B148005 R. A. Bye 6036 1973-12-22
Mexico, Chihuahua
B148007 R. A. Bye 6208 1974-01-00
Mexico, Chihuahua
B148006 R. A. Bye 6991 1975-10-07
Mexico, Chihuahua
B148004 R. A. Bye 5506 1973-10-22
Mexico, Chihuahua
CHRB-B-0004139 E.J. Palmer 34278 1928-06-01
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Mt. Livermore, Davis Mts.
UTEP:Herb:10810 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington 1977-09-03
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis County, Davis Mountains Resort, canyon draining N into Upper Limpia Canyon, 2.3 miles W of McGuire Ranch Site, 30.6166666667 -104.1333333333, 2134 - 2134m
UTEP:Herb:57276 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington 26658 1997-05-31
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo County, Clanton Draw, 2.4-3.4 miles E from crest along Forest Service Road 63, 1524 - 1676m
UTEP:Herb:79611 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington 35951 2010-03-24
United States, New Mexico, Otero County, Along Forest Service Road 85 to Bluewater Lookout, about 9 miles S of Weed, 32.7366666667 -105.4688166667, 2195 - 2195m
UTEP:Herb:28526 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington RDW 7323 1981-07-15
Mexico, Chihuahua, 7.5 miles W (by road) Bella Vista on Mesa La Boquilla, Chihuahua, 29.075 -106.4916666667, 610 - 610m
UTEP:Herb:28525 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington RDW 7348 1981-07-16
Mexico, Chihuahua, 7.5 miles W (by road) Bella Vista on Mesa La Boquilla, Chihuahua, 29.075 -106.4916666667, 610 - 610m
UTEP:Herb:28527 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington RDW 9423 1983-01-09
Mexico, Durango, 3.5 kilometers W of La Soledad, 11 kilometers NW of Santiago Papasquiaro, Santiago Papasquiaro, 25.0833333333 -105.5333333333, 1900 - 2100m
UTEP:Herb:28528 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington RDW 9428 1983-01-09
Mexico, Durango, 3.5 kilometers W of La Soledad, 11 kilometers NW of Santiago Papasquiaro, Santiago Papasquiaro, 25.0833333333 -105.5333333333, 1900 - 2100m
UTEP:Herb:42807 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington RDW 10929 1983-07-09
Mexico, Durango, 20 kilometers WNW (by air) of Santiago Papasquiaro, Santiago Papasquiaro, 25.0833333333 -105.8, 2438 - 2438m
UTEP:Herb:28524 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington RDW 9405 1983-01-08
Mexico, Durango, NE side of Buenos Aires, 2.9 miles SW (by road) of La Ciudad by Highway 40, Pueblo Nuevo, 23.6666666667 -105.6666666667, 2423 - 2454m
UTEP:Herb:42808 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington RDW 8918 1982-08-20
Mexico, Durango, 5.1 miles SW (by Mexico Highway 40) of El Salto, Arroyo del Agua, Pueblo Nuevo, 23.75 -105.4, 2438 - 2438m
UTEP:Herb:41946 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington RDW 7887 1982-01-06
Mexico, Durango, along Highway 40, 38 miles NE (by road) of El Salto, 21.7 miles SW (by road) of Cuidad Durango, Durango, 23.935649 -104.889381, 2134 - 2134m
UTEP:Herb:53134 Collector(s): Richard D. Worthington 24979 1995-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Sierra County, along N Percha Creek 1 mile W of junction with Forest Service Road 157, 6 miles N of Kingston, 32.980283 -107.735851, 2134 - 2134m
20733 R. Kleinman 2011-09-17
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, N Percha Creek, base of cliff ~ 0.75 mi up from parking turnout, behind stand of Rubus deliciousus var. neomexicanus, 32.984987 -107.757087, 1981m
20734 R.D. Worthington 1997-05-31
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Peloncillo Mtns, along FSR 63, Clanton Draw, 2.4 to 3.4 mi E of crest, canyon bottom, 1615m
22461 R. Kleinman & K.W. Allred 2013-01-10
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Peloncillo Mtns, Clanton Draw, Geronimo Trail, 31.516061 -109.021372, 1726m
23195 R. Kleinman & K. Blisard 2013-05-19
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Black Range, Railroad Canyon, ~ 0.5 mi N of parking area, 32.912217 -107.81614, 2198m
26410 R. Kleinman, K. Allred, K. Blisard 2016-4-27-2 2016-04-27
USA, New Mexico, Grant, Pinos Altos Range, Cherry Creek Campground, 32.913498 -108.224599, 2088m
32269 R. Kleinman, K. Blisard 2022-6-4-1 2022-06-04
USA, New Mexico, Grant, Hwy 152, Black Range, Railroad Canyon trail, 32.910128 -107.816437, 2138m
32772 Ries Lindley 1273 2021-03-21
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Mt. Hopkins Rd. about 2 miles above Whipple Observatory, 31.6766 -110.91794, 1513m
32717 Ries Lindley 1211 2020-08-01
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Gardner Canyon, 31.71097 -110.79704, 1718m
32892 Ries Lindley 1172 2020-06-06
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Madera Canyon, Kent Spring drainage, 31.7151 -110.866624, 1741m
33889 R. Kleinman, K. Blisard 2024-3-30-5 2024-03-30
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Coronado National Forest, Madera Canyon, Old Baldy Trail #372, 31.708779 -110.870684, 1756m