Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Croton gracilipes (Croton gracilipes f. tiliifolius)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-54 of 54

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0028604L. R. Landrum   85581995-07-17
Paraguay, Central, Tavarory, Rio Paraguay., -25.47239 -57.55086, 100m

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ASU0028576G. Hatschbach   485371984-10-16
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Antonio João, 5 km O., -23.25 -55.516667

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ASU0028577G. Hatschbach   738592002-11-08
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rodovia Bonito, Campo dos Indios, Córrego Seco (Mun. Bonito)., -21.131298 -56.480141

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence

Wisconsin State Herbarium, Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
00020257MADH. S. Irwin   20841958-11-12
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Vicosa, State Agricultural School. Vicosa, -20.770766 -42.861832

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0381607WISMexia, Ynes   54511930-12-27
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Viçosa, Retiro de Anton Avelino; Mareco, -20.756822 -42.876638, 740m

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0371992WISRiina, R.; Gutiérrez, L.; Oros, M.   15012004-06-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Sarah, A 84 km de Santa Cruz, entre Portachuelos y San Juan de Palometilla, 300 m antes del Rio Palometilla., -17.386667 -63.5175, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0371997WISBicalho, H.; Mattos, J.   116881964-03-18
Brazil, São Paulo, Jeriquara. Numa furna no rio Ponte Nova

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0371998WISMattos, J.; Bicalho, H.   116881964-03-18
Brazil, São Paulo, Jeriquara na furna do Rio Ponte Nova, -20.295605 -47.562266

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0371999WISM. Nee   377531989-01-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, ca. 15 km. NE of Cotoca along highway to Puerto Pailas, -17.683694 -62.832272, 325m

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0372000WISNee, M.   356391987-08-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Andrés Ibáñez, 12 km E of center of Santa Cruz, on road to Cotoca, -17.766667 -63.066667, 375m

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0382153WISM. Nee   372041988-12-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, 4 km. WSW of Buena Vista on road to El Cairo., -17.470473 -63.693753, 340m

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0382154WISM. Nee   421091991-12-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andrés Ibáñez, 2 km. NW of Puerto Pailas, on road to Montero Hoyos, -17.654733 -62.802071, 290m

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1660842L. Arroyo, M. Vargas, D. Villarroel & C. Roth   37022006-11-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Terevinto. Rio Güenda y alrededores., -17.6655 -63.4441944, 418m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1660843Richard J. Abbott   164471995-03-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, Yabaré; ca 25 km N of Estación Tres Cruces (107 km E of Santa Cruz on railroad); agricultural station of the Universidad Autonoma Gabriel Rene Moreno. Remnant rows of dry chaco forest between soybean fields, -17.36667 -62.21667, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1660844Richard J. Abbot   163501995-02-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, East of San Javier on road to Concepción, -16.28333 -62.35, 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1229512Emile Hassler   7290
Paraguay, Concepción, Concepcion, Near Concepción

Image Associated With the Occurence
1557648M. J. Belgrano | Berry, P. E., Brako, L. and O'Leary, N.   2862005-02-15
Argentina, Corrientes, Sam Cosme, 4.5 km al N de Santa Ana (1,5 km al S de RN 12), -27.4230555556 -58.6588888889

Image Associated With the Occurence
1557654H. H. Bartlett   203931943-06-01
Argentina, Jujuy, Calilegua

Image Associated With the Occurence
1557655H. H. Bartlett   202581943-05-26
Argentina, Catamarca, El Totoral

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1557656H. H. Bartlett   206241943-07-09
Argentina, Córdoba, Los Hornillos, Departamento de San Javier

Image Associated With the Occurence
1544138M. Nee   530702005-05-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ibáñez, floodplain of Rio Pirai 1 km N of El Torno, -17.9796667 -63.3798333, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1544139M. Nee   530262005-05-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, along bridge over Rio Quizer on highway from San Ramon to San Javier, -16.4848333 -62.4791667, 260m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1544140M. Nee   536472005-12-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ignacio Warnes, 21 km NE of Santa Cruz-Warnes highway, on road past Candelaria and towards Nueva Esperanza, 2 km NE of Chimbote, -17.4702778 -62.9927778, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1544141Germaine A. Parada, I. Linneo, Y. Inturias, S. Carreno & C. Roth   12652009-01-05
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Sara, Estancia Juan Deriva, alrededores del potrero, -17.1155556 -63.5658333, 256m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1544142R. Lozano, M. Serrano   18762005-12-30
Bolivia, Chuquisaca, Hernando Siles, Borde de bosque. Pendiente superior de serrania de los Milagros, exposicion NE. Bosque Montano Tucumano Boliviano. Cobertura mayor a 95%, altura de dosel 15 m, -21.4452778 -64.1225, 1065m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1544143R. Rinna, L. Gutierrez & M. Oros   15012004-06-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Sara, A 84 km de Santa Cruz, entre Portachuelos y San Juan de Palometilla, 300 m antes del Palometilla, -17.3866667 -63.5175, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1544145E. Hassler   7196
Paraguay, no data provided on label of catalog no: 1544145

Image Associated With the Occurence
1196958Yungas   2781890-00-00
Bolivia, Yungas

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1196959Miguel Bang   13431892-04-00
Bolivia, Guanai-Tipunani

Image Associated With the Occurence
1196960R. Vanni, L. Ferraro & S. Ferrucci   11781989-12-08
Paraguay, Puerto Militar, río Paraguay

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT499602Marko Lewis   8821401988-12-31
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi: Along the old trail between Cajuataand Puente Alegre, ca. 11 km NE from Licoma Pampa. On lower slopes along the Rio Suri., -16.7 -67.166667, 1650 - 1780m

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Image Associated With the Occurence
PH00763467Ynes Mexia   41131929-12-16
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Vicosa to Sao Geraldo, -20.832423 -42.853204, 500m

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PH00763468Ynes Mexia   42071930-01-05
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Vicosa, road to Sao Jose do Barroso, near km 4, capoera or second growth woods

Image Associated With the Occurence
PH00763469Ynes Mexia   54511930-12-27
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Vicosa, Retiro de Anton Avelino; Mareco, 740m

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

CM356469Nee, M.   356391987-08-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Andrés Ibáñez, 12 km E of center of Santa Cruz, on road to Cotoca., -17.7666666666667 -63.0666666666667, 375m

CM356919Nee, M.   381921989-12-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Ichilo, 1 km SW of Buena Vista, -17.4666666666667 -63.6666666666667, 360m

CM356920Nee, M.   381941989-12-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Ichilo, 1 km SW of Buena Vista, -17.4666666666667 -63.6666666666667, 360m

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539785Michael Nee|M. Sundue   519822002-03-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 6.5 km NW of highway bridge over Rio Pirai, along Quebrada Salada and oil pipeline. Andean., -18.1 -63.511666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539786Michael Nee   405501991-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Along Rio Pirai, 1.5 km. NE of El Torno., -17.966666667 -63.375

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539787Michael Nee   398591990-11-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, Parque Nacional Amboro, along S side of Rio Surutu, 1 km. upstream from junction with Rio Yapacani, 2 km. upstream and SE of highway bridge over Rio Yapacani., -17.416666667 -63.825

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539788Michael Nee   356391987-08-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 12 km. E of center of Santa Cruz, to Cotoca., -17.766666667 -63.066666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539789Michael Nee   377531989-01-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Ca. 15 km. NE of Cotoca along highway to Puerto Pailas., -17.7 -62.883333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539790Michael Nee   404531991-05-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 2-3 km S of center of Cotoca., -17.783333333 -63

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539791Michael Nee   381921989-12-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, 1 km. SW of Buena Vista., -17.466666667 -63.666666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539792Michael Nee   394621990-10-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santistevan, 12 km. NE of crossroads at Montero, along highway from Montero to Colonia Okinawa 1., -17.283333333 -63.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539793Michael Nee   337041987-01-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Along Rio Pirai, 1 km. of La Guardia., -17.883333333 -63.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539794Michael Nee   381941989-12-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, 1 km. SW of Buena Vista., -17.466666667 -63.666666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539795Michael Nee   334371987-01-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santistevan, 1.5 km. SW of center of Montero., -17.35 -63.266666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539796Michael Nee   392931990-10-18
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 5 km. S of Cotoca and 1 km. W of road from Cotoca to Paurito., -17.8 -62.983333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539797Michael Nee   406431991-06-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km. (by air) NE of Mairana. Along southern limit of expanded Parque Nacional Amboro, entering from Mairana., -18.066666667 -63.916666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
TEX00539798H. S. Irwin   20841958-11-12
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Vicosa, State Agricultural School., -20.770766 -42.861832

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence

Image Associated With the Occurence

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