277719 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 4846 1989-05-19
United States, Nebraska, Dixon, T30N R6E, S1/2 SW1/4 s3. Low ground in picnic area along roadside, S part of Ponca State Park, 2 mi. N of Ponca; infrequent.
304394 Geri Morris 362 1996-06-19
United States, Nebraska, Blaine, Blaine County, Nebraska T24N, R25W, S23 sandy weedy bull pasture Flowers yellow
290331 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 9883 1991-10-27
United States, Nebraska, Nemaha, T5N R16E, SE1/4 SE1/4 s18. Uncommon in low disturbed ground near abandoned railroad tracks in the floodplain of the Missouri River, W of Brownville State Recreation Area, SE part of Brownville; with Rorippa sylvestris.
268385 Jeanine Lackey 41 1984-07-26
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, Location Saunders Co, Mead ne. Habitat meadow
257639 Steven P. Churchill 2920 1974-05-16
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, Location: 1 mile south of Beemer and 1/4 mile east. Habitat: in disturbed ground next to Beemer trash dump.
272925 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 2721 1986-08-24
United States, Nebraska, Butler, T-14-N R-4-E, NW1/4 sec. 27. Mowed area near oak woodland, Timber Pt. Rec. Area, 1 mi. S, 1 1/2 mi. E of Brainard. locally common
294434 Ronald Ray Weedon 10018 1997-06-13
United States, Nebraska, Grant, Hyannis: downtown site, n roadside weedy area near Hwy #2, across the highway from Vic Olson repair shop Tractor parking area with Bromus tectorum L. Sandy soil
296145 William Beachly 24 1980-05-14
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lancaster County, NE, USA Wilderness Park along footpath n of Environmental Area (n of Saltillo rd)
256769 David M. Sutherland 3683 1974-06-06
United States, Nebraska, Dixon, DIXON COUNTY: 2 mi S of town of Ponca along Hwy 12. Disturbed W.-facing prairie slope.
290565 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 9912 1992-05-17
United States, Nebraska, Burt, T22N R12E, NW1/4 SW1/4 s31. Occasional in disturbed ground along banks of the Missouri River, Pelican Point State Recreation Area, 4 mi. E, 4 mi. N, 1 mi. E of Tekamah.
255999 Steven P. Churchill 3434 1974-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, SAUNDERS COUNTY: 2 miles Northeast of Ashland on Highway 6. Plant along sandy disturbed ground next to marsh pond; w/ Toxicodendron, Solanium and in part-Matricaria.
242714 Jean L. Sack s.n. 1952-07-02
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Along railroad track east of the Turnpike Ballroom, south of Lincoln, near Jamacica[sic]
258366 Steven P. Churchill 6107 1975-06-29
United States, Nebraska, Sarpy, SARPY COUNTY: At Gretna Fish Hatchery, state area; 1/2S, Sec.12, T12N, R10E. Plant along disturbed bank area of Platte River, with Verbena spp, Tragopogon, Conium &c. Flowers yellow.
274426 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1793 1986-05-17
United States, Nebraska, Seward, T11N R1E, NE1/4 s20. Disturbed rangeland near E side of rain basin, North Lake Basin W.M.A, 1 mi. N of Utica; infrequent.
276513 Robert Bruce Kaul 5938 1987-07-08
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Abundant along railway north of the university campus, Lincoln.
305829 Robert Bruce Kaul 5938 1987-07-08
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Abundant along railway north of the university campus, Lincoln.
305825 Robert Bruce Kaul 7743 1999-07-05
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Abundant in weedy area by railroad north of UNL Campus, with Lactuca serriola, Convolvulus arvensis, Bromus inermis. Petals yellow.
279377 Kevin Poague 49 1985-11-03
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, Location Mead, Ne. - Saunders County. Habitat Open field at Research Center. Transient features Height = 2'7"
305823 Unknown s.n. 1997-10-20
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Fence line along gravel road, aprox. 10 air miles Northwest of Lincoln NE. Associated with roadside weeds and some prairie remnants.
296128 Robert Klein 144MD2 1998-08-02
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lancaster County, NE, USA Wilderness Park horse trail between double power lines n side of rocked trail crossing of Salt creek, s of Pioneers Blvd
257016 David M. Sutherland 4224 1974-10-11
United States, Iowa, Fremont, [place name unspecified] Fremont County: NW4, NW4, Sec 10, T67N, R43W. In recently cultivated grainfield.
255129 Paul Russell Shildneck 6512 1974-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, in alluvial on banks of drainage ditch cutting road in NE corner of S 16, R 17 E, T 3 N, east of Barada, Richardson County, Nebraska
326688 Thomas Edward Labedz s.n. 2015-07-12
United States, Nebraska, Dawson, 3.5 mi N, 2.5 mi E Overton, along County Road 446. 40.79066, -99.49539 degrees [Garmin eTrex GPS, NAD83]. Road ditch, between dry cattle pastures, 40.79066 -99.49539
307173 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 16302 2001-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Cass, Ashland, 1.5 mi S, 3 mi E. Eugene T. Mahoney State Park: ca. 0.2 mi. W of horse corral. T12N R10E SEC05 NW1/4 SW1/4 NE1/4. 41 01'34"N, 96 19'15"W (det topo map). Mowed area in former cropfield S of bluffs on S side of Platte River. Soil silty loam. Elevation 1170-1180 ft. Uncommon, with Lepidium densiflorum, Oxalis dilleniii, Thlaspi arvense., 41.0261111 -96.3208333
314558 Robert C. Lommasson 1552 1973-05-17
United States, Nebraska, Dundy, 1 mile west of Benkelman
279250 Marcia L. Blecha 42 1989-09-16
United States, Nebraska, Custer, 3 miles East of Arnold on Hwy 92 then North 3 miles; pasture.
245797 Steven P. Churchill 141 1972-06-03
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, Loc. 5.1 miles Northeast of Beemer on Hy US 275; coll. along roadside and railrd. tracks.
238734 Walter L. Kiener 27111 1951-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Wayne, Habitat: Roadside ditch. Locality: E. of Hoskins Altitude: 1670 ft.
289279 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 8876 1991-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Holt, T29N R11W, SE1/4 s30. Occasional at margin of overgrazed field S of corner of E. Hancock and Logan Sts, O'Neill.
296146 Robert Klein 153 1998-05-09
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lancaster County, NE, USA Wilderness Park due w of 14th St parking lot on culvert trail crossing (destroyed in 7-1998 flood)
285686 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 6020 1990-05-19
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, T13N R7E, N1/2 NW1/4 s36. Abundant in overgrazed uplands in pasture along Rock Cr, 3 1/4 mi. E of Ceresco; with Descurainia sophia, Bromus tectorum, Hordeum pusillum.
289344 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 8861 1991-06-10
United States, Nebraska, Antelope, T28N R7W, SE1/4 s34. Uncommon in disturbed sandy-gravelly mixed-grass prairie at Grove Lake Wildlife Management Area, more common in adjacent grazed pasture; 1 mi. N, 1 mi. E, 1/4 mi. N from Royal.
255613 Steven P. Churchill 3181 1974-05-31
United States, Nebraska, Platte, PLATTE COUNTY: 1/2 mile South of Monroe. Plant in sandy lowland pasture, common in area; with Bromus, Lepidium, Hordeum, and Plantago.
250678 Steven P. Churchill 2116 1973-08-02
United States, Nebraska, Douglas, DOUGLAS COUNTY: Along Hwy 36 at 52nd street in Omaha. Plant at edge of small hillside disturbed prairie. Plant with Euphorbia, Potentilla, Solidago and Monarda.
305824 Randall Grebel s.n. 1993-09-25
United States, Nebraska, Custer, In cornfield near Mud Creek about 10 miles southeast of Broken Bow.
322882 Larry L. Einemann s.n. 1989-06-16
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, "Princeton Prairie". Native prairie remnant at northeast corner of US highway 77 and Hickman Rd, 3 miles W of Hickman. Silty clay loam. 1,330 ft. elev. SW 1/4 Sect. 25 Centerville Township. 40.626667 degrees N, 96.703437 degrees W., 40.626667 -96.703437
289990 Thomas G. Bartok 243 1993-09-12
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, Plant collected from a Saline Wetland site located at SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 25, T-13-N, R-7-E Saunders County. 0 - 1% Slopes Sandy Clay Loam Soil.
206486 Margaret Cannell s.n. 1952-06-25
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Woods south or[sic] road, Jamaica near Lincoln, Nebr. Lancaster Co.
278041 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 5717 1989-09-09
United States, Nebraska, Dixon, T30N R6E, mid N1/2 NW1/4 s10. Occasional in disturbed ground in ravine bottom, S of picnic area in SW part of Ponca State Park, 2 mi. N of Ponca.
256487 Robert E. Albert 1946 1972-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, LANCASTER County. From NE. 2, 5 miles south on S. 27th. street, then 1/4 mi. west. on the south side of the road at "Jamacia Station". In Ulmus, Acer, and Fraxinus woods and along the RR tracks. Frequent near tracks.
255811 Steven P. Churchill 3066 1974-05-28
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, Location: 1 1/2 mile West of West Point and 1/4 mile South. Habitat: plant occasionally scattered in hay field.
327565 Thomas Edward Labedz s.n. 2016-05-30
United States, Nebraska, Custer, Custer County: 4.5 mi NE Oconto, Pressey State Wildlife Management Area. 41deg 11.480'N, 99 deg 43.142'W [WGS84]. Areas near campground along South Loup River., 41.1913333 -99.7190333
314673 Robert C. Lommasson 1381 1967-06-15
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Raymond, Nebraska. Lancaster County. RR right-of-way near road crossing. Leaves sharply cut & small yellow flowers.
279007 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 804 1984-07-30
United States, Nebraska, Seward, T11N R3E, E side s35. Weed in roadside ditch along W side of Matzke Highway, 3 mi. E, 1 1/2 mi. S of Seward.
294435 Paige M. Wolken 39 1989-05-27
United States, Nebraska, Custer, SW 1/4 T15N R23W S8 Sandy loam Full sunlight Short grass / disturbed Yellow flowers common
245838 Steven P. Churchill 215A 1972-07-03
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, Loc. 5.5 miles South of West Point on US Hy 275; coll. along West side of rd. next to railroad tracks.
245837 Steven P. Churchill 215A 1972-07-03
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, Loc. 5.5 miles South of West Point on US Hy 275; coll. along West side of rd. next to railroad tracks.
245839 Steven P. Churchill 215A 1972-07-03
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, Loc. 5.5 miles South of West Point on US Hy 275; coll. along West side of rd. next to railroad tracks.
323055 Larry L. Einemann s.n. 1989-05-19
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lincoln. Pioneers Park Prairie, soutwest of the intersection of Van Dorn St. and S. Coddington Ave, 40.778 degrees N, 96.762 degrees W., 40.778 -96.762
273805 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1700 1986-05-08
United States, Nebraska, Seward, T9N R4E, W side SW1/4 s24. Disturbed roadside along Nebr. 103, 4 mi. S of Pleasant Dale; common, with Erysimum repandum.
290506 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 9044 1991-06-24
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, T31N R53W, NE1/4 NE1/4 NW1/4 s5. Uncommon in disturbed ground along roadside edge near horse corral, E side of Soldier Creek Management Unit Nebraska National Forest, W of Fort Robinson State Park; w/S. altissimum.
250675 Steven P. Churchill 626 1973-05-15
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, LANCASTER COUNTY: Wilderness Park at Jamacia, South of Lincoln. Plant along park service road in woods. With Galium and Osmorhiza.
312241 Michael P. Gutzmer s.n. 2006-05-10
United States, Nebraska, Platte, On sandy loam of the Platte River bottoms southwest of Columbus.
289286 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 8868 1991-06-11
United States, Nebraska, Wheeler, T22N R12W, NW1/4 s3. Locally common in disturbed sandy soil among feedlot barns at Foxley Farm, 8 mi. W from Cumminsville; with S. altissimum, flowers bright yellow.
79192 R.R. Halse 9144 2014-06-22
USA, South Dakota, Lawrence, Spearfish, Lookout Peak, at the end of Pony Express Lane., 44.488914 -103.831533, 1279m
79193 A. Tiehm 16434 2012-06-18
usa, Nevada, White Pine, Ruby Mountains, Little Bald Mountain S of Overland Pass, WSW of the peak., 39.92515 -115.56935, 2438m
79194 P. Train 2761 1939-05-14
USA, Nevada, Lander, E slope Toiyabe Range, Kingston Canyon at old mill, near Nye-Lander Co. line., 39.207707 -117.09731, 1676 - 1676m
79195 S. Goodrich 8538 1977-06-11
USA, Nevada, Lander, Toiyabe NF, Toiyabe Range, Birch Creek., 39.384246 -117.022565, 1981 - 2073m
79196 M.J. Williams 76-38-13 1976-06-15
USA, Nevada, Lander, [Toiyabe Range,] lower part of Kingston Canyon., 39.217237 -117.12741, 2073m
79197 A. Tiehm 2677 1976-08-06
USA, Nevada, Lander, Bob Scott Campground E of Austin on highway 50., 39.457982 -116.994303, 2213 - 2213m
79198 R.R. Halse 8379 2011-09-11
USA, Washington, Chelan, Manson, along State Hwy 150 (Wapato Way) at its junction with Quetilquasoon Street., 47.88312 -120.15237, 348 - 348m
79199 D. Tonenna SIS LOE 1 2008-06-20
USA, Nevada, Lander, Big Creek Campground, 2 miles W of Austin., 39.345579 -117.13752, 2000m
79200 A. Tiehm 7352 1982-07-10
USA, Nevada, Lander, Toiyabe Range, 0.2 road mile SE of Blackbird Ranch on Hwy 50., 39.422013 -116.966831, 1996 - 1996m
79201 N.H. Holmgren 14120 2000-08-24
USA, Utah, San Juan, Verdure Creek, along the Montezuma Creek Road, 2.6 km (1.6 miles) SE of US Hwy 191, 9.5 km (6 miles) air distance SSE of downtown Monticello., 37.785 -109.31, 2050 - 2050m
79202 R.C. Rollins 6237 2002-06-20
USA, Oregon, Wallowa, Along Hat Point Road, just S of Imnaha., 45.55 -116.816667, 689m
79203 M. Manning 380 1988-07-12
USA, Nevada, Lander, Toiyabe NF, Toiyabe Range, Kingston Creek at USFS campground, near water faucet., 39.225 -117.138889, 2170m
105798 D. Gentilcore 2070 2020-07-10
USA, Nevada, Lander, Toiyabe Range, along Kingston Creek, 2.5 km N of Groves Lake., 39.26748 -117.161, 2301m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0031454 C.R. Hutchins 11451 1985-06-29
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Highway 3, one-half mile north of Costilla., 36.982533 -105.528957, 2407m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0031455 C.R. Hutchins 5797 1976-06-12
United States, New Mexico, Union, Highway 87, 7 miles northwest of Grenville., 36.6365262806 -103.7232369872, 1889m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0031453 W.L. Wagner 1858 1976-05-23
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Along Interstate 10, vicinity of Lordsburg., 32.35187925 -108.73964656, 1295m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0031451 P. Durkin 96PD033-F3 1996-07-31
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Near San Juan River: From La Plata take Hwy 170 North ~ 1.5 miles; take right down to river (between alfalfa fields) just after ditch crosses the highway., 36.755929 -108.239582, 1780m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0031452 Chauvin, Yvonne 11UR029-F1 2011-09-06
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Cottonwood Meadows Ranch - N on Hwy 522 through Questa, NM; E onto NM 196 Site is S of NM 196 between mile marker 4-5 on the Rio Costilla (private property)., 36.95268 -105.4711, 2454m
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070755 Ahles, Harry E. 53754 1960-07-11
United States, South Carolina, Florence, around the Wellman Wool Combing Mill, north of Johnsonville on S.C. Rt. #41, 33.836659 -79.441989
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070752 Ahles, Harry E. 53559 1960-05-26
United States, South Carolina, Florence, around the Wellman Wool Combing Mill, north of Johnsonville S.C. Rt. #41, 33.836659 -79.441989
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070750 Ahles, Harry E. 40550 1958-05-14
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, around the Santee Wool Combing Mill, Jamestown on S. C. Rt. #45., 33.292385 -79.681414
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070748 Ahles, Harry E. 40549 1958-05-14
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, around the Santee Wool Combing Mill, Jamestown on S.C. Rt. #45., 33.292385 -79.681414
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070749 Ahles, Harry E. 40539 1958-05-14
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, around the Santee Wool Combing Mill, Jamestown on S.C. Rt. #45., 33.292385 -79.681414
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070751 Ahles, Harry E. 53368 1960-05-25
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, around the Santee Wool Combing Mill, Jamestown on S. C. Rt. #45., 33.292385 -79.681414
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070747 Ahles, Harry E. 38281 1958-04-09
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, around the Santee Wool Combing Mill, Jamestown on S. C. Rt. #45., 33.292385 -79.681414
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070753 Ahles, Harry E. 40450 1958-05-14
United States, South Carolina, Florence, around the Wellman Wool Combing Mill, north of Johnsonville on S.C. Rt. #41, 33.836659 -79.441989
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070754 Ahles, Harry E. 40450 1958-05-14
United States, South Carolina, Florence, around the Wellman Wool Combing Mill, north of Johnsonville on S.C. Rt. #41, 33.836659 -79.441989
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00070746 Ahles, Harry E. 53808 1960-07-11
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, around the Santee Wool Combing Mill, Jamestown on S. C. Rt. #45., 33.292385 -79.681414
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00136987 Spaulding, D. 13475 2012-06-08
United States, Wyoming, Crook, next to the Best Western Devil's Tower Inn off SR-24 east of Belle Fourche River in Hulett
22429 Wingate, Janet 9032 2010-06-21
United States, Colorado, Elbert County, 1250 Stage Run Trail, 39.28656 -104.135891
Reichel, P. 1962-09-11
Germany, Land Sachsen-Anhalt, Locality Not Recorded
USCH0020223 Ahles, Harry; Haesloop, John 53559 1960-05-26
United States, South Carolina, Florence, Florence
Straley, Gerald 8792 1995-09-10
Canada, British Columbia, Locality Not Recorded, 50.8 -121.333333, - 450m
Rothmaler, W.; Werner, K. 618 1949-08-05
Germany, Locality Not Recorded
Brink, D.; Mayer, L. 1269 1977-05-25
United States, Montana, Big Horn County, Locality Not Recorded, - 3640m
Harrison, Calvin 15162 1991-09-24
United States, Colorado, Eagle County, Locality Not Recorded
116949 K. Rogers, E. Neese 9931 1974-07-13
United States, North Dakota, Ramsey Co., Devil's Lake.
266803 S. R. Hill 34651 2002-05-28
United States, Illinois, Morgan Co., I-72 E, at US 67-Jacksonville exit interchange; Jacksonville 7.5 minute quadrangle. T14N, R10W, Sec. 4, NW¼, SW¼., 39.6861 -90.2244, 199m
United States, Washington, Chelan
United States, Montana, Blaine
United States, North Dakota, Ramsey
Canada, Manitoba
TENN-V-0105194 Tom Daggy 10268 1989-06-13
Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada, Big Quill Lake near Wynyard, 51.810433 -104.226741
UVMVT248440 Hill, S. R. 34561 2002-05-28
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Interstate Route 72 East, at U.S. Route 67-Jacksonville exit interchange, at pavement margin. Jacksonville 7.5 min quadrangle., 39.683333 -90.216667, 199m
UVMVT067934 H. S. White 41 1998-06-07
United States, Vermont, Chittenden, Shelburne Bay Fishing Access southeast corner near LaPlatte River, 44.38874 -73.24227
United States, Vermont, 44.24406 -72.40791