KHD00031864 J.L. Hampton s.n. 1947-06-24
United States of America, Colorado, Desota Lake, 38.99842 -105.500316, 3050 - 3170m
KHD00031988 Janet L. Wingate 1438 1982-05-07
United States of America, Colorado, Mesa, West of Mack, near dirt road leading South from Highway 6, 39.226298 -108.873638, 1359m
KHD00023501 Loraine Yeatts 5982 2011-06-26
United States of America, Colorado, Dolores, San Juan NF, Plateau Creek drainage, NF-rd 514, 1.1mi ESE of 111 Ture N from S entrance to Lone Mesa State Park., 37.676178 -108.454179, 2341m
KHD00031985 J.L Hampton 1947-06-24
United States of America, Colorado, Desota Lake, 38.99842 -105.500316, 3050 - 3170m
KHD00031989 Stephen B. Austin 174 1998-05-05
United States of America, Colorado, Mesa, along Little Park Road, 39.036368 -108.593582, 1481m
KHD00023614 Mary Edwards E-978 1993-04-18
United States of America, Utah, San Juan, Hwy. 191 between Bluff and Mexican Hat., 37.265558 -109.625367
KHD00023589 Mary Edwards E-973 1993-04-18
United States of America, Utah, San Juan, Hwy 191 between Bluff and Mexican Hat., 37.265558 -109.625367
KHD00032911 Velma Richards 1981-05-24
United States of America, Utah, Grand, Arches National Park, Yellow Cat Flats north of park.ƒ
KHD00053469 Pam Regensberg 676 2012-05-02
United States of America, Colorado, Montrose, BLM land, Escalante Canyon, ca. 16 miles SW of Delta., 38.6565 -108.34563, 1757m
KHD00023049 Mark Madsen 3931 2008-04-30
United States of America, Utah, Garfield, Teasdale Ranger District/Dixie Natl. Forest Stair Canyon and Indian Gulch ca 10 air mi. ene. of Boulder, UT, 37.994465 -111.251743, 1829m
KHD00043134 Mary Edwards E-644 1986-05-06
United States of America, Colorado, Montezuma, Rest stop between Cortez and Mancos., 37.353335 -108.443876
KHD00046456 Mary Edwards E-805 1991-05-12
United States of America, Colorado, Montrose, Ca 1½ mi S Delta-Montrose county line, on Red Rocks Ridge Trail Road, NW facing slope 0.05 mi N of Trailhead, Black Ridge Quad.
KHD00052873 Mary Edwards E-1026 1994-05-06
United States of America, Colorado, Montrose, Between Whitewater and Gateway roadside. Near Sinbad Valley.
KHD00055119 Melissa Islam 1169 2013-08-19
United States of America, Colorado, Mineral, Rio Grande National Forest, San Juan Mountains; ca. 12 air miles south, southeast from Creede, ca. 6 miles S of Wagon Wheel Gap (CO HWY 149). Private property (Humphreys Ranch) surrounding Lake Humphreys and Hay Press Lake., 37.68068 -106.8508, 2748m
KHD00053596 Pam Regensberg 1505 2014-07-01
United States of America, Colorado, Mineral, Rio Grande National Forest, San Juan Mountains; private property (Humphreys Ranch) that includes Lake Humphreys and Hay Press Lake, ca. 6.5 miles S of Wagon Wheel Gap and confluence with Rio Grande. W of Hay Press Lake., 37.68292 -106.85905, 2827m
KHD00056140 Loraine Yeatts 6186 2014-06-04
United States of America, Colorado, Mesa, Above Co rd. 4.1 on steep NE facing slope, 0.2 mi from Dolores R. crossing CO/UT border, 144° SE of true N, 38.7471 -109.05564, 1378m
KHD00058290 Pam Regensberg 1706 2014-07-01
United States of America, Colorado, Mineral, Rio Grande National Forest, San Juan Mountains; private property (Humphreys Ranch) that includes Lake Humphreys and Hay Press Lake, ca. 6.5 miles S of Wagon Wheel Gap and confluence with Rio Grande. W of Hay Press Lake., 37.68292 -106.85905, 2827m
KHD00065216 Melissa Islam 1307 2014-06-03
United States of America, Colorado, Moffat, About 40 miles northwest of Craig, 1 mile west of Co. Road 66 on State Land Board Land at "The Nipple"., 40.865336 -108.212149, 2270m
KHD00071074 Alexandra Seglias AS75 2019-06-05
United States of America, Colorado, Grand, From Kremmling, drive west on Hwy 40 for 8 miles. Park at pullout on north side of hwy, and hike up roadcut toward railroad tracks. Population found south of tracks., 40.06709 -106.23309, 2293m
KHD00076313 Jess Fults s.n. 1982-05-08
United States of America, Colorado, Montrose, The "Dobbies" 10 mi SE of Montrose & 25 mi SW of Delta, Colorado., 38.375733 -107.745223
KHD00081769 Jennifer Ackerfield 9542 2022-05-18
United States of America, Colorado, Montezuma, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, cannonball mesa road., 37.3455751 -108.9323884, 1651m
KHD00087055 Lori E. Brummer 7937 2012-05-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Ouray, Uncompahgre Plateau: Log Hill Mesa above Broman Canyon, ca 12 air mi SSE of Montrose., 38.3109 -107.8006, 2043m
KHD00081728 Lori E. Brummer 3546 2011-06-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Delta, McDonald Mesa: adobe hills N of McDonald Creek, ca 24 air mi ENE of Delta., 38.7782 -107.6144, 1808 - 1915m
KHD00081729 Lori E. Brummer 2800 2011-05-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Montrose, Uncompahgre Plateau: Transfer Road above Coalbank Canyon, ca 11 air mi NW of Montrose., 38.5461 -108.059, 1732 - 1774m
KHD00081730 Lori E. Brummer 2400 2011-05-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Mesa, Uncompahgre Plateau: S of Bridgeport Road, above Deer Creek, ca 19 air mi NW of Delta., 38.8519 -108.3438, 1451 - 1598m
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0060584 Aven Nelson 10425 1925-05-12
United States, Colorado, Montezuma
United States, Colorado, Gunnison
MEVE 79099 MEVE EXPLORERS' CAMP 1944-07-01
USA, Colorado, Montezuma County, PARK POINT
MEVE 79100 NUSBAUM & SCHMOLL 1925-05-26
USA, Colorado, Montezuma County, CHAPIN MESA, STH, NW., 2134m
MEVE 79095 BADER, E.H. 1929-06-18
USA, Colorado, Montezuma County, SPRUCE TREE CANYON, RIM, E. OF CAMP
MEVE 79097 M.C. 1939-05-08
USA, Colorado, Montezuma County, SPRUCE TREE CANYON, RIM
MEVE 79098 ERDMAN, JAMES A. 1963-04-24
USA, Colorado, Montezuma County, CHAPIN MESA, 2012m
MEVE 79101 NUSBAUM & SCHMOLL 1925-05-26
USA, Colorado, Montezuma County, MESA VERDE, 2134m
MEVE 79096 M.C. 1939-04-18
USA, Colorado, Montezuma County, SPRUCE TREE CANYON, RIM, 2103m
1745324 Gerrit Davidse 1081 1967-05-20
United States, Utah, Wayne, 3/4 mile south of Teasdale in Dixie National Forest. Juniper-Pinyon pine forest; dry, rocky soil.
100197677 H. van der Werff 22524 2009-05-19
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Taos Mountain, just behind Taos., 2134m
100289768 Edwin B. Payson 1083 1917-07-23
United States, Colorado, Gravel marshes, Placerville, Colo, 2195m
MSUNH000850 C. Cleveland 26 2013-03-31
United States, Utah, Washington, UT Route 9 heading west from LaVerkin between LaVerkin and O..., 37.215 -113.24685, 1121m
B.43783 Rooks, Dustin 516 2007-05-02
USA, Utah, Kane County, Northern end of Deer Springs Point., 37.35283 -112.19247, 650m
UT0000399 Walter Fertig 27537 2012-06-21
USA, Utah, Sevier, Fish Lake Mountains: Clear Creek Canyon, ca 1 mile S of Interstate 70, ca 5 miles WSW of Fremont Junction., 38.743591 -111.453905, 2310m
UT0001185 D. Woodruff 1075 1971-05-22
USA, Utah, Duchesne, 6 mi W of Duchesne just W of Starvation Reservoir S side of road., 1768m
UT0001184 D. Woodruff 549 1973-07-16
USA, Utah, Emery, Cottonwood Creek Road. 3.0 mi above turnoff from Ephraim-Castle Dale Rd.
UT0001159 D. Woodruff 424 1973-05-22
USA, Utah, Emery, 1.7 mi W of Huntington junction.
UT0002419 S. Goodrich 28582 2013-05-06
USA, Colorado, Rio Blanco, East Tavaputs Plateau, Yellow Creek, 39.735861 -108.002861, 2134m
UT0002168 J. Spencer 1599 2004-04-20
United States, Utah, Uintah, On the east end of Brough Reservoir., 40.25633 -109.69747, 1558m
UT0002282 D. W. Woodruff 1673 1973-05-24
USA, Utah, Emery, 8.1 miles SE of Emery on dirt road., 38.839952 -111.142057, 1768m
UT0002281 D. W. Woodruff 1774 1973-05-28
USA, Utah, Emery, Eagle Canyon below Swazey Cabin., 38.982198 -110.959056, 2073m
UT0002782 B. Albee 3095 1976-06-04
USA, Utah, Carbon, Ca. 5 miles east of Wellington, Utah off highway 6-50., 39.542428 -110.641451, 1722 - 1722m
UT0002781 s.n. 1932-08-16
USA, Utah, Duchesne, Ashley National Forest., 40.646886 -110.098914, 2743m
UT0002780 M. Treshow s.n. 1972-06-13
USA, Utah, Emery, Huntington Canyon., 39.441634 -111.02989, 1981 - 1981m
UT0002779 E. Kleiner s.n. 1968-05-07
USA, Utah, Wayne, Virginia Park in Canyonlands National Park., 38.094432 -109.841792
UT0002778 P. A. Rydberg 8573 1911-07-05
USA, Utah, San Juan, Western slope of La Sal Mountains, near Little Springs., 38.448876 -109.241225, 2000 - 2200m
UT0002777 B. Albee 2493 1975-06-17
USA, Utah, Emery, West limb of the San Rafael Swell - 2 miles west of The Copper Globe. Moore exit on I-70., 38.805245 -110.943205
UT0002776 Seville Flowers 1390 1927-00-00
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Lamb's Canyon., 40.738558 -111.673817, 1920m
UT0002775 A. Hreha 199 1981-05-17
USA, Utah, Kane, Little Dry Valley. Slickrock Bench Quad., 37.4857 -111.9982, 1737m
UT0002774 John Allan 786 1978-06-08
USA, Utah, Emery, Gentry Mountain, NW of Huntington. Part of the Wasatch Plateau., 39.524688 -111.106836, 2438 - 2438m
UT0002773 B. Albee 5088 1981-06-11
USA, Utah, Emery, Rest stop along I-70 in San Rafael Swell at approximately Page Flat., 38.823583 -110.677384, 2073 - 2073m
UT0002772 Botany Dept. Majors s.n. 1968-05-10
USA, Utah, Wayne, West side of the Colorado River in Canyonlands National Park. Happy Canyon., 38.135819 -110.402919
UT0002771 B. Albee 3957 1978-05-12
USA, Utah, Emery, West Tavaputs Plateau above the Book Cliffs, SE of East Carbon City., 39.3298 -110.3914, 1926 - 1926m
UT0002793 W. P. Cottam 6005 1935-06-26
USA, Utah, Uintah, First Creek on road to Manilla., 40.988014 -109.72265, 1707m
UT0002792 B. Albee 4046 1978-05-23
USA, Utah, Emery, West Tavaputs Plateau above the Book Cliffs, SE of E Carbon City. Ca. 2 1/2 miles NW of the Wilcox Ranch on Range Creek., 39.403927 -110.177778, 1798 - 1798m
UT0002791 S. L. Welsh 8913 1969-05-08
USA, Utah, San Juan, North end of Montezuma Creek, ca. 6 miles east of U.S. 47., 37.289291 -109.313963
UT0002790 John Allan 545 1975-05-16
USA, Utah, Emery, West of Castledale, on Buzzard Bench., 39.216635 -111.101281, 1981 - 1981m
UT0002789 O. Howard s.n. 1880-07-00
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Mountains., 40.624948 -111.799655, 1981m
UT0002788 A. O. Garrett 5497 1930-05-17
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Lambs Canyon., 40.738558 -111.673817
UT0002787 S. F. 223 1924-06-00
USA, Utah, Cache, Mount Logan., 41.713266 -111.717718, 2438m
UT0002786 A. O. Garrett 7840a 1988-07-28
USA, Utah, Uintah, Barker Springs, Vernal-Manila Road, 20 miles north of Vernal., 40.662675 -109.47945, 2469 - 2469m
UT0002785 W. P. Cottam 6005 1935-06-26
USA, Utah, Uintah, First Creek on road to Manila., 40.988014 -109.72265, 1707m
UT0002784 A. O. Garrett 8450 1942-05-30
USA, Utah, Utah, American Fork Canyon., 40.445784 -111.751319, 1615 - 1615m
UT0002783 S. L. Welsh 8851 1969-04-23
USA, Utah, Garfield, West side of Colorado River in side canyon off Cataract Canyon., 37.877488 -110.294027
UT0002446 D. W. Woodruff 1701 1973-05-25
USA, Utah, Sevier, 3.8 mi. S of junction of Moroni Slopes road, 11.5 mi. S of junction of I-70 & U10., 1859 - 1859m
UT0002806 B. Albee 5037 1981-06-01
USA, Utah, Sevier, Ca. 2 miles south of the center of the town of Salina. On the Arabian Shale Hills., 38.9521 -111.8615, 1585 - 1585m
UT0002805 S. Goodrich 21706 1985-07-11
USA, Utah, Uintah, Uinta Mountains, Ice Cave Peak, NWN of Vernal, Ashley National Forest., 40.607454 -109.910429, 3048m
UT0002804 Seville Flowers s.n. 1928-05-04
USA, Utah, Carbon, Dry Hills, Price., 39.59941 -110.810715, 1676 - 1676m
UT0002803 Noel H. Holmgren 8385 1977-06-08
USA, Utah, Grand, La Sal Mountains, La Sal Mountain Loop Road, overlooking Castle Valley, 18.8 km southeast of Utah Highway 128 (Colorado River), 20 km airline distance east of Moab., 38.5869 -109.3332, 1920m
UT0002802 B. Albee 2540 1975-06-18
USA, Utah, Wayne, Ca. 8 miles north of Han's Flat Ranger Station in Canyonlands National Park (by road and trail). Tributary canyon of Spur Canyon containing Cowboy Cave., 38.318 -110.2068, 1707 - 1707m
UT0002801 Noel H. Holmgren 5056 1971-06-06
USA, Utah, Daggett, Utah Highway 44, 4.5 miles south of Manila., 40.9378 -109.6917, 2057 - 2057m
UT0002800 Bet. Mouticello s.n. 1916-06-16
USA, Utah, San Juan, ., 37.626014 -109.804567
UT0002799 s.n. 1995-04-05
USA, Utah, Sanpete, Manti., 39.268295 -111.636863, 1676m
UT0002798 W. P. Cottam 5267 1932-06-30
USA, Utah, Garfield, Mount Ellen, Henry Mountains., 38.109707 -110.813766, 1981 - 1981m
UT0002797 Cameron Wilson s.n. 1966-05-13
USA, Utah, Daggett, Flaming Gorge Dam area on road north of Vernal, to Dutch John. Curtis formation., 40.914685 -109.421579
UT0002796 K. Mutz 81-55 1981-05-14
USA, Utah, San Juan, Brumley Ridge., 38.478597 -109.336782
UT0002795 B. Albee 4224 1978-06-25
USA, Utah, Sevier, Ca. 5 miles south of I-70 at the Price-Emery Interchange on the road to Willow Springs Wash., 38.735623 -111.343648, 2006 - 2006m
UT0002794 S. Flowers 195 1924-06-00
USA, Utah, Cache, Logan., 41.735486 -111.834388, 1433m
UT0002814 S. Welsh 15108 1977-06-22
USA, Utah, Carbon, CC Range Creek, 10 miles SW of Junction of Nine Mile Canyon and Gate Canyon., 39.642945 -110.332748, 2591 - 2591m
UT0002813 Alyce Hreha UB-49 1981-07-01
USA, Utah, Uintah, Uinta Basin. Ute Canyon. Wolf Point Quad., 39.5845 -109.5886, 2073 - 2073m
UT0002812 R. K. Vickery Jr. 220 1953-05-21
USA, Utah, Grand, At Dewey bridge, confluence of the Dolores and Colorado Rivers., 38.81193 -109.302338, 1280 - 1280m
UT0002811 W. P. Cottam 9560 1947-04-19
USA, Utah, Uintah, Vernal., 40.455516 -109.528748, 2914m
UT0002810 W. P. Cottam 14659 1957-06-21
USA, Utah, Garfield, Along road, 2 miles north of Henrieville., 37.589178 -111.982338
UT0002809 Orson Howard s.n. 1895-04-22
USA, Utah, Sanpete, Canyon above Manti Mill., 39.268295 -111.636863
UT0002808 S. F. 687 1927-05-01
USA, Utah, Carbon, Price., 39.59941 -110.810715, 1768 - 1768m
United States, Utah, San Juan
UT0002823 Leila M. Shultz 3269 1979-05-27
USA, Utah, Uintah, Canyon above Willow Creek; about 25 air miles SE of Ouray, 3 miles south Santio Crossing., 39.721921 -109.55779, 1731m
UT0002822 C. Clarke s.n. 1995-05-20
USA, Utah, Emery, On a hilltop, 1.2 km north of Orangeville City Park at 90 degree bend in State Route 29. Private Land. Castle Dale Quad (7 1/2 min.)., 39.236742 -111.052722, 1786m
UT0002821 C. J. Hansen 97-47 1997-05-08
USA, Utah, Wayne, West of Teasdale on road to Bullberry Creek. ca. 2.2 km SE of Black Ridge. BLM Torrey Quad (7.5)., 38.278696 -111.487342, 2280m
UT0002820 R. B. Pack 97-4 1997-05-05
USA, Utah, Grand, SE of Route 313, SW side of road down 7 Mile Canyon. Merrimac Butte Quad (7 1/2 min.)., 38.6585 -109.717, 1393m
UT0002819 M. D. Windham 2302 2001-04-19
USA, Utah, Emery, South of San Rafael River along small tributary of Three Canyon ca. 3.64 km SE of Moonshine Springs., 38.683889 -110.154444, 1391m
UT0002818 M. D. Windham 96-131 1996-05-21
USA, Utah, Rich, NE of Laketown on east side of Bear Lake in South Eden Canyon ca. 3.79 km NNW of Cottonwood Spring., 41.919167 -111.243611, 1908m
UT0002817 R. Spellenberg s.n. 2005-06-11
USA, Utah, Duchesne, Nine Mile Canyon Road between Wellington and Myton at junction with Wrinkle Road, 21 km NE of Carbon County line, ca 64 km NE of Wellington, 48 km SE of Myton., 39.861778 -110.249417, 2060m
United States, Utah, Emery