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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Corallorhiza striata (Corallorrhiza striata), Corallorhiza striata var. vreelandii (Corallorrhiza striata var. vreelandii, Corallorrhiza bigelovii, Corallorhiza bigelovii, Corallorrhiza striata var. flavida, Corallorhiza ehrenbergii, Corallorhiza striata f. fulva), Corallorhiza striata var. flavida,... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 1658

Oregon State University

A. I. Roest; A.I. Roest   s.n.1948-06-24
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Oregon Caves National Monument, Big Tree Trail, slope above guide shack., 42.0958 -123.4047, 1219m

C. Heimsch   6761962-08-00
United States, Montana, [needs research], Yellowstone Park.

Scott Sundberg   48262000-05-03
United States, Oregon, Benton, north of Corvallis; middle of slope on hill southeast of Smith Hill., 44.7145 -123.26598, 480m

Don Hefty   21946-05-30
United States, Oregon, Union, near Cove., 45.2967 -117.8069

Frank P. Sipe; F.P. Sipe   s.n.1930-06-25
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Golden Star Trail, Union Creek, Crater Lake National Forest., 42.90169 -122.32385

Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson   s.n.1885-05-11
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Ashland Butte, Ashland., 42.081 -122.7188

William H. Baker; W.H. Baker   27261946-04-20
United States, Oregon, Lane, Coburg Hills., 44.13515 -122.99684

Sams, Mrs.; Mrs. Alvin Sams   s.n.1952-05-06
United States, Oregon, Linn, near old log landing, Lebanon., 44.5367 -122.9058

Orlin L. Ireland   s.n.
United States, Oregon, Lane, Sims Butte, Three Sisters Wilderness., 44.1714751825 -121.962304807

Otto H. Elmer; Otto Elmer   s.n.1915-04-11
United States, Oregon, Benton, Scotts Hill, Corvallis., 44.5647 -123.2608

Bob Powne   1101969-05-23
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Angle's Rest Trail., 45.56732 -122.15548, 366m

Henry C. Gilbert; H.C. Gilbert   2931916-04-06
United States, Oregon, Benton, Dimple Hill, Corvallis., 44.615 -123.3164

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Serge C. Head; S.C. Head   8391957-06-15
United States, Oregon, Union, 1/2 mile south of East Eagle Creek Falls., 45.08716 -117.31764, 1372m

William H. Baker   39181947-05-01
United States, Oregon, Benton, MacDonald Forest near Corvallis., 44.6258 -123.3014

David N. Cole   1101975-07-03
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Abies grandis forest on alluvium; below Falls Creek Camp; Wallowa Mountains, south of Enterprise., 45.31466 -117.30211, 1524m

Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson   186641938-05-23
United States, Oregon, Lane, near mouth of Big Fall Creek., 43.97107 -122.86624

William C. Cusick; W.C. Cusick   s.n.1908-07-17
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, Bingham Springs, Western Blue Mtn's., 45.7417 -118.2333

W. E. Sherwood; W. Sherwood   6951924-05-19
United States, Oregon, Jackson, along Wagner Cr. W. of Ashland., 42.17857 -122.78044

Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck   14411910-04-16
United States, Oregon, Marion, Salem., 44.9431 -123.0339

Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson   s.n.1889-04-30
United States, Oregon, Clackamas or Multnomah, summit and slopes of Mt. Tabor, E. Portland., 45.5131 -122.5914

Abraham L. Savage; Lincoln Savage   s.n.1922-05-20
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Holten Creek near Karby., 42.1944 -123.6506

Moses Craig   s.n.1897-05-00
United States, Oregon, Washington, Forest Grove., 45.52 -123.1094

Martin W. Gorman; M.W.G.   19831904-06-05
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, near Montavilla., 45.5192 -122.5778

[needs research]; McLillan   s.n.1932-04-28
United States, Oregon, Lane, hills west of Eugene., 44.0474 -123.21634

[unknown]; [none]   s.n.1892-05-00
United States, Oregon, Clackamas, near Oswego., 45.4126 -122.6929

[unknown]; [none]   s.n.1879-05-00
United States, Oregon, Columbia or Multnomah, Sauvies Island., 45.7223 -122.8192

Christine C. Johnson; Chris Johnson   4651982-05-29
United States, Oregon, Jackson, 1.5 miles up toward Mt. Ashland from Mt. Ashland Exit off Freeway I-5.

F. C. Stimson; F.C. Stimson   s.n.1904-05-08
United States, Oregon, Benton, Scotts Hill.

Albert R. Sweetser   s.n.1905-03-00
United States, Oregon, Lane, Eugene., 44.0522 -123.0856

Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck   14421913-07-19
United States, Oregon, Jackson, northeast slope of Mt. Ashland., 42.11213 -122.66838

W. E. Sherwood; W. Sherwood   9031924-05-24
United States, Oregon, Jackson, 4 mi. W. of Prospect., 42.715 -122.5696

Reynolds, Mrs.; Mrs. L. Reynolds   none
United States, Oregon, Marion, Salem., 44.9431 -123.0339

Frank P. Sipe; F.P. Sipe   s.n.1928-06-22
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Union Creek., 42.90169 -122.32385, 1219m

Serge C. Head; S.C. Head   8071957-06-07
United States, Oregon, Baker, East Eagle Creek Drainage, about East Eagle Creek Road; in damp forest duff; with Vaccinium, Chimaphila, Viola, Adenocaulon & Fragaria., 44.98436 -117.37165, 1128m

Ruth E. Hopson   s.n.1942-06-24
United States, Oregon, Baker, Goose Creek on Frissell Tr., 44.92856 -117.41372, 457m

Michael Byrd   s.n.1970-06-20
United States, Montana, Flathead, two miles north of Lake Blaine.

C. E. Owens; C.E. Owens   sn.1915-05-21
United States, Oregon, Benton, Mary's Peak, West of Corvallis., 44.5044 -123.55

Fred Parker; Fred Parker, Alice Parker   s.n.1975-00-00
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Umpqua National Forest, Limpy Rock Botanical Area; canyon of North Umpqua River, Dog Creek drainage, ca. 6-7 mi. upstream from Steamboat., 43.31794 -122.62891

Helen M. Gilkey   s.n.1934-04-20
United States, Washington, Yakima, along Lotus Creek; 20 mi. s. of Toppenish., 610m

LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling   20171937-04-11
United States, Oregon, Lane, Eugene-Lorane Rd, 5 miles from Eugene.

R. E. Freiburg; R.E. Freiburg   s.n.1952-05-01
United States, Oregon, Benton, North Cemetry Hill.

[none]; none.   s.n.1940-04-17
United States, Washington, Pierce, near Clover Park School.

Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson   143461932-04-29
United States, Oregon, Lane, woods west of Eugene's airport.

Lilla R. Leach; Lilla Leach   17731928-05-28
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Oregon Caves., 42.0958 -123.4047

Orlin L. Ireland   491934-04-14
United States, Oregon, Lane, Eugene, 1 miles east of campus., 44.0453 -123.054150138705

LeRoy E. Detling   57081946-06-21
United States, Oregon, Marion, Mansfield Mt. Trail., 44.79278 -121.97905, 1068m

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OSC-V-263154P.A. Theisen   s.n.1964-07-05
United States, Oregon, Josephine, County Line Trial 4 miles north of Persoll Peak.

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OSC-V-262843M. L. F.   s.n.1956-05-22
United States, Oregon, none, wooden pasture, Turner.

Pacific Union College Hebarium

1400D.V. Hemphill   1935-06-01
United States, California, Napa, Local landmark: Calistoga. Calistoga Quad., 38.578333 -122.566667, 121m

17076Bill Grummer   1978-04-11
United States, California, Napa, Local landmark: Robert L. Stevenson Mem. Park. Detert Reservoir Quad., 38.651389 -122.585556, 822m

50408Valerie Gizinski   1981-07-13
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Duncan Ranch. Kettenpom Quad., 40.041306 -123.317278, 936m

50409Valerie Gizinski   1981-07-13
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Duncan Ranch. Kettenpom Quad., 40.041306 -123.317278, 936m

31036Jimerson And Pageau   1979-06-12
United States, California, Humboldt, Local landmark: Hopkins Butte. Hoopa Quad., 41.215611 -123.615917, 1036m

23462Gilbert Jerome Muth   1979-07-18
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Deep Hollow Creek. Kettenpom Quad., 40.235417 -123.348472, 1067m

23462Gilbert Jerome Muth   1979-07-18
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Deep Hollow Creek. Kettenpom Quad., 40.235417 -123.348472

50382Cathy Ferguson   1981-07-21
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Russ Place. Kettenpom Quad., 40.1545 -123.263, 1100m

4244G.L. Clifton   1971-06-05
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Norse Butte. Pickett Peak Quad., 40.4 -123.435, 1219m

51346Teresa Prendusi   1981-07-09
United States, California, Humboldt, Local landmark: Cedar Camp. Fish Lake Quad., 41.373417 -123.674528, 1268m

49967Michael Ericksen   1981-08-17
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Big Meadow Creek. Pickett Peak Quad., 40.268111 -123.482306, 1295m

5553Gilbert Jerome Muth   1975-08-01
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Sutcliffe Creek. Preston Peak Quad., 41.941667 -123.528333, 1341m

5415G.L. Clifton   1971-06-26
United States, California, Plumas, Local landmark: Gansner Creek. Quincy Quad., 39.991667 -120.961667, 1371m

23622Walter Overton   1979-07-17
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Horse Ridge. Kettenpom Quad., 40.247306 -123.253444, 1372m

23622Walter Overton   1979-07-17
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Horse Ridge. Kettenpom Quad., 40.247306 -123.253444

45707Maralyn Renner   1980-08-31
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Poker Flat. Preston Peak Quad., 41.930528 -123.545056, 1524m

5552Gilbert Jerome Muth   1975-07-28
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Cook And Green Pass. Seiad Valley Quad., 41.945 -123.14, 1524m

23744Clifton & Butler   1979-07-18
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Four Corners Rock. Black Rock Mountain Quad., 40.096194 -123.156806, 1524m

23744Clifton & Butler   1979-07-18
United States, California, Trinity, Local landmark: Four Corners Rock. Black Rock Mountain Quad., 40.096194 -123.156806

5555G.L. Clifton   1975-07-28
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Cook And Green Pass. Seiad Valley Quad., 41.941667 -123.135, 1646m

24948Muth & Overton   1979-08-10
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Little Mill Creek. Etna Quad., 41.264139 -122.765972, 1707m

5554G.L. Clifton   1975-07-27
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Local landmark: Siskiyou Gap. Talent Quad., 42.053333 -122.796667, 1798m

5556Gilbert Jerome Muth   1975-07-30
United States, California, Siskiyou, Local landmark: Kangaroo Mountain. Seiad Valley Quad., 41.92 -123.195, 1951m

58003G.L. Clifton   1983-06-18
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Local landmark: Tub Spring. Chiricahua Peak Quad., 31.880167 -109.285806, 2798m

Pittsburg State University, Theodore M. Sperry Herbarium

KSP040773Michael Daines   8462021-06-22
United States, Idaho, Oneida, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Central Bannock Range, Indian Mill Creek Canyon, ca. 20.6 km NNW of Malad City, ca. 1.35 km ESE of the intersection of Trails 333 and 329, 2095m

KSP040848Michael Daines   9182021-06-24
United States, Idaho, Caribou, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Aspen Range, ridge W of Green Basin, ca. 21.4 km ESE of Soda Springs, ca. 4.35 km WNW of Harrington Peak., 2296m

KSP044966Michael Daines   21042022-06-27
United States, Idaho, Caribou, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Caribou Range, about 1.05 km ESE of the intersection of Lanes Creek Cutoff Road (FS Road 095) and FS Road 107., 2089m

KSP046843B.E. Nelson   50991980-06-04
United States, Wyoming, Sheridan, Big Horn Mountains: ca 5 air mi SW of Dayton; ca 18 air mi W of Sheridan along U.S. Hwy 14., 44.8142 -107.31306, 1585m

Putnam Museum and Science Center

Austin, Mrs. R. M.   1878-05-00
United States, California, Plumas

Rochester Academy of Science Herbarium

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United States, New York

Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

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RMBL0006805Williams, Charles F.   33152022-06-26
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, 10m above (E of) FS Trail 401, ca. 0.5 mi. N of Gothic., 38.9664 -106.9892, 3042m

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

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824585Erwin F. Evert   380962000-06-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Big Horn, Northeast side of Heart Mountain, 10 mi N of Cody, along Buck Creek., 2073m

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824948Erwin F. Evert   386292001-06-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone Plateau: Yellowstone National Park: Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone just SW of Sevenmile Hole along the west side of the Yellowstone River, ca 5 mi NE of Canyon village., 2104m

619252Erwin F. Evert   190361990-06-18
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: Palisades Campground, ca 2 mi W of Red Lodge., 45.1763 -109.3066, 1927m

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782781Erwin F. Evert   292881995-06-17
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka-Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along Suce Creek, ca 8 mi SE of Livingston., 45.5743 -110.4983, 1707m

782189Erwin F. Evert   301051995-07-08
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: Fuller Gulch ca 0.5 mi SE of East Boulder Campground, 20 mi S of Big Timber., 45.5306 -110.1487, 1768m

Amy J. Roderick   12861997-06-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Upper North Platte and Laramie River Drainages: west side of Cottonwood Creek, ca 4.6 air mi SE of Encampment., 41.1679 -106.7676, 2470m

Joy Handley   49162000-06-06
U.S.A., Idaho, Adams, Payette National Forest and Vicinity: Cuddy Mountains: Orchid Canyon, ca 7 air mi W of Council; ca 12 air mi NNE of Cambridge., 44.7377 -116.5834, 1372 - 1524m

Gwen Kittel   4191990-06-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Riparian Plants of the Cache la Poudre River: 1 mi W of Teds Place, 1/4 mi S of Colo Hwy 14., 1585m

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953223Jill E. Larson, Cheryl Archuleta   54822006-06-01
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Picuris Pueblo Indian Reservation: canyon east of Picuris Canyon, ca 2 air mi NE of Picuris Pueblo, ca 4 air N of Penasco., 36.2244 -105.6894, 2561 - 2713m

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953224Jill E. Larson, James Lucero   57792006-06-05
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Pueblo de Taos Indian Reservation: Rio Pueblo de Taos and south slopes of Pueblo Canyon, ca 6 air mi E of Taos Pueblo., 36.4395 -105.4513, 2323 - 2576m

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846829Rob Massatti   5172005-06-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: ca 1 mi S of Pine Spring, ca 17 mi S of Lander., 42.5951 -108.6742, 2302 - 2503m

546730R. D. Worthington   131971985-06-01
U.S.A., Arizona, Lincoln, White (Sacramento) Mountains: Eagle Creek Canyon 0.4 mi NW of junction of Hwy 532 with Forest Road 127., 2409m

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811499Brian Reif   51262003-06-10
U.S.A., New Mexico, Santa Fe, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Mountains: Glorieta Canyon 3 air mi N of Glorieta. N35.630 W105.779 S 1 air mi to N35.616 W105.771., 35.63 -105.779, 2329 - 2494m

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811498Brian Reif   62612003-07-07
U.S.A., New Mexico, San Miguel, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Mountains: Gallinas Creek from end of County Road 263, 20 air mi NW of Las Vegas; Trail 216, 1.2 air mi NW of road., 35.736 -105.523, 2631 - 2802m

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292936Alan A. Beetle   162251972-06-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Near Alpine, on the Greys River., 43.1494 -110.9982, 1768m

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335077Ann Aldrich   412a1979-07-10
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, NE of Little Mountain, ca 32.5 air mi S of Rock Springs., 41.1219 -109.2252, 2409m

Corallorhiza striata var. vreelandii (Rydb.) L. O. Williams
335032Ann Aldrich   412b1979-07-10
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, NE of Little Mountain, ca 32.5 air mi S of Rock Springs., 41.1219 -109.2252, 2409m

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Corallorhiza striata var. vreelandii (Rydb.) L. O. Williams
138580Aven Nelson   109141928-07-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Libby Creek., 41.3254 -106.1573, 2591 - 2652m

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Corallorhiza striata var. vreelandii (Rydb.) L. O. Williams
310318Aven Nelson   23111896-07-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sheridan, Wolf Creek Canyon., 44.7761 -107.243, 1402 - 1707m

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Corallorhiza striata var. vreelandii (Rydb.) L. O. Williams
7484Aven Nelson   23111896-07-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sheridan, Wolf Creek Canyon., 44.7761 -107.243, 1402 - 1707m

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104475Dorothy Pearson, Edward D. Pearson   421924-06-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Clarks Fork Valley, Little Rocky., 44.9068 -109.2697, 1524m

Page 9, records 801-900 of 1658


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