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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Salix petrophila (Salix caespitosa, Salix petrophila var. caespitosa, Salix arctica subsp. petraea, Salix arctica var. caespitosa, Salix arctica var. graminifolia, Salix arctica var. petraea, Salix arctica var. petrophila, Salix brownei var. petraea)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1369

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

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ASU0129958A. Cronquist   80521955-08-03
USA, Montana, Carbon, Atop the Beartooth Mts. overlooking Wyoming Creek. 24 miles southwest of Red Lodge,; 45.0272222 -109.41, 45.0272222 -109.41, 3048m

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Salix petrophila var. caespitosa (P.B.Kenn.) C.K.Schneid.
ASU0130647C.R. Ball   5311931-08-05
USA, California, Mono, Yosemite National Park., 3150 - 3300m

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Salix petrophila var. caespitosa (P.B.Kenn.) C.K.Schneid.
ASU0130648E.B. Copeland   1931-08-16
USA, California, Shasta, Mount Lassen, Shasta County., 2370m

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Salix petrophila var. caespitosa (P.B.Kenn.) C.K.Schneid.
ASU0130649C.R. Ball   5271931-08-05
USA, California, Mono, Yosemite National Park., 3150 - 3300m

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

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BRYV0185877Michael K. Kirkpatrick   41082010-08-07
U.S.A., Colorado, Summit, Tenmile Range: Arapaho National Forest: Miners Creek Trail along the eastern slope of the Tenmile Range, ca 3-4 air mi S of Frisco., 39.5118 -106.1111, 3456 - 3703m

Butler University, Friesner Herbarium

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BUT0006745C. F. Cox   4061929-07-25
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, 3597m

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BUT0006744C. F. Cox   441928-07-10
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, James Peak

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BUT0006743Fred G. Meyer; Marion Ownbey   23091940-07-28
United States, Washington, Okanogan, At the head of the Middle Fork of the Pasayten River, n. of Harts Pass, Cascade Mts.

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BUT0006742Henrietta L. Zobel   1939-07-08
United States, Colorado, Arapahoe, Summit of Arapaho Peak

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BUT0006748H. L. Zobel   1934-07-08
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Summit, Mt. Evans

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

F. W. Peirson   129521940-08-04
United States, California, Inyo, Rock Creek Lake Basin., 37.408978 -118.741698, 3262m

Doris Bowers   4121965-08-01
United States, California, Mono, Emerald Lake, 37.582288 -118.987712, 3201m

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RSA0143723Jim M. André   325162009-08-04
United States, California, Inyo, USFSEastern Sierra Nevada: south fork of Big Pine Canyon , outwash basin just below Norman Clyde Glacier, SE of Elinore Lake, approx. 1 mi. west of Brainard Lake.; Split Mountain 7.5', 37.08955 -118.4755667, 3288m

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RSA0505171J. William Thompson   135721936-07-28
United States, Idaho, Blaine, Alpine slopes at base of Devil's bedstead, sawtooth range., 2438m

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RSA0498100Martin Purdy   3602020-07-26
United States, California, Inyo, Alpine meadow/marsh above and south of Green Lake., 37.1654 -118.5327, 3424m

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RSA0498102Martin Purdy   2222020-07-11
United States, California, Inyo, Southeast shore of Green Lake. West of Coyote Ridge and the Hunchback., 37.16809 -118.53004, 3371m

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RSA0498101Martin Purdy   10522021-07-04
United States, California, Inyo, Upper Baker Creek watershed. Unnamed lake adjacent Green Lake Trail., 37.15598 -118.50305, 3370m

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RSA0498103Martin Purdy   2232020-07-11
United States, California, Inyo, Southeast shore of Green Lake. West of Coyote Ridge and the Hunchback., 37.16809 -118.53004, 3371m

California Polytechnic State University, Robert F. Hoover Herbarium

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OBI134165Jay N. Holiday, Jr.   1960-07-14
United States, California, Inyo, Blue Heaven Lake, 3505m

Jordan Collins   9202022-07-14
United States, California, Alpine, NW face of Round Top Mountain, about 1206 air feet SW of Winnemucca Lake., 38.66749 -120.00112, 2862m

Canadian Museum of Nature

CAN 349667Calder, James A. ; Parmelee, John A. ; Taylor, R.L.   196971956-08-02
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Quiniscoe Lake, Ashnola Range, 49.0667 -120.2, 2118m

CAN 471209Fairbarns, M.   s.n.1982-07-09
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Kootenay Land Distr., Crest of Mitchell Range, between Pitts Ck. and Cross River., 50.7167 -115.833, 2250m

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

CM290479Siplivinsky, V.   22161981-08-28
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest, South Fork of Mineral Creek, trail to Ice Lake Basin, 3836m

CM332603Bonde, E.K.   LTER-1541983-07-29
United States, Colorado, Boulder, 6.4 km SSW of Ward, Roosevelt National Forest, Niwot Ridge in vicinity of T-Van, 3420m

CM338637Cusick, W.C.   23601899-08-01
United States, Oregon, Wallowa Mountains

CM428622Hall, H.M.   6851900-07-00
United States, California, Mt. Goddard, Sierra Nevada Mountains, 37.103271 -118.719553, 3383m

CM428623Goodding, L.N.   19131903-08-14
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Ethel Peak

CM428624Patterson, H.N.   1361885-00-00
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, Grays Peak & vicinity, headwaters of Clear Creek, 39.695842 -105.724733, 4267m

CM428625Parry, C.C.   s.n.
United States, Colorado, Rocky Mountains

CM428626Henry, L.K.   s.n.1967-08-11
United States, Montana, Flathead-Glacier, Glacier National Park, along trail from Logan Pass to Hidden Lake

CM428627Henry, L.K.   s.n.1967-08-09
United States, Montana, Flathead-Glacier, Glacier National Park, Logan Pass, 2032m

CM428628Graham, E.H.   101281935-08-21
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Uinta Basin, head of W fork of Whiterocks River, 3658m

CM428630Payson, E.B.   22901920-08-13
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Jacksons Hole, Tetons, 2896m

CM428631Payson, E.B.   21271920-07-25
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Teton Pass mountains E of Victor, Idaho, 2896m

Charles Maurer Herbarium at Colorado State University

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149244collectors: R Anderson 33   1971-07-11
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, .25 mi up valley W from Long Lake, 40.07 -105.58, 3992m

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149253collectors: E Smith 2173   1948-08-08
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Mount Audobon, 40.11 -105.62, 3350m

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149236collectors: R Gierisch 1967B   1957-08-26
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Roosevelt National Forest, 1 mi NE of Rollins Pass, 39.93 -105.68, 3505m

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149235collectors: R Gierisch 2796   1964-07-02
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek County, Near Loveland Pass, 39.67 -105.86, 3657m

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149242collectors: P Douglas 2033   1988-07-07
United States, Colorado, Conejos County, Green Lake, 37.18 -106.59, 3600m

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149257collectors: H Harrington 1731   1945-08-02
United States, Colorado, Archuleta County, S side of Summit Peak W of Platoro, 37.34 -106.7, 3810m

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149243collectors: B Neely 4739   1978-08-19
United States, Colorado, Costilla County, Head of Duling Creek, ca 1 mi N of Lost Lake, Culebra Range, 37.17 -105.16

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149245collectors: M Shubert 24-65   1954-07-24
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Byers Peak, 8-10 mi S of Fraser, 39.86 -105.94, 3369m

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149248collectors: J & M Douglass 60-225   1960-07-21
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Shoulder of Gravel Mountain, 9.5 mi W of Grand Lake, 40.26 -105.99, 3474m

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149255collectors: D Wilken 14093   1984-07-06
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, W side of unnamed peak, .5 mi W of Mount Bellview above Scholfield Pass, 39.02 -107.04, 3535m

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149241collectors: K Matthews 1844   1986-07-00
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, elk Mountain, S of Taylor Pass, 38.98 -106.78, 3850m

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149239collectors: E Hartman 5026 M Rottman 1297   1982-08-04
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale County, American Basin, ca 24 mi SW of Lake City, 37.9 -107.51, 3688m

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149256collectors: B Neely 3113   1985-07-06
United States, Colorado, Lake County, .7 mi S of Mosquito Pass, 39.26 -106.19, 3840m

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149258collectors: Christ & Ward   1936-06-28
United States, Colorado, Lake County, Independence Pass, 39.1 -106.56

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149264collectors: J Christ 846   1935-07-05
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Iceberg Lake, 40.42 -105.75

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149271collectors: E Smith   1938-07-14
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Iceberg Lake Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.42 -105.75, 3657m

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149272collectors: E Smith   1942-08-08
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road Rocky Mountain National Park towards Poudre Lake, 40.43 -105.77, 3566m

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149268collectors: E Smith   1934-07-00
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.43 -105.76

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149265collectors: E Smith   1935-09-00
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.43 -105.76

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149262collectors: E Smith 2022   1947-09-07
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.43 -105.76, 3413m

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149269collectors: E Smith   1932-07-00
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.43 -105.76, 3505m

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149267collectors: E Smith 1596   1942-07-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.43 -105.76, 3505m

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149266collectors: E Smith 1247   1939-07-03
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.43 -105.76, 3505m

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149263collectors: E Smith 2020   1947-10-16
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.43 -105.76, 3596m

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149261collectors: E Smith 2235   1949-08-06
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park towards Poudre Lake, 40.43 -105.77, 3566m

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149260collectors: E Smith   1942-08-08
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park towards Poudre Lake, 40.43 -105.77, 3566m

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149270collectors: E Smith   1934-07-00
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park, towards Poudre Lake facing Specimen Mountain, 40.43 -105.77, 3505m

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102513collectors: S O'Kane 2594 & J Anderson   1986-08-07
United States, Colorado, Park County, SE of Mosquito PAss, 39.28 -106.19, 4011m

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149247collectors: R Gierisch 2081   1959-07-13
United States, Colorado, Pitkin County, Independence Pass, 39.1 -106.56, 3688m

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149259collectors: B Willard 7748   1963-07-24
United States, Colorado, Pitkin County, W side of Taylor Peak White River National Forest, 38.99 -106.78, 3352m

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149246collectors: H Sheperd S410   1971-08-21
United States, Colorado, Saguache County, Base of Antero Peak in Trickle Mountain meadow, 38.27 -106.16, 3657m

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149238collectors: E Hartman 4881 M Rottman 1152   1982-07-18
United States, Colorado, San Juan County, Burns Basin, ca 12 mi NE of Silverton, 37.88 -107.52, 3900m

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149234collectors: G Loughridge 311   1934-07-09
United States, Colorado, San Juan County, Hortesen Basin San Juan Forest, 37.77 -107.82, 3657m

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149240collectors: Christ   1936-07-15
United States, Colorado, Summit County, Loveland Pass

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149237collectors: R Nelson 6377   1951-08-01
United States, Colorado, Summit County, Loveland Pass near lake, 3596m

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149249collectors: Ken Heil   91431995-07-26
United States, Colorado, San Juan County, San Juan National Forest. Stony Pars Summit between Creede and Silverton., 37.79 -107.54, 3837m

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149251collectors: C Holmes   12571996-07-07
United States, Colorado, San Juan County, Limestone outcrop ca. 3mi N. of El Dorado Lake., 37.74 -107.55, 3886m

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149252collectors: Jennifer Owens Colby Ackerfield & Dave Taylor   4221999-07-17
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek County, Road to the top of Argentine Pass, FR 248 south of Georgetown., 39.62 -105.78, 3886m

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149250collectors: Ken Heil   123361998-07-26
United States, Colorado, Conejos County, San Juan National Forest: Just W of the Continental Divide along trail to Crater Lake, 37.38 -106.68, 3682m

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150071collectors: Jennifer Ackerfield   23922004-07-16
United States, Colorado, Jackson County, On steep rocky ridge south of Lake Agnes., 40.47 -105.9, 3481m

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189053collectors: Jennifer Ackerfield   15-82015-07-16
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Top of Cottonwood Pass west of Buena Vista., 38.82 -106.41, 3700m

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189561collectors: Jennifer Ackerfield   15-1192015-08-09
United States, Colorado, Park County, Mount Sherman west of Fairplay. Near an old mine along the trail to Mt. Sherman., 39.21 -106.17, 3923m

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189665collectors: J.H. Cowan   17381895-02-08
United States, Colorado, Park County, Mountain NE of Boreas Pass

Salix arctica subsp. petraea (Anderss.) A.Love.D.Love & Kapoor
201268D.L. Denham   1967-08-05
USA, Colorado, Clear Creek, Tundra near summit lake, N slope of Mt. Evans, 3911m

Chicago Botanic Garden

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15114J. A. Jump   s.n.1941-07-16
United States, Colorado, Gunnison

Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

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ASC00075084G. Rink   21842003-06-29
United States, Colorado, Mineral, San Juan National Forest, Summit area of Palomino Mountain, 37.55759 -107.04563, 3689m

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ASC00075067G. Rink   21622003-06-28
United States, Colorado, Mineral, San Juan National Forest, Piedra Pass lakes and meadows, west side of the Continental Divide., 37.57002 -106.99917, 3475m

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ASC00086914G. Goodwin   15632007-07-30
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Cinnamon Pass 8 mi. N. of Silverton, 37.937283 -107.5476, 3720m

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ASC00107682G. Kluwin   6222014-08-07
United States, Utah, Beaver, Tushar Mountains in Fishlake National Forest, Delano Peak, 38.368 -112.38084, 3531m

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ASC00107753M. Licher   40372013-07-26
United States, Colorado, San Miguel, Waterfall Canyon, south of Ophir Town, basin above upper waterfall., 37.823056 -107.8235, 3597m

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ASC00078957Les Lundquist   L1082003-07-17
United States, Colorado, Conejos, San Juan National Forest. South San Juan Wilderness Area. Northeast of Fets Plateau., 37.214513 -106.615656, 3597m

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ASC00065837Tim Hogan   32431997-08-01
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan Range, Weminuche Wilderness, West Needle Mts.; vicinity of Crater Lake. NNE facing meadow S of Crater Lake., 37.6703983 -107.715987, 3658m

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ASC00049391J. Rominger   24581981-07-19
United States, Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Pass, along Hwy 212, 44.93749 -109.51969, 2926m

Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

H.C. Fritts   s.n.1956-00-00
USA, Wyoming, Carbon, Medicine Bow Peak, 41.48821 -106.280555

A.E. Thompson   8431939-08-13
USA, California, Mono, Saddlebag Lake Valley, 152m

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EIU014396Fritts, H. C.   31956-07-00
USA, Alpine Tundra. Medicine Bow Peak.

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EIU014397Thompson, Albert Ervin   843
USA, California, Mono, Saddlebag Lake Valley. Mono Co. California. El. about 11,500 ft., 3505m

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EIU078845Jones, George Neville   398151964-08-23
USA, Wyoming, Park, Alpine tundra, Beartooth Pass, alt. ca. 11,000 ft, Shoshone National Forest, Park Co, Wyoming, 3353m

Field Museum of Natural History

J. Macoun   
Canada, Alberta, detailed locality information protected

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C. R. Ball & et al.   5391931-08-06
U.S.A., California, Tuolumne, Yosemite National Park, Upper Gaylor Lake, 37.922548 -119.267428, 3150m

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C. R. Ball & et al.   5271931-08-05
U.S.A., California, Mono, Yosemite National Park, Glacier Canyon, N side of Mt. Dana, 37.920204 -119.252652, 3150 - 3300m

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C. R. Ball & et al.   5311931-08-05
U.S.A., California, Mono, Yosemite National Park, Glacier Canyon, N side of Mt. Dana, 37.920204 -119.252652, 3150 - 3300m

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E. B. Copeland   s.n.1931-08-16
U.S.A., California, Shasta, Mt. Lassen, S shore of Emerald Lake, 40.46701 -121.519061, 2370m

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J. G. Lemmon   s.n.
U.S.A., California, Sierra Nevada, 38.081023 -119.677701, 2743m

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J. Murdoch, Jr.   48301911-08-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Rio Grande National Forest, 37.804208 -106.920662

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J. Murdoch, Jr.   47261911-07-09
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Rio Grande National Forest, 37.804208 -106.920662

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