CAN 10059068 Gillett, John M. 16106 1973-07-19
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Rankin Inlet, 62.816667 -92.083333
CAN 10058883 Beschel, Roland E. 10760 1960-07-09
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg I., Thompson Valley, E end of Colour Lake, 79.4 -90.166667, 200m
CAN 10058824 Kingston, G.A. 7 1959-00-00
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Ward Hunt Island, 83.080833 -74.1575
CAN 10058881 Parker, G. 73086A|AH-73-86A 1973-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg I., Mokka Fiord. Axel Heiberg Island, Queen Elizabeth Islands., 79.75 -87
CAN 10058985 Stirling, D.M. 1971-08-14
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks Island, 71.183333 -122.666667
CAN 10058926 MacInnes, K.L. 1971-08-05
Canada, Tuktoyaktuk Area #17., 69.433333 -132.933333
CAN 10059067 Kelsall, John P.; McEwen, E.H. 203 1950-08-05
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), West side of Bathurst Inlet., 66.833333 -108.016667
CAN 10059085 Edlund, Sylvia A. 94 1986-07-15
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Hadley Bay, S [of]; Site 18 (Base Camp). Two flights of raised river terraces on the W side of Nanook River, 5 km from mouth of river., 71.566667 -107.75
CAN 10058892 Kuc, Marian M. 162 1967-08-03
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg I., Vicinity of Upper House [McGill Arctic Research Station]., 79.433 -90.766
CAN 10059078 Malte, M.O. s.n. 1928-08-04
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Dorset I.Baffin I., Cape Dorset., 64.233333 -76.541667
CAN 10058851 MacDonald, Stewart D. 237 1954-08-18
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellef Ringnes I., Isachsen., 78.783333 -103.5
CAN 10059037 Boom, J. 1974-08-00
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Bellot Strait on the Boothia Peninsula. Ca. 200 miles north of Shepherd Bay (Cam 3)., 72 -94.8, 61m
CAN 10059073 Low, Albert P. 1898-08-03
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Opposite Diggs Island Hudson Strait, Ungava [Digges Island], 62.583333 -77.833333
CAN 10058957 Edlund, Sylvia A. 504 1982-07-23
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Victoria I. (NT), Holman. 1 km NW of airport. Sandy and limestone cobble beaches at coast, 70.762778 -117.825556
CAN 412046 Gillett, John M.; Boudreau, Mireille J. 17682 1977-08-01
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cassiar Land Distr., North of Spiked Peak; along upper Peak Lake, 57.666667 -126.75, 1250m
CAN 10058846 Heywood, W.W. 14 1952-07-27
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellef Ringnes I., Isachsen Island, near Weather Station, 78.783333 -103.833333
CAN 410682 Argus, George W.; Haber, Erich 9947 1977-07-25
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., Upper alpine lake west of camp. At western tip., 57.333333 -123.933333, 1620m
CAN 10058764 Jacobs, J.D.; Maus, L. 1986-07-30
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Burwash Bay. West side (Thule Site) Nettilling Lake., 65.983333 -71.3
CAN 10085559 Tyrrell, J.W. 23169 1900-07-05
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), On the West branch of the Thelon River; Barren Grounds, 63.45 -104.616667
CAN 10058912 Harington, C.R. 297 1961-08-03
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Otto Fjord, 80.983333 -89
CAN 10058853 Malte, M.O. 1927-07-31
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Bache Peninsula., 79.066667 -76.3
CAN 10059076 Edlund, Sylvia A.; Roncato-Spencer, C. 126 1988-07-09
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Sawtooth Range Site 201. Sandstone cobbles and sand of a steep fluvial outwash terrace from the northernmost ice field ice field on Fosheim Peninsula, 79.9 -82.716667
CAN 410525 Argus, George W.; Haber, Erich 10926 1977-07-22
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., Stream valley leading to the northwestern end of lake, 58.45 -124.883333
CAN 10058833 Freuchen, P. 899 1924-07-23
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Eclipse Sound. Qilelukan., 72.633333 -79
CAN 10059244 Elven, Reidar RE 2262/99 1999-08-03
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Buckland Hills, NW part., 69.416667 -139.633333
CAN 10058806 Manning, E.W. 235 1938-08-03
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., W. coast Foxe Pen, near Bird Islands [Wildbird Islands]., 65.011667 -78.025833
CAN 10058947 Aiken, Susan; Edlund, Sylvia A. 3792 1985-07-27
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Melville I. (NT), Ibbett Bay Base Camp Stoney silt diamicton- colluvial fluvial deposits. 2 km wide valley, 75.9 -114.5
CAN 10059066 Brunton, Daniel F.; McIntosh, Karen L. 10548 1991-07-26
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), East shore Meliadine River, 7.5 km NW of Rankin Inlet at Ijiralik Thule site in Meliadine River Park study area, Hudson Bay, 62.875 -92.141667
CAN 10059040 Berry, A.M. 9 1931-00-00
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Nunavut. Kitikmeot Region: Midpoint between Kugluktuk [former site of Fort Hearne] and Bloody Falls, along Coppermine River. [Georeference Note: The Hudson's Bay Co. had a post at the mouth of the Coppermine River from 1928-1935, also known as Fort Hearne. Source:, accessed 4 June 2015, georeferenced by J.M. Saarela (4 June 2015)], 67.743889 -115.366667
CAN 10058906 Powell, John M. 188 1958-07-12
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Vicinity of Lake Hazen; Nunatak on east side of Gilman Glacier., 80.096667 -70.615, 1097m
CAN 10059005 Lambert, J.D.H. 1971-07-22
Canada, Egg River Banks Island., 72.45 -124.6
CAN 10058939 Harris, James G.; Taylor, D.L. 3651 2004-07-24
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Cape Bathurst Peninsula, ca 9 km SSW of Cape Bathurst along shores of the Arctic Ocean., 70.496667 -128.148889
CAN 10058902 Gillespie, Lynn; Vogel, C. 6244 1996-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Cornwallis I., Coastal terrace 2-3 km W of village, in vicinity of Thule site., 74.683333 -94.833333, 5m
CAN 10059034 Macpherson, Andrew H. 109 1956-09-02
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Pelly Bay, 68.616667 -89.916667
CAN 10059247 Cooper, P.F 1119 1979-07-15
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Near Ivvavik National Park. Herschel Island Sandspit Pauline Cove. UTM 7719000N 581300E, 69.568333 -138.911667
CAN 10058932 Tener, John S. 221 1952-07-09
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Thelon River, Grassy Island., 63.766667 -104.366667
CAN 10058916 Soper, J. Dewey 111560 1923-08-06
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Craig Harbor, Ellesmere Land [Craig Harbour], 76.206944 -81
CAN 10059108 O'Bryan, Deric 1951-08-05
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Mill Island: Hudson Strait., 63.975 -77.783333
CAN 10058830 Johnson, J.P. 1950-08-02
Canada, Cape Belknap
CAN 65770 Raup, Hugh M.; Abbe, Ernst C. 4183 1932-07-26
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Alt. 4000 ft. West and northwest slopes of Mt. Selwyn., 56.016667 -123.65
CAN 10058973 Kuc, Marian M. 1968-07-10
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Queen Elizabeth Is. (NT), Queen Elizabeth Islands: Fitzwilliam Owen Island., 77.116667 -113.783333
CAN 10058800 Soper, J. Dewey 1925-07-20
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Nettilling Lake about 66º40' N, 70ºW., 66.666667 -70
CAN 10058989 Hills, Len V. 22 1968-07-28
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), Northern part of Banks Island, east side of Ballast Brook, 7 miles south of its mouth.
CAN 411136 Argus, George W.; Haber, Erich 10399 1977-08-01
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., 4000-4500 ft. Alpine ridge and valley west of lake, 56.9 -123.8
CAN 10058948 Edlund, Sylvia A. 296 1984-07-17
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Melville I. (NT), Marie Bay N side. Site 26. Slopes of weakly calcareous colluvial sand and silt Loc. # 26, 76.2 -114.916667
CAN 10000006 Saarela, Jeffery M.; Gillespie, Lynn J.; Sokoloff, Paul C.; Bull, Roger D. 2100 2012-07-04
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Katannilik Territorial Park Reserve, Soper River, east bank, ca. 1 km south of Mount Joy., 63.240556 -69.614444, 108m
CAN 10058992 Manning, Thomas H.; Macpherson, Andrew H. 129 1952-08-05
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), West coast of Banks Island: south side of Storkerson Bay., 72.933333 -124.833333
CAN 10059070 Rossbach, George B. 6982 1965-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), W. end of Baker Lake village., 64.316667 -96.05
CAN 10059090 Gillespie, Lynn J.; Saarela, Jeffery M.; Consaul, Laurie L.; Bull, Roger D. 8032 2008-07-16
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Ridge S of large unamed lake, 3 km SE of Nakoyoktok R at lake outlflow., 68.637222 -110.667778, 100m
CAN 10058801 Manning, E.W. 38 1939-07-13
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Taverner Bay., 67.2 -72.416667
CAN 10058894 Brassard, Guy R. 1930 1964-08-16
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Head of Tanquary Fiord; 2 km SSE of base camp., 81.5 -77.5, 80m
CAN 10059018 Macpherson, Elizabeth 140 1957-08-08
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Adelaide Peninsula, near E side of Sherman Basin., 67.733333 -97.366667
CAN 10058933 Clarke, Charles H.D. 1937-07-23
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), 25 mi. below Grassy Island., 64.166667 -104.083333
CAN 10058755 Aiken, Susan; Campbell, Carol A.; Robinson, Elizabeth 86-164 1986-08-09
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Nettilling Lake. On west central side of Burwash Bay., 66.033333 -71.283333
CAN 10058775 Aimé, H.H. 2 1947-08-21
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Cornwallis I., Resolute Bay., 74.683333 -94.9
CAN 10058772 MacDonald, Stewart D. 1977-07-21
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Middle Cheyne Island. (N.E. coast of Bathurst Island in Penny Strait)., 76.3 -97.583333
CAN 10059069 Rossbach, George B. 6881 1965-07-27
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), On s. shore of Thelon River at rapids 9 mi. se. of outlet of Schultz Lake., 64.766667 -96.85
CAN 10058970 Tener, John S.; Harington, C.R. 238 1961-07-17
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Melville I. (NT), Ibbett Bay., 75.883333 -115.733333, 91m
CAN 10058855 Hedderson, T.A. 6294 1988-07-20
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Northern Ellesmere. Borup Fiord. Head of Esayoo Bay near outflow of river., 80.8 -81.933333, 8m
CAN 10059096 Edlund, Sylvia A.; Nixon, M. 2005 1979-07-15
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Lougheed I., Lougheed Island, 77.45 -105
CAN 10058788 Soper, J. Dewey 1927-07-27
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Devon I., North Devon Island: Dundas Harbour., 74.55 -82.2
CAN 10058746 Cooper, Mrs. P.F. 25 1955-08-06
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), King William I., Gjoa Haven, Petersen Bay, King William Island, 68.625 -95.877778
CAN 10058756 Soper, J. Dewey s.n. 1926-07-20
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Aitken Lake near Cape Dorset., 64.276111 -76.778889
CAN 10059091 Gillespie, Lynn J.; Saarela, Jeffery M.; Consaul, Laurie L.; Bull, Roger D. 8284 2008-07-22
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), South of Sinclair Creek North Warning System site (abandoned DEW-line site), approximately 1 km N of coast., 68.726111 -109.104167, 10m
CAN 10059084 Edlund, Sylvia A.; Argus, George W. 12646 1987-08-13
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Cambridge Bay, E of DEW Line Station along road to village., 69.110556 -105.0925, 15m
CAN 10058752 Stebelsky, Ihor 2 1961-08-04
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Meighen Island. (S. side of ice-cap.), 80 -99.833333
CAN 10058941 Gillespie, Lynn J.; Saarela, Jeffery M.; Consaul, Laurie L.; Bull, Roger D.; Boxwell, Janet; Hunter, Chris 9058 2009-07-17
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), upper slope of Lookout Hill., 68.683889 -122.208333, 500m
CAN 10000007 Saarela, Jeffery M.; Gillespie, Lynn J.; Sokoloff, Paul C.; Bull, Roger D. 2660 2012-07-20
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Kimmirut, south end of town rocky slope immediately opposite the entrance to the Kamik Co-op store., 62.845278 -69.868056, 20m
CAN 10058969 Tener, John S.; Harington, C.R. 269 1961-07-18
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Melville I. (NT), Ibbett Bay, at head of bay., 76.9 -114.666667, 46m
CAN 10058760 Wynne-Edwards, V.C. 8877 1950-07-02
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Head of Clyde Inlet: Falcon River outwash., 69.833333 -70.666667
CAN 10058848 Taylor, Innis 1948-07-16
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellef Ringnes I., Isachsen Land [nr Isachsen sta.], 78.783333 -103.833333
CAN 10058949 Edlund, Sylvia A. 271 1985-07-24
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Melville I. (NT), Nisbet Point Site 198, raised gravelly river terrace emptying into ocean at Point., 75.9 -116.666667
CAN 10058880 Kuc, Marian M. 315 1967-07-12
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg I., Vicinity of Upper House, Flag Hill [McGill Arctic Research Station]., 79.433 -90.766
CAN 10058904 Tener, John S. 88 1951-07-05
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Slidre Fj., 79.9575 -85.789167
CAN 10058814 Gillespie, Lynn; Consaul, Laurie L.; Soreng, R.J. 6603 1999-08-04
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg I., High altitude meadow above Bukken River headwaters., 80.519722 -92.065278, 850m
CAN 10058785 Schulten, R. 16 1972-08-16
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Devon Island., 75.683333 -84.55
CAN 10058983 Gillett, John M. 18804 1981-07-24
Canada, Sachs Harbour, 72 -125
CAN 10059083 Edlund, Sylvia A. 197 1986-07-24
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Storkerson Peninsula, North-Central; Site 54. Silty ridge on crest of drumlin, with large carbonate boulder erratics (72 m x 1 m)., 72.816667 -106.183333
CAN 10059087 Edlund, Sylvia A. 263 1986-07-30
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Stefansson I., Stefansson Island Site 71. N-S trending drumlin ridges & glaciolacustrine deposits & ponds in the swales. Highly alkaline silty & gravelly till., 73.4 -104.866667
CAN 10058874 Aiken, Susan 98-070 1998-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Nikko Island in the Koukdjuak River., 66.592333 -71.515333
CAN 10058765 Jacobs, J.D.; Maus, L. 1986-07-26
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Burwash Bay. West side; Nettilling Lake., 65.983333 -71.3
CAN 10059028 Malte, M.O. 1928-08-08
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Chesterfield Inlet, Hudson Bay, 63.75 -92.166667
CAN 10058773 Gillett, John M.; Shchepanek, Michael J. 18433 1979-07-26
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Cornwallis I., Cornwallis Island Resolute Bay, 74.683333 -94.9
CAN 10059111 Manning, Thomas H. 42 1938-07-21
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Salisbury Island., 63.5 -77
CAN 10059123 Barry, Thomas W. 61 1957-07-24
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Southampton I. (NU), East Bay, vicinity of southwest corner. 1 to 1 1/2 miles from shore, 64.066667 -81.666667
CAN 10058871 MacDonald, Stewart D. 238 1954-07-28
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellef Ringnes I., Ellef Ringnes Island, Isachsen., 78.783333 -103.5
CAN 10058999 Kuc, Marian M. 1971-07-05
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Melville I. (NU), Sherard Bay area, 76.08 -108.07
CAN 10059223 Sloan, Heather Cray 171 2011-07-15
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Herschel Island, 69.567 -138.95
CAN 10058944 Edlund, Sylvia A. 421
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Victoria I. (NT), Prince Albert Peninsula. Stoney calcareous till E. of Richard Collinson Inlet.
CAN 10058897 Brassard, Guy R. 1738 1964-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Head of Tanquary Fiord; 10 km N of base camp., 81.083333 -79.75, 60m
CAN 10058898 Haight, J.S.J. 24 1963-00-00
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Vicinity of field station at the head of Tanquary Fiord., 81.417778 -76.893056
CAN 10059092 Gillespie, Lynn J.; Saarela, Jeffery M.; Consaul, Laurie L.; Bull, Roger D. 8177 2008-07-21
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Murray Point, W side of Wilbank Bay., 68.592778 -110.306667, 20m
CAN 482711 Hettinger, L.R. 285 1972-08-06
United States, Alaska (State), Canning River Site 10, ca 125 mi. N. Arctic Village 7 mi. W. Canning River on coastal plain. R. 22E. T. 7N, 69.933333 -146.666667, 90m
CAN 10059098 Edlund, Sylvia A. 2090 1979-07-28
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Lougheed I., Lougheed Island, 77.5 -105.633333
CAN 10058811 Hainault, Robert 3873 1965-07-30
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., South side of Inugsuin Fiord, at Lat. 70º., 70 -68.583333
CAN 10058862 Gill, David A. 1973-08-02
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Bathurst I., Goodsir Inlet, 10 miles west, 75.733333 -98.533333
CAN 10000008 Saarela, Jeffery M.; Gillespie, Lynn J.; Sokoloff, Paul C.; Bull, Roger D. 2077 2012-07-04
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Katannilik Territorial Park Reserve, Soper River, east bank, ca. 1 km south of Mount Joy., 63.238611 -69.615833, 125m
CAN 10058875 Murray, David F.; Yurtsev, B.A. 10106 1990-07-19
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Head of Tanquary Fiord Quad, Kettle Lake, 81.416667 -76.916667, 92m
CAN 10058914 Kelsall, John P. 53 1948-08-06
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Cape Sheridan., 82.466667 -61.5
CAN 10058766 Gillett, John M. 18976 1982-07-21
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Frobisher Baffin Island, 63.75 -68.516667