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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Physaria acutifolia (Physaria didymocarpa var. australis), Physaria acutifolia var. acutifolia, Physaria acutifolia var. purpurea, Physaria acutifolia var. stylosa
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 21, records 2001-2018 of 2018

General Research Observations

USUUB018870Sandra Robins   170322017-04-22
USA, Utah, Uintah, McCoy Flat, 9.5 mi SW of Vernal on McCoy Flat Road., 40.339547 -109.571883, 1640m

Walter Fertig   225702006-06-07
USA, Utah, San Juan, Monument Uplift, Natural Bridges National Monument, Sipapu-Owachomo overland trail, dry wash off of main trail. T36S R17E S35 SE4, 37.605354 -110.007261, 1871m

Walter Fertig   248322009-07-01
United States, Wyoming, Sweetwater, South flank of Little Mountain on N side of WY Hwy 191, ca 0.5 miles W of Clay Basin Road, 3 air miles N of Richards Mountain, 12.5 miles E of Flaming Gorge Reservoir. T13N R105W S31 NW4 NW4, 41.070006 -109.290694, 2484m

USUUB019028Sandra Robins   180372018-06-12
USA, Wyoming, Sweetwater, Logan Draw, 1.7 miles southeast 136° of Rock Springs on FR 013, .3 mile east on FR 032, 41.473589 -109.43577, 1958m

Katie K Sanbonmatsu   542018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon., 38.79608 -109.173237, 1280m

Katie K Sanbonmatsu   1082018-05-19
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon., 38.790004 -109.176589, 1309m

USUUB019399Sandra Robins   190662019-06-17
United States, Utah, Uintah, 10.8 miles north of Vernal, South of Big Brush Creek, .43 mile west of pull-out from US-191, 40.587839 -109.476664, 1787m

WJH001424Bill Harms   6061980-06-30
United States, Utah, Utah, Vivian Park, Provo Canyon, near Provo River, 40.355399 -111.573544, 1585 - 1593m

WJH001481Bill Harms   8991980-08-08
United States, Utah, Utah, Emerald Lake to Timp Saddle, 40.394322 -111.641139, 3139 - 3475m

Walter Fertig   265012011-05-26
USA, Utah, Kane, Kaiparowits Plateau: off Smokey Mountain Road 0.6 miles S of crossing of Willard Canyon, ca 3 miles N of Pete's Cove. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. T38S R3E S26 NW4 of NE4, 37.483395 -111.549587, 1990m

UI06932Sandra Robins   200152020-04-25
United States, Utah, Uintah, 3.5 miles, 320° from Jensen, Sunshine Bench Road, 40.410056 -109.377389, 1598m

UI06936Sandra Robins   200192020-04-25
United States, Utah, Uintah, 0.2 miles west of Jensen on US 40, south on Red Wash Road 5.9 miles, turn right on Spring Hollow Road 0.6 mile, 40.305352 -109.386011, 1462m

D. Gentilcore   22682021-05-16
USA, Utah, Emery, Buckskin Spring, 38.620165 -110.672751, 1577m

Kristian R. Valles   5222022-05-06
United States, Utah, Grand, Southeast of Castleton Tower, 38.64368 -109.36555, 1535m

M. Darrach   12252022-05-24
United States, Utah, Carbon, West facing slopes on south side of Green River in Desolation Canyon at river mile 93.2 about 1 mile N of Nutters Hole., 39.834578 -109.892747, 1420m

D.H. Mansfield   222242022-05-25
United States, Utah, Carbon, Gravelly wash up Rock House Canyon west of Green River in Desolation Canyon at Rock House Camp at river mile 80., 39.74852 -109.94673, 1445m

D.H. Mansfield   223262022-05-28
United States, Utah, Carbon, At west end of Rincon near Three Canyon in Desolation Canyon by river mile 50., 39.4993 -110.0317, 1519m

M. Darrach   12412022-05-28
United States, Utah, Carbon, A Rincon near Three Canyon in Desolation Canyon by river mile 50., 39.50319 -110.02822, 1370m

Page 21, records 2001-2018 of 2018


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