UCR0067099 David K. Imper 1431 1982-06-14
United States, California, Del Norte, Near Stone Corral Lookout, 41.93778 -124.01556, 640m
UCR0067129 David J. Keil 17358 1983-07-03
United States, California, Trinity, c. 10-12 mi south of Scott Mountain Pass on State Route 3, 41.19583 -122.64833
UCR0067102 Peter Rubtzoff 7685 1974-07-18
United States, California, El Dorado, Georgetown Divide, U.C. Blodgett Forest Research Station, Sand Mountain Blvd, c. 0.7 mi south of “County Road”, 38.91306 -120.67889, 1189m
UCR0067126 Thomas W. Nelson 4468 1978-06-23
United States, California, Shasta, Along road to Bully Choop, 12 miles from junction with County Road A16, 40.52589 -122.78761
UCR0067101 Harold E. Parks 24041 1937-07-00
United States, California, Del Norte, along Shelley Creek, near Monumental, 41.9745 -123.80339, 610m
UCR0067125 George K. Helmkamp 16762 2010-08-11
United States, California, Placer, Finning Mill Road, 2.3 miles north of Forest Hill Road at the crossing of McBride Creek, 39.07472 -120.76222, 1082m
UCR0067104 George K. Helmkamp 11334 2006-09-02
United States, California, El Dorado, Texas Canyon; along Calif. Hwy 193 about 1 mile south of Kelsey, 38.78 -120.81889, 488m
UCR0067105 George K. Helmkamp 11333 2006-09-02
United States, California, El Dorado, junction of Volcanoville Road and Wentworth Springs Road about 7 miles east of Georgetown, 38.98194 -120.78806, 925m
UCR0067100 Louis C. Wheeler 7380 1958-08-10
United States, California, Del Norte, Little Rattlesnake Mtn., 41.68222 -123.96167, 915m
1482579 L. S. Rose 54117 1954-10-01
United States of America, California, Mariposa Co., Yosemite National Park. West entrance to Wawona Tunnel., 1311m
SDSU06710 Howe, D.F. 2776 1959-08-02
United States, California, Sierra, 15 1/2 miles west of Downieville on #49., 39.497841 -121.024172, 914m
DAV324076 Daniel Sanchez-Mata s.n. 2006-07-25
United States, California, Trinity, Trinity Co.: Carrville. Trinity Mountains. Shasta National Forest. Bonanza King Mountain from Scorpion Creek Road., 41.0833333333333 -122.616666666667, 2000m
D. O. Burge 1781 2015-07-29
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Oregon. Josephine County: Illinois River Watershed, roadside on National Forest Road 090., 42.254444 -123.754444, 1150m
DAV324079 Lisa Ordonez LRO-111202Aa 2002-11-12
United States, California, Mariposa, Yosemite Valley, on south side of Merced River, approximately 1/4 mi east of Cascades Diversion Dam and approximately 3/4 mi west of Pohono Bridge. At high river level, park at Pohono and hike down river. Site is on south terrace of a cutoff channel and wetland, off this stretch of river. Slope 0%. Sand/loamy-sand soil (river deposit), covered by a duff layer 1-2'., 37.7166666666667 -119.666666666667
DAV324028 D. Sanchez-Mata s.n. 1997-08-06
United States, California, Placer, Placer County: Michigan Bluff-Forest Hill. Michigan Bluff Road., 39.047868 -120.748423, 1070m
DAV324086 G. D. Barbe 3056 1981-06-22
United States, California, Yuba, Yuba County: La Porte-Quincy Road 3.6 miles northeast of Strawberry Valley at the Plumas county line., 39.5975 -121.0747222
AHUC102284 Mr. J. C. Borden s.n. 1962-08-03
United States, California, Trinity, Trinity County: Blue Mountain, Weaverville., 40.9001 -122.6036, 1524m
DAV324085 Eric Brenner 015 1996-05-26
United States, California, Placer, Placer County: Big Trees, Mosquito Ridge Rd, Tahoe National Forest., 39.058706 -120.572892, 1740m
DAV324088 B. Crampton 3850 1956-08-21
United States, California, Siskiyou, Siskiyou County: Canyon of the Sacramento River just the junction of the North Fork with Middle and South Forks, southwest of Mt. Shasta City., 41.2871 -122.37562, 1067m
AHUC102283 B. Crampton 3850 1956-08-21
United States, California, Siskiyou, Siskiyou County: Canyon of the Sacramento River just the junction of the North Fork with Middle and South Forks., 41.2871 -122.37562, 1067m
DAV324087 R. Van Deventer 110 1938-07-17
United States, California, Trinity, Trinity County: NW part of county. Robbers Boost, on old trail to Cedar Trough, a settlement on Slide Creek 4 mi. sw of Mary Blaine Mt., 41.0686 -123.2897, 914m
DAV324093 P. C. Everett 20261 1954-10-10
United States, California, Siskiyou, Siskiyou County: Hwy 89, 6.8 mi. w. of McCloud on road to the town of Mt. Shasta., 41.27226 -122.24813, 1173m
DAV324092 R. O. Hanes 12 1991-05-04
United States, California, Nevada, Nevada County: Brooks Rd, Grass Valley., 39.183322 -121.023007, 823m
DAV324091 John Thomas Howell 40499 1964-04-27
United States, California, Mariposa, Mariposa County: West end of tunnel on Wawona Road, Yosemite Park., 37.7161 -119.6926, 1280m
DAV324090 Frederic Hrusa 5731 1988-11-25
United States, California, Del Norte, Del Norte County: 2.5 miles up French Hill Rd. approximately 2 miles south of Gasquet., 41.8275 -124.0057
DAV324094 G. F. Hrusa 10475 1992-05-01
United States, California, Shasta, Shasta County: Just N of Big Bend Rd. approx. 5 m. from Hwy 299 along Big Bend Rd., 40.7737 -122.4475
DAV324078 H. E. Parks 24041 1937-07-01
United States, California, Del Norte, Del Norte County: Along Shelley Creek near Monumental., 41.9745 -123.8034, 914m
DAV324077 Franklin C. Raney s.n. 1964-09-10
United States, California, Butte, Butte County: Ten miles northeast of Feather Falls., 39.730247 -121.119865
DAV324080 G. L. Stebbins, Jr. 3168 1941-07-16
United States, California, Placer, Placer County: Blue Canyon., 39.25722 -120.71
DAV324074 Muriel Sweet s.n. 1969-11-03
United States, California, Mariposa, Mariposa County: Hogan Mountain area. Approx. 2 mi. NW of Fish Camp., 37.482024 -119.67956, 1981m
DAV324073 Robert F. Thorne 35476 1965-09-20
United States, California, Del Norte, Del Norte County: Along Old Gasquet Toll Road, ca. 5 mi. ENE of Gasquet., 41.8582 -123.9045, 610m
DAV324072 Robert F. Thorne 35512 1965-09-20
United States, California, Del Norte, Del Norte County: Along Old Gasquet Toll Road, ca. 6 mi. ENE of Gasquet., 41.8582 -123.9045, 671m
DAV324075 J. M. Tucker 4336 1974-09-14
United States, California, Sierra, Sierra County: Across the road from, and near the main entrance to Rose Ranch, ca. 8 miles (by road) northeast of Strawberry Valley (in Yuba County), on Sierra-Yuba county line., 39.593781 -121.017177, 1372m
DAV324089 Peter Rubtzoff 7685 1974-07-18
United States, California, El Dorado, El Dorado County: The Georgetown Divide, Sierra Nevada. U.C. Blodgett Forest Research Station, Sand Mountain Blvd, c. 0.7 mi south of 'County Road.', 38.913056 -120.678889, 1189m
OSC-V-257541 Doug Goldman 2891 2004-10-27
United States, Oregon, Josephine, near the top of Gold Ridge and just E. of Pocket Knoll, along Forest Service Road 090, around 2.3 mi W. of the intersection with Forest Service Road 4201; Siskiyou National Forest., 42.2613888888889 -123.736388888889, 1173m
OSC-V-264024 P. A. Theisen s.n. 1963-02-17
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Wimer Rd.
OBI112077 Carl B. Wolf 2393 1931-09-02
United States, California, Siskiyou, Cut over PIne forest, 4 mi above jctn of McCloud rd with the Pacific Hwy, 41.2673 -122.2368, 1189m
OBI112076 Lewis S. Rose 59042 1959-07-13
United States, California, Mariposa, W end Wawona Road Tunnel, 37.7161 -119.6926, 1280m
OBI112062 Robert F. Hoover 8914 1964-06-05
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Ridge SE of Cuesta Pass, 35.3418 -120.6189
BLMRD0367 J. Phewban 2017-11-14
USA, California, Shasta, 40.77158338 -122.47621729, 1166m
BLMRD0368 J. Phewban 2017-11-14
USA, California, Shasta, 40.77158338 -122.47621729, 1166m
102584 Clifton F. Smith 2322 1949-05-01
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez Mtns: NE of Pt Conception, 34.493 -120.3816
44120 Michael R. Benedict 1968-10-15
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez Mtns: Los Padres National Forest; La Cumbre Peak just N of E Camino Cielo Rd, 34.4945 -119.713
1296 E. R. Blakley 2409 1958-07-13
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez Mtns: Los Padres National Forest; Rattlesnake Cyn, Santa Barbara, 34.4575 -119.6915
45250 E. R. Blakley 6831 1967-07-08
United States, California, Monterey, Los Padres National Forest; Salmon Crk, 35.834 -121.339, 366m
102585 Clifton F. Smith 3758 1952-09-02
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez Mtns: Los Padres National Forest El Camino Cielo near La Cumbre Pk, 34.4945 -119.713
13186 C.W. Sharsmith 4927 1944-07-17
United States, California, Mariposa, W of Turtleback Dome near Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, 37.712427 -119.70517, 1524m
13199 C.W. Sharsmith 4171 1940-06-23
United States, California, Mariposa, W end Wawona Tunnel (above Pulpit Rock), Yosemite National Park, 37.7159 -119.692418, 1433m
10226 C.W. Sharsmith 8807 1983-06-08
United States, California, Yuba, near Slate Cr bridge crossing on Quincy-LaPorte Rd, 39.58704 -121.05852, 1067m
535 Gertrude Witherspoon 2052 1940-06-18
United States, California, Mariposa, Yosemite Valley-Wawona Rd near W entrance Wawona Tunnel, Yosemite National Park, 37.706206 -119.710898, 1524m
00344037 H. E. Parks & S. T. Parks 24041 1937-07-00
United States of America, California, Del Norte County, along Shelley Creek near Monumental, 914m
00344042 A. M. Carter 1459 1939-08-20
United States of America, California, Siskiyou County, 5.5 miles north of Dunsmuir
00344043 A. Eastwood & J. T. Howell 3657 1936-07-02
United States of America, California, Del Norte County, Grade from Patrick Creek to Shelley Creek
00344047 F. M. Ownbey & F. G. Meyer 2163 1940-07-03
United States of America, California, Siskiyou County, 7 mi. northwest of McCloud
00344049 W. B. Cooke 15031 1940-06-06
United States of America, California, Siskiyou County, fields along the Castle Lake road
00344050 L. E. Smith 1913-06-29
United States of America, California, Siskiyou County, Rainbow
00344051 H. E. Parks & S. T. Parks 24041 1937-07-00
United States of America, California, Del Norte County, along Shelley Creek near Monumental, 914m
00344052 H. E. Parks & J. P. Tracy 11434 1937-07-21
United States of America, California, Del Norte County, State line north of Monumental, at head of Shelley Creek, 945m
00344053 F. M. Ownbey & F. G. Meyer 2163 1940-07-03
United States of America, California, Siskiyou County, 7 mi. northwest of McCloud
00344054 T. S. Brandegee 1886-09-00
United States of America, California, Placer County, Blue Cañon, Sierra Nevada, 1219m
00344057 W. A. Dayton 304 1913-06-21
United States of America, California, W. slope, Sweetbrier Creek trail, 1006m
00344079 E. B. Copeland 3827 1903-08-13
United States of America, California, Siskiyou County, Sisson, 1067m
00356850 A. A. Heller 13035 1918-07-16
United States of America, California, Siskiyou County, Mt. Eddy, west of Sisson, 1524m
00356864 A. A. Heller 13035 1918-07-16
United States of America, California, Siskiyou County, Mt. Eddy, west of Sisson, 1524m
Carl B. Wolf 9239 1937-08-13
United States, California, Humboldt, 8 miles east of Hoopa Valley on new road towards trinity summit, 41.0906 -123.6269, 1219m
Reid Moran 26069 1978-06-24
United States, California, Shasta, slope above Little Roaring Creek, 40.91667 -121.95, 775m
R. S. Woglum 1978 1938-08-28
United States, California, Del Norte, Gasquet, 41.844 -123.9697
Darley F. Howe 2776 1959-08-02
United States, California, Sierra, 15.5 miles west of Downieville, on #49, 39.48784 -121.04078, 914m