403878 Albert E. Grable 11527 1989-05-06
United States, Washington, Skamania, Gifford Pinchot National Forest: Dog Mountain Trail. T3N R9E S29 NW4 SE4, 45.716502 -121.699474, 732m
404314 June Haines 4059 1985-06-09
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Granite Mountain Uplift: Sweetwater Rocks: ca 3.5 air mi NNE of Jeffrey City., 42.5403 -107.809, 1951 - 2073m
404313 Ronald L. Hartman 24664 1990-05-24
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: West Slope of Grand Hogback: Monument Peak Road and vicinity, 15 air mi NW of Rifle., 39.7169 -107.9266, 2226 - 2805m
410396 Walter Fertig 18669 1999-06-06
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Basin: Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge: south side of Lake George, ca 10 mi SW of Laramie., 41.182193 -105.724184, 2195m
410395 Walter Fertig 19506 2001-06-06
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, West slope of Sierra Madre: USFS Road 871 off of Deep Creek Road, ca 1 mile NE of Little Sandstone Campground, 3 miles SSW of Singer Peak., 41.150525 -107.182339, 2469m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO006212 Katie McRae 4 2019-05-24
United States, Utah, Davis, About 200 yds east of the trail that starts at the end of Highland Oaks Dr, cutting up the slope after the trail turns to the south, 40.84418181 -111.86106647, 1719m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO006243 McKenna Delton 15 2019-06-18
United States, Utah, Davis, Throughout the oak maple understory bordering the trail, 41.035164 -111.890143
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003491 Stephen L. Clark 730 1969-05-07
United States, Utah, Weber, On road to Snow Basin Ski Area
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003492 Stephen L. Clark 6410 2007-06-15
United States, Utah, Weber, Monte Cristo. Dry rocky ridge.
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003500 Stephen L. Clark 2365 1973-05-17
United States, Utah, Weber, At base of cliffs on mountains just east of 26th St, Ogden, 41.218614 -111.923922, 1402m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003501 Stephen L. Clark 6522 2010-06-01
United States, Utah, Weber, Wheatgrass Canyon, east of Camp Kiesel Boy Scout Camp, 1824m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003502 Stephen L. Clark 2364 1973-05-17
United States, Utah, Weber, At base of cliffs on mountains just east of 26th St, Ogden, 41.218614 -111.923922, 1402m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003503 Stephen L. Clark 6545 2014-06-17
United States, Utah, Weber, Sweetgrass Canyon east of Camp Kiesel Boy Scout Camp, 41.19 -111.34, 1817m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003504 Stephen L. Clark 2365 1973-05-17
United States, Utah, Weber, At base of cliffs on mountains just east of 26th St, Ogden, 41.218614 -111.923922, 1402m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003505 Stephen L. Clark 6495 2012-06-10
United States, Utah, Weber, Wheatgrass Canyon, just east of Causey Reservoir in So. Fork of the Ogden River.; 41.19 -117.34, 41.19 -117.34, 1824m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003506 Stephen L. Clark 2012-06-10
United States, Utah, Weber, Wheatgrass Canyon, just east of Causey Reservoir in So. Fork of the Ogden River.; 41.19 -117.34, 41.19 -117.34, 1824m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003507 Stephen L. Clark 6410 2007-06-15
United States, Utah, Weber, Monte Cristo. Dry rocky ridge., 2676m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003508 Stephen L. Clark 1225 1971-05-12
United States, Utah, Davis, Fenwood Park, east of Layton, 1707m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003509 Stephen L. Clark 1739 1972-05-19
United States, Utah, Weber, Along stream bottom east of Camp Kiesel, 41.315159 -111.575934, 2316m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003510 Stephen L. Clark 1191 1971-05-04
United States, Utah, Weber, Bennett Cr, near Huntsville. Along the creek bottom., 41.238469 -111.712094
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003511 Stephen L. Clark 1819 1972-05-27
United States, Utah, Weber, Along road N.W. of the Snow Basin ski area., 41.225389 -111.858851, 2316m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003512 Stephen L. Clark 1336 1971-06-07
United States, Utah, Davis, Farmington Canyon, on ridges north of Chicken Creek
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003513 Stephen L. Clark 1295 1971-05-24
United States, Utah, Weber, On trail to Ben Lomond, from North Ogden Canyon pass. Southern exposure., 1981m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003514 Stephen L. Clark 1645 1972-05-08
United States, Utah, Weber, On slipping hillsides no. of the So. Weber City Cemetery, 1311m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003515 Stephen L. Clark 1714 1972-05-16
United States, Utah, Weber, Along stream at mouth of Birch Creek Canyon, south of WSC., 41.172209 -111.924428, 1372m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003516 Stephen L. Clark 1274 1971-05-20
United States, Utah, Morgan, Mouth of Francis Canyon, near Lost Creek Reservoir, 1951m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003517 R. Graybosch 79 1978-05-20
United States, Utah, Weber, North Fork Park, 41.385176 -111.913991, 1524m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003518 Stephen L. Clark 1274 1971-05-20
United States, Utah, Morgan, Mouth of Francis Canyon, near Lost Creek Reservoir, 1951m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO003519 Stephen L. Clark 730 1969-05-07
United States, Utah, Weber, On road to Snow Basin Ski Area
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO002181 Annie Overlin 2004-07-01
United States, Nevada, Elko, Queenstake/Jerritt Canyon Mine, Independence Mtns., 41.408439 -115.904541
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO002511 Jason W. Baker 1361 2022-07-09
United States, Idaho, Fremont, From Mack's Inn in Island Park, drive north 3 miles on US-20 to the collection site on the east side of the road adjacent to the Island Park Cemetery. Collection site is a wetland and wet meadow slated for "development"., 44.54047 -111.327805, 1956m
Weber State University:WSCO
Lawrence P Quinn 172 2023-05-25
United States, Utah, Weber, Middle Fork of Ogden River, 41.298229 -111.748559, 5159m
WTS0017470 Andreas Leidolf, Tim Nuttle LN51 1998-05-17
United States, Utah, Rich, Dirt road off highway 89, at 4 miles from Garden City. Tn. 14N Rg. 5E Sn. 30 NWSW, 2195m
WTS0017471 S. L. & S. L. Welsh 12451 1974-06-27
United States, Utah, Summit, near Trial Lake, Uinta Mountains, 2896m
WTS0017472 Steven Lyons 53 1974-05-17
United States, Utah, Cache, 6 miles west of Paradise, 1524m
WTS0017473 Larry C. Higgins 4661 1971-07-28
United States, Utah, Iron, Cedar Mountain near Navajo Lake
WTS0017474 Jerry W. Thomas 144 1969-06-21
United States, Utah, Utah, One mile northeast of Springville Crossing on Diamond Fork Creek, Sec. 31, Township 7 So, R. 6 E
WTS0017475 Noel H. Holmgren, John J. Fay, Barton L Bethers 4357 1970-06-23
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Black Rock Range, Mahogany Creek, east of Summit Lake, about 38 airline miles southwest of Denio. T.42 N, R.26 E, Sec. 34, 2134m
WTS0017476 N. H. Russell 61-51 1961-06-28
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, 28 mi E of Gunnison, Colorado beside U.S. Rte 50
WTS0017477 Larry C. Higgins 3646 1970-07-21
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale, Ca. 3 miles west of the Rio Grande Reservoir
WTS0017478 Patricia A. Replogle 102 1970-05-27
United States, Utah, Utah, Diamond Fork Canyon along east facing road cut. Uinta National Forest
WTS0017479 Tad Taylor 1976-05-01
United States, Oregon, Baker, Upper Burnt River near Hereford, 1067m
WTS0017480 S Welsh 14882 1977-06-08
United States, Utah, Grand, CC Book Mt, T16S, R24E, Sec 12, Book Cliff Divide, ridge top opening, 2499m
WTS0017481 S Clark, K Taylor 2528 1977-06-15
United States, Utah, Sevier, CC Salina, T23S, R2E, Sec 6, Gooseberry Road, 2134m
WTS0017482 Noel H. Holmgren, Patricia K. Holmgren 8126 1976-06-07
United States, Nevada, Lander, north end of the Toquima Range, vicinity of Petes Summit, 43 km (26.5 mi) airline distance southeast of Austin, slope south of the road. T.16 N, R.46 E, Sec. 33, 2400m
WTS0017483 M.A. Lane 397 1974-06-25
United States, Wyoming, Park, Mt. Washburn lower slopes off Dunraven Pass (Canyon-Tower) Road. Yellowstone Natl Park, 2591m
WTS0017484 K Thorne & J Thorne 2468 1983-06-18
United States, Utah, Juab, T13S, R2E, Sec 21, Mt. Nebo, .4 mi below Ponderosa Campground on Salt Creek Rd, 1951m
WTS0017485 Welsh, Moore 18828 1979-07-06
United States, Utah, Carbon, T13S, R6E, Sec 14, ca 4 mi SW of Scofield, 2926m
WTS0017486 S L Welsh 19588 1980-06-13
United States, Utah, Sevier, T22S, R4E, NE ¼ of SW ¼ of Sec. 1, ca 23 mi E of Salina, 2524m
WTS0017487 E Neese 11576 1982-06-04
United States, Utah, Box Elder, T14N, R5W, Sec 32, near I 84 at N end of North Promontory Mtns, ca 6 mi S of Idaho border
WTS0017488 L C Higgins 13874 1983-07-09
United States, Utah, Rich, T14N, R4E, Sec 25, just E of the Cache-Rich County line W of Garden City, 2560m
WTS0017489 Larry C. Higgins 3343 1970-06-07
United States, Utah, Tooele, ca. 12 miles southeast of Tooele, 3048m
WTS0017490 Larry C. Higgins 16760 1986-05-30
United States, Utah, Washington, Kolob Reservoir, T38S, R11W, Sec. 36, 2500m
WTS0017491 K. Thorne, J. Chandler 4820 1986-07-05
United States, Utah, Cache, T14N, R42E. Bear River Range, Logan Riv Franklin Basin Rd. Crab Ridge .5 mi S of UT-ID border, 2286m
WTS0017492 Kaye Thorne 5197 1987-05-15
United States, Utah, Cache, T10N, R2W, S33. Dry Lake, SE hillside, abandoned road through Sardine Canyon, 1700m
WTS0017493 D Atwood 7019 1978-07-27
United States, Utah, Duchesne, T1N, R7E, Sec 33, W Fork of Duchesne River, 44 mi E of Heber
WVW002939 W.L. Jepson 2048 1923-00-16
United States, California, Humboldt, Trinity Summit, 2134m
WVW002940 Ruby Van Deventer 82 1938-07-04
United States, California, Del Norte, Summit Valley Mt., 1250m
WVW002941 W.L. Jepson 2839 2007-07-05
United States, California, Siskiyou, Marble Mt.
WVW002942 Robert L. Vadas 116 1962-05-26
United States, Utah, Cache, Mount Logan
WVW002943 Robert L. Vadas 41 1962-05-05
United States, Utah, Cache, One mile up Green Canyon
WVW002957 Frances D. Payne 599 1932-06-24
United States, California, Modoc, Parker Creek, Warners Mountains, south and east of Alturas, 1585m
MWI00029229 Hartman, Ronald L. 1736 1968-05-11
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Cache La Poudre River, 5 miles west of Ted's Place, 1980m
MWI00059823 Train, Percy 545 1934-05-20
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Virgin Valley, North, 1700m
MWI00061699 Hartman, Ronald L. 54074 1995-08-21
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area; About 1.5-2.5 air miles from summit of Sheep Mountain, 2860 - 3170m
MWI00061700 Hartman, Ronald L. 53043 1995-07-24
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area; 2-3 air miles east northeast of East Leidy, 2460 - 2530m
WSC0005801C Hugo A. Ferchau 1972-06-14
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Located in vicinity of weather station above pilot plant on Parachute Creek., 39.579902 -108.105943, 2530m
WSC0007919 B. Woods 24 1980-06-02
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Foothills mesa.
WSC0001363 Kenoyer 1949-07-03
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Cement Creek., 38.806755 -106.884376
WSC0005123 Gene Berntson G.B.102 1972-05-13
United States, Colorado, Montrose, 1.5 miles west from top of Cerro Summit on U.S. 50, on north side of highway in ditch, mixed with grasses., 38.449026 -107.666533, 2164m
WSC0005931 Hugo Ferchau & Miles Hemstrom 1974-06-14
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco, Top of Airplane Ridge. Ca lease site., 39.884697 -108.575375, 2164m
WSC0003720 Fred Hamann 47 1968-06-15
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, 10 mi. northwest of Gunnison on Ohio Creek Road., 38.714557 -107.00388
WSC0005902 Hugo Ferchau, Larry Scheideman 71-7 1971-06-05
United States, Colorado, Garfield, Found in Parachute Creek drainage between Middle and East Middle Parachute Creek., 39.486997 -108.116549, 2499m
WSC0003876 Andrew L. Bryant 96 1967-07-03
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Gunnison National Forest; Sec. 10. T 15 S. R 87 W. (unsurveyed). 50 meters north of research quadrat 2-3., 38.7615 -107.101, 2957m
WSC0005190 Marv Hathhorn 12 1972-04-29
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Buckhorn Rd. 3 mi. NE Colona (see sect. 2 NW 1/4 Buckhorn Lakes, Colo. Quadrangle)., 38.349261 -107.751701, 2225m
WSC0009200 Kevin J. Taylor 849 1997-06-02
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 8 air mi E of Crawford. E1/2 S29. Oak-Serviceberry-chokeberry shurbland., 38.704363 -107.459814, 2256 - 2377m
WSC0009518 Melanie Arnett 3838 1999-05-23
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, County Road 32 at Saguache County, ca 5.2 air mi ESE of Blaine Rock; ca 9 air mi SSW of Gunnison. W1/2 S17; also NE1/4 S18, SE1/4 S7, and SW1/2 S8. Sagebrush shrubland., 38.413017 -107.00152, 2573 - 2666m
9886 Uttal, L J 5138 1968-07-19
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Powder River Pass, southern Big Horn, 2987m
32287 Wieboldt, Thomas F 1612 1974-05-25
United States, Utah, Box Elder, One Mile Canyon, Raft River Mtns, 2088m
33173 McCartney, Robert B 50 1958-05-22
United States, Utah, Cache, on S-facing slope of Providence Canyon about 0.5 mi up from mouth
YU.162642 Charles Spencer Crandall 1898-05-21
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer, gulch west of Soldier Canyon, 40.58632 -105.19081
YU.162643 Charles Spencer Crandall 1898-05-21
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer, gulch west of Soldier Canyon, 40.58632 -105.19081
YU.162697 Charles Christopher Parry 1862-00-00
United States of America, Colorado
YU.162698 George R. Vasey 1868-00-00
United States of America, Colorado, Rocky Mountains, 40.328107 -105.688403
YU.163041 Frederick Noah Pease 1878-07-26
United States of America, Colorado, Hinsdale, Lake City, 38.03 -107.31533
YU.163057 Alan Ackerman Beetle 4728 1947-07-06
United States of America, Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow National Forest, Pole Mountain
YU.163062 Charles Christopher Parry 1862-00-00
United States of America, Colorado
ZION 4921 Nelson, R. A. 9957 1972-04-20
United States, Utah, WASHINGTON, Zion National Park, Lava Point, Kolob County, 2195m
ZION 4922 Nelson, R. A. 10064 1972-05-07
United States, Utah, WASHINGTON, Zion National Park, Death Point Area, Kolob Plateau, 2134m
ZION 38134 Nelson ,R. A. 1973-05-31
United States
ZION 4920 Nelson, R. A. 9733 1971-06-15
United States, Utah, WASHINGTON, Zion National Park, Campground near Lava Point, Kolob Plateau
NEON09QLA Michael Griffin (ORCID 0000-0002-7424-8717) 2023-06-13
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Central Plains (D10), Rocky Mountains NEON (RMNP), 40.275903 -105.545955, 2742m
Michelle Shook M2012.004 2012-05-09
USA, Utah, Cache, East of the first Green Canyon parking lot from entrance. Walked about 300-400 feet east on the trail, then veered off the trail to the south a few dozen feet., 41.769618 -111.766478
Chelsea Christensen 002 2012-05-10
USA, Utah, Cache, 100 yards from parking lot on trail of the north facing slope. Then from there 20 yards south off the trail., 41.76718 -111.780338
Shelley Silva 190 2011-07-02
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, 8.8 miles north of southern entrance at FS 514., 37.758 -108.426333, 2457m
Mary E. Barkworth 2014-007 2014-05-13
USA, Idaho, Bear Lake, St. Charles Canyon, about 5.2 miles up canyon road from highway; on south-southeast facing slope, 42.10889 -111.48418, 1945m
Walter Fertig 7222 1991-06-05
USA, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Basin: Laramie, open field directly north of Wal-Mart Plaza on Grand Avenue., 41.30625 -105.54265, 2195m
Walter Fertig 31474 2016-07-29
USA, Wyoming, Carbon, Sierra Madre, ca 0.75 miles SE of Battle site, top and south base of Doane Peak just E of the Continental Divide, 10 miles SW of Encampment, 0.5 miles S of WY Hwy 70. T14N R85W S32 NE4 NW4 NE4, 41.146083 -106.972194, 3124m
Walter Fertig 18669 1999-06-06
USA, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Basin: Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge: south side of Lake George, ca 10 mi SW of Laramie., 41.182193 -105.724184, 2195m
Walter Fertig 19506 2001-06-06
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, West slope of Sierra Madre: USFS Road 871 off of Deep Creek Road, ca 1 mile NE of Little Sandstone Campground, 3 miles SSW of Singer Peak., 41.150525 -107.182339, 2469m