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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Physaria acutifolia (Physaria didymocarpa var. australis), Physaria acutifolia var. acutifolia, Physaria acutifolia var. purpurea, Physaria acutifolia var. stylosa
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 2018

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Utah, Uintah

Image Associated With the Occurence
Physaria acutifolia subsp. acutifolia
UT0096608Garrett, A. O.   29852004-04-23
United States, Colorado, Delta, WNW of Delta in canyon tributary of the Gunnison River ca. 5.06 km NW of Negro Spring No. 1. T4S, R3E, Sec. 34. Lat: 38°45'46"N Long: °108°14'36"W [WGS84 Datum], 1570m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Physaria acutifolia subsp. acutifolia
UT0096607Winburn, Sharon   27502003-06-03
United States, Colorada, Moffat, WNW of Massadona along U.S. 40 on ridge near Skull Creek ca. 5.94 km E of Blair spring. T3N, R101W, Sec. 1. Lat: 40°15'22"N Long: 108°40'26"W [WGS84 Datum]. Elev. 5675, 1730m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Physaria acutifolia subsp. acutifolia
UT0096606Goodrich, S.   96/1501996-05-22
United States, Wyoming, Sweetwater, Near State Route 373 on rim overlooking Red Creek Basin ca. 3.08 km WSW of Beef Steer Spring. B.L.M. Richards Gap Quad [7 1.2 min.] T13N, R105W, Sec. 14. UTM/ 4552175 m. N by 651000 m. E [Zone 12]. Lat: 41°06'32"N Long: 109°12'06"W

Image Associated With the Occurence
Physaria acutifolia subsp. acutifolia
UT0096605Cottam, Walter P.   96/1831996-06-12
United States, Wyoming, Uinta, N side of the Uinta Mts. on slope above W Fork of Smiths Fork ca. 4.22 km SE of Cold spring. T12N, R116W, Sec 3. Lat: 41°03'03"N Long: 110°29'03"W [WGS84 Datum]., 2583m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0096604Goodrich, S   1901-06-17
United States, Idaho, Caribou, Soda Springs, 1737m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0096603Nelson, D   24671975-06-08
United States, Wyoming, Natrona, Ca. 24 miles SW of Casper on the North Platte River. On Shrader Flats., 1646m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0096602Goodrich, S.   171711982-06-30
United States, Wyoming, Uinta, 5 mi N 25 dg W of Lonetree, E side Hickey Mtn.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0096601Baker, Jason   761926-06-03
United States, Idaho, Caribou, Forest, Caribou, Whiskey Flat / Montpelier Canyon

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0134262Christina Kilbane   452017-03-24
USA, Utah, Grand

UT0136147Sanbonmatsu, Katie   1082018-05-19
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.790004N, -109.176589W +-50 meters, 1425m

UT0135834Huber, A.   55602017-07-13
United States, Utah, Uintah, Dry Fork Canyon, near confluence with Dry Fork drainage 40¬ 37'29.20"" N. 109¬ "47'17.36"" W.", 2405m

UT0137192S. Goodrich   289862016-06-10
United States, Utah, Daggett, Uinta Mtns, Sheep Creek Canyon, 3.7 miles 207 degreesfrom Manila, 1971m

UT0137377Bill Harms   8991980-08-08
United States, Utah, Utah, Emerald Lake to Timp Saddle, above timberline., 3139 - 3475m

UT0136337Sanbonmatsu, Katie   542018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM105 for 11miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.79608N, -109.173237W ±50 meters\n, 1350m

UT0137191S. Goodrich   290262016-06-23
United States, Wyoming, Sweetwater County, 2396m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0137759Harms, Bill   6061980-06-30
United States, Utah, Utah County, Provo, Vivian Park, Provo Canyon, near Provo River., 39.3211 -111.0936

Navajo Nation Herbarium

NAVA00004997S.L. O'Kane, Jr.   
United States, Utah, San Juan, detailed locality information protected

NAVA00003580A. Clifford   
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected

NAVA00004184Daniela Roth   
United States, Utah, San Juan, detailed locality information protected

NAVA00000890B. Hevron   
United States, Utah, San Juan, detailed locality information protected

NAVA00000891A. Clifford   
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
NAVA00012131M.J.Moore   30802015-05-26
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Along unpaved road approx. 2.5 mi N of jct w/ Navajo Rd. 7010., 36.675111 -108.123083, 1692m

New Mexico State University Herbarium

53065R.W. Spellenberg, R. Soreng, and L. Collyer   65291982-06-03
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, btwn Waterflow and La Plata, ca 2 mi beyond the point called "the Narrows" on topo map. SE corner of Ute. Mtn. Indian Reservation

12219C.F. Baker, F.S. Earle, and S.M. Tracy   751898-06-23
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Mancos

41767M.E. Jones   sn1890-05-07
United States, Utah, United States, Echo

43506Ramaly, Robbins   27431907-06-00
United States, Colorado, County unk., Box Elder Creek

46371Weber, WA   33721947-05-22
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Four-Mile Mesa, 4 mi N of Boulder

47204Weber, WA   32701947-04-10
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Four-Mile Mesa

76408R.W. Spellenberg   136312005-06-11
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Nine Mile Canyon Road between Wellington and Myton at junction with Wrinkle Road, 21 km NE of Carbon Co. line, ca 64 km NE of Wellington, 48 km SE of Myton, 39.86178 -110.24942, 2060m

New Mexico State University Range Science

Physaria acutifolia (P. australis sensu Rollins) Rydberg
12372Kelly W. Allred   56111992-05-28
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, La Plata Mine, B-H-P International, pinyon/juniper community, thin rocky soil, with Stipa neomexicana in spots, Utah juniper

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

281164A. H. Holmgren   32381944-05-19
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., North slopes of divide into Monument Valley.

181872S. L. Welsh   233521985-05-06
United States of America, Utah, Sevier Co., Link Canyon, ca 3 mi W of Emery., 2316m

182293L. M. Shultz   19231976-06-09
United States of America, Utah, Grand Co., Seven-Mile Mesa, 14.1 mi. SE of Dewey Bridge., 38.667246 -109.116846, 1762 - 1762m

182272S. L. Welsh   40191965-05-07
United States of America, Utah, Grand Co., Sego, ca 2 mi north of Thompson., 38.995693 -109.7

281165A. H. Holmgren   33331944-06-15
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., 42 miles north of Monticello, 9 miles north of the La Sal Jct., 38.480351 -109.342895

181879E. B. Payson   17011920-06-18
United States of America, Idaho, Bannock Co., Soda Springs, 42.654365 -111.604669, 1737 - 1737m

281341J. S. Shultz   5501979-06-12
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Tavaputs Plateau, upper reaches of Klondike Canyon (between Willow and Sweetwater Creeks).

181873R. C. Rollins   791591979-06-04
United States of America, Utah, Duchesne Co., 4 mi east of Kamas, off Route 150., 40.642982 -111.204341

182027J. W. Grimes   29581986-06-13
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., Roan Bailey Mesa about 15 mi N of Monticello on Hwy 163, west of the highway., 38.088871 -109.342895

182294S. L. Welsh   62631967-06-20
United States of America, Utah, Summit Co., Ca 1 mi west of Upton along Utah Hwy. 133, 40.963557 -111.254658

182264G. A. Mulligan   30921965-07-11
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., 8.5 mi east of Montpelier., 42.322029 -111.131146, 2073 - 2073m

Image Associated With the Occurence
182297S. L. Welsh   69021968-05-01
United States of America, Utah, Grand Co., Vicinity of Sego, Sego Canyon, ca 5 mi north of Thompson.

181851R. C. Rollins   813371981-06-17
United States of America, Utah, Rich Co., 6.2 mi west of Woodruff., 41.521825 -111.282408

182445N. H. Holmgren   17901965-06-03
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., 1 mi west of Rainbow., 39.843856 -109.20427, 1829 - 1829m

182295J. D. Morefield   27461985-06-15
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., Abajo Mountains, 1.95 mi S 8 degrees W of Mt. Linnaeus summit on ridge W of Dry Wash across from cliff dwellings., 2454m

181864G. A. Mulligan   27771963-06-20
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., 23 miles north of Vernal., 40.78885 -109.528748, 2438 - 2438m

181887R. C. Rollins   791441979-06-02
United States of America, Utah, Daggett Co., Ca 1 mi south of Flaming Gorge Dam., 40.900193 -109.421579

182259G. J. Goodman   31011938-07-13
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., 20 miles north of Vernal., 40.745371 -109.528748

181852R. C. Rollins   813441981-06-18
United States of America, Utah, Duchesne Co., 21 mi northwest of Duchesne., 40.378166 -110.684554

181865R. C. Rollins   86781986-06-20
United States of America, Utah, Summit Co., Near Hole-in-the-Rock and entrance to Wasatch National Forest, County Road 295.

182256N. H. Holmgren   144181963-06-12
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., One mi north of Steinaker dam, five miles north of Vernal.

182298N. H. Holmgren   144181963-06-12
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., One mi north of Steinaker dam, five mi north of Vernal.

182004R. C. Rollins   86611986-06-19
United States of America, Utah, Daggett Co., Near State Hwy. 44, 6 mi SW of Manila., 40.927538 -109.720407

181853R. C. Rollins   813421981-06-18
United States of America, Utah, Wasatch Co., 7 mi southeast of Woodland., 40.509568 -111.132669

181889R. C. Rollins   86571986-06-19
United States of America, Utah, Daggett Co., State Hwy. 44, near Dowd Spring, 13 mi N of junction with U.S. Hwy. 191., 40.881459 -109.692686

182268A. Cronquist   111191970-05-22
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., 9 mi south west of Vernal., 40.363221 -109.64996

182300J. D. Brotherson   9921966-05-27
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Split Mountain Gorge Campground, Dinosaur National Monument.

182286S. L. Welsh   89131969-05-08
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., North end of Montezuma Creek, ca 6 mi east of U.S. 47.

282790N. D. Atwood   234831998-05-14
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., Last Chance Canyon ca 15 mi. NE of Big Water., 37.246336 -111.481839

181856R. C. Rollins   831121983-06-23
United States of America, Utah, Duchesne Co., Off U.S. Hwy 40, 1 mi E of Duchesne., 40.15979 -110.383343

181877R. C. Rollins   81491981-05-17
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., 14.8 mi south of Monticello., 37.656794 -109.342895

182283C. P. Smith   23311911-04-24
United States of America, Utah, Cache Co., Logan Canyon., 41.740209 -111.793831

182269C. L. Porter   103781967-06-20
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Hills 5 mi west of Vernal, on US 40., 40.398922 -109.592023, 1737 - 1737m

181881R. C. Rollins   81561981-05-17
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., Near Utah Hwy. 95, 25 mi west of Blanding., 37.623281 -109.935857

181857R. C. Rollins   791201979-05-30
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., 2.4 mi southwest of Vernal, off U.S. Hwy 40., 40.430916 -109.561071

182273S. L. Welsh   69721968-05-02
United States of America, Utah, Grand Co., Bluffs along Colorado River, ca 10 mi south of U.S. Highway 50-6, along Utah Hwy. 128., 38.8456 -109.282055

182032R. C. Rollins   86701986-06-20
United States of America, Wyoming, Uinta Co., Hickey Mountain, one mi N of State Hwy. 414.

182282G. A. Mulligan   27211963-06-10
United States of America, Utah, Carbon Co., Hills adjacent to the northern limits of Price., 39.61538 -110.826464, 1737 - 1737m

281171R. C. Rollins   51221951-06-26
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., About 25 miles east of Vernal, between Vernal and Manila., 40.454539 -109.052579, 2438 - 2438m

181882R. C. Rollins   791401979-06-02
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Off Utah Hwy 44, 18.8 mi north of Vernal., 40.72798 -109.528748

182055R. C. Rollins   791121979-05-30
United States of America, Utah, Duchesne Co., 25.2 mi W of Duchesne, Utah Route 33, Indian Canyon., 39.906014 -110.713128

182007R. C. Rollins   86661986-06-19
United States of America, Wyoming, Uinta Co., County Road 290, 4 mi west of Lonetree., 41.054369 -110.23091

182299J. D. Walker   5051965-04-29
United States of America, Utah, Carbon Co., Ca 2 mi south of Helper, Utah, found along U.S. Highway 50-6., 39.655141 -110.854605

Image Associated With the Occurence
185605A. Eastwood   s.n.1892-06-00
United States of America, Colorado, Grand Junction, 39.06387 -108.550649

280947A. H. Holmgren   109301955-06-11
United States of America, Utah, Grand Co., 10 miles north of Dead Horse Point., 38.629405 -109.740396

182056L. M. Shultz   32221979-05-26
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., 6.6 mi NE on King's Well Road from Seep Ridge Road intersection., 1751m

181870R. C. Rollins   791291979-05-31
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., 18 mi south of Ouray, 39.828244 -109.677361

181883R. C. Rollins   81421981-05-17
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., Near Utah Hwy. 163, 3.7 mi south of Monticello., 37.817736 -109.342895

281343R. C. Barneby   180091985-06-05
United States of America, Utah, San Juan Co., 12 mi. E of La Sal., 38.3147 -109.0272

182008R. C. Rollins   813171981-06-15
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., Near U.S. Hwy 89, 3.8 mi NE of Montpelier.

182034R. C. Rollins   813211981-06-15
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., 5.4 mi north of Geneva., 42.436776 -111.065194

182089L. C. Higgins   13681968-05-27
United States of America, Arizona, Mohave Co., Ca 18 mi west of Fredonia., 36.945095 -112.853197

182009R. C. Rollins   813191981-06-15
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., One mi southwest of Geneva Summit., 8000m

181871R. C. Rollins   791261979-05-31
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., East side of Big Pack Mountain, west of Willow Creek.

182062J. H. Christ   71271937-05-11
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., Between Geneva and Montpelier

182290S. Goodrich   171711982-06-30
United States of America, Wyoming, Uinta Co., 5 mi N 25 dg W of Lonetree, E side of Hickey Mtn., 41.1061 -110.1913, 2377 - 2377m

182087N. Teape   3400
United States of America, Idaho, Soda Springs, 42.659013 -111.586369

181897S. L. Welsh   252801994-05-17
United States of America, Utah, Kane Co., Four Mile Bench, E of Grosvenor Arch., 37.43 -111.8, 536m

182081S. L. Welsh   151081977-06-22
United States of America, Utah, Carbon Co., CC Range Creek, 10 mi SW of Jct. of Nine Mile Canyon and Gate Canyon., 39.68 -110.33, 2591m

280060N. D. Atwood   243391999-05-06
United States of America, Utah, Carbon Co., Desolation Cyn, Green R, at Peters Point., 39.75 -109.98

Image Associated With the Occurence
280061N. D. Atwood   243491999-05-06
United States of America, Utah, Carbon Co., Desolation Cyn, Green R, Jack's Creek., 39.7 -110

181892S. L. Welsh   150821977-06-21
United States of America, Utah, Carbon Co., CC Price River, 12 mi due NE of Wellington., 39.65 -110.57, 2012m

182057A. Hreha   UB151980-06-30
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Uinta Basin. ca 50 mi SE of Quray, Utah near Flat Rock Mesa. Flat Rock Mesa Quad. Flat Rock Spring., 39.6 -109.67, 2195m

280088N. D. Atwood   243981999-05-07
United States of America, Utah, Carbon Co., Desolation Cyn, Green R, Rock Creek., 39.55 -110.03

182292A. Cronquist   114021976-05-20
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Ca 25 km airline north of Bonanza., 40.23 -109.17, 1600m

182261N. H. Holmgren   51661971-06-12
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Hills east of the Green River, along Utah 264, 3 mi southwest of U.S. Hwy. 40, 11 airline mi southeast of Vernal., 40.35 -109.35, 1463m

182276N. H. Holmgren   50561971-06-06
United States of America, Utah, Daggett Co., Utah Hwy 44, 4.5 mi south of Manila., 40.93 -109.7, 2057m

182270E. J. Neese   86251980-05-13
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Stienaker Reservoir Management Area., 40.52 -109.53, 1737m

182028K. H. Thorne   63041988-05-29
United States of America, Utah, Daggett Co., Brown's Park, 2.5 mi S of Green River, mountain foot slopes, below Tolivers Canyon., 40.93783 -109.2328, 2073m

Page 9, records 801-900 of 2018


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