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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Lycopodium clavatum (Lycopodium clavatum var. laurentianum, Lycopodium clavatum var. subremotum, Lycopodium clavatum var. tristachyum, Lycopodium clavatum var. borbonicum, Lycopodium trichiatum var. borbonicum, Lycopodium trichiatum var. trichiatum), Lycopodium clavatum subsp. megastachyon, Lycopodi... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 14, records 1301-1400 of 8361

Pittsburg State University, Theodore M. Sperry Herbarium

KSP012738Theodore M. Sperry   NE-21982-10-12
United States, New Hampshire, Coos, Philbrook Farm, 44.408286 -71.064998

KSP012739D. Pittillo   3087
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Graveyard Ridge on Forest Service fire lane about 2 mi NW of Blue Ridge Parkway, 35.32733 -82.849852, 1647m

KSP003571Theodore M. Sperry   LS-21977-08-26
Canada, Ontario, Superior Provincial Park. Rabbit Blanket Lake.

W.W. Holland   55451986-07-07
Canada, Ontario, 35 miles north of Vermilion Bay, Cedar Point Resort., 50.215503 -93.145308

KSP007888Theodore M. Sperry   LS-21977-08-26
Canada, Ontario, Superior Provincial Park. Rabbit Blanket Lake.

The Morton Arboretum Herbarium - Vascular Plants

0037284MORHedge, R   s.n.1985-08-00
United States of America, Indiana, LaPorte, In an open area.

0090981MORRericha, L   2262001-08-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, At the New Buffalo Weigh Station, east of the fence

0037286MORLampa, W   s.n.1984-04-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, West DuPage Forest Preserve, about 100 m NW of the Elsen's Hill parking lot.

0037288MORMedley, M   s.n.1974-11-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, Just E of Warren Woods.

0053507MORNamestnik, S   SAN 62007-04-00
United States of America, Indiana, LaPorte, Sebert Woods Nature Preserve, 6 miles northeast of Michigan City, Indiana, on the south sideof CR N, ca. ////////// mile west of CR W.

0037282MOREvert, EF   162771989-05-00
United States of America, Indiana, LaPorte, Ca. 1/4 mi. SE of intersection of 400 N Rd & 850 W Rd. Mesic-wet woods.

0091203MORRericha, L   2262001-08-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, At the New Buffalo Weigh Station, east of the fence

0087256MORRooney, T   s.n.2015-06-00
United States of America, Wisconsin, Vilas, Dairymens Inc., 46.152 -89.665

0037291MOREvert, EF   25431980-10-00
United States of America, Indiana, Porter, About 1/2 mi W of county line, 1 mi E of Rt 520 and N of Rt 20.

0042742MORBoard, K   3762002-01-00
United States of America, Indiana, Starke, In a low, narrow strip of red maple forest on the N side of Toto Road, 2/10 mile E of CR 800E, ca. 1 mile SW of Ober.

0037281MORWilhelm, G | Dritz, K   217431993-08-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, Near the weigh station on the south side of east-bound I-94, 0.9 mile northeast of MI 239, 0.4 mile southwest of Maudlin Road, southeast of New Buffalo.

0042739MORBoard, K   3782002-01-00
United States of America, Indiana, Starke, In a low forest SW of the intersection of CR 1200E and CR 300N, ca. 1 mile SW of Donaldson.

0037287MORPost, T   6421996-12-00
United States of America, Indiana, LaPorte, Open sandy area. Kersteller property.

0052590MORAnchor, C   36511999-10-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cook

0037289MORSwink, FA   s.n.1972-05-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, Sandy woods near Harbert roadside picnic area, on E side of the Red Arrow Hwy. Chickaming Twp.

0037292MORBowles, M | McFall, D   s.n.1978-08-00
United States of America, Indiana, LaPorte, About 5 mi E of Long Beach, in woods.

0049570MORPost, T   6501998-04-00
United States of America, Indiana, Jasper, Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area. Low, wet woods under Quercus palustris.

0037294MORSwink, FA   s.n.1967-05-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, Robinson property, E of Lakeside, general vicinity of Warren Woods.

Image Associated With the Occurence
0037293MORSwink, FA   s.n.1976-04-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, Warren Woods

0037295MORCiolac, C   s.n.1972-07-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, S of Harbert, near roadside rest area on east side of Chesapeake & Ohio RR, E side of Red Arrow Highway. In sandy woods.

0037290MORHowes, L   s.n.1971-03-00
United States of America, Indiana, Porter, At Dune Acres, Chesterton. Mrs. Howes found a population of this species southeast of her house at 19 Lupine; growing at edge of dune swale.

0037285MORMedley, M   s.n.1974-07-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, Near Harbert off Prairie Rd.

0037296MORCiolac, C | Brach, S | Petersen, R   s.n.1971-05-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, In sugar maple woods, S of bog, Mud Lake, Buchanan Twp.

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0037283MORHickman, G   2191995-08-00
United States of America, Michigan, Berrien, In clearing at edge of mixed hardwoods. E side of Robinson Woods, Lakeside; sandy soil.

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0005041Flowers, Seville   
United States, Michigan, Near Benton Harbor, Michigan.

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UT0005033Helen & Ken G. Madison   39451956-08-23
Canada, Ontario, Schreiber., 48.8 -87.266667

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UT0005034M.D. Windham   81-431981-06-24
USA, Virginia, Madison, Near creek just N of Limberlost Trail ca. 0.7 km ENE of Timber Hollow Overlook. Shenandoah N.P. Big Meadows Quad (7.5 min.).; 38.569782 -78.376623, 38.569692 -78.376626, 988m

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UT0005042Rudy G. Koch   76211972-08-09
Canada, Ontario, Near Fitchie Lake, Thunder Bay District ca 32 mi N of Savant Lake on hwy 599 and 2 mi E (15UXG7211)., 50.626469 -90.552216

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UT0005039Seville Flowers   1950-08-19
USA, Idaho, Kootenai, 48.310204 -116.513526

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UT0005037K.T. Harper   3981962-09-29
USA, Wisconsin, Jackson, Lee Lake near Millston., 44.193018 -90.647635

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UT0005030Rudy G. Koch   90591974-09-06
USA, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Little Sand Bay, ca. 9 mi. N, 2 mi. W of Bayfield., 46.941049 -90.860646

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UT0005026Ray C. Friesner   90801935-08-20
USA, Maine, Waldo, Megunticook Lake., 44.25879 -69.116306

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UT0005028Cottam   116501938-07-22
Canada, Quebec, St. Anne, Gaspe Canada. (Possibly near Gaspe Harbor in Quebec?), 48.833333 -64.483333, 152m

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UT0005031Rudy G. Koch   88721974-08-06
USA, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Little Sand Bay, ca. 9 mi. N, 2 mi. W of Bayfield., 46.941049 -90.860646

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UT0005036M.D. Windham   8721986-08-19
USA, Michigan, Alger, Near shore of Lake Superior ca 0.2 km NW of Bay Furnace Recreation Area. Au Train-Hiawatha N.F. Munising Quadrangle (7.5 min)., 46.443158 -86.710059, 186m

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UT0005038S Therese   1623
Canada, Quebec

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UT0005043M. D. Windham   9ua1o51994-09-21
United States, Oregon, Clackamas, SSW of Mt. Hood near Multopor Meadow along tributary of Camp Creek ca. 2.39 km ESE of Yocum Falls, Mt. Hood N. F, Government Camp Quad (7 1/2 min.). T38, R8 E, Sec. 2H. UTM - 5016900 m. N by 597000, m. E (Zone 10)., 45.304315 -121.756855, 1143m

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UT0005073Paul Aellen   1932-04-19
Switzerland, Gebusch in der Nage von Arcegno., 46.162208 8.741895

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UT0005074M. Deyl   1661962-08-04
Czech Republic, Bohemia, Bohemia centralis, distr. Kutna Hora: in silvis apertis callunetosis ad vicum Hulice prope oppidum Dolni Kralovice, c. 400 m s. m., 49.670418 15.159707, 400m

USA, New York, detailed locality information protected

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UT0005027F. Burglehaus   1891-08-00
USA, Minnesota, Aitkin, 46.533013 -93.710249

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UT0005067M.D. Windham   5691983-12-31
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santiago Comaltepec, Along tributary of Rio Soyalapan near crest of Sierra Juarez. Near km post 95 on Highway 175 from Cd. Oaxaca to Tuxtepec., 18.088293 -96.129815, 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0005068M.D. Windham   5301983-12-25
Mexico, Oaxaca, Headwaters of the Rio Copalita, Sierra Madre del Sur. Near km post 185 on Highway 175 from Cd. Oaxaca to Puerto Angel., 15.667309 -96.491575, 1600m

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UT0005069J.M. Silva   4341987-12-16
Brazil, Paraná, Parque Iguaçu (mun. Curitiba), -25.416667 -49.25

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UT0005070O. Kerfoot   28231961-09-00
Kenya, Kericho Dist, Sambret-Timbilil. S.W. Mau Forest., -0.38092 35.330243

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UT0005071H. Hupke   1671967-08-06
Germany, Hesse, Oberhessen. Kr. Lauterbach, Hoherrodskopf, Buchenwald beim Breungeshainer Moor., 51.067874 14.114862

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UT0005072Lars Fagerstrom   1961-07-07
Finland, Kymenlaasko, Karelia australis, par. Vehkalahti, Pyhalto, in clivo silvestri., 64.034085 30.399657

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UT0005035Windham, M D   2005-07-13
Canada, British Columbia, Greater Vancouver District: NE of downtown Vancouver along trail on SE side of Dinkey Peak ca. 0.24 NNW of Mt. Seymour Trailhead., 49.369722 -122.949444, 1044m

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UT0005032Rudy G. Koch   89611974-08-13
USA, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Little Sand Bay, ca. 9 mi. N, 2 mi. W of Bayfield., 46.935685 -90.883469

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UT0005040Seville Flowers   
USA, Michigan, 43.628771 -84.473389

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UT0005025Rudy G. Koch   67031970-06-20
USA, Wisconsin, Douglas, 1 mile N. of jct. Co. M and Hwy. 35; 16 miles S. of Pattison Park., 46.375029 -92.120903

Chicago Botanic Garden

247V. Paterson   69891987-09-30
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Eagle River.

251Kendall Winter, Marci Bell   629b1989-10-29
United States, Wisconsin, Door, Washington Island.

West Virginia University Herbarium

WVA-V-0095903Krukoff, B.   
United States, New York, detailed locality information protected

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WVA-V-0096459Yonekura, Koji   176362010-10-15
Japan, Fukui, JAPAN: Honshu, Fukui Pref, Nanjo-gun, Minamiechizen-cho, Seto, along Tsuka Forest Road, Takakura-toge (pass), 35.771667 136.324722, 950 - 960m

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WVA-V-0096463Campbell, Kevin   KC085502020-04-27
United States, West Virginia, Wyoming, SR 99 Ivy Knob of Guyandotte Mountain, 37.787528 -81.491083, 1086m

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WVA-V-0095901Meyer, F. G.   92641965-08-26
United States, Washington, Grays Harbor, Black Hills... below Capitol Peak, 46.962098 -123.183808, 457m

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WVA-V-0095900Cole, Don   s.n.1948-07-00
United States, Washington, Chelan, near Rainy Creek, 47.821242 -121.008199

Dana S. Evans   1970-07-00
United States, West Virginia, Mercer, East River Mt., 38.98166667 -79.19666667

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WVA-V-0095899Brooks, Ralph   29911970-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Cook, 11 mi N Tofte, 47.733012 -90.836259

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WVA-V-0031993William N. Grafton   2002-11-09
United States, West Virginia, Tucker, Woodcock and Dobbin House Trails, jct. of; old rs reclaimed south mine.

WVA-V-0095898Lustig, Karen   
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, detailed locality information protected

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WVA-V-0095897Brooks, Ralph   29711970-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Cook, 8 mi N Lutsen. White Pine Lake, 47.74849 -90.755539

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WVA-V-0032018Margaret E. Denison   1966-09-24
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas

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WVA-V-0032019Roy B. Clarkson   1959-08-07
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Cranberry River, in the back-country area on

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WVA-V-0032020William N. Grafton   2001-06-17
United States, West Virginia, Barbour, Bartlett Run and Pleasant Creek, above junction of

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WVA-V-0032022John B. Nelson   158211994-07-25
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Durbin and Cass Scenic RR State Park, between; Odey Run Fork, Back Allegheny Mt.; For. Serv. Rd. 235; Mon. Nat. Forest, 1280m

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WVA-V-0095896Ahles, Harry E.   847671977-08-29
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, along Massachusetts Route 9 in Goshen, 42.440365 -72.799538

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WVA-V-0032021William N. Grafton   1996-05-16
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Marlin Lick Run

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WVA-V-0032023E. Meade McNeill   1931-08-05
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Cheat Mt.

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WVA-V-0032024   1941-07-08
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Thornwood and Osceola, between

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WVA-V-0032025Kathryn L. Speicher   481928-08-02
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Cass; Bald Knob, 1465m

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WVA-V-0032026William N. Grafton   1995-09-09
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Highland Scenic Highway(WV Rt. 150)

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WVA-V-0032027Allison W. Cusick   239391984-09-07
United States, West Virginia, Preston, Hopemont, 1 mile east; 0.05-0.15 mile SSW St. Rt. 7; 0.2 mile NW of BM 2565

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WVA-V-0032028Elizabeth A. Bartholomew   1942-06-26
United States, West Virginia, Preston, Cranesville Glades

WVA-V-0095895Woolston, Arthur L.   
United States, New York, detailed locality information protected

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WVA-V-0032029William N. Grafton   1995-11-06
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, Coopers Rock State Forest

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WVA-V-0032030William N. Grafton   1995-03-16
United States, West Virginia, Preston, Hopemont, 1 mi. east of; Rt. 7, south of

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WVA-V-0032031John L. Sheldon   34161908-08-06
United States, West Virginia, Preston, Cranesville

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WVA-V-0096051Yonekura, Koji   115992004-07-16
Japan, Aomori, Flora of Mt. Hakkoda... Aomori-shi, Komagome, E end of Tashirotai Basin, W of Onakadai, 40.667778 140.960556, 640 - 650m

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WVA-V-0032032William N. Grafton   1995-09-04
United States, West Virginia, Preston, Cranesville Swamp

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WVA-V-0032033William N. Grafton   1992-10-13
United States, West Virginia, Fayette, Gauley River; Ramsey and Richmon Chapel, between

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WVA-V-0032034Earl L. Core   28961931-07-01
United States, West Virginia, Grant, Stony River Dam, 1036m

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WVA-V-0032035Lewis W. Wilson   1941-10-02
United States, West Virginia, Tucker, Dolly Sods Fire Tower

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WVA-V-0032036Melvin Brown   1950-08-12
United States, West Virginia, Grant, Gormania

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WVA-V-0032037Melvin Brown   1952-09-00
United States, West Virginia, Mineral, Hartmansville, near

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WVA-V-0032038William N. Grafton   1995-11-06
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, I-68; Cooper's Rock interchange, about .5 mi. west of

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WVA-V-0032039Hannibal A. Davis   39091940-09-07
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, Gum Springs

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WVA-V-0032040William N. Grafton   1995-10-27
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, Tibbs Run Reservoir site, old

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WVA-V-0095894Varmorsdall, H. H.   B.B.I-47-121955-03-21
United States, Pennsylvania, New Hope, Pennsylvania (near Northeast, Penn. [Pennsylvania])

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WVA-V-0032041WVU Botanical Expedition   7541926-07-15
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton, Spruce Knob

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