CM343294 Utech, F.H. 88-982 1988-07-25
United States, Michigan, Gogebic, S end of Lake Gogebic, Ice House Bay, ca 1.5 mi SE of MI 64, 46.4058 -89.545511, 400m
CM343975 Kunsman, J.R. 3407 1979-08-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Blair, ca 0.5 mi N of Royer, 40.429264 -78.273345, 320m
CM351860 Zanol, W.A. 170 1990-07-22
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, 4 km N of Tarentum, 40.63872 -79.75833
CM352494 Guttenberg, G. s.n.
United States, West Virginia, Ohio, Wheeling, 40.063962 -80.720915
CM353612 Utech, F.H. 89-202 1989-08-18
United States, Wisconsin, Marathon, Eau Pleine Twp: Big Rapids area of Big Eau Pleine River, ca 3.5 mi NNW of Stratford on WIS 97
CM353626 Utech, F.H. 89-340 1989-09-23
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton, Monongahela National Forest, along US 33 between Harman and Seneca Rocks, 38.866433 -79.456401, 825m
CM358994 Isaac, B.L. 3542 1991-07-21
United States, Pennsylvania, McKean, 5 mi W of Bradford along PA 346, 41.955855 -78.741333
CM360124 Utech, F.H. 91-631 1991-07-04
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, S side of Whitney, ca 2 mi SSE of Latrobe & US 30, W slope Chestnut Ridge along trib of Ninemile Run, 40.246233 -79.398155, 375m
CM361282 Utech, F.H. 91-755 1991-07-17
United States, Ohio, Scioto, 6 mi N of Friendship on OH 125, Shawnee State Forest, Lampblack Run, 38.73641 -83.20663
CM374527 Utech, F.H. 92-2058 1992-08-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Fairfield Township, Fort Palmer, 1 mi W of PA 711 along T729, 40.3036111111 -79.1730555556, 375m
CM375829 Utech, F.H. 92-2017 1992-08-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Unity Township: 3.5 mi ENE of Lycippus, Davidson Quarry Road along W-slope of Chestnut Ridge, 40.2355555556 -79.3833333333, 549m
CM377510 Utech, F.H. 92-3009 1992-09-17
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Fairfield Township, 2 mi SE of Bolivar along local road paralleling Tubmill Creek, 40.3791666667 -79.4819444444, 329m
CM377516 Utech, F.H. 92-3077 1992-09-18
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Donegal Township, along Hauger Road from N end of Donegal Lake dam to Acme & PA Turnpike, 40.1486111111 -79.3852777778, 488m
CM378648 Conrad, M.L. 5665 1970-06-18
United States, Missouri, Adair, 7.8 mi S29°W of Kirksville
CM378731 Conrad, M.L. 8344 1979-08-03
United States, Missouri, Randolph, S side of Hwy 3, E of Middle Fork of Little Chariton River, site 11
CM378776 Conrad, M.L. 4830 1968-07-13
United States, Missouri, Adair, 4.5 mi S40°E of Kirksville
CM380814 Isaac, J.A. 4540 1993-06-26
United States, Pennsylvania, Erie, ca 2 mi S of Wesleyville, 12-Mile Creek floodplain, Harbor Creek Township, 42.111358 -80.015055
CM384153 Isaac, B.L. 4971 1993-09-11
United States, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon, Pogue, at junction of Aughwick Creek & Three Springs Creek, Cromwell Township, 40.213434 -77.926051
CM385612 Utech, F.H. 93-2290 1993-07-16
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Donegal Township, NW of Donegal Lake on Hauger Road, 40.1522222222 -79.3852777778, 485m
CM385618 Utech, F.H. 93-2297 1993-07-16
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Mount Pleasant Township, E side Mammoth County Park, 40.2155555556 -79.4561111111, 340m
CM385653 Utech, F.H. 93-2141 1993-07-08
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Franklin Township, Murrysville area, Sardis, 40.49167 -79.69194, 395m
CM385674 Utech, F.H. 93-2233 1993-07-09
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Fairfield Township, 0.75 mi NW of West Fairfield & PA 711, bluff above Hendricks Creek, 40.35139 -79.13194, 425m
CM385697 Utech, F.H. 93-2127 1993-07-08
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Lower Burrell Township, Whitten Hollow, 2 mi NW of Camp JoAnn & PA 366, 40.53389 -79.67722, 290 - 335m
CM385699 Utech, F.H. 93-2105 1993-07-08
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, North Huntingdon Township, Ardara, slopes along PA 993 & railroad tracks, 40.36278 -79.74167, 255m
CM385707 Utech, F.H. 93-2082 1993-07-02
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Sewickley Township, 0.1 mi S of Shaner, 40.2811111111 -79.7763888889, 240m
CM386031 Utech, F.H. 93-2269 1993-07-10
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, St. Clair Township, 1.75 mi SSE of PA 711 & Robb, SE-shore of Sugar Run Reservoir, 40.3763888889 -79.0238888889, 490m
CM388390 Utech, F.H. 93-2733 1993-07-31
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Mount Pleasant Township, along Brush Creek & T2005 near Jacobs Creek junction, 40.13611 -79.51722, 325m
CM392310 Utech, F.H. 94-2155 1994-08-24
United States, Wisconsin, Wood, 0.5 mi SW of Arpin on Co. E, Powers Bluff County Park, 44.5275 -90.07388888888, 320m
CM392803 Isaac, B.L. 6674 1994-10-08
United States, Pennsylvania, Armstrong, 1.5 mi N of Somerville, State Game Lands 105, 40.982357 -79.653937
CM398593 Isaac, B.L. 7895 1995-08-05
United States, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon, ca 0.5 mi W of Spruce Creek, 40.6 -78.13333
CM398885 Isaac, B.L. 8179 1995-09-03
United States, Pennsylvania, Potter, ca 2 mi W of Elmer, 41.7333333333 -77.65
CM465203 Thompson, R.L. 05-505 2005-07-15
United States, Pennsylvania, Crawford, Wallace Woods, 1.3 mi N of Linesville off Russell Rd to the E and West Rd to the N, 41.675002 -80.423956
CM468778 Speedy, M.L. 08-777 2008-07-29
United States, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Crooked Creek Floodplain W of Thomas Covered Bridge, Ark Garden 2000 ft W of bridge betw stream & RR, 40.662716 -79.2442319, 311m
CM470041 Zanol, W.A. 3483 1994-08-20
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Deer Lakes Park, 40.622066 -79.817463, 335m
CM470252 Zanol, W.A. 3048 1994-07-23
United States, Pennsylvania, Armstrong, 2 km SSW of East Brady, 40.97286 -79.6328, 325m
CM470881 Zanol, W.A. 2932 1994-07-16
United States, Pennsylvania, Cambria, 1 km NW of Goods Corner, Hinckston Run Reservoir, 40.38317 -78.87965, 450m
CM472870 Thompson, S.A. 11942 1994-09-03
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton, 4.3 km N of Upper Tract, Cave Mountain, 38.822011 -79.2667, 760m
CM478073 Utech, F.H. 97-455 1997-07-11
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, Bell Township, 0.25 mi S of PA 380 on Muffley Hollow Road (TR 806), 40.5041666667 -79.5388888889, 345m
CM480592 Isaac, B.L. 7444 1995-06-24
United States, Pennsylvania, Elk, ca 2 mi NE of Brockport, 41.280273 -78.699433
CM480946 Isaac, B.L. 10843 1998-06-26
United States, Ohio, Mahoning, 1.1 km SW of Poland, along Yellow Creek, Poland Municipal Forest, 41.01388888888 -80.6175, 310m
CM481357 Thompson, S.A. 12775 1996-07-09
United States, Pennsylvania, Fulton, 1.4 km SSE of Barnes Gap, Sideling Hill Barrens, 39.730833 -78.338889, 230 - 240m
CM483818 Isaac, B.L. 9824 1997-08-07
United States, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon, 2.9 km ESE of Alexandria, Neff Barrens, 40.54417 -78.06778, 275m
CM488161 Utech, F.H. 94-2283 1994-07-13
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Findley Township, 1.5 mi SW of McAlisters Crossroads, above Raredon Run, 40.5025 -80.2813888889, 305m
CM488262 Marsh, K. s.n. 1994-09-16
United States, Pennsylvania, Crawford, Mercer Pike near Towpath Road, French Creek feeder canal, near Conneaut Marsh, 41.543264 -80.155902
CM489430 Thompson, S.A. 10900 1992-08-24
United States, Pennsylvania, Potter, 5-6 mi W of Costello, along Crooked Run, Elk State Forest, 41.584219 -78.167024, 450 - 475m
CM489658 Grisez, T.J. 1622 1998-09-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Potter, 4.7 mi SSE of Sweden Valley on Long Toe Road, 1.2 mi from Rt. 44, 41.693442 -77.915639
CM494566 Ross, D.H. s.n. 1974-07-12
United States, Pennsylvania, Somerset, Near southeastern edge of Quemahoning Reservoir, Quemahoning Twp. on Sagers property, 40.150222 -78.971272
CM494778 Wagner, J.D. 1328 1996-08-26
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, Jennings Environmental Education Center, SW of Hallston, 41.011054 -80.007801
CM499942 York, E. 2406 1990-08-20
United States, West Virginia, Lincoln, E of Bradyville, near junction of CR 10-110 & CSX Railroad along Furnett Creek, 38.141444 -82.153845
CM500034 Bowers, M. s.n. 2001-06-29
United States, Pennsylvania, Fulton, Union Twp, ca 2.5 km SE of Barnes Gap, along Sideling Hill Creek, "Mason-Dixon Flats", 39.726395 -78.336934
CM500217 Isaac, B.L. 14778 2002-08-03
United States, Wisconsin, Rock, ca 2 km NE of Milton, Milton Twp, 42.77916666666 -88.91777777777
CM502621 Shafer, J.A. s.n. 1900-08-15
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Stewart to Pitcairn, 40.390783 -79.770906
CM503405 Isaac, J.A. 16299 2003-07-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Greene, Richhill Township, ca 1.2 km NW of Ryerson Station, 39.89833 -80.48639
CM506244 Coxe, R. s.n. 2000-09-29
United States, Pennsylvania, Bedford, E of West Branch of Sideling Hill Creek, 3.3 miles NNE of Purcell, 39.834297 -78.346488
CM512109 Speedy, L. LSB754 2005-06-30
United States, Pennsylvania, Crawford, SGL 122, 1.2 km, 222° from Whitmans Corners intersection, Steuben Township, 41.70651388888 -79.84095833333, 390m
CM512141 Speedy, L. LSB932 2005-07-19
United States, Pennsylvania, Washington, Mingo Creek Park Dry Woods, 0.73 mi, 331° from northernmost jct of PA 136 & PA 917, Nottingham Twp, 40.20549 -80.00698, 274m
CM512709 Speedy, L. LSB1179 2005-08-11
United States, Pennsylvania, Washington, 3.6 mi, 5.8 km, 291° from Exit 23 (Marianna/Prosperity exit) of I-79, Camp Anawanna, Morris Township, 40.03742777777 -80.23865555555, 335m
CM512710 Speedy, L. LSB1222 2005-08-12
United States, Pennsylvania, Washington, 3.64 mi, 5.86 km, 299° from mouth of Ten Mile Creek at Monongahela River, Deemston Borough, 40.01002777777 -80.05916388888, 274m
CM512711 Speedy, L. LSB1149 2005-08-09
United States, Pennsylvania, Washington, 2.8 mi, 4.5 km, 186° from jct of Washington, Beaver & Allegheny Co, Bavington Floodplain, 40.43719 -80.36673, 271m
CM513437 Speedy, L. LS-06-618 2006-07-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, Cheat Gorge Hillside, between Lake Lynn & Nilan, Springhill Twp, 39.73028 -79.87944, 259m
CM514165 Speedy, L. LSB1011 2005-07-28
United States, Pennsylvania, Washington, Templeton Fork, 1.135 mi, 19° from junction of Templeton & Enlow Forks, West Finley Township, 39.99233888888 -80.43868611111, 335m
CM514856 Speedy, L. 07-1510 2007-08-29
United States, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Crooked Creek Floodplain NE of Shelocta, Ark Garden, 2000 ft W of Thomas bridge between stream & RR, 40.6630262 -79.2445032, 308m
CM515723 Speedy, L. 07-807 2007-09-29
United States, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Conemaugh Gap, north side, SGL 153, 1.6 mi E of Torrance, Burrell Twp, 40.4162642 -79.1962788, 552m
CM536125 Isaac, B.L. 25480 2018-06-22
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, Moraine State Park, along old Rt. 528, N of Prospect, 40.9596 -80.0346, 369m
CM312893 Boardman, C.M. s.n. 1935-09-15
United States, Pennsylvania, Beaver, Raccoon Creek, 2 mi W of Little Traverse Creek, 40.513301 -80.401084
CM538266 Isaac, B.L. 27147 2019-06-21
United States, Pennsylvania, Bedford, S of Hewitt, along Town Creek Rd, 39.73737 -78.51873
CM539131 Isaac, B.L. 26212 2018-07-27
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, SW of Engadine, along Big Knob Rd, 46.0938 -85.60349, 206m
CM539627 Grund, S. 5241 2011-07-01
United States, New York, Monroe, ca 6 km SE of Pittsford, Powder Mills Park, 43.044662 -77.477926, 150m
CM541495 Isaac, B.L. 27903 2020-08-03
United States, Pennsylvania, Greene, SW of Wind Ridge, Ryerson Station State Park, 39.8824694444 -80.4421472222
CM550732 Isaac, B.L. 30541 2022-09-15
United States, Pennsylvania, Lawrence, Plain Grove Fens Natural Area, NW of Plain Grove, 41.0511777778 -80.1604611111
CM550348 Cusick, A.W. 39823 2021-07-30
United States, West Virginia, Ohio, deadend of Timber Haven Rd, Middle Wheeling Creek Wildlife Area, SE of Dallas Pike, NW of village of Dallas
CATU003120 Wesley M. Knapp 2000-09-00
United States, North Carolina, Rowan, Dunn's Mountain
CATU003350 Devin Rodgers B-63 2010-05-22
United States, North Carolina, Davie, LTCNC's Bittinger tract adj. to Point Rd. and Yadki
CMC00007239 [unspecified] s.n. 1999-09-10
United States, Michigan, Isabella, Mission Creek.
CMC00007240 Gretchen M. Peters s.n. 1997-08-02
United States, Michigan, Clare, Neithercut Woods, Neithercut, Surrey township.
CMC00007241 Gretchen M. Peters s.n. 1997-08-02
United States, Michigan, Clare, Neithercut Woods, Neithercut, Surrey township.
CMC00007242 G.M. Peters s.n. 1997-10-05
United States, Michigan, Clare, Neithercut, Surrey township.
CMC00007243 M.J. Hamas s.n. 2001-08-31
United States, Michigan, Isabella, Mission Creek Woodland, Union township.
CSCN-V-0019182 Caleb A. Morse 8373 2002-06-24
United States, Kansas, Miami, 0.25 mi N, 2 mi E Jingo. North La Cygne State Wildlife Area, along upper reaches of La Cygne Lake., 38.406389 -94.66, 260 - 290m
CSCN-V-0019184 David M. Sutherland 3440 1973-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Douglas, Omaha. Spring Lake Park (the old Syndicate Park)., 41.224961 -95.944211
CSCN-V-0019183 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 19838 2009-07-21
United States, Nebraska, Dakota, Jackson, 3.8 mi N, 2.4 mi W. Loess Bluffs of the Missouri River valley: S of Nodaway Road, 0.04 mi W of W end of Sivill Way., 42.50375 -96.61223, 338 - 341m
CSCN-V-0019185 Steven P. Churchill 7923 1976-07-04
United States, Nebraska, Thurston, 1.5 miles east of Hwy's junction 73 and 94., 42.147134 -96.358521
CSCN-V-0019186 M. Nee 16322 1978-07-18
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, 3 miles SE of Richland Center., 43.303969 -90.344546, 270m
CSCN-V-0019181 Caleb A. Morse 9684 2003-06-23
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation: W-central part. Area to E of Hancock Hill and S of Fort DeCavagnial Picnic Area., 39.371111 -94.933611, 280 - 302m
CSCN-V-0019180 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 5260 1989-06-28
United States, Iowa, Fremont, Sidney, 5 mi SSW: Iowa Loess Hills: Waubonsie State Park, central part of park near Bridge Trail.
CSCN-V-0037383 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 3438 1987-06-11
United States, Nebraska, Sarpy, South Bend, 1.5 mi N. Lower Platte River Loess Bluffs. Schramm Park State Recreation Area, N of fish hatchery ponds., 41.02196 -96.246643
CHAS:Herb:3328 Henry H. Babcock 361 1871-06-05
United States, Illinois, Cook County, Riverside, 41.8304598096 -87.8174931683
CHAS:Herb:317 Levi Menger Umbach 1897-07-19
United States, Illinois, Will County, Wheatland, 41.6815832192 -88.2018710327
CHAS:Herb:2016.3.40 Amanda Detres G013 2016-06-30
United States, Illinois, Cook County, grounds of the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, 41.9264905 -87.6346321, 47 - 47m
CHAS:Herb:1878.17.171 Elizabeth Emerson Atwater EEA-455.2 1843-01-01
United States, Michigan, no specific locality recorded
11878 Margo Milde s.n. 2004-09-12
United States, Illinois, Cook, Oakton Community College. Des Plaines, 42.06424 -87.87711, 200m
18035 Ken Schaal s.n. 2013-07-02
United States, Illinois, Montgomery, 39.195 -89.4613888889, 195m
18125 Tim Chambers TC2 2013-08-19
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Black Hawk State Historical Site. Rock Island, 41.46421 -90.56661, 190m
521 J. F. Steffen 187 1988-06-30
United States, Illinois, Cook, Chicago Botanic Garden. Glencoe
16520 Jane Balaban 69 1990-08-24
United States, Illinois, Cook, Edgebrook Flatwoods.
16521 Jane Balaban 69 1990-08-24
United States, Illinois, Cook, Edgebrook Flatwoods.
16522 Jane Balaban 69 1990-08-24
United States, Illinois, Cook, Edgebrook Flatwoods.
16517 Jane Balaban 113 1991-06-13
United States, Illinois, Cook, Edgebrook Flatwoods.
8685 Uyen Dias, J. Epting, A. Wypych 573 1996-07-29
United States, Illinois, Cook, Harms Flatwoods Forest Preserve.
13620 Diane Donovan s.n. 2009-06-29
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Preserve. Gray Summit, 38.4666666667 -90.82185, 204m