 stems noted. Plants pale yellow colored with dark bracts. Canyon bottom within 2m of small flowing stream. Soils rocky. Canopy of Pinus ponderosa with Acer negundo. Associated sps.: Elymus villosus, Poa pratensis, Agrostis gigantea, Campanula rotundifolia, Mentha arvensis., 42.80745 -104.00513
327921 Robert F. Steinauer 4617 2016-06-03
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Sioux County. N42.78090 W103.96147 (NAD83) T32N R57W SE╝ NW╝ 01 Pine Ridge - Warbonnet Creek drainage Pinus ponderosa woodland. Within ravine draining into Warbonnet Creek. Partial shade. Sparsely vegetated, soil surface covered with pine needles. Five clusters of individuals with 1-3 flowering stems per cluster., 42.7809 -103.96147
316479 Robert F. Steinauer 3911 2010-07-12
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, N42.77991 W103.96040 (NAD83) T32N R57W SE4 NW4 Sec. 01 Warbonnet Creek drainage - Warbonnet Ranch (Coffee Ranch) Uncommon. Ravine bottom at northern edge of Pine Ridge. Pinus ponderosa forest. Soil surface sparsely vegetated and covered with dense layer of pine needles in the vicinity of collection. Associated species: Elymus canadensis, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Galium aparine, Toxicodendron rydbergii, Juniperus communis., 42.77991 -103.9604
316470 Robert F. Steinauer 3902 2010-07-11
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, N42.80479 W103.99657 (NAD83) T33N R57W NE4 SE4 Sec. 26 Pine Ridge - Warbonnet Ranch (Coffee Ranch) Steep embankment approx. 3m above spring fed stream in narrow ravine bottom. Loamy soils. Uncommon, only one individual noted at this site. Widely scattered in appropriate habitats in vicinity. Open Pinus ponderosa canopy with open subcanopy of Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Acer negundo. Tall shrubs: Acer glabrum, Prunus virginiana. Associated species: Smilacina stellata, Elymus villosus, Heracleum maximum, Cystopteris fragilis, Juniperus communis, Heuchera richardsonii, Aster laevis., 42.80479 -103.99657
OCLA-0014063 Olga Lakela 10334 1950-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Near Gappa's Landing, Lake Kabetogama.
NMMNH:Herb:350 Collector(s): Paul Kemp 1985-06-28
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo County, Tree Spring Trail near Highway 14, Sandia Mountains, 2600 - 2600m