732175 Erwin F. Evert 13379 1987-07-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Chaffee, Sawatch Range: San Isabel National Forest: ca 1.5 mi SE of Cottonwood Pass, just S of Colo Hwy 306., 38.8047 -106.3963, 3372m
820745 Erwin F. Evert 35826 1998-07-17
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Gallatin Range: Yellowstone National Park, Swan Lake Flat, ca 1/3 mi N of Swan Lake and 400 ft W of road., 44.9213 -110.7357, 2216m
821178 Erwin F. Evert 36379 1998-08-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Shoshone National Forest: west side of Arrow Mountain, 12 mi S of Dubois., 43.3778 -109.5632, 3354m
Jeanette Flaig, Ronald L. Hartman 5709 2004-07-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: La Garita Wilderness: Wheeler Monument, Trailhead 790., 37.9013 -106.7846, 3815m
Jeanette Flaig, Colton Pring 5838 2004-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Hinsdale, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Coney Peak, Forest Road 518, ca 27 air mi WNW of Creede., 37.8421 -107.3466, 3975 - 4069m
Jeanette Flaig 7236 2004-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: La Garita Wilderness: Trailhead 783-912, Forest Road 744, Saguache and Halfmoon creeks, ca 16 air mi NE of Creede., 37.9743 -106.7501, 3082 - 3113m
Erin Foley 11593 2004-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Mount Evans Wilderness: Front Range: Mount Warren to Summit Lake, ca 11.5 air mi SW of Idaho Springs and ca 8 air mi SE of Georgetown., 39.6054 -105.6339, 3902 - 4049m
Emily A. Holt 2318 2000-07-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Eagle, Central Colorado: Gore Range, West Slope Continental Divide: Black Lakes area, just N of Vail Pass, ca 12.5 air mi SE of Vail., 39.5419 -106.2279, 3171 - 3354m
Emily A. Holt, Benjamin Madsen 2436 2000-07-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, Central Colorado: Mosquito Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Horseshoe cirque area, off Forest Road 603 on north side, ca 10 air mi SE of Leadville., 39.1951 -106.1723, 3735 - 4024m
Emily A. Holt, Benjamin Madsen 2480 2000-07-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, Central Colorado: Mosquito Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Weston Pass area, south side of County Road 22, ca 15 air mi SE of Leadville., 39.1217 -106.19, 3659 - 3750m
Emily A. Holt 889 2000-06-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Mosquito Range, East Slope Continental Divide: between 4WD Forest Service road and Colo Hwy 91, ca 10 air mi NE Leadville., 39.354 -106.2094, 3232 - 3415m
Kevin J. Taylor 1978 1997-06-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: Fossil Ridge Wilderness: South Lottis Creek, ca 4 air mi SW of Taylor Reservoir., 38.7615 -106.6189, 2637m
777204 Kevin J. Taylor 7866 1998-07-03
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: Fossil Ridge Wilderness: ca 11 air mi E of Almont., 38.682 -106.6477, 3232 - 3262m
777215 Kevin J. Taylor 7951 1998-07-07
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: along Spring Creek, ca 6.5 air mi W of Taylor Park Reservoir., 38.8335 -106.7116, 2957m
Gwen Kittel 780 1990-08-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Riparian Plants of the Cache la Poudre River: just inside north boundry of Rocky Mountain National Park, 1.5 mi E of Corral Creek Trailhead., 2899m
945608 Jill E. Larson, Robert Peters 1825 2005-07-03
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Range: Pecos Wilderness: Jicarita Peak and Santa Barbara Divide, ca 18 air mi SE of Penasco., 36.0423 -105.5464, 3506 - 3918m
945607 Ronald L. Hartman 81318 2005-06-23
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Range: S from Fraser Mountain to top of main switchbacks towards Wheeler Peak., 36.5857 -105.4245, 3702 - 3966m
847727 Rob Massatti 2105 2005-07-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Black Mountain to Smith Lake, ca 19 air mi W of Lander., 42.8052 -109.063, 2735 - 2988m
847734 Rob Massatti, Meghan Taylor 6899 2006-07-05
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Deep Creek and Echo Lakes, ca 21 air mi WSW of Lander., 42.7346 -109.0905, 3067 - 3183m
Melanie Arnett 2382 1998-07-31
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Southern Gunnison Basin: San Juan Mountains: on Baldy Chato and towards Stewart Peak, ca 20.6 air mi E of Lake City; also along upper portions of Pauline Creek and through surrounding spruce forests., 38.0373 -106.9277, 3488 - 4061m
750234 Melanie Arnett 4763 1999-06-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Hinsdale, Southern Gunnison Basin: San Juan Mountains: Gunnison National Forest: along Tumble Creek, ca 7-10 air mi E of Lake San Cristobal; ca 1.5-3.8 air mi NW of Baldy Cinco., 37.979 -107.1656, 3127 - 3585m
750233 Melanie Arnett 5060 1999-07-07
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Southern Gunnison Basin: San Juan Mountains: Gunnison National Forest: Big Blue Wilderness: at the top of Fall Creek Falls and N for ca 1 mi along the Fall Creek Trail, ca 2.5-2.7 air mi E of Sheep Mountain., 38.164 -107.4218, 3402 - 3451m
750232 Melanie Arnett 6823 1999-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Hinsdale, Southern Gunnison Basin: La Garita Wilderness: upper West Fork Mineral Creek and basin of unnamed lake; ca 0.4 air mi ENE to 0.5 air mi NW of unnamed lake; ca 0.2-0.6 air mi N of Continental Divide., 37.9645 -107.0375, 3537 - 3866m
750231 Melanie Arnett 7705 1999-08-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Southern Gunnison Basin: San Juan Mountains: Gunnison National Forest: La Garita Wilderness: upper Stewart Creek Trail from ca 1.7 air mi NE to saddle ca 0.7 air mi ENE of San Luis Peak., 38.0079 -106.9094, 3720 - 3996m
610089 Erwin F. Evert 7458 1984-08-10
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absarokas: Cathedral Cliffs-Swamp Lake Wetland, ca 2.5 mi E of Crandall Ranger Station., 44.83333 -109.5931, 2012m
613355 Walter Fertig 16946 1996-07-28
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Northeastern Wind River Range: slopes on south side of Circle Peak on Arrow Mountain, ca 11 mi SSE of Dubois; ca 4.5 mi S of Trail Lake., 43.3627 -109.5657, 3384m
397745 Betsy E. Neely 2845 1985-06-15
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, Meadow along Middle Fork of S Platte River, SE end of Red Hill, 4 mi SE of Junction of Highway 9 and 285; on Highway 9. /4
42629 C. S. Crandall 351 1897-07-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, Como., 2980m
13340 C. S. Crandall No numbe 1897-07-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, Vicinity of Como., 2988m
165005 Carl F. Baker, F. S. Earle and S. M. Tracy 637 1898-07-24
U.S.A., Colorado, La Plata, Hamor's Lake above Durango.
88992 Edwin B. Payson 1575 1919-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Teller, PIkes Peak.
391962 Emily L. Hartman, MAry Lou Rottman #2034 5763 1984-07-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Custer, Horseshoe Lake ca. 1 mi west of Hermit Lake, San Isabel National Forest, Sangre de Cristo Mountains., 38.09617 -105.649, 3736m
34376 F. E. Clements, E. S. Clements 319 1901-07-04
U.S.A., Colorado, Teller, Seven Lakes., 3500m
84639 Ira W. Clokey 2738 1916-06-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Arkansas River., 3110m
93509 Ira W. Clokey 3533 1919-07-04
U.S.A., Colorado, Summit? Pitkin?, Grizzly Peak., 3201m
458201 Loran C. Anderson 318 1923-06-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, Leadville National Forest: Rhodes Ranch: Fairplay., 2988m
29679 P. A. Rydberg, F. K. Vreeland 6256 1900-06-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Summit, West Indian Creek., 2500 - 2700m
336026 Robert Soreng, R. Spellenberg 1436 1980-08-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, San Luis Mountains: Big Meadow Road: SE corner of CO; ca 25 air mi S of Gunnison; 7 mi from junction of Los Pinos and Cebolla Road; SW of road.
458200 Ralph K. Gierisch 2798 1964-07-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: 1 mi NE of Summit Lake., 39.60743 -105.62596, 3902m
458202 Reed C. Rollins 1430 1936-07-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Gunnison National Forest: Middle Quartz Creek, 4 mi east of Pitkin., 2896m
138073 Ruth Ashton Nelson, Aven Nelson 920 1933-08-04
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Rocky Mountain National Park: Continental Divide near Mount Ida., 40.38559 -105.79, 3656m
393675 Steve O'Kane 2143 1985-07-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East flank of Mt. Bross, SSE of Dolly Varden Mine, south of Dolly Varden Gulch., 3700m
395328 Steve O'Kane, J. Anderson 2596 1986-08-07
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, South of point where Mosquito Pass Road crosses saddle west of London Mountain., 39.28712 -106.17246, 3830m
567100 T. Kelso, M. Litvak and D. Wilson 155 1989-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison/Chaffe, Ca. 3.75 mi S of Cottonwood Pass, below ridge crest., 38.77588 -106.41464, 3894m
165006 Thomas C. Porter 3 1886-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek/Summit, Summit of Grays Peak.
227960 William A. Weber 5692 1950-07-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Caribou, 5 mi NW of Nederland., 3201m
James P. Vanderhorst 2938 1991-07-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Garfield, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: Flat Tops Wilderness: Flat Top Mountain, ca 13 air mi SW of Yampa., 40.0096 -107.0884, 3598 - 3766m
562513 Robert S. Kirkpatrick 2494 1983-08-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains: ca 19 mi SSW of Cody, ca 1 mi S of Meeteetse Creek, ca 2 mi S of Foster Reservoir., 44.2475 -109.2042, 2866 - 3293m
537662 Ronald L. Hartman 18555 1984-08-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absarokas: Swamp Lake and Corral Creek on K Bar Z Guest Ranch near Crandall Ranger Station., 44.83333 -109.5931, 2043m
587504 Walter Fertig, N. Duane Atwood 11318 1991-08-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, West Slope Wind River Range: East shore of Green River, ca 0.25 mi N of north shore of Lower Green River Lake., 43.3119 -109.8564, 2439m
587505 Walter Fertig, R. L. Hartman & B. E. Nelson 3231 1990-07-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, West Slope Wind River Range: East shore Lower Green River Lake., 43.2989 -109.8378, 2463 - 2476m
Brian Elliott 3715 1998-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Custer, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo: from Horseshoe Lake up to Hermit Pass, W of Westcliffe., 38.0916 -105.6451, 3659 - 3902m
Ronald L. Hartman, Brian Elliott 62186 1998-07-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Pueblo, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Wet Mountains: slopes of peak "11430", ca 1.2 air mi NW of North Peak., 37.9038 -105.0357, 3415 - 3476m
Ronald L. Hartman, Jim Fowler and Jason Fowler 62582 1998-07-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Huerfano, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Culebra Range: east side of Trinchera Peak., 37.2875 -105.1611, 3902 - 3963m
Ronald L. Hartman, Craig Freeman 62823 1998-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Pueblo, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Wet Mountains: Greenhorn Trail, alpine on saddle S of North Peak., 37.9038 -105.0357, 3537 - 3689m
Brian Elliott, Elizabeth Mark and Kenneth Elliott 9011 1999-07-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Range: Rio Grande National Forest: up Sand Creek from Music Pass to Peak 12579., 37.933 -105.5298, 3835m
C. H. Refsdal, B. E. Nelson 4999 1995-07-08
U.S.A., Utah, Summit, North Slope Uinta Mountains: Wasatch National Forest: ca 24 air mi SE of Evanston; 7.5 mi E on Forest Road 058 on south side of the road., 40.9233 -110.7431, 2671 - 2701m
C. H. Refsdal, S. Goodrich 7493 1995-08-21
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, North Slope Uinta Mountains: Ashley National Forest: Sheep Creek Park, ca 8.5 air mi SW of Manila; 1.4 mi W of junction of Forest roads 221/096., 40.8798 -109.8637, 2640 - 2652m
Timothy W. Chumley, Tim Hogan and Loraine Yeatts 3063 1995-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: along Lynch Creek and slopes N of West Buffalo Peak, ca 10 air mi NW of Antero Junction; ca 14.5 air mi SSW of Fairplay., 39.0209 -106.0973, 3232 - 3780m
Timothy W. Chumley 4414 1996-07-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Continental Divide: along Lake Fork of the South Platte River to Gibson Lake and lower slopes of Whale Peak, ca 8.7 air mi NW of Jefferson., 39.4985 -105.8575, 3052 - 3872m
905032 Ben Legler 4883 2007-06-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Costilla, Vermejo Park Ranch: Culebra Range: ridgeline on west side of headwaters of East Fork Costilla Creek, 3.45 air mi NE of State Line Peak., 37.02972222 -105.2502778, 3689m
905031 Ben Legler 5315 2007-06-30
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Vermejo Park Ranch: along small unnamed stream 0.16 mi downstream from the outlet of lower Twin Lake, 2.1 air mi ENE of Costilla Reservoir dam., 36.88583333 -105.245, 2977m
905030 Ben Legler 6616 2007-07-27
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Vermejo Park Ranch: along Casias Creek where road to Seven Lakes crosses creek; 1.3 air mi N of north end of Costilla Reservoir., 36.91341667 -105.2611389, 2920m
905029 Ben Legler 6702 2007-07-29
U.S.A., New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: Elk Meadows, along north and west sides of a prominent tree island in center of meadow; 1 air mi NE of Little Costilla Peak., 36.83944444 -105.2036111, 3305m
905028 Ben Legler 9081 2008-06-25
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Vermejo Park Ranch: Culebra Range: summit of point 12572 and slopes on west side of summit; 1.5 air mi N of Big Costilla Peak., 36.93784 -105.31137, 3705m
905027 Ben Legler 9702 2008-07-13
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Vermejo Park Ranch: Culebra Range: basin at head of an unnamed tributary to Casias Creek, 2.7 air mi SW of State Line Peak., 36.959709 -105.320488, 3578m
924331 B. E. Nelson, Laura E. Lukas 72688 2007-07-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains: along Lake Creek near the head, ca 1 air mi N of Lake Mountain summit, ca 30.5 -31 air mi SW of Laramie., 41.1538 -106.1414, 2784 - 2790m
924233 Laura E. Lukas 3345 2007-07-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains: Cinnabar Park, at intersection of Forest roads 338 and 305, ca 1 air mi NE of Rob Roy Reservior, ca 7 air mi SW of Centennial., 41.2299 -106.2277, 2780 - 2855m
924232 Laura E. Lukas 4559 2007-08-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains: Lake Creek, E of Forest Road 517 ( Dry Park Road), ca 1 air mi S of Dry Park and 1 air mi N of Lake Mountain; ca 10 air mi S of Centennial., 41.1567 -106.1358, 2723 - 2752m
924231 Laura E. Lukas 4621 2007-08-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains: Indian Creek, just N of Forest Road 527, ca 1 air mi from intersection of Forest Road 517 (Dry Park Road) and Forest Road 575, ca 11 air mi SSW of Centennial., 41.1511 -106.185, 2774 - 2811m
898865 Michael K. Kirkpatrick 3417 2010-07-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Summit, Tenmile Range: Arapaho National Forest: road along the southern shore of Lower Blue Lake near the bottom of the falls, ca 3 air mi NW of Hoosier Pass., 39.3855 -106.0966, 3476 - 3604m
Michael K. Kirkpatrick 3577 2010-07-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Summit, Tenmile Range: Arapaho National Forest: Upper Mohawk Lake to the headwaters of Spruce Creek, ca 5 air mi SW of Breckenridge., 39.4233 -106.1089, 3683 - 3793m
Michael K. Kirkpatrick 4298 2010-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Summit, Front Range: Arapaho National Forest: Grays Peak and upper Horseshoe Basin, ca 4 air mi NE of Montezuma., 39.6339 -105.8176, 3683 - 4351m
Michael K. Kirkpatrick 6989 2011-07-01
U.S.A., Colorado, Eagle, Sawatch Range: White River National Forest: Yeoman Park and East Brush Creek, ca 12 air mi SE of Eagle., 39.5013 -106.675, 2744m
Michael K. Kirkpatrick 7395 2011-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Eagle, Sawatch Range: White River National Forest: Lime Creek Canyon, off of Forest Road 506, ca 1 air mi S of Crooked Creek Reservoir and ca 20 air mi S of Wolcott., 39.4083 -106.6537, 2817m
Michael K. Kirkpatrick 8372 2011-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Elk Mountains: White River National Forest: Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness: Castle Peak Trail via the northeast ridge above Castle Creek, ca 12 air mi S of Aspen., 39.0096 -106.8613, 3902 - 4355m
384076 Richard W. Scott 5089 1985-08-10
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Arrow Mountain., 43.4489 -109.5657, 3415m
353497 Robert D. Dorn 4129 1984-08-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, 44.8468 -109.5941, 2012m
532205 Erwin F. Evert 6131 1988-08-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains: on Carter Mountain, near the head of Rose Creek., 44.2041 -109.2648, 3049 - 3171m
USFS0061177 Michael K. Kirkpatrick 6989 2011-07-01
U.S.A., Colorado, Eagle, Sawatch Range: White River National Forest: Yeoman Park and East Brush Creek, ca 12 air mi SE of Eagle., 39.5013 -106.675, 2744m
35293 Elias Nelson 648 1901-08-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Chimney Park.
64884 Elias Nelson 648 1901-08-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Chimney Park.
624322 Erwin F. Evert 7856 1985-06-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absarokas: at base of Cathedral Cliffs, just S of Cody-Crandall Road (Wyo Hwy 296), ca 1.5 mi E of Crandall Ranger Station., 44.8481 -109.597, 2012m
Ronald L. Hartman, Janice C. Coffey 8005 1978-08-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Grande, Rio Grande National Forest: Greyback Mountain: summit and upper rocky slopes., 37.4615 -106.5576, 3842m
957142 Emma E. Freeland 6034 2013-06-23
U.S.A., Montana, Beaverhead, Centennial Valley: north side of Red Rock River, ca 10 air mi SSE of Antone Peak, ca 48 air mi SE of Dillon., 44.6449 -112.1281, 2012m
65493 Aven Nelson 9064 1907-08-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Foxpark.
7432 George E. Osterhout s.n. 1896-07-04
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Big Creek Park., 41.0243 -106.5957, 2561 - 2622m
103942 Edwin B. Payson, Lois B. Payson 4413 1925-07-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Near the lower end of New Fork Lakes., 43.0823 -109.9642, 2348m
12294 George E. Osterhout s.n. 1898-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Big Creek Park, S. A. Hilton's Ranch.
165008 George E. Osterhout 1105 1896-07-04
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, North Park in edge of Wyoming, Big Creek Park.
601488 Walter Fertig 15019 1994-07-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, West slope of Wind River Range: Kendall Warm Springs, on east side of Green River, ca 30 air mi NNW of Pinedale., 2378m
632962 Walter Fertig 15889 1995-07-07
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Northwest Wind River Range: Mosquito Lake, ca 5.5 air mi N of summit of Klondike Hill., 43.3996 -110.0581, 2707m
601333 Walter Fertig 15395 1994-08-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, West slope Wind River Range: North Green River Basin: Marsh Creek on west side of Wyo Hwy 352, ca 3 air mi W of lower New Fork Lakes, ca 18.5 air mi NNW of Pinedale., 43.0909 -110.0281, 2348m
613286 Walter Fertig, Jane Struttmann 15873 1995-07-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Northwest Wind River Range: east bank of the Green River, ca 1 mi S of Dollar Lake, ca 3 road mi N of Kendall Warm Springs., 43.3281 -110.0189, 2378m
632911 Walter Fertig 17841 1997-08-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Jackson Hole: flats on east side of Flat Creek/Nowlin Creek fen, ca 2 air mi SE of Gros Ventre Junction (on U.S. Hwy 26/89/187); ca 5 air mi NNE of Jackson (near head of unnamed creek ca 0.3 mi S of Flat Creek)., 43.5444 -110.714, 1921m
CHRB0050952 E. B. Payson 4977 1926-07-04
United States, Utah, Summit
CHRB0050954 Arni Frioriksson s.n. 1932-07-01
Victor Duran 528 1930-07-25
United States, California, Unknown, McAfee Mdw, White Mts., 37.5885 -118.2275, 3566m
SDSU10145 Cook, Lorenzo 1931-06-30
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mtns., 2286m