04702 Harmon, W. E., Laura Schlueter 10846 1980-06-24
United States, Colorado, Montrose County, Area along Roubideau Cr., 38.627401 -108.170197
04703 Harmon, W. E., Laura Schlueter 10637 1980-06-19
United States, Colorado, San Miguel County, 37.2327 -108.9087
04704 Harmon, W. E., Laura Schlueter 10663 1980-06-19
United States, Colorado, San Miguel County, Horse range Mesa Quad., 38.0314 -108.8925
04705 Harmon, W. E., Luara Schlueter 10587 1980-06-19
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, Junction of US 160 and McElmo Cr. south of Cortez, Colo., 37.3201 -108.6179
04706 Harmon, W. E., Laura Schlueter 10604 1980-06-18
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, 12.8 mi. W. of Jct. with US 160 on McElmo Creek Rd., 37.3492 -108.8178
04707 Snow, N. 8247 2001-05-18
United States, Colorado, Garfield County, CO Hwy 139, 29.0 road miles N of intersection with US Hwy 6 in Loma., 39.54999924 -108.8000031
22349 Scully, Richard 23 2004-09-26
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, T11N R76W S17. Laramie River Valley, 40.91935 -105.947956
48245 N. H. Russell 10267 1959-07-08
United States, Colorado, Gunnison Co., 2 mi. S of Almont, 8 mi. N of Gunnison, along CO L76., 38.5458 -106.925, 2134m
49155 N. H. Russell 10267 1959-07-08
United States, Colorado, Gunnison Co., 2 mi. S of Almont, 8 mi. N of Gunnison., 38.5458 -106.925, 2896m
293903 Gilbert 8029 1976-05-10
United States, Utah, San Juan Co., San Juan River; Camp 2, mile 17.0.
United States, Colorado, Gunnison
United States, Colorado, Montrose
United States, Utah, Daggett
United States, Utah, Daggett
United States, Colorado, Montezuma
United States, Utah, Daggett
UTEP:Herb:74560 Collector(s): Ronald L. Hartman 11146 1980-05-24
United States, Wyoming, Park County, Bighorn Basin, Burlington Meeteetse Road, 16.5 miles NE (by road) of intersection with Wyoming Highway 120
UTEP:Herb:74562 Collector(s): Burrell Ernie Nelson 9531 1983-06-19
United States, Wyoming, Hot Springs County, Bighorn Basin, on road to Grass Creek, 3 miles N (by air) of Grass Creek, 40 miles NW (by air) of Thermopolis, 1707 - 1707m
UTEP:Herb:74563 Collector(s): Ronald L. Hartman 12821 1981-05-28
United States, Wyoming, Hot Springs County, Bighorn Basin, 10 miles E (by air) of Thermopolis
UTEP:Herb:59551 Collector(s): Robert C. Sivinski 4356 1998-05-12
United States, New Mexico, San Juan County, 2 miles SE of Cedar Hill, 36.926855 -107.870511, 1900 - 1900m
00008731 Paula M. Miller 460 1970-07-23
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Exposed mountain tops above Cumberland Pass., 3962m
UVMVT312121 M.A. Vincent 12258
United States, Utah
v0038237WIS Murray, Shawn SM16-98 1998-05-28
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, 23390 County Road K
USUUB018843 Sandra Robins 17006 2017-03-26
USA, Utah, Uintah, Josie Morris Ranch Road, 6.4 miles NE of Jensen., 40.400246 -109.238073, 1494m
1997-1545/1 S. Kelsch s.n. 1998-01-20
United States of America, Utah, Utah County, South Fork of Provo Canyon, about 1 0.5 miles up., 40.354722 -111.654167
1998-2992/1 R. Van Buren s.n. 1998-09-15
United States of America, Utah, Washington County, Hurricane Cliffs, Black Ridge, E of the Browse Exit of I-15, 37.322778 -113.263889
1973-4789/1 K.T. Harper 78 2016-01-25
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine County, Schell Creek Range, Cave Mountain., 10700m
1994-2046/1 J.G. Harris 2557 2006-07-18
United States of America, Utah, Emery County, San Rafael Swell, Mussentuchit Flats area, foot slopes of Cedar Mountain., 38.605 -111.111389, 6068m
2001-6090/1 Donna M. Barnes 2113 2002-01-30
United States of America, Utah, Garfield County, Highway 12, W of Bryce Canyon, hard to find wash 6.3 miles S of Highway, along dirt road., 37.483336 -112.083336, 6016m
2002-6751/1 Donna M. Barnes 2220 2002-06-17
United States of America, Utah, Uintah County, Book Cliffs-Roan cliffs. road ca 0.5 mi E of Coral., 39.800003 -109.266669, 6170m
2003-8703/1 D.M. Barnes 3288 2013-08-15
United States of America, Utah, Daggett County, Uinta Mountains, Sheep Creek Geologic Loop (FR218), W of Utah Highway 44, 40.938889 -109.754722, 6361m
2003-8881/1 Donna M. Barnes 3497 2003-11-24
United States of America, Utah, Daggett County, southern slope of Windy Ridge, on FR 093, ca. 1 mile NE of the junction with Sheep Creek Geologic Loop (FR218), Uinta Mountains, 40.887222 -109.755278, 8115m
2005-10348/1 D.M. Barnes 4291 2005-09-21
United States of America, Utah, Garfield County, Notom Road, at reference point 20, mounds E of road., 38.009167 -111.067222, 5477m
2006-12098/1 J.G. Harris 4136 2006-12-18
United States of America, Utah, Emery County, San Rafael Swell, Horn Silver Gulch., 39.041111 -110.970833, 5674m
2007-12606/1 Donna M. Barnes 5503 2007-06-21
United States of America, Utah, San Juan County, Valley of the Gods, around halfway around the loop, S of the road, [Valley of the Gods Road, along the West Fork of Lime Creek], 37.296111 -109.8225, 4802m
2007-12651/1 Donna M. Barnes 5548 2007-08-15
United States of America, Utah, Carbon County, US Highway 6/191, W of Sunnyside Junction, dirt road heading SW of the highway, 39.543056 -110.631944, 5749m
2009-15989/1 R.D. Fitts 43 2012-01-12
United States of America, Utah, Uintah County, E rim of Cripple Horse Canyon, 40.002808 -109.056142, 5840m
2009-15998/1 R.D. Fitts 52 2012-01-12
United States of America, Utah, Uintah County, ridge between Cripple Horse Canyon and Weaver Canyon, roadside, 7.4 km W of the Colorado border, 39.966222 -109.059272, 6346m
2009-16004/1 R.D. Fitts 58 2012-01-12
United States of America, Utah, Uintah County, W rim of Cripple Horse Canyon, about 1.14 km W of the Colorado border, 39.970261 -109.063878, 6251m
2009-15973/1 R.D. Fitts 23 2012-01-12
United States of America, Utah, Uintah County, rim of Cripple Horse Canyon, 39.987267 -109.071772, 6380m
2002-8079/1 J.G. Harris 3241 2006-08-15
United States of America, Colorado, Lake County, Mosquito Range, Weston Pass, 39.129444 -106.184722, 12038m
294673 Noel H. Holmgren 5584 1971-07-22
United States, Idaho, Bonneville, Caribou Range, southeastern end of Big Elk Mountain, 9 airline miles south of Palisades Dam., 43.23611 -111.27417
278763 W.S. Bodie 64 1968-06-15
United States, Idaho, Bonneville, 43.41667 -111.50028
Physaria acutifolia subsp. douglasii
64640 H. St. John 9397 1928-05-20
United States, Washington, Douglas, Bridgeport., 48.00833 -119.67
387913 Peter Lesica 3885 1986-06-23
United States, Montana, Carbon, Pryor Mts. Ca. 8 miles southeast of Bridger.
412291 Walter Fertig 18324 1998-07-01
United States, Wyoming, Sweetwater, Green River Basin: ridge on west side of Eighteenmile Canyon, ca 2.5 mi N of Eighteenmile Well and County Road 49; ca 13 mi E of Fontenelle Reservoir., 42.120386 -109.85453, 2006 - 2057m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO004868 Stephen L. Clark 1298 1971-05-24
United States, Utah, Weber, On trail to Ben Lomand, from North Ogden Canyon pass., 1981m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO004869 Stephen L. Clark 1298 1971-05-24
United States, Utah, Weber, On trail to Ben Lomand, from North Ogden Canyon pass., 1981m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO014509 Jay B. Karren 62a 1962-04-21
United States, Utah, Utah, Cedar Fort Rodeo Corrals, W along the stream.
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO014510 T. Dean Phinney 422 76 1926-06-03
United States, Idaho, Caribou, Whiskey Flat - Montpelier Canyon., 1920m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO014208 Jay B. Karren 80 1962-04-30
United States, Utah, Utah, Ca. 1.0 mile N of Dividend on Highway 50, around road cut, just E of Eureka.
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO014209 Stephen L. Clark 6531 2014-06-07
United States, Utah, Rich, Monte Cristo, E slope on road leading to Randolph., 2286m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO014210 J.S. Tuhy 2147 1984-08-29
United States, Utah, Daggett, "Gates of Birch Creek", ca. 8.0 miles WSW of McKinnon, Wyoming. T2N, R17E, Sec. 10, NE1/4., 2835m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO014211 Atwood, N.D. 31366 2006-06-07
United States, Utah, Daggett, Right fork of Indian Canyon. N41424770 E527570., 2251m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO014212 Stephen L. Clark 4368 1979-05-11
United States, Utah, Emery, Right fork of Calf Canyon, San Rafael Swell.
WVW014247 George B. Rossbach 736 1955-08-23
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, E. base of Mt. Miriam, above Chimney Rock, 2896m
13180 C.D. Poynter 2005-10-28
United States, New Mexico, Do¤a Ana, Las Cruces 3855 W Pcacho, Corn Maze
WSC0008115 Bob Jennings 410 1977-06-08
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, C-20 Powderhorn., 38.276939 -107.095884
WSC0004951 Carol M. Simons 278 1969-06-11
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Five miles SW of Dolores, CO, on south-facing slope of canyon., 37.421014 -108.556421, 2111m
WSC0007259 Jessie Miller 151 1973-05-05
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Found 4 miles east and 1 mile south of Delta., 38.726481 -107.994611, 1494m
WSC0006971 Nelson K. Jennett 25 1975-05-24
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Government Springs Road, 8 miles south of Montrose, west of Highway 550., 38.371958 -107.821371
Shelley Silva 333 2012-05-15
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, 3.2 miles north of southern entrance at FR 514., 37.714033 -108.47215, 2355m
Walter Fertig 12639 1992-06-08
USA, Wyoming, Natrona, Southeast Foothills Big Horn Mountains: draw W of E-K Creek and ridge on east side of creek, ca 5.5 air mi NNE of Arminto., 43.257759 -107.225745, 1981m
Walter Fertig 12746 1992-06-22
USA, Wyoming, Natrona, N. Laramie Range: west slope of Muddy Mountain, ca 10.5 air mi S of Casper., 44.0829 -106.8381, 2302 - 2341m
Walter Fertig 12855 1992-07-03
USA, Wyoming, Hot Springs, Southern Bighorn Basin: Sand Draw Ridge; ca 13.5 air mi NNW of Thermopolis., 43.8069 -108.3652, 1451 - 1494m
Walter Fertig 12896 1992-07-06
USA, Wyoming, Hot Springs, Foothills of the Absaroke and Owl Creek Mountains; west end of Padlock rim; ca 3 air mi SE of Hamilton Dome, ca 17 air mi WNW of Thermopolis., 43.67536 -108.9925, 1615 - 1829m
Walter Fertig 12949a 1992-07-09
USA, Wyoming, Hot Springs, East foothills Absaroka Mountains: Mount 7049; ca 1 1/4 air mi NW of summit of Adam Weiss Peak; ca 33.5 air mi NW of Thermopolis., 43.895 -108.7824, 2012 - 2073m
Walter Fertig 12954 1992-07-09
USA, Wyoming, Hot Springs, Southern Bighorn Basin, north slope of ILO Ridge, ca 25 air miles NW of Thermopolis, 43.889759 -108.561169, 1676 - 1756m
Walter Fertig 12980 1992-07-10
USA, Wyoming, Hot Springs, Southern Bighorn Basin, ridge on western rim of Wagonhound Bench, ca 27 air miles NW of Thermopolis., 43.810755 -108.698624, 1750 - 1847m
Walter Fertig 13627 1993-05-27
USA, Wyoming, Sweetwater, Red Creek Basin: Red Creek badlands on north and east slopes of Telephone Canyon, ca 6 air mi N of Colorado/Utah/Wyoming border., 41.090948 -109.071768, 2287m
Walter Fertig 13648 1993-05-27
USA, Wyoming, Sweetwater, Red Creek Basin: adjacent to Richards Gap Road at junction with pipeline road, ca 1/4 mi N of Daniels Creek, ca 2.5 mi N of Utah state line, 41.04248 -109.22526, 2061m
Walter Fertig 13671 1993-05-27
USA, Wyoming, Sweetwater, Red Creek Basin: adjacent to Richards Gap Road at junction with pipeline road, ca 1/4 mi N of Daniels Creek, ca 2.5 mi N of Utah state line, 41.04248 -109.22526, 2061m
Walter Fertig 20997 2004-05-13
USA, Utah, Garfield, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument: Escalante Canyons (Circle Cliffs), knoll ca 0.1 miles W of Wolverine Loop Road, ca 0.25 miles S of Burr Trail Road and ca 0.5 miles W of Capitol Reef National Park. T34S R7E S11 SE4 of SW4, 37.859142 -111.105508, 2051m
Walter Fertig 21055 2004-05-24
USA, Utah, Kane, Grand Staircaase-Escalante National Monument, lower slopes and foothills on E base of Flag Point, ca 1.8 miles N of US Hwy 89 and 14.5 miles E of Kanab. T43S R4W S20 SE4 of NE4 of NW4, 37.062797 -112.259932, 1701m
Walter Fertig 13790 1993-06-05
USA, Wyoming, Natrona, North Platte River Basin: slopes on west side of Platte River, ca 21 air mi SW of Casper., 42.6423 -106.6294, 1646m
Walter Fertig 13791 1993-06-05
USA, Wyoming, Natrona, North Platte River Basin: slopes on north side of the North Platte River, 0.5 mi S of Wyo Hwy 220, ca 1.25 air mi NE of Gray Reef Dam., 42.584 -106.6884, 1677m
Walter Fertig 13849 1993-06-12
USA, Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Basin: slopes on west side of Boysen Reservoir; ca 1/4 mi W of Power House at Boysen Dam. Boysen State Park, 43.418874 -108.184238, 1585m
Walter Fertig 13861 1993-06-13
USA, Wyoming, Natrona, Southeastern Big Horn Mountains: southeast slope of Cedar Ridge, ca 2.5 air mi S of Badwater., 43.278254 -107.417856, 1982 - 2055m
Walter Fertig 13877 1993-06-13
USA, Wyoming, Natrona, SE Bighorn Mountains: N slope of Cedar Ridge; S of Badwater Creek; ca 1.5-2 air mi NW of Badwater., 43.34066 -107.459705, 1890m
Walter Fertig 13926 1993-06-15
USA, Wyoming, Natrona, NW Rattlesnake Hills: slopes adjacent to Poison Spider Road, ca 1 mile SE of junction with Gas Hills Road., 42.872085 -107.404099, 2073 - 2134m
Walter Fertig 14050 1993-07-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Natrona, Northern Laramie Range: south slope of Casper Mountain along ridge adjacent to tributary of Little Red Creek and Casper Mountain Loop Road., 42.7006 -106.3345, 2134 - 2195m
Walter Fertig 14070 1993-07-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Natrona, North Platte River Basin: low ridges ca 4.5 air mi E of Alcova-Seminoe Scenic Highway, ca 1 1/4 air mi N of Carbon County line., 42.444136 -106.645813, 2134m
MSUNH000850 C. Cleveland 0026 2013-03-31
United States, Utah, Washington, UT Route 9 heading west from LaVerkin between LaVerkin and Overlook Rd and a wash that crosses under the road, notice that you are on calico white and red sands, collection site on north side of road 8 m from the roadside., 37.215 -113.24685, 1121m
Walter Fertig 14865 1994-06-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Great Divide Basin: S of Bitter Creek on County Road 19 on east side of Antelope Creek., 41.4051 -108.5136, 2134 - 2195m
Walter Fertig 31278 2016-06-04
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Colorado Plateau/Arizona Strip: Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument, Shivwits Plateau, wash paralleling BLM Road 1002 into upper Pigeon Canyon, 1.5 miles east of confluence with Gardner Canyon. T33N R12W S7 S1/2 NW4 NW4, 36.277361 -113.628222, 1727m
Walter Fertig 28539 2013-06-17
USA, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: Kaiparowits Plateau, upper Window Sash Bench, ca 1 mile E of Pete's Cove and 1.2 miles S of junction of Collett Top and Smoky Mountain roads, ca 25 miles SSE of Escalante., 37.440427 -111.498991, 1920m
Walter Fertig 28249 2013-04-23
USA, Utah, Garfield, Colorado Plateau: Circle Cliffs, Brinkerhoff Flats, ca 0.75 miles west of Brinkerhof Spring and 0.2 miles S of Capitol Reef National Monument boundary, ca 17 air miles NE of Boulder. Grand Staircase-Escalante NM. T32S R7E S34 SW4 NE4 SW4, 37.977581 -111.125296, 1981m
Walter Fertig 28376 2013-05-23
USA, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: drainage bottom on south side of Vermilion Cliffs, SE of Bunting Mesa, ca 1.3 miles W of Kanab Creek, ca 1 mile N of AZ state line; TRS: T44S R6W S6 NW4 of SE4, 37.013211 -112.561097, 1512m
Walter Fertig 16544 1996-06-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Bridger Mountains: east end of Copper Mountain N of Point of Mountain Road, ca 16 air mi N of U.S. Hwy 20-26., 43.3931 -107.7872, 1890 - 2012m
Walter Fertig 16740 1996-07-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Overthrust Belt: Hams Fork Plateau on south side of Robinson Creek Canyon; ca 2.5 air mi W of Kemmerer Reservoir; ca 13 air mi NW of Kemmerer; ca 1 mi N of Hams Fork Road (near emigrant graves)., 41.9417 -110.7227, 2287m
Walter Fertig 17577 1997-06-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Shirley Basin: southeast rim of Bates Hole, ca 3/4 mi N of Wyo Hwy 487; ca 4.5 mi ESE of junction of Wyo Hwys 77 and 487., 42.397599 -106.315563, 2238m
Christina K. Kilbane 45 2017-03-24
USA, Utah, Grand, Rio Mesa Center, at Utah Bottoms, on the East side of the property, near the group camp ground, up the dirt road by the water well.; 38.796319 -109.1790972782, 38.796319 -109.1790972782, 1321m
Walter Fertig 17415 1997-05-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Green River Basin: badlands at base of east slope of southern lobe of Ross Butte, ca 1 mi E of the New Fork River; ca 3.2 mi ENE of confluence of the New Fork and Green rivers., 42.5705 -109.905, 2226m
Walter Fertig 17450 1997-06-05
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Rock Springs Uplift: Point 6465, on slopes on west side of the Green River, ca 0.75 mi S of Cordwood Bottom; ca 2.25 mi ESE of Whalen Butte; ca 3 air mi SE of the city of Green River., 41.46228 -109.40156, 1951m
Walter Fertig 18171 1998-06-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Green River Basin: west end of butte between Middle Firehole and Little Firehole canyons, ca 1/2-3/4 mi E of Flaming Gorge and 5.5 air mi SSE of the city of Green River., 41.4052 -109.3974, 1951 - 2012m
Walter Fertig 18324 1998-07-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Green River Basin: ridge on west side of Eighteenmile Canyon, ca 2.5 mi N of Eighteenmile Well and County Road 49; ca 13 mi E of Fontenelle Reservoir., 42.1112 -109.849, 2006 - 2057m
Walter Fertig 19053 2000-05-21
United States, Utah, San juan, Colorado Plateau: N end of Comb Ridge, ca 10 miles WSW of Blanding and 1.25 miles NE of confluence of Arch Canyon and Comb Wash., 37.560086 -109.654027, 1750m
Dustin Rooks 516
United States, Utah, Kane, Along road to Deer Springs Point, 37.35239 -112.1914
Dustin Rooks 516 0207-05-02
United States, Utah, Kane, Northern end of Deer Springs Point, 37.35283 -112.19247, 2134m