ASU0021159 D. J. Pinkava 12558 1974-08-15
USA, New Mexico, Catron, Rte. 78, 8 mi. E of Mogollon, Forest Trail no. 182, Sandy Point, first 2 miles, Mogollon Mts.
Jack L. Carter 3392 2002-07-15
USA, New Mexico, Catron County, Gila National Forest; Bursum Rd, 0.4 miles southwest of Sandy Point, 33.37061406 -108.6885706, 2758m
Charles A. Huff 2384 1995-08-01
USA, New Mexico, Catron County, Gila National Forest; FS 28 (Bursum Rd), 1 mile east from Silver Creek Divide, 33.37129065 -108.6924537, 2743m
C. A. Huff 1660 1994-07-19
USA, New Mexico, Catron County, Gila National Forest; FS 28 (Bursum Rd), 1 mile east from Silver Creek Divide, 33.37129065 -108.6924537, 2774m
45870 W.J. Hess 2212 1968-08-20
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Mogollon Mts, Gila Wilderness Gila Natn'l Forest, in vicinity of Mogollon & Whitewater Baldy, Black & Sacaton Mts. Little Dry Cr Trail from Apache Springs, 2743m
47687 R.W. Spellenberg, J. Reitzel and D. HIll 33 1976-09-05
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Gila National Wilderness, Mogollon Mts, ca. 1 air mi. ESE of Mogollon, ca. 1 mi. from Highway 78 on tr. #206 to Redstone Park, 2682m
54966 R.W. Spellenberg and N. Zucker 8237 1985-08-16
United States, New Mexico, Catron, On NM Hwy 78 between Mogollon and Beaverhead, 2774m
55850 W.H. Moir 315 1974-08-02
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Gila/Gila Wilderness, Whitewater Baldy, 3018m
64747 R.C. Sivinski and K. Lightfoot 2517 1993-08-12
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Forest Service Rd 159 between Silver Creek Divide and Sandy Point, 2800m
36498 G.A. Levin 1909 1987-08-02
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Mogollon Mts, Gila Forest Trail 182 ca. 2.5 km S of NM 78, 3050m
345950 William H. Moir 315 1974-08-02
U.S.A., New Mexico, Catron, Gila NF: Gila Wilderness: Whitewater Baldy. Plot 322., 3018m
185480 W. Hess 2212 1968-08-20
United States, New Mexico, Catron County, The Mogollon Mts of the Gila Wilderness, Gila National Forest. In the vicinity of Mogollon and Whitewater Baldy, Black and Sacaton Mountains. Little Dry Creek trail from Apache Springs., 2743m
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00017474 Hess, W. 2212 1968-08-20
United States, New Mexico, Catron, The Mogollon Mts of the Gila Wilderness Gila Nat'l forest. In the vicinity of Mogollon and Whitewater Baldy, Black and Sacaton Mts. Little Dry Cr. trail from Apache Springs., 2743m